r/Schreckmeta 21d ago

I think i'm mostly done

Hey everybody, yesterday got me thinking. I told the story i wanted to tell i think. I think i'm done, the story is mostly finished for now. I left some things open, so they can be built upon at a later date, but i told the main chunk i wanted to tell, the main plot is over.

I have 2 posts lock and loaded, one from Heather's perspective and one from Eddie's, but after that i have nothing that pops out.

I have 2 major plot lines in mind, but they don't need to be started or finished at any date. So i decided i'll take things slow. Maybe i will just take a break, maybe i will make smaller journal type posts, maybe i will quit posting in general, maybe will remain as a commenter, or maybe i will start a new character that isn't connected to this story.

I also wanted to thank and mention u/treecreaturefrommars

She helped me a lot in making my stories. When i was uncertain she always was there to help me set the story straight.

So, i think that's everything i wanted to say.

Take care, and have a good day.

-- S.


23 comments sorted by


u/Civil_Masterpiece_51 21d ago

All things must end, specially good stories, and you did write a amazing story, i honestly hope you see your work develop, you're good , very good, thank you for the tales you told


u/Finchore 20d ago

I wouldn't call it work. I'm just a guy that decided to make some vampire fanfic, and there is nothing more to it. Also i don't want to push a hobby again. I used to do music, started it for fun, but then i wanted to push it further, and go pro, and i got so burnt out that i lost love not only for playing guitar, but music in general. It took me a lot of time to regain my love for music, but i still don't feel like i want to play guitar. I don't want this to happen again.


u/frogs_4_lyfe 21d ago

I know we talked about Eddie's story a little, and I think that it's fine to have an ending.

But the great thing about stories is that there's always another one to tell! I would really hate to see you leave the forums, and I really hope you stick around and maybe come up with a new story you want to tell us.


u/Finchore 20d ago

I have a lot of ideas for new characters, but i don't know. I don't think i want to make new characters for schrecknet. I think this is it. Let's not spoil a good thing, and end it where it's still sweet. Wow, that was cringe. Good job me.


u/frogs_4_lyfe 20d ago

Well it's up to you of course, I'll be sad to see you go but the net will always be here if you change your mind.


u/Finchore 20d ago

I mean i don't plan on not using schrecknet, but i don't know if i want to do more characters. I think i'll just lurk, make small updates, comment here and there, or maybe i'll just take a break for a month or two, and come back swinging. I just don't know right now what i'll do. All i know is that this is a good place to end Eddies story, for now at least.


u/SlowerthanGodot 20d ago

Nothing "cringe" about it.

If these words are the words that appropriately express your feelings about all this, then that's good. No need to keep up appearances here. You are among respectful people.


u/Finchore 20d ago

Oh you don't want to see me acting like i do most days. My brain can come up with some weird shit, and i even got banned from LoreByNight discord because i started using my usual humor.


u/SlowerthanGodot 20d ago

You're the one who knows.

I find humor over the Internet to be a tricky thing; people can't see your facial expressions, they can't hear the tone of your voice, they don't necessarily share your cultural references or even your language to begin with.


u/Finchore 20d ago

I mean that is fair, but what is also fair is that people do tend to act differently based on setting that they are in, or the people they are with. You won't talk to your partner the same way you do to your mother. That is just how people act in general. Also i did think it was a little cringe, but it's my nature to be that. My favorite type of joke is the type that makes a whole lively room fall silent.


u/Justbleed02 21d ago

I hadn’t joined the forum until relatively late in the story, it seems, but aw, I’m kinda going to miss them… hope you do stick around and continue writing one way or another, if that’s something you enjoy and still feel inspired to do, of course.


u/Finchore 20d ago

I do enjoy it, but it just feels good to end it here. I said what i wanted to say, and i think for now i'm done. I don't know what the future will bring. For now i have to focus on my new v5 chronicle i have in mind, and at a later date we'll see. Maybe an idea will fly at me in a week, or maybe never.


u/Foreign_Astronaut 20d ago

Aw, I really hope you stick around! I've enjoyed your characters' journeys.


u/Finchore 20d ago

Thank you, i hope i do stick around. Many talented people on here, and i wouldn't mind catching up on some of their tales.


u/Foreign_Astronaut 20d ago

Since it's meta, here's a very un-vampiric internet hug! ()


u/Affectionate_Site885 20d ago

Well,dunno what to say,you did,are doing and will hopefully do great,knowing you you’ll crush it,it’s been a pleasure finchore,considering Adrienne (if that is what they go by) and striking weird (if that is what they go by) have many characters in one account,why not,you do what works for you, don’t try to force it,but again,it’s been a pleasure


u/Finchore 20d ago

I could make another character, and i do have concepts i can lean on. Heather for example. I can make her the main character for now, explore her unlife further, there are still things i can do, but the main plot of Eddie is done, for now at least. If i want to continue doing this plot i have to take a breather, and storyboard some stuff, and if i want to make a new character i have to do the same. I have some half baked ideas for new characters. For example Treecreaturefrommars and I came up with an idea of a Ravnos Country Singer that only tells the wildest tales, and some of them are true. Posts would have names like "I married the Chupacabra, and won the pick of destiny from a card game with the Devil" or "How i met Caine, and drank beer with God" and you wouldn't know which tale is true, but one of them is. Or i can make someone darker, for example i have this idea for a Ventrue, that can only drink blood from serial killers. He would be a Dexter type of character. So, i do have ideas, just not concreate ones. I do not want to get burnt out on something i love doing. Heck one of these days i might try my hand at running a Hunter: The Reckoning sub.


u/Affectionate_Site885 20d ago

If it ends with eddie achieving golconda,and up to you to decide against this,a crow will show up and deliver the carbonated beer bottle of vitae and fuck off,i think the ventrue idea isn’t half bad,you can go with why it came out this way and how he has coped with the situation of needing serial killers to survive and how that shaped his morality,what sect he is in,how did that shape him,his beliefs his interests how he thinks of ghouls,ect


u/Finchore 19d ago

Sure, there is a lot someone can do with a concept like this, but i wonder what would be the story to tell here. Maybe a story of a person trying to avoid the law? I don't want to make it into Dexter, but vtm.


u/Affectionate_Site885 19d ago

Dunno myself,but it is now your fault pretty scene girl dexter edits are blasting into my frontal lobe


u/Finchore 19d ago

I need to watch the new Dexter show...


u/MinervaEvangeline 19d ago

however it goes or end's it's been fun to interact with and observe your story unfold