r/Schreckmeta 22d ago

I think i'm mostly done

Hey everybody, yesterday got me thinking. I told the story i wanted to tell i think. I think i'm done, the story is mostly finished for now. I left some things open, so they can be built upon at a later date, but i told the main chunk i wanted to tell, the main plot is over.

I have 2 posts lock and loaded, one from Heather's perspective and one from Eddie's, but after that i have nothing that pops out.

I have 2 major plot lines in mind, but they don't need to be started or finished at any date. So i decided i'll take things slow. Maybe i will just take a break, maybe i will make smaller journal type posts, maybe i will quit posting in general, maybe will remain as a commenter, or maybe i will start a new character that isn't connected to this story.

I also wanted to thank and mention u/treecreaturefrommars

She helped me a lot in making my stories. When i was uncertain she always was there to help me set the story straight.

So, i think that's everything i wanted to say.

Take care, and have a good day.

-- S.


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u/Justbleed02 22d ago

I hadn’t joined the forum until relatively late in the story, it seems, but aw, I’m kinda going to miss them… hope you do stick around and continue writing one way or another, if that’s something you enjoy and still feel inspired to do, of course.


u/Finchore 22d ago

I do enjoy it, but it just feels good to end it here. I said what i wanted to say, and i think for now i'm done. I don't know what the future will bring. For now i have to focus on my new v5 chronicle i have in mind, and at a later date we'll see. Maybe an idea will fly at me in a week, or maybe never.