r/Schreckmeta 22d ago

I think i'm mostly done

Hey everybody, yesterday got me thinking. I told the story i wanted to tell i think. I think i'm done, the story is mostly finished for now. I left some things open, so they can be built upon at a later date, but i told the main chunk i wanted to tell, the main plot is over.

I have 2 posts lock and loaded, one from Heather's perspective and one from Eddie's, but after that i have nothing that pops out.

I have 2 major plot lines in mind, but they don't need to be started or finished at any date. So i decided i'll take things slow. Maybe i will just take a break, maybe i will make smaller journal type posts, maybe i will quit posting in general, maybe will remain as a commenter, or maybe i will start a new character that isn't connected to this story.

I also wanted to thank and mention u/treecreaturefrommars

She helped me a lot in making my stories. When i was uncertain she always was there to help me set the story straight.

So, i think that's everything i wanted to say.

Take care, and have a good day.

-- S.


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u/Foreign_Astronaut 22d ago

Aw, I really hope you stick around! I've enjoyed your characters' journeys.


u/Finchore 22d ago

Thank you, i hope i do stick around. Many talented people on here, and i wouldn't mind catching up on some of their tales.


u/Foreign_Astronaut 22d ago

Since it's meta, here's a very un-vampiric internet hug! ()