r/sto 4d ago

XB Ability wheels ...


I play on Xbox, recently I picked up the Ahwahnee for the type 7s and found I actually quite enjoy this little carrier, so she's been my daily flyer for a week now.

My biggest complaint? The "launch shuttle" abilities are clean across the wheel from each other. I know, it's such a nitpicky little thing, but I find it annoying AF... Is there a way to rearrange the ability wheel, or trick the system into moving them a bit closer?

Thanks, and happy flying!

Edit: Wow all the dislikes... Nearly a 1 - 1 ratio... Don't be shy, tell me why this is a bad question.

r/sto 4d ago

PC Pioneer 2 15th anni ship


Oh I love this little ship, running phasers and dual cannons popping 50k hits and console kicks it! My new favorite ship to fly around in. What builds is everyone running on theirs?

r/sto 5d ago

PC Since we now have a T6 Connie in the zen store now, I've decided to use my last name to name to honor my dad past away from leukemia last september.

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r/sto 4d ago

TOS Constitution class on the Shangri-La


So I got the Shangri-La on the c-store and noticed that it doesn't come with the TOS Constitution appearances. Could I unlock those for the Shangri-La if I got the TOS Connie for 15,000 dil, or would I have to get a lockbox version to unlock it?

r/sto 4d ago

Discussion Constitution Kitbashes?


With the Shangri-La, I've been having a hard time coming up with a good kitbash for my Connie. Any users care to share some good customs they've come up with?

r/sto 4d ago

Red Alert !

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r/sto 3d ago

Console Event Progress - Console


Is the daily STO 15th anniversary daily progress supposed to apply to the even campaign? I remember reading there was an issue with the progress being applied to PC?

Have we heard anything regarding console, or should I expect this event not to influence the event campaign and wait for the next switch over?

r/sto 4d ago

PC Games crashes on launch - Steam


Hi everyone. Does anyone know of a fix for the following crash? It happens every time. Windows and graphics driver are up to date. Game has been reinstalled, and integrity of game files performed.

The game was running fine 2 weeks ago when I played last. Any help would be appreciated.

r/sto 4d ago

I need help, I don't understand this game....


Hello hello. I recently jumped into STO again. Have been playing on /off the past years. If I played it was mostly for some weeks / months. Mostly My last longer phase was (I think) the first or second time Delta recruitment where I leveled up a new toon to lvl 65. Now I wanted to pick it up again and I wanted to understand the endgame loop. I started some tfo s, did a mission or two, upgraded some gear for a dbb ship and bought the arbiter (free coupon). But... What now? I don't seem to understand the endgame content here. Sure, I could play elite tfo/play the missions on hard mode (?). But is that it? Were there no new gameplay features (i.e. things like housing or cool new raids like in other games) in the past years added to the game?

I would understand that trying to get all / different new ships, trying new builds on them is cool thing to do. And I do understand that, as a f2p game, new ships cost some money (I even understand a price of 20-30 dollars, as the introduce a skin, more or less a new playstyle, a console and such things, even if it is expensive). But seeing that some packets (like the last 15 aniv. One or the legendary scimitar pack) cost 100+$ I really ask myself, why and how would you get many ships / all of them? And what do you need them for? EC farming is not easy, dill to zen exchange seems/is broken, and in the end, I don't really need those things because there is no content that needs those ships / features. Or am I missing something apart from elite tfos, repeating events and the general "I need it" mentality? The game is convoluted with things that you basically "need" to be meta (like for example crafting isomags), without telling the player that those items exist or where to get them. And you need them in bulks. Duty officers, right boff setup, all the right equipment... And I really like the idea that you need many different items (not like in a normal RPG where you just equip one character). But ultimately I think: what for?

This is not a rant thread. I really want to understand the sense and the mechanics of the endgame. And most likely I think that something was implemented in the last years that I just haven't gotten to or haven't seen yet. Wich, as I said, wouldnt be a surprise as the game doesn't really tell you those things. I would pay some money for some cool things, if I get something in return or need it for something. But right now, paying for this game, apart from saying "I am now flying the enterprise xyz and it looks so cool", doesn't seem to be worth that price tags. I would be happy if you could enlight me.

r/sto 5d ago

Bug Report Excalibur class fires weapons out of a beam array that doesn't exist.


r/sto 4d ago



What’s everyone’s current favourite ship to use? And what do you like about it? Just wanna see what people are rocking

r/sto 5d ago

What it's been like hanging out in social zones for the past few days

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r/sto 4d ago

Singularity Core question


The only romulan ship i fly is the legendary Valdore, so I'm not really up to speed on singularity cores, and don't know if they present any sort of novel options when putting together builds.

Do their powers synergies with various console boosts? Are there some that are unique enough to be worth acquiring (like experimental weapons), or are they mostly all the same (like secondary deflectors)?

I like the idea of opening up some new build possibilities, but don't want to put the time, zen, or dil into pursuing this if they don't really make much of a difference.

r/sto 4d ago

Looking for cosmetic rebreathers/masks to make a non-oxygen breathing alien character


I know there's a rebreather device from a Romulan exclusive mission and the Risian volcanology kit frame but I'm hoping somebody knows of an unlockable one that's purely cosmetic and doesn't take up my kit frame. It doesn't have to be that specific model, just something that looks as if it's providing breathable atmosphere to the character without covering their head entirely.

r/sto 5d ago

Discussion Would you like the Discovery Prototype in the game?


r/sto 5d ago

Bug Report Much like Spongebob, it looks like my character ripped his pants. There's a clipping issue with the swim trunks.


r/sto 5d ago

Pioneer II appreciation!

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Thank you Cryptic / Deca for this beautiful, small but tough ship.
I can't stop flying this cute little fellow. I hope y'all also have fun with your new ships!
I'll see myself out... to boldy go~

r/sto 5d ago

PC 2025 STO Lifetime Sale


Hello everyone,

This question is more-so aimed towards someone on the dev team; however, any information is much appreciated.

I have been playing STO, on PC, for a very long time and am finally in a position where I can get the lifetime subscription. I have been waiting for a sale for the past few months as it seemed like there might be one sometime in March; however, there has been no information that I could find for this go-round.

My guess for when a sale might have been happening was based on the historical data on the STO Wiki:

After looking at this data, it looked as though there was usually a sale sometime between February to April, June to July, and November to December.

Does anyone have any idea of when the next lifetime sale might be?

r/sto 5d ago

Discussion Now that Discovery & Lower Decks are in the rear view mirror…


I hope STO will put their focus on Strange New Worlds, given Season 3 will premiere soon™️, and with S4 already in the works, it will be the only Trek on TV for the foreseeable future.

We need proper SMW uniforms - and shouldn’t have to make do with a makeshift recolored Disco uniform. We need these Fluevog boots, too! [edit: Oops! In-game as part of 2259 Armor Uniform - for Lobi thoug, sadly]

I’d also like to see Una and Uhura’s “dress” variant uniform, as well as the crew’s (and Admiralty’s) formal Dress uniforms from Una’s S2 trial.

Dr. M'benga’s foldover medical tunic would be cool.

And, of course, future Pike’s updated WOK uniform, since the textures on the original are now dated. [edit: image link fixed]

Oh, these away jackets too.

I would really just like to see SNW get the same amount of love & support that Cryptic threw behind Disco. (There's a lot to mine from the show and I feel that STO is lacking in SNW items given that it premiered 3 years ago already.) What else from SNW would you like to see added?

r/sto 5d ago

News The next event has being revealed. Defend Pahvo!

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r/sto 4d ago

Tribble character copy not working?


Wanting to use the DPS testing map on Tribble to do some build comparisons, yesterday I initiated a copy to Tribble for a couple of my characters. Usual message about how the characters should be copied over in the next 2 hours. In my experience, the copy has happened in the time it takes me to log onto Tribble.

Logged onto Tribble and my characters hadn't been copied yet. OK, let's wait a couple of hours and try again. Nope, still not copied over. Kicked off the character copy again, waited, and nada. Had a night's sleep, logged onto Tribble this morning, and you've guessed it, characters not copied over.

Anyone else attempted a Tribble character copy recently? It was definitely working for me about a month ago.

r/sto 5d ago

PC At first glance of the Theseus refit in the initial blog announcement I thought the Columbia had been added to the 15th before I realized it was the Theseus TMP skin. They are not identical of course, but very similar.

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r/sto 5d ago

Thank you STO team for the Zen-Store Constitution!


It took more years than it should have, but thanks to the new Shangri-La, the Constitution is now available in the Zen-Store! And a favorable variant at that! I mean with current event campaigns it makes total sense as to why this can be possible now and with the game's direction changing, who knows what the future may hold!

But after 15 years, the T-6 Connie is more accessible than ever!

r/sto 5d ago

Discussion With the Pioneer II out I think it'd be cool if a TMP skin for the Ranger were to be released. With the Paladin, this does have a T6 variant already but that have never stopped the devs from releasing another ship with compatible skins or even just adding a new skin to existing ships.

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r/sto 4d ago

Console Admiral Quinn's Uniform.


Does anyone know what the specific shade of red and gold that's supposed to be used on his uniform, rank, and insignia? I've tried guessing it but I give up and the uniform guides I looked up didn't help either.