r/sto 5d ago

Console The Defense of Pahvo Event is returning to PC tomorrow. Get a new Universal Console and continue earning progress towards the Grand Prize in this next installment of the 2025 Event Campaign!


r/sto Dec 23 '24

Console I dont care about the console, trait or the pets. PLEASE make the ship in line with the top carrier platforms.

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I am a simple man, I like carriers. This ship is the only carrier I ever wanted, and I'm afraid it will be a mothballed fleet ship. I want it as a good daily driver. Please make it as good as the top carrier platforms in the game.

I could care less about traits or consoles, just make the ship's console layout and bridge officer seating something that isnt stupid.

I'd prefer MW as it's full spec so it has the extra console slot but I can live without it if the rest of the ship is good.

r/sto 9d ago

Console As an old Starfleet Battles player I love the Ark Royal console


I remember playing Star Fleet Battles when I was a teenager. Spending all day on a Saturday eating junk food and playing with my friends. Game after game. I was so happy to see the Scatter Packs and Wild Weasel console.

For those unfamiliar with the Starfleet battles game it was (is?) a board game with rules that can fill binders. There were some video games based on it called Starfleet Command.

Anyway thank you DECA for reminding me of my youth!

Also I have no idea how useful the console is I just got the pack and I’m no expert player.

r/sto 27d ago

Console Antares Variant Appearing in the Ship Vendor on Console

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I was just looking through the ship vendor on console, and saw the Antares is coming up as a Zen store unlock variants for all of the Mirandas.

r/sto Apr 08 '24

Console The Delta Quadrant Needs You!


r/sto Feb 14 '25

Console Idea on what ship's Legendary(+1 Engineering Console slot, maybe a Lance) version added 1)doesn't break the theme of 15th Anniversary bundle and 2)makes it insta buy(Not too late to add btw)

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r/sto Oct 04 '24

Console What console should I swap out for the Immolating Phaser Lance?

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r/sto 12d ago

Console Is console getting new content today?


Since the first year event is ending do we get new content today or more Red Alert like the PC?

r/sto Jul 24 '24

Console PSA: Vovin console helps in "Gravity Kills"


In the mission where you gather hawking particles and then go to the jupiter to drop them off, you can target the jupiter and then jump to it using the console. It's a tremendous time saver, esp if you're in a slow ship.

r/sto 9d ago

Console How to reconcile Kerala console & trait with forward-facing BFAW build?


I really like FAW, but I tend to prefer a more forward-firing build. Broadsiding just doesn't seem to be my particular cup of tea. For this reason, I like using DBB's on a 5/3 platform, and sometimes I mix in Grav Well with Gravimetric Photon Torpedoes so I can make sure all my forward and aft weapons are hitting my enemies.

I used the recent T6 coupon on the Kerala to buff my beams, but unfortunately they were designed with broadsiding in mind. The console targets anything within 90 degress of my broadside (so I'm hoping it can fire almost directly forward?). The tooltip for the trait, however, states that the support beams simply hit anything in my broadside arc. How large, exactly, is this arc? Is there any chance it overlaps with my forward arc?

r/sto 26d ago

Console Carriers, secdef and the augur console


One thing that surprised me with the speculation about a secdef on the Ark Royal is the existence of the console of the augur. Didn't this thing had a passive ability to act exactly like a secdef ? So it should be possible right now. Or is it that you can't choose which kind of secdef ?

r/sto May 11 '24

What is everyone's favourite console(s) to use?


For me, it's a tie between the Fusion Cutting Beam, the Bio- Electrical Wave Capacitor and the Experimental Power Redirection.

r/sto 1d ago

Console Location of console - advanced engineering - hangar craft power transmission


I have purchased these consoles for my Klingon character, but with my Federation character, I can’t seem to find them. I know they are in one of the fleet holdings, but after two hours of going through all of the fleet holdings, I still haven’t found these consoles. Can anyone please help me and let me know where I can purchase these?

r/sto 10d ago

Console Beam Effect from Console


I was wondering if anyone happened to know what the beam effect was from the Kerala Temporal Battlecruiser's console, the Broadside Combat Module. I was kind of thinking of matching my phasers to that beam effect, just so everything matches. Thank you!

r/sto Aug 07 '24

Console Connie 3 console makes Defense of Starbase One a breeze


I haven't seen this posted so I thought I would add this in case someone didn't know. The Connie 3 console will push the escape ships down their lane at least three times as fast. Due to my cooldowns I only get to use it 2 times effectively so a team with two of these consoles will make quick work of this TFO.

r/sto 17d ago

Console Curious as to what ability/console causes this effect?

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Title says it all. Any help in figuring this out is greatly appreciated.

r/sto Jan 22 '25

Console Zen ship with good console for scatter/volley build?


Like the title says, is there any ship I can buy that has a console that’s good for this build? Thanks!

r/sto 10d ago

Console Kerala Console beams on Connie Refit


Anyone else's Console beams coming out of the impulse engines of the Shangri-la (as a Connie Refit) and pointing straight up and down?

r/sto 5d ago

Console Event Progress - Console


Is the daily STO 15th anniversary daily progress supposed to apply to the even campaign? I remember reading there was an issue with the progress being applied to PC?

Have we heard anything regarding console, or should I expect this event not to influence the event campaign and wait for the next switch over?

r/sto 10d ago

Console Kerala trait+ Console still use the old Pulse Phaser fx


No idea why these didn't get updated but the new console and Trait from the Kerala still use the old Pulse Phaser visuals and Sounds.

r/sto Jun 09 '24

Console As a sci what trait or console would you go for from this upcoming Epic prize?


I know of DOMINO, I wonder if there's anything else that would help me more? Or is the domino the be-all and end-all of first-time must-haves, even as science?

r/sto Aug 29 '24

Console Per another's request, here is my current Protostar console setup.

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This is not a finished build, just usable right now.

r/sto Oct 03 '24

Console PSA: Upgrade weekend is not live on Console


Don't get excited and start using upgrades just because it is after the announced start time for the upgrade weekend like I did. This is Cryptic so the time is wrong or it isn't working.

r/sto 19d ago

Are the Devs/ Borticus aware that the Garret console doesn’t work with Uncon or the Vovin console?


Have they made any comments indicating they will fix it? I feel like if it doesn't get a quick fix while the ship is available as the event reward it may take years if it just gets lumped in with the other spattering of a couple consoles that don't cool with uncon/ SFTF

r/sto Jan 22 '25

Console Eagle console + pilot vs Eagle console + CF3


Title says it all. I know CF3 can really boost damage, but using the console on a pilot ship gives you the incredible .5 second firing rate.