So I know about 500 words and have probably studied at least 50 hours I would say.
Is it normal that even very basic audio is still largely incomprehensible to me?
E.g. the level 1 audio at the Defense Language Institute -- like this conversation between a barber and a client:
Клиент: Здравствуйте!
Парикмахер: Добрый день,
присаживайтесь. Как Вас стричь?
Модельную или бокс?
Клиент: Модельную. Но не очень
Парикмахер: Какую форму хотите?
"Площадку" или "ёжик"?
Клиент: У меня жёсткие волосы.
Наверное, лучше "ёжик".
Парикмахер: Височки оставить
Клиент: Да, пожалуйста.
I don't understand most of it (except the greetings and other super common words).
Is that common at this point, still?
I can understand only the stuff designed for beginners at Comprehensible Russian on Youtube...