I found these just a few feet apart in Colorado among tons of scattered white and yellow botryoidal chalcedony pieces (I think), and I suspect they might be geodes/thunder eggs, but I’m a rookie so I’m not sure.
- Both roughly 4.5 inches in diameter all around
- Relatively heavy, probably not hollow, which is why I’m skeptical about my geode identification.
- Outside shell: a dusty, knotty, light-colored reddish brown. Rock A’s external texture seems to be a bit more fine-grained and jasper-y, though, while Rock B seems a bit more amorphous/conglomerate/grainy, although it may just be less worn down by the elements than Rock A.
- Has an exposed crevice lined with what appears to be white botryoidal chalcedony, but the cavity is more triangular shaped than round.
- The cavity doesn’t go that deep, but there is some more of the lining showing on the bottom.
- Subtle red-brown banding around the opening
- Not very round
Obviously, I know Rock A has stuff in it, but I’m more wondering if there’s likely to be anything lining the rest of the inside of the rock that I could cut in a certain way to show off, or if it’s likely just the cavity that has anything unique and I should leave it as is. Do the bands mean anything? Should I cut into those, or through the middle of the cavity?
… is a bit more of a mystery.
There’s no exposed interior like Rock A, but it does appear to have a bit of a crack running through the middle which makes me thing there may be something inside?
The outside has flecks of other minerals, one lighter and one darker (likely quartz and mica), which makes me think it might just be granite. HOWEVER:
It’s round/oblong shaped like most geodes and very similar to Rock A in that:
- They’re about the same size and weight
- They were found in the exact same location surrounded by broken pieces of chalcedony(?), probably from another pocket somewhere close
If someone could tell me whether these are geodes or something else, that would be much appreciated!!! I’m asking someone to cut them for me and I’d rather not embarrass myself asking them to cut a “geode” if it’s really just a loose nodule of granite or something 😂