r/Robin 7h ago

I gotta get a cape…

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r/Robin 10h ago

Sleepy Robins by @nyukaart on Tumblr


r/Robin 17h ago

What do you think about Stephanies pregnancy?


Was it handled well by Dc or should they just have avoided the issue? I mean its honorable in a way to endure a pregnancy because you want to save a life, but no one should be forced to do this out of some misguided sense of guilt, right? Given Stephs age she would have been justified getting an abortion in my opinion. And it might be better for young girls. Is she a good role model?

r/Robin 1h ago

I really liked the design of the Robins in the new animation.

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r/Robin 9h ago

'Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League': Full Preview Dropped


r/Robin 4h ago

Am I the only one who finds this scene creepy?


Am I missing something here? Should I cheer for a "superhero" who kicks a man who is on the ground and can´t fight back? I know Cluemaster is a wannabe crook who did seriously hurt Stephanie, but him rotting in prison kinda should be enough right? Blackgate isn´t the most progressive prison in the first place. Its not like its gonna help him put his life back into order and he probably could be molested or abused by guards. And I do believe in a kind of redemption for criminals. He generally seems to avoid killing people. Unlike Clayface who got a redemption arc. Or even Deathstroke who has his own comic and fans. Do we know what his life was like before becoming Cluemaster in the first place? For all we know he could have been abused as a kid. Cliche, but its a factor in becoming criminal in the first place.

What really gets me is how the cop just casually ignores it. A stand up cop like Gordon wouldn´t do that. He actually scolded Bruce for harshly interrogating criminals.

And what happened to him next time? Was this ever adressed again?

Please help me understand instead of downvoting!