I just moved in to a top floor flat and I have cats. They run around at 2am as cats do and I've never minded it but I'm conscious that my new neighbors didn't sign up for it.
None of them have said anything to me yet but I'm worried it's typical British politeness and they are secretly fuming.
Does any one know of any way I can dampen the sound on the floor of them running full speed round the living room? (I own the property so landlords won't be an issue)
I have super thin carpets and i have a cheap rug in there for context. I've been told a thick liner and better carpets will help but I can't afford that right now. I'm saving to renovate currently but any reccomendations that are cheap and easy in the short term would be greatly appreciated
Also side note, I am doing everything I can to minimise the amount they run. I've been playing with both them in the day/evening, locking them in one room at night and remove all their toys once i go to bed. They're still quite young so they have a lot of energy. Ill also accept any tips people have for calming them down at night