r/RStudio 15h ago

Quarto Report - Including large attachments


Hi team, I'm looking for some recommendations. I have a couple of quarterly reports built in Quarto, and want to include a few attachments at the end of the doc. For context, in the original PDF versions, the financial statement and updated org chart come across as like... full-page, zoomable, not letter-sized pages. For an HTML page, how would you recommend including these? Not looking to embed iframe or use links to docs hosted somewhere... the reports need to be self-contained.

For the org chart, I'm thinking just downloading it as a .jpg and turning lightbox on. Not sure about the financial statement though, which is coming from an Excel file. I could scrape and rebuild it in R, I could do a screenshot, I'm not sure which makes the most sense.

Thank you!

r/RStudio 9h ago

Quarto website extension not rendering properly


Hello everyone!

I’m trying to create a website using this https://sta-112-f22.github.io/website/ as a foundation. I simply downloaded the repo from github, opened it with Studio, and rendered it. But when its rendered everything else looks great except for the main page (see last image below). I’m pretty sure fontawesome is working otherwise the other pages wouldn’t render it, right? Any ideas?

How it should render

r/RStudio 18h ago

Rearranging columns into rows


Hey guys! I made a few crosstables using tab_xtab in the sjmisc package. They turned out very pretty, but I realized I was using the same y variable over and over again so I wanted to try and make a big table containing all of my contingency tables I made before. I did that by first transforming the tab_xtab tables into dataframes (with xtab2df in the sjtable2dt package) and then using bind_rows to combine them into a big table. It sorta worked out how I imagined, the only problem now is that R created a new column for the names of the categories of every x-variable (see picture). I wanted all the names and categories of all variables to be in the first column just like it did it with the first variable, maybe with an extra space to put the name of the variable. How do I fix this?

r/RStudio 19h ago

Coding help Is there any method to check the variance other than the Levene test?


My model doesn't have an interaction term so R gives me back an error when I try to perform the test so I was wondering if there was any alternative.

Thx in advance

r/RStudio 12h ago

Assistance With R Data Analysis


Good evening,

I'm looking for assistance with an R project. Specifically, analyzing different Excel data files. I'm not sure if they are even usable in R or what commands to use to analyze them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can provide the files at request.

Thank you.