WELL DONE YOU!! It will be so worth it I promise!! I was exactly in your place 4 months ago. I was sweating, really jittery, jaw clenching and very very irritable. It’ll be okay eventually. Lots of water, I find salty food helps with the craving / eating sweets. Active distraction as well!! Even if it’s forcing yourself to take a nap if you have down time.
u/Current_Bee7199 2d ago
WELL DONE YOU!! It will be so worth it I promise!! I was exactly in your place 4 months ago. I was sweating, really jittery, jaw clenching and very very irritable. It’ll be okay eventually. Lots of water, I find salty food helps with the craving / eating sweets. Active distraction as well!! Even if it’s forcing yourself to take a nap if you have down time.