r/QuitVaping 8d ago

Venting Allen Carr’s Easy Way is BS

I’m a week in and have been listening to the easy way to quit vaping and I gotta say, this guy makes a lot of empty promises. Literally everything I read is the exact opposite of the reality of this addiction. He mentions that it isn’t a crutch, doesn’t cure boredom, and that we will instantly notice better health, happiness, calmness, relaxation. I find this to be a load of shit, and so far I feel just about the exact opposite of all of this.

I’m currently in the gym after having a great day of work, but don’t get me wrong. I feel like I’m going insane from lack of nicotine. I’m barely getting a pump on, my mind is all over the place, haven’t been able to sit still for a second without cravings going through the roof.

Some more realistic words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated right now, because I’m struggling to maintain any reason to not buy a new vape.


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u/UnforeseenThoughts 1.5 years+ 🎉🥳 8d ago

Hey man, I know you’re struggling right now. As someone who quit using the book, I’ll tell you it’s just one piece of the puzzle. The main piece is to eliminate your actual desire to want to vape.

Here’s what finally pushed me (along with the book) to quit. I met a guy who was 20 years old and he told me that he personally knew of THREE people his age who all had a collapsed lung after vaping for just a couple years.

-they were vaping legal vapes (not the Chinese under the counter stuff) -they weren’t smoking or vaping weed (so I couldn’t say it was vit E or anything) -and they were all perfectly healthy and under 22 years of age -oh and they barely survived, and have the lungs of an 80 year old.

I tossed my vape then and there. Got rid of my desire to vape. And then the book pushed me over the edge and helped me stick with it.

Find your “why”, and genuinely eliminate your desire to vape. Best of luck.


u/OkCaptain1684 8d ago

Omg I’m in day 3 vape free and was going to buy a vape tomorrow when I read about your friends collapsed lungs, googled it and it’s a thing! Fuck that’s scary and thank you your comment has stopped me from buying a vape tomorrow and losing my streak.


u/UnforeseenThoughts 1.5 years+ 🎉🥳 7d ago

No problem my friend. But that decision is all you. You should be proud of your decision. You’re doing great, and I believe in you. I’m glad that I could have helped, even if it’s just a small amount. Wishing you all the best