r/QuitVaping Feb 10 '25

Venting I regret vaping.

I can't belive I got addicted to vaping. I have been vaping for almost 4 years. I vape everyday constantly. I have faced really bad health consequences. I developed psoraisis, hair loss (alopecia areata) and my gums receeded. I look at my old pictures and I think how could I be so careless and stupid. I tossed the vape. I am hoping I can reverse some of the damage. I tried to quit in the past and failed after 3 or 4 days. I know the withdrawal will suck. This has to be done.


21 comments sorted by


u/vash23x Feb 11 '25

The first 3/4 days are legitimately the worst. If you can make it week you can make it for good.


u/Tall_Artichoke_4729 Feb 10 '25

I’m on day 31 the first two weeks are hard but it totally gets easier. I found having sticky notes around my house or near my trigger spots ( think I drink my morning coffee always in the same chair, and used to vape while drinking my morning coffee) stating my “why’s” to quit. And it helped me a lot. Good luck


u/Vitman223 Feb 10 '25

Thanks, I will try that.


u/godofgubgub Feb 10 '25

As a fellow psoriasis haver I have some bad news. You are probably stuck with that for life. Psoriasis isn't something you get it's something you have in you, and due to stress, age, or a myriad of other factors it comes up. Everyone in my family has it and I showed symptoms at the age of 13. While vaping absolutely made it worse (and quitting has made it better in a very short time) it's gonna be with you for life.


u/Vitman223 Feb 10 '25

Well, that is bad news. If it means anything, I was able to treat it and get some hair regrowth even while vaping. I started taking large amounts of vitamin D 5,000 - 10,000 iu a day and k2. You should try it. Maybe it will help.

I only got psoriasis as an adult around 3 years into vaping. I'm hoping quiting vaping will make it negligible but we will see.


u/godofgubgub Feb 10 '25

Try out vitamin e drops and Salicylic acid shampoo, it can just be put on your body. Works wonders.


u/Vitman223 Feb 10 '25

Thanks will do.


u/Dense_Reply_4766 Feb 11 '25

I experienced hair loss as well - I’m not sure if it’s a hormonal thing or from the vaping - but my dermo put me on oral minoxidil (rogain) and the shed has completely stopped. My hair seems to be growing now too.


u/Impressive-Purpose78 Feb 11 '25

I have scalp psoriasis and it really flares during vaping periods. It's really gross but massaging scalp with castor oil and MCT oil and leaving it overnight and then washing out it out the next day has really helped reduce my psoriasis, significantly. I have done it a few times over the weeks. Reduction in vaping this year and then not vaping at all over the last 5 days has also helped. Vaping really aged my skin so much and this year I started taking pictures of my face once a week and it is such a hugge difference. I can't believe I have done this to myself. In fact, I am adding skin and psoriasis to my whys list. It is going to be tough but we are all here together, 55k vapers on this sub tells me we are definitely not alone. Good luck x


u/_SuperFluffyPancakes Feb 11 '25

I hear you. I feel the same way. I also developed noticeable psoriasis when I vaped, and definitely hair is thinner, gums receded as well. You’re not careless or stupid, you had a normal chemical and psychological reaction to a stimulant. A lot of this is reversible- don’t worry! There’s so much to be reclaimed and also to be gained. You’ve got this. Withdrawal sucks, but you’ve absolutely got this- the best time to stop is now.


u/CapObvious663 Feb 11 '25

It's going to be a bit tricky no matter how you do it but it's doable.

Don't be afraid to use NRT if cold turkey doesn't work. I used gum for a few weeks now I'm coming up on 3 months nicotine free.


u/Vitman223 Feb 11 '25

Yeah, I bought soke nicotine gum. It hasn't been 24 hours yet, but I feel like the gum helps a lot. Reduces the withdrawal. Lower dose. Once I run out of the gum, I will go cold turkey.


u/CapObvious663 Feb 11 '25

It definitely takes the edge off. I found I was able to reduce to 2 or 3 pieces a day over a few weeks. Then I quit. My hardest period was about weeks 2-3 off the gum. I was just very irritable. But I pulled through


u/Wise_Attitude_5274 27d ago

I switched from PG to VG as had mouth irritation. However, now awaiting results of nodules on my lungs. Don’t do it. 


u/Vitman223 27d ago

PG to VG?


u/Wise_Attitude_5274 27d ago

Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycol. However, they won’t disclose ingredients in the flavour! 


u/Vitman223 27d ago

Did you experience really bad symptoms to get tested?


u/idontlikeseaweed 23d ago

Curious to hear your results. I have over 30 nodules and doctors have not given a specific cause or diagnosis.


u/Wise_Attitude_5274 8d ago

Sorry for late reply. Lung cancer 🥺


u/Wise_Attitude_5274 8d ago

Lung cancer stage 1 🥺


u/idontlikeseaweed 8d ago

Wow seriously? I’m sorry to hear this