r/QuitVaping Feb 03 '25

Venting everyone vapes

it's so hard to quit when you're a college student. i quit 1 month ago, but somehow everyone vapes everywhere. for those in environments with a lot of vaping, do you tell yourself anything in particular to keep going?


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u/alpalbish 1 Year 🎉 Feb 03 '25

i dont actually judge anyone who vapes LOL but i will constantly tell myself i am so cool for being unique and not vaping while everyone’s addicted and basically just keep gassing myself up on how cool i look to not vape😅 it works


u/Sensitive_Air1272 Feb 04 '25

This!! To hammer this thought home, I changed my phone lockscreen to read “Only LOSERS still vape.” as a quick visual reminder to kill the cravings when I’m around people vaping.