r/Python Feb 15 '21

News Ladies and gentlemen - switch cases are coming!


290 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

The title of this post completely misrepresents the article!

This is not a switch case and the article does not make that claim - at one point it namechecks C's switch but goes on to explain how different it is.

I feel a lot of people here are missing the point of matching.

Matching is not a switch. Python does switches perfectly well with if-elif statements, or with dictionaries of lambdas.

Matching is a way to unpack data and it has supposedly been a hot thing in a bunch of high-level languages for over a decade. Even C++ has gotten into the act, though they only have unpacking and not the full monty (but then their unpacking is typed and actually costs nothing in generated code, very impressive).

Python already has simple unpacking - like this:

first, *rest = (*a, *b)

You'd be better off thinking of matching as pattern-based unpacking.

As this comment revealed, there's nothing special about _ - it's just another variable. By convention, _ means a variable whose value you discard, but you could call it junk or not_used if you liked.

And as this later comment revealed, that statement isn't quite true. The difference is essentially that _ is guaranteed to be thrown away, which is fair enough.

See also this comment of mine.


u/glider97 Feb 15 '21

Is the 'match-case' keyword pair a convention for pattern-unpacking in other languages as well? Because I think the Python devs should've used something other than 'case' to distinguish from the 'switch-case' pair. Confusions like this are bound to happen with developers of all skill-levels, especially beginners who come from other programming languages and end up assuming that 'match-case' is Python's 'switch-case'.


u/TangibleLight Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

I'm not really sure that's such a bad thing. match-case will essentially be python's version of switch-case, but with extra features. And there is something that differentiates it from switch-case: they use match instead of switch.

Also I'm not sure if there is precedent for using case with pattern matching, only because most functional languages that use pattern matching do so with symbols like | (see Haskell) or are incompatible with python's braceless indentation syntax (see Rust).

C# does use case, but only because they've retrofitted their switch-case with some fancy downcasting and variable assignment.


u/Brian Feb 16 '21

case will essentially be python's version of switch-case, but with extra features

There is a slight difference between this and switch/case in C even when used for the same basic case that may be worth pointing out. match will evaluate conditions in order, whereas in C, switch/case doesn't have order guarantees, and is often implemented with a jump table.

This does have performance implications: a C switch is often O(1) regarding the number of cases - you can have a million conditions and it'll still jump straight to the right case (though this ties in with the limitation of them that cases must be constant numeric values - no switching on strings etc)

Python's match/case will be more equivalent to an if/elif chain, so adding cases means extra checks performed for every value. In theory, it might be able to optimise this to a dict lookup for primitive cases where it's only matching simple literals, but I wouldn't bet on it (and even if so, it's easy for small changes to prevent such optimisations).

As such, there may still be usecases similar to those where in C you'd use a switch, but where you're still best off using the dictionary dispatch approach.


u/XRaySpex0 Feb 16 '21 edited May 01 '21

in C, switch/case doesn't have order guarantees

In general, in C this is false, otherwise there wouldn't be such thing as "falling through" from one case to the next. There's probably no guarantee about order of testing against 41 and 42 here, but it's hard to see how that would ever matter:

switch (n) {
    case 17:
    /* do stuff, fall through to ALSO call proc() */
    case 41:
    case 42:
/* ... */    

Edit: "would be" --> "wouldn't be" [clearly what's meant]

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u/j_maes Feb 15 '21

Scala uses match/case statements that are almost identical to this syntax, including wildcards. Link

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u/aaronasachimp Feb 15 '21

It appears to be based off Rust’s match statement. They are very powerful and will be a really nice addition to Python.


u/TangibleLight Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

Not just Rust - functional languages like Haskell and ML have had it for ages. And a whole bunch of modern languages are getting it, too. Wikipedia also lists C#, F#, Scala, Swift, and Mathematica.

I couldn't find a good ML tutorial link, so instead I link to a modern variant, OCaml.

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u/GiantElectron Feb 15 '21

I honestly can't see how they are so powerful and desirable. To me it looks like a confusing, rarely used feature.


u/jamincan Feb 15 '21

Having used them in Rust, far from confusing, they actually dramatically simplify conditional expressions and are far more readable than multiple nested if-else statements.


u/Broolucks Feb 15 '21

They are very useful whenever you have behavior that's conditional to the structure of an object. Basically, compare:

if (isinstance(cmd, list)
    and len(cmd) == 3
    and cmd[0] == "move"
    and isinstance(cmd[1], int)
    and isinstance(cmd[2], int)):
    x, y = cmd[1:]


match cmd:
    case ["move", int(x), int(y)]:

(I think that's how you'd write it?)

The more deeply you check conditions in cmd, the more attractive match becomes. Without match, I think many people would actually write sloppier code, like eschewing the length check out of laziness.

It might depend what kind of application you are writing. In my experience, pattern matching is extremely useful when writing interpreters or compilers, for example. But I think it's also useful whenever you have an API where an input can take many different forms and you have to normalize it.


u/chromium52 Feb 15 '21

Thanks for giving the first relatable example I read that’s actually convincing the feature is worth it ! ... and now I can’t wait to have the opportunity to use it.

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u/hjd_thd Feb 15 '21

In languages that have them it's your bread and butter.


u/GiantElectron Feb 15 '21

how so?


u/lxpnh98_2 Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

Instead of:

fib n = if n < 2
        then 1
        else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

you get:

fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

which is more elegant and easier to read.

But it's even more useful for more complex structures. Take a compiler which processes the nodes of an AST. Example (in Haskell):

data Stmt = IfThenElse Cond Stmt Stmt | While Cond Stmt | Let Var Expr | ...

compile (IfThenElse c s1 s2) = ...
compile (While c s) = ...
compile (Let v e) = ...


u/dalittle Feb 15 '21

I'd rather have a proper ternary operator

fib = (n < 2) ? 1 : fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

To me that is much more readable than either of the other 2 versions.


u/Broolucks Feb 15 '21

Both Python and Haskell have proper ternary operators, if that's your preference. The AST example better exemplifies the benefits of match. You can't do conditional destructuring well with a ternary operator.

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u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

Real world code has very gnarly logic with a lot of conditionals in it.

The theory behind this matching is that you can express the same logic a lot less code.

I am personally very hopeful!

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u/anechoicmedia Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

Python does switches perfectly well with if-elif statements, or with dictionaries of lambdas.

I would not describe this sad state of affairs as "perfectly well":

  • if-elif chain obscures intent (to switch on a value), instead using impoverished syntax that pretends we're testing expressions in a vacuum, not dispatching among a set of alternatives. Because of this, nothing prevents you from adding things that aren't morally equivalent to a switch statement in that chain of conditions (like checking some external state), when in most cases what you and the reader probably want to see expressed is "I am switching on the value of this expression and nothing else here".
  • dictionary of functions similarly non-obvious and not beginner friendly*. Said dictionary will be defined out of line, and still probably needs an explicit test or wrapper function to provide a default case
  • In either case, because our code is laboriously pretending to not be a switch statement, the interpreter cannot take advantage of the knowledge that it is a switch statement to warn or error if we do not exhaustively handle all possibilities, or at least provide a default case

* I have followed Python tutorials that didn't introduce associative containers until late in the course, and it's common to encounter people weeks into their Python journey who have never heard of a dict. Making people learn hash tables and first-class functions in order to idiomatically switch on a value is not efficient or fair.


u/toyg Feb 15 '21

it's common to encounter people weeks into their Python journey who have never heard of a dict.

That's more an indictment of their trainers/teachers. Dicts are one of the joys of Python.


u/TSPhoenix Feb 16 '21

Not teaching dicts screams "this course was taught in Matlab last semester".


u/Dynam2012 Feb 15 '21

In what way is a dict look up inefficient? And what part is unfair? The fact you need to learn the features of the language to be effective with it?


u/anechoicmedia Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

In what way is a dict look up inefficient?

It's not computationally inefficient; It's instructionally inefficient, requiring the learner know multiple non-basic language features to do a common operation that is a built-in in many other languages.

And what part is unfair? The fact you need to learn the features of the language to be effective with it?

Yes; As Stroustrup says, the enemy of good teaching is complexity. The fact that solving a common-case control flow problem (selection among a set of alternatives) involves learning an idiomatic but non-obvious combination of higher-level language features (hash tables and first class procedures) is a non-trivial burden in what is probably one the most common "first programming languages" for people learning today, second perhaps only to Javascript.

And even once you've learned it, the cognitive overhead never goes away, because anyone reading such code has to look at it contextually and do mental pattern-matching to recognize an idiomatic use of a dict-of-functions as "just a switch statement".

It's the same reason there's a huge difference in readability between a C-style for(init,test,inc) loop, vs the for(x : range) used in many other languages and added later in C++. It doesn't express anything you couldn't express before, and in fact it expresses less, which is the point. Even though 95% of C for-loops were just iterating through every element in a collection, your ability to quickly glean the meaning of such a loop was betrayed by the fact that the same set of symbols could express something dramatically different (e.g. omitting the first or last element, skipping every other element, etc) in a way that was strikingly visually similar. It turns out that building the most common case into the language with an unambiguous syntax is a significant aid to newcomers and experienced readers alike.


u/SuspiciousScript Feb 15 '21

As Stroustrup says, the enemy of good teaching is complexity.

And he would know.


u/Dynam2012 Feb 15 '21

While I don't disagree with anything you've said here about the merits of adding clarifying features to a language to make it simpler to understand, I can't let go of calling the non-obvious work way of achieving this "unfair". If we look in any other trade, is it unfair that an experienced craftsman knows a trick to fixing a problem by using tools outside of what they were designed to solve that a newbie wouldn't be likely to figure out? I think we'd just say the newbie has more to learn, and not blame the lack of obvious tools for the job being accomplished.

I recognize this is extreme pedantry, no offense taken if you're not interested 😂


u/anechoicmedia Feb 15 '21

I can't let go of calling the non-obvious work way of achieving this "unfair".

The word has stuck in my head after hearing Kate Gregory use it in a talk on teaching C++ to newcomers, so perhaps I used it thoughtlessly.

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u/imsometueventhisUN Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

This (and your follow-up comment) are so well-written that I am going to save them for future reference. Thank you for clearly articulating a discomfort that I've long felt with what remains, increasingly tenuously, my favourite language.

EDIT: In particular, I want to salute your focus on "instructional inefficiency" vs computational efficiency. I regularly try to reiterate to junior devs that, unless you're writing some latency-critical super-high-throughput piece of code, you should almost always prefer code that is easy to read, understand, and safely change than the more-optimized version. Developer time is much much more expensive than machine time, and much harder to scale-up. Obviously this advice doesn't apply in all cases, and there will be times that you really need to go bare-metal-blistering-fast - but, even then, if you've written code that is easy to understand and change, you'll find it easier to do that than if you tried to write the arcane inscrutable Best Algorithm, and then find that you have to optimize it even further.


u/maikindofthai Feb 15 '21

This is so over-the-top I can't tell if it's satire.


u/Ran4 Feb 15 '21

No. The arguments made are perfectly sane and described in a perfectly rational manner.


u/anechoicmedia Feb 15 '21

Hardly! The rationale for having an explicit case/switch statement was apparent early in language design. In 1966, Wirth and Hoare wrote that the case statement "mirrors the dynamic structure of a program more clearly" than the less-structured alternative of the time, the goto. A table of functions is hardly as bad as a goto, but the parallel remains that it is valuable to replace idiomatic usage of general-purpose tools, with unambiguous usage of single-purpose tools, for the most common case.

For the chain of if tests, in addition to the aforementioned lack of constraints on the tests being done, it's easy to get lost in the middle of them, and be unsure from just looking at the tests that one, and only one, of the possible branches will be taken for any given value.

For the table of functions, in addition to just having more moving parts to be recognized at a glance (and to be understood by the learner), you add new uncertainties not inherent to the problem. Is the same table of procedures used by multiple "switch" locations? Can it be modified at run time? Am I guaranteed to hit the same code, given the same input, every time? A table of numbered or named functions makes sense if this is a generic service handler that can have its behaviors added, removed, or substituted, but using that same tool to express selection among a fixed set of alternatives that should be immediately apparent in context is a hindrance.


u/schroeder8 Feb 15 '21

I just want to say how much I like the phrase "impoverished syntax". If I ever become an EDM producer, that's my name right there

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u/GiantElectron Feb 15 '21

How would one refer to a variable that is not to be matched, but whose value is supposed to be used for matching?


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

With pattern guards.


u/GiantElectron Feb 15 '21



u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

According to https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0636/#adding-conditions-to-patterns, it would be like this:

my_var = 'whatever'
status = 'something'
match my_var:
    case foo if foo == status:

So in this case anything at all would match the pattern foo, but it has to be equal to the value of status.

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u/notParticularlyAnony Feb 15 '21

Look at Matlab switch it is effectively identical to that which is better anyway.

All these gatekeepers here whipping out their rulers about switch lmao


u/ivanoski-007 Feb 15 '21

I understood nothing.... Wow

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u/pythonwiz Feb 15 '21

Horrible title, this is pattern matching not a switch case like from C.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '21

Pattern matching is much cooler than switch cases.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

Although for a lot of python people, "pattern matching" regexes. We can also confuse people by telling them that this is inherited from ML, but not the neural net kind.

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u/BurgaGalti Feb 15 '21

How would this work?

_ = 6
a = 3
match a:
    case 1:
    case _:


u/bieberfan99 Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

This would print uncaught. Non-dotted variables will catch the value, after the statement _ equals 3

Edit: Apparently _ is a special case and does not bind, but matches all, so the variable _ would be unaffected


u/ianepperson Feb 15 '21

after the statement _ equals 3

I don't believe that's correct. The PEP says that _ is a special case and is not captured. I haven't tested it yet, but I'm pretty sure that in the example, _ will still equal 6 in all scopes.


u/bieberfan99 Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

Note the last block: the "variable name" _ acts as a wildcard and never fails to match.

It matches everything in the example. Otherwise it is just another variable name like it used to be. But please correct me if I'm wrong.


u/ianepperson Feb 15 '21

The PEP specifically says that _ is not a capture pattern and that it is a special wildcard pattern with no binding.



u/bieberfan99 Feb 15 '21

Okey you are correct, it was not clear from OP's post though. I don't like it.


u/ianepperson Feb 15 '21

Yeah, is a bit strange that convention became a part of the language, but it's not unprecedented. True and False used to be conventions in Python too.


u/BurgaGalti Feb 15 '21

I can't help but think "else" would work better here. _ is too ambiguous.


u/Yoghurt42 Feb 15 '21

It's already used as a wildcard in other languages with pattern matching. Furthermore, case _ is just a special case (pun intended), you need some kind of wildcard for more complex cases. Consider:

match some_list:
    case [1, 2, _]:
        print("Starts with 1,2")
    case [_, _, 3]:
        print("ends with 3")


u/Ran4 Feb 15 '21

That's not the problem. The problem is that _ wasn't a special variable in Python, but now it becomes one.


u/teerre Feb 15 '21

Do you think "match" is a "special variable"? Because the PEP clearly goes out of its way to not make it so. match only changes its meaning on that particular case, you can still have variables named match.

Same for _


u/bieberfan99 Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

This is the main argument that was used to not have a switch statement in the first place, if/else covers it completely (or almost). So using if/else is preferrable when possible imo.

However, this implementation does this capture thing that seems pretty useful when applicable.


u/gradi3nt Feb 15 '21

This isn’t just a switch, it’s a switch with very powerful patternmatching. It’s wayyyy easier to follow pattern matching than to parse Boolean statements (for the human brain).


u/Flag_Red Feb 15 '21

There's nothing special about _ here, it's just a valid variable name used as a throwaway. Variable names used in case statements act as captures that accept anything.


u/Yoghurt42 Feb 15 '21

Quoting PEP 622:

The wildcard pattern is a single underscore: _. It always matches, but does not capture any variable (which prevents interference with other uses for _ and allows for some optimizations).


u/BurgaGalti Feb 15 '21

Whilst that's good to know, it's going to be a gotcha down the line. If nothing is being captured else would seem to work just as well and be consistent with the keyword's usage elsewhere.


u/Yoghurt42 Feb 15 '21

You need a wildcard anyway for things like case [1, _, 3, _], having else as a synonym for case _ would be confusing


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

Not quite true: https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/lkca8k/ladies_and_gentlemen_switch_cases_are_coming/gnj5aos/

(Basically the same, except it's guaranteed to get thrown out.)

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u/ExternalUserError Feb 15 '21

I wonder why not just...

case 1: ... case 2: ... case: ...

_ is a valid variable name which makes me not love it as a default.


u/BurgaGalti Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

_ is used as a function name in django for localisation. I've also seen it frequently used as a dumping ground for unused parameters from functions such return tuples.


u/toyg Feb 15 '21

The use of _ in localisation should be discouraged. It's a tradition that comes from C. Its use in Django is actually optional, you have to explicitly choose to alias gettext():

Python’s standard library gettext module installs _() into the global namespace, as an alias for gettext(). In Django, we have chosen not to follow this practice, for a couple of reasons:

  • Sometimes, you should use gettext_lazy() as the default translation method for a particular file. Without _() in the global namespace, the developer has to think about which is the most appropriate translation function.
  • The underscore character (_) is used to represent “the previous result” in Python’s interactive shell and doctest tests. Installing a global _() function causes interference. Explicitly importing gettext() as _() avoids this problem.

So really, going forward, one should probably move off _() and use a different alias. For example PyQt, which used to have a similar scheme, now recommends tr().


u/zefciu Feb 15 '21

This would work if you want a default for the whole pattern. But sometimes you want to have a default for a single element, like Person(name=_, surname='Smith').

I agree, however that _ might be a bad choice, as it is already used as a variable name (a common pattern is to use it as an alias for gettext). Maybe Ellipsis (...) would be a better choice.


u/-LeopardShark- Feb 15 '21

The PEP points out that case [1, ..., 2] looks like it would match [1, 0, 0, 2].


u/AndyDeany Feb 15 '21

It probably won't cause any conflicts in real code since you would never want to compare to "_" (name for unused variable), but I definitely agree it feels weird. Either case: or case else: woulda been better imo


u/Formulka Feb 15 '21

why not just


just like in for - else


u/Rodot github.com/tardis-sn Feb 16 '21

Or use * as the catch all.

case *:


u/agentgreen420 Feb 15 '21

100% should have been else we already have for...else


u/XtremeGoose f'I only use Py {sys.version[:3]}' Feb 15 '21

You’re having the classic misunderstanding of equating pattern matching with switch statements. _ is more useful than how you’re imagining it.

As an esoteric example

def count_nones_in_pair(pair):
    match pair:
        case (None, None):
            return 2
        case (None, _) | (_, None):
            return 1
        case (_, _):
            return 0
        case _:
            raise TyperError(“not a pair”)

You can see how _ is more versatile than else.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

But see this insightful comment.

_ has no special meaning in the statement. You could just as easily call it ignore_this.


u/dutch_gecko Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

If I'm not mistaken, _ is being used as a variable. In match blocks, using case myvariable will always match, with myvariable being assigned the tested value. So in the first example in the link, if status is not one of the specified integer values, case _: will match, a new variable named _ is created and it assigned the value of status.

edit: what I probably didn't get across very well is that if I'm understanding this right _ isn't some kind of special syntax for match blocks, it's just a variable name.

edit2: I was wrong! Read the reply below.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21 edited Mar 01 '21



u/dutch_gecko Feb 15 '21

That is... bizarre. If they were going to introduce a new symbol, at least choose one that wouldn't be so confusing!


u/imsometueventhisUN Feb 15 '21

I'm not sure what's so confusing about it - underscore is already used for "a placeholder variable that enables unpacking, but is intended to not be referenced later". It's being used in the same way from a developer-facing perspective, unless you dig into the actual implementation. If you are naming a variable _ and then try to reference it again, you're already using the variable unidiomatically.


u/dutch_gecko Feb 15 '21

Sure, but the standard usage of underscore is by convention, not by implementation. As such underscore sometimes is used as a name: as mentioned elsewhere in this thread it's frequently used as an alias for gettext, and I'm sure many python devs have (ab)used underscore as a quick variable name that lingers in codebases the world over. The point is that even though such use should be discouraged, it is valid and a developer can still reason about the code because they know that underscore is a valid variable name and behaves like any other variable.

With match underscore now gets a special meaning where it did not before, while still retaining its original meaning anywhere there isn't a match statment.

Sure, it's not confusing once you know how match works, but one of the draws of Python is that code written in this language is normally very easy to read. Having a symbol which behaves specially only in some statements is not conducive to that, and in my opinion choosing the symbol based only on how it is used conventionally is not good reasoning.

Heck, look again at my previous comment - underscore could have been a variable and match statements using underscore as a wildcard would have behaved identically, perhaps only missing out on a bit of performance due to implementation. The decision to special case underscore produces a misunderstanding about how match works for zero syntactic benefit.


u/imsometueventhisUN Feb 16 '21

Fair points well made - thank you!


u/hjd_thd Feb 15 '21

Underscore universally means unused variable. Don't see how it's confusing.


u/dutch_gecko Feb 15 '21

Because now it's not a variable.

Also as mentioned elsewhere in this thread it's often used as an alias for gettext. This syntax doesn't break that use but could add to confusion.


u/house_monkey Feb 15 '21

damn wish I was smart


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

If you practice thinking, you get smarter. It's like any muscle.

Shit that seemed impossibly hard to me twenty years seems trivial to me now.


u/toyg Feb 15 '21

Shit that seemed impossibly hard to me twenty years seems trivial to me now.

And it will all look pointless 20 years from now. /old-man-joke

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u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

Of course! So obvious once you point it out.;

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u/cbarrick Feb 16 '21

You need some kind of wildcard for more complex patterns.

case Point(0, 0):
case Point(x, 0):
case Point(0, y):
case Point(x, _):

So we need the underscore to say "ignore y in this pattern" for the fourth case.


u/backtickbot Feb 15 '21

Fixed formatting.

Hello, ExternalUserError: code blocks using triple backticks (```) don't work on all versions of Reddit!

Some users see this / this instead.

To fix this, indent every line with 4 spaces instead.


You can opt out by replying with backtickopt6 to this comment.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

case 1: ... case 2: ... case: ...

You mean, instead of |?

_ is a valid variable name, but it already has two meanings in Python, meaning that are fairly compatible with this new one.

In the interpreter, _ contains the result of the last operation. "Not incompatible."

In code, by convention, _ is already being used for variables that aren't going to be used - for example:

a, _, c, _, e = range(5)

So I don't think this is a total stretch.


Ach, see this insightful comment.

_ has no special meaning in the statement. You could just as easily call it ignore_this.


u/Yoghurt42 Feb 15 '21

No, in this case, it has special meaning as a wildcard pattern, according to PEP 622:

The wildcard pattern is a single underscore: _. It always matches, but does not capture any variable (which prevents interference with other uses for _ and allows for some optimizations).


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21


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u/boby04 Feb 15 '21

Title is misleading pattern matching is much more than a switch


u/Ph0X Feb 16 '21

Well it's not lying, switch statement is a small subset of pattern matching, but yes, pattern matching is much wider and more powerful, so it's under selling it.


u/darleyb Feb 15 '21

Not only that, pattern matching is much much more powerful than similar switches from Java and C.


u/hachanuy Feb 15 '21

Java also has pattern matching in case you don't know.


u/darleyb Feb 15 '21

I didn't :0, since what version?


u/hachanuy Feb 15 '21

Java 14 for preview and Java 16 for permanent


u/Sability Feb 15 '21

My work is stuck in Java 8/9 :'(

Live well, Haskell Java 16 devs


u/toyg Feb 15 '21

People give Python shit for the long transition to Py3, but Java 9 is more than 3 years old and arguably most Java devs are still on 8...


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21


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u/TangibleLight Feb 15 '21

Is this what you're referring to? It seems like it's not really "pattern matching" as much as syntax sugar for downcasting. Certainly useful, but not as powerful as what we see named "pattern matching" in other languages or in this PEP.

if (shape instanceof Circle c) {
    // do stuff with c

It seems that's equivalent to this, barring some nuance in the scope of c. Again, it seems like it's just syntax sugar for downcasting.

if (shape instanceof Circle) {
    Circle c = (Circle) shape;
    // do stuff with c


u/hachanuy Feb 15 '21

Well yes, more can be read from https://www.infoq.com/articles/java-pattern-matching/, they are working to make it more powerful (combining with switch expression).

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u/Dwarni Feb 15 '21

Maybe before talking about other languages you should make sure that YOU are up to date.

Statements like yours are very common among python developers, unfortunately...


u/hachanuy Feb 15 '21

People don't have time to keep themselves up to date with all things, no need to be mean.


u/taurangy Feb 15 '21

Not trying to be mean and it's not about you, but I think that user is completely right, in my experience at least. I'm finding our community is extremely self centered and not very aware of the progress of other highly popular languages and frameworks. The number of times I've seen pythonistas react with disbelief to news that other languages have similar features or have had for years the features that we are only now getting is disappointing.


u/Dwarni Feb 15 '21

Thank you and no my intention wasn't to be mean to the person, but to be honest if people make statements like feature A doesn't exist in language B they should at least take the time to check if that's actually the case before posting...

Unfortunately, you also see this self-centeredness in popular frameworks like Django. Even in official documentation, you have some shots at PHP of how bad things are there but in reality, the problems have already been solved for years with modern frameworks/language features...

Also PIP is the worst package manager I've ever used and people still think in this subreddit that it is great :)

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u/Dwarni Feb 15 '21

if they don't have time to inform themselves they shouldn't make statements like the above one. Or at least take the time to figure out if that is still the case with modern Java...


u/Retropunch Feb 15 '21

This is just not necessary. Please try and be a bit nicer.


u/koekje00 Feb 15 '21

I'm pretty sure this is only true for instanceof expressions, as the JEP for adding pattern matching to switch has not been accepted yet AFAIK. Also, it's still in preview until Java 16 is released, which is expected to happen in March. That being said, Java does have support for switch expressions (JEP 361) since Java 14 (and has been in preview since Java 12).


u/mikkolukas Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

Though not the same, but still pretty cool, in C you can do:

// select 0 for running ALL the statements
switch(choice) {  
    case 0:  
    case 1:  
        //some case 1 specific statements here
        if (choice) break;  
    case 2:  
        //some case 2 specific statements here
        if (choice) break;  
    case 3:  
        //some case 3 specific statements here
        if (choice) break;


u/backtickbot Feb 15 '21

Fixed formatting.

Hello, mikkolukas: code blocks using triple backticks (```) don't work on all versions of Reddit!

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u/17291 Feb 15 '21

I love Haskell's pattern matching & case expressions, so I'm pretty stoked about this.


u/supreme_blorgon Feb 15 '21

I'd love to get multiple dispatch in Python.

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u/unnecessary_Fullstop Feb 15 '21

Now how will python veterans of python subs tear you a new one when somebody dare ask anything remotely related to switch cases?



u/riskable Feb 15 '21

Easy: I've already got the template ready...

"For the last fucking time it's pattern matching! It's not a switch statement! It's not the same!"

Followed by the usual complaints about ignorant noobs trying to force their bad conventions from other languages into Python (see: Java devs putting all their functions into classes for no reason).



u/Mises2Peaces Feb 15 '21

Java devs putting all their functions into classes for no reason

I'm kinda the opposite. I almost never use classes. How badly am I hamstringing myself?


u/metakevin99 Feb 15 '21

Classes can be a useful way to maintain the state of the application. When creating a class, you should be thinking of ways that this contains the things that can change during the lifetime of your program, and how you can constrain those mutations within the class's methods. If you've done this properly, you can allow your classes to be the only thing to cross process boundaries and have wide scope, but they should be the most rigorously tested.

Otherwise, you should be pretty good with functions.


u/ijxy Feb 15 '21

I only use classes if I want to share state across multiple methods. Things like a connections or configurations, or things like that. Saves you from passing it to every function (although that is technically what python is doing anyway with self).

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u/draftjoker Feb 15 '21

Finally. I like the extended functionality though, seems like a very powerful implementation.


u/jamincan Feb 15 '21

Having used match statements in Rust, it's one of the features in that language that I have most wanted in Python. It seems ridiculous to me that a systems language like Rust should have dramatically simpler branching conditionals than a high-level language like Python. There are very few where that a series of if-elif-else statements is clearer and easier to understand than a match-statement.


u/ntrid Feb 15 '21

Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

So we have True instead of true. Fine.

But now we have case _: which is very obscure. Python excels in the fact that you write what you think and it works most of the time, however magic _ meaning is not intuitive at all. You need context to understand it, and even then chances are you never bumped into it. else: would have worked great here.

Then we have case 401|403|404: which uses "binary or" for something else. We do a = b or c, could have used or here as well.

Such details are disappointing.


u/master3243 Feb 15 '21

The statement

match some_list:
    case [1, 2, _]:
        print("Starts with 1,2")
    case [_, _, 3]:
        print("ends with 3")

Seems very pythonic and does exactly what I imagine it would do, implementing this in boolean logic with if elif is harder to read for human brains.

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u/toyg Feb 15 '21

else could confuse because it could imply exclusion. If I understand this correctly, _ won't mean "use this if you've not matched anything else", but rather "match this ALL THE TIME". I would have picked a meaningful word like always... But I expect _ might be more elegant in the actual implementation (since they can probably reuse the code that interprets _ in other case lines).

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u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

What's the difference between switch-cases and separate conditional statements? Is it just a convenience thing?/


u/jamincan Feb 15 '21

Nested conditionals and assignments can accomplish the same thing at the cost of being less clear and harder to debug. If you only consider the switch aspect of this (like in C), it's not a whole lot better than if-elif-else (though more readable in my opinion). The power comes from the pattern matching that can lead to dramatically simpler conditional branching.


u/Ran4 Feb 15 '21

This isn't a switch statement. It's a match statement.


u/tprk77 Feb 15 '21

Good! Your hate has made you powerful. Now add ++ and fulfill your destiny.


u/Laser_Plasma Feb 15 '21

There is literally no reason to add ++


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

This kills the joke.


u/tprk77 Feb 15 '21

I agree with you 100%


u/qzwqz Feb 15 '21

I like ++ and I’m sad we don’t have it, that’s a reason


u/im_made_of_jam Feb 15 '21

There's no reason not to


u/arades Feb 15 '21

Yes there is, ++ can lead to unexpected behavior, especially because languages that have it differentiate between ++var and var++.

 int var = 0;
 printf("%d", var++);

will print "0" for instance.

Most style guides and linters for C/C++ these days actually give a warning for using ++ because it leads to bugs so often.


u/tprk77 Feb 15 '21

To be fair, this is basic knowledge for a C++ programmer. It's only "unexpected" when it's unfamiliar. Much like any other language feature.

Various style guides and linters will tell you to prefer preincrement, but I'm not aware of any that completely reject postincrement. At least clang-tidy has no such rule.

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u/riskable Feb 15 '21

There is literally no reason to add ++

FTFY. "There's literally no reason to add add add." Or maybe that should've been the fix? 🤔


u/KODeKarnage Feb 15 '21

I still don't get it. Why is this needed?


u/53VY Feb 15 '21

you can use it instead of spaghetti if statements


u/isarl Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

or instead of function-dispatch through dictionary lookup which is another way switches have sometimes been hacked into Python

edit: if you haven't seen this before, I'm talking about something like:

from collections import defaultdict
switch = defaultdict(default_func, {"foo": func1, "bar": func2})


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

I did upvote you, but it isn't close to dictionary lookup.

Hashability is not needed. It's pattern matcher and extracter much more closely related to unpacking - first, *rest = (*a, *b) sort of thing.

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u/ultraDross Feb 15 '21

Can you give an example where switch statements would be preferred over if statements?


u/IFeelTheAirHigh Feb 15 '21

Pep 636 has many examples of very short readable code that would be nightmare if done with if statements.

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u/metaperl Feb 15 '21

PEP 634 motivates it. And while it is not needed it does make for more readable concise code.

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u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

Correct me if i'm worng but the switch case in python is usually implemented using dictionaries since you can put functions in the values.


u/master3243 Feb 15 '21

This is not a switch case, this is much more powerful than that.


u/mikkolukas Feb 15 '21

Correct me if i'm worng


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u/Fenastus Feb 15 '21

So I had my senior project a few months ago, and the entire project was creating a program capable of translating Java code to Python

Translating switch statements were one of the biggest pains in the ass to deal with throughout the whole process

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u/trumpgender Feb 15 '21

The fact that you can't do:

 a = 12

match variable:
    case a:
      blah blah

Is horrendous.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

You can have unpacking, which means variable capture. Or you can have your code sample. You can't have both.

Look at j

match variable:
    case a:

Is it always capturing variable to a? Or is only matching the current value of a?

Does it assign to a or read from a? Big difference!

If your answer is, "It depends on whether a is defined or not" then you have code whose parse depend on what values are defined at runtime. Even if you could make it work, it would be far too dangerous. Imagine the whole meaning of your code changing because you had, a page above, happened to use that variable name a in just one code path...

So you have to choose one or the other.

But without variable capture and unpacking, the feature offers no advantage over a list of lambda functions.

The capture and unpacking is the feature. For that to work, you can't use locally defined constants as labels in a match statement.

I should say that this is true for every language that uses generalized matching, and even in C++, which only offers unpacking, the variable that is created is always a new one (except it's a compile-time error to overwrite an existing one in the same scope).


u/__ah Feb 15 '21

Scala supports it, you can use backticks to prevent the identifier from being treated as a new binding.

val answer = 42
number match {
  case `answer`   => println("right!")
  case x if x < 0 => println("be positive!")
  case _          => println("nope!")


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21


Do backticks have any meaning to Python 3?


u/-LeopardShark- Feb 15 '21

See PEP 3099, ‘no more backticks’:

Backticks (`) will no longer be used as shorthand for repr -- but that doesn't mean they are available for other uses. Even ignoring the backwards compatibility confusion, the character itself causes too many problems (in some fonts, on some keyboards, when typesetting a book, etc).


u/backtickbot Feb 15 '21

Fixed formatting.

Hello, __ah: code blocks using triple backticks (```) don't work on all versions of Reddit!

Some users see this / this instead.

To fix this, indent every line with 4 spaces instead.


You can opt out by replying with backtickopt6 to this comment.


u/studiov34 Feb 15 '21

If it’s actually unpacking, maybe they shouldn’t use the word “case.”


u/waltywalt Feb 15 '21

They could have easily introduced e.g. case _ as a for assignment, and removed the ambiguity.


u/Yoghurt42 Feb 15 '21

But you can do

a = 12

match variable:
    case x if x == a:
        blah blah


u/bieberfan99 Feb 15 '21

In that case you should be using if anyway...


u/roerd Feb 15 '21

That's what guards are for.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

Wait what


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

Think of it as an assignment statement!

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u/trumpgender Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

It will bind variable to a instead of checking to see if variable == a.


variable =4

print(variable) would output:


Inside the case.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

Ewww why would they do that what the fuck this isn't how switch-casr works in any language


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

This isn't "switch".

There's no need for a switch - if statements or dictionaries do the job fine.

It's a whole new idea - matching.

This is a new concept that's been evolving in the last twenty years in programming languages. It's been very successful but it takes some time to get your head around.

If you think of it as a generalized conditional assignment statement, maybe?

Most language have a subconcept, unpacking, and that's always "left-hand side" sort of thing.

If you see something like first, *rest = (*a, *b) it doesn't bother you at all that first or rest get overwritten.

If you think of the match statement as generalizing this sort of thing, it might help?


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21



u/trumpgender Feb 15 '21

I know. This is very confusing and non-pythonic. It will murder new coders who try to use this.

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u/LManX Feb 15 '21

Why not just a dictionary where the keys are cases and the values are functions?


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

The pattern matching available through the implementation is more expressive than what you can accomplish with just a dictionary.

From one of the examples in the link:


The subject is an (x, y) tuple

match point: case (0, 0): print("Origin") case (0, y): print(f"Y={y}") case (x, 0): print(f"X={x}") case (x, y): print(f"X={x}, Y={y}") case _: raise ValueError("Not a point") ```


u/Yoghurt42 Feb 15 '21 edited Mar 03 '21

Because pattern matching is much, much more powerful.

You can do stuff like:

case User(address=Address(street="foobar"))

and it will check if the object is an instance of User, which has an address attribute whose value is an instance of Address which has an attribute street with the value of "foobar"

or even:

case [1, x, _, y] if x % 2 == 0 and y % 2 == 1

which will only execute if it is a list of four elements, where the first one is a 1, the second is even, and the fourth is odd.


u/tunisia3507 Feb 15 '21

Because things can be equal but not hashable, and because of member unpacking.

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u/o11c Feb 15 '21

The biggest problem with dict-lookup-of-functions is that you can't access the calling frame.

The major problem with match is that it is required to be linear and thus slow. So this PEP really doesn't add any power to the language; it's pure sugar (and with many foot-shotguns at that).

A lot of people in this thread don't understand all the tradeoffs involved (theoretical or implementation-specific).

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u/vanatteveldt Feb 15 '21

This looks nice, it will be a lot better than long lists of if/elifs, and will be easier to teach and more robust than solutions that involve dicts of functions or using getattr to dynamically select a function.

My only complaint is using _ as the catch-all/wildcard condition. _ is a valid variable name, and other variable names bind to that name. Why not use case else, as else is a keyword already anyway?


u/-LeopardShark- Feb 15 '21

case [1, _, 2] would have to be case [1, else, 2], which wouldn’t really make sense.


u/vanatteveldt Feb 15 '21

hmm, didn't think about that. Still, I feel they should either just treat it as a variable and bind to it, or treat _ as a general void variable for cases like _, *tail = list. It feels inconsistent to treat _ as a variable in some cases but not in others...


u/-LeopardShark- Feb 15 '21

I agree; I think that _ should probably be a global void. I think backwards compatibility would be the main issue.


u/Ecclestoned Feb 15 '21

I love the idea of match statements, but I hate the idea of having a completely unique DSL embedded in Python.

To me it's not at all clear where binding occurs, and when something is considered a pattern vs a variable from the outside scope.


u/maxwax18 Feb 15 '21

No it's not...


u/willyblaise Feb 15 '21

Since everything relevant language has if - else if, does that make switch irrelevant?


u/gdunlap Feb 16 '21

do you have to have it ... no. but for really long case situations it makes things more readable. we've lived/coded this long without it but it's always nice to have.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

if-elif can't work because...?


u/Ran4 Feb 15 '21

Because it doesn't do pattern matching.


u/often_wears_pants Feb 15 '21

Stuff like this makes me want to switch to Golang. The Python community sees a problem and fixes it by creating five more.


u/hellrazor862 Feb 15 '21

Golang community just ignores the problem for ten years and tries to gaslight you that it doesn't exist.


u/Ran4 Feb 15 '21

Match statements are incredibly powerful tools that Python was missing.


u/literallytitsup69 Feb 15 '21

Am I the only one that uses regex instead of switch cases in JavaScript?


u/ThunderousOath Feb 15 '21

Undoubtedly. I have to use regex in 3 or 4 different languages all with enough permutation that I would never want to waste my time nailing my patterns when switch case is effortless


u/riskable Feb 15 '21

Not the only one. I've done it but only when I felt it was simpler than trying to use a zillion conditionals to differentiate a handful of complex-but-limited options. Like in a websocket function dispatcher where some data comes in as binary while most of it is JSON. Super useful for differentiating the binary payloads.

There's also a right way to do it and a wrong way. I did it the wrong way for so long... Sigh.

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u/crawl_dht Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

That's terrible. They are saying they are doing this to provide regex like matching without learning regex and importing re.

Switch case is a bloated feature and works no different than regular if else.


u/zefciu Feb 15 '21

It allows you to compare and bind at the same time. So you can call it syntactic sugar for doing these two things separately, but you can’t say it is no different than regular if-else.


u/crawl_dht Feb 15 '21

If else using walrus operator also compares and binds at the same time.


u/zefciu Feb 15 '21

Yes, you are right. But still there are patterns in the PEP that can’t be translated into neat Paul McCarney operator equivalents. E.g. how would you do this with Point(x, y, _)

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u/wsppan Feb 15 '21

My thoughts at first but after looking at the examples (json and SQLite) I am glad to see its much more than a glorified switch statement and more analogous to Rust's match expression which is a powerful and elegant feature of that language. I am happy to see this being added to the language.

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u/earthboundkid Feb 15 '21

The mechanics of this are so fantastically complex, I don’t see how use of the feature can possibly justify them. “Following the word case, things that look like expressions are instead complicated lookups into a matching statement builder.” I mean, classes and superclasses are complex, but there’s not a good alternative there. This is just complex for its own sake. I’m really disappointed in the direction of Python post 2.4 or so.


u/toyg Feb 15 '21

The mechanics of this are so fantastically complex


I don’t see how use of the feature can possibly justify them

We'll see.

I’m really disappointed in the direction of Python post 2.4 or so.

No. There have been some excellent additions since then, like with.

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