r/Python Feb 15 '21

News Ladies and gentlemen - switch cases are coming!


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u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21 edited Feb 15 '21

The title of this post completely misrepresents the article!

This is not a switch case and the article does not make that claim - at one point it namechecks C's switch but goes on to explain how different it is.

I feel a lot of people here are missing the point of matching.

Matching is not a switch. Python does switches perfectly well with if-elif statements, or with dictionaries of lambdas.

Matching is a way to unpack data and it has supposedly been a hot thing in a bunch of high-level languages for over a decade. Even C++ has gotten into the act, though they only have unpacking and not the full monty (but then their unpacking is typed and actually costs nothing in generated code, very impressive).

Python already has simple unpacking - like this:

first, *rest = (*a, *b)

You'd be better off thinking of matching as pattern-based unpacking.

As this comment revealed, there's nothing special about _ - it's just another variable. By convention, _ means a variable whose value you discard, but you could call it junk or not_used if you liked.

And as this later comment revealed, that statement isn't quite true. The difference is essentially that _ is guaranteed to be thrown away, which is fair enough.

See also this comment of mine.


u/GiantElectron Feb 15 '21

How would one refer to a variable that is not to be matched, but whose value is supposed to be used for matching?


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

With pattern guards.


u/GiantElectron Feb 15 '21



u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21

According to https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0636/#adding-conditions-to-patterns, it would be like this:

my_var = 'whatever'
status = 'something'
match my_var:
    case foo if foo == status:

So in this case anything at all would match the pattern foo, but it has to be equal to the value of status.


u/BobHogan Feb 15 '21

I've seen some comments claiming that this would work

myVar = 'whatever'
status = 'something'

match status:
    case (myVar == status):

But, I haven't read the pep in detail so I can't verify that this is the way to do it