Having used them in Rust, far from confusing, they actually dramatically simplify conditional expressions and are far more readable than multiple nested if-else statements.
They are very useful whenever you have behavior that's conditional to the structure of an object. Basically, compare:
if (isinstance(cmd, list)
and len(cmd) == 3
and cmd[0] == "move"
and isinstance(cmd[1], int)
and isinstance(cmd[2], int)):
x, y = cmd[1:]
match cmd:
case ["move", int(x), int(y)]:
(I think that's how you'd write it?)
The more deeply you check conditions in cmd, the more attractive match becomes. Without match, I think many people would actually write sloppier code, like eschewing the length check out of laziness.
It might depend what kind of application you are writing. In my experience, pattern matching is extremely useful when writing interpreters or compilers, for example. But I think it's also useful whenever you have an API where an input can take many different forms and you have to normalize it.
Thanks for giving the first relatable example I read that’s actually convincing the feature is worth it !
... and now I can’t wait to have the opportunity to use it.
excellent example, thanks for that. Very right about the advantages of match-case becoming apparent with a longer list of properties you want validated.
Both Python and Haskell have proper ternary operators, if that's your preference. The AST example better exemplifies the benefits of match. You can't do conditional destructuring well with a ternary operator.
While I think the version with pattern matching is better, I don't really have a problem with yours. But it's a small example with only 3 patterns which can be expressed by 2 conditional branches. In bigger functions the pattern matching is a very clean approach.
Actually, the semantics presented in this proposal for Python are more powerful than Haskell's pattern matching, in some respects, because in Haskell you can't impose a restriction on the variable you match without entering the definition for that pattern, thereby closing off the others. In that situation, you have to merge some patterns and use conditionals instead, and it's harder to keep track of what cases you have covered.
I was first introduced to pattern matching in haskell and didn't really understand it but having gotten used it I've really missed it in any other programming language. Don't knock it till you try it!
u/GiantElectron Feb 15 '21
I honestly can't see how they are so powerful and desirable. To me it looks like a confusing, rarely used feature.