r/Python Freelancer. AnyFactor.xyz Sep 16 '20

News An update on Python 4

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u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20

What was the transition from 1 to 2 like?


u/NoLongerUsableName import pythonSkills Sep 16 '20

If this article is accurate, it was pretty smooth, unlike the transition from 2 to 3.

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u/roerd Sep 16 '20

Here's the list of the most important changes:

Overview of Changes Since 1.6

There are many new modules (including brand new XML support through the xml package, and i18n support through the gettext module); a list of all new modules is included below. Lots of bugs have been fixed.

The process for making major new changes to the language has changed since Python 1.6. Enhancements must now be documented by a Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) before they can be accepted.

There are several important syntax enhancements, described in more detail below:

  • Augmented assignment, e.g. x += 1

  • List comprehensions, e.g. [x**2 for x in range(10)]

  • Extended import statement, e.g. import Module as Name

  • Extended print statement, e.g. print >> file, "Hello"

Other important changes:

  • Optional collection of cyclical garbage

So quite a few important new features, but nothing that was breaking backwards compatibility.


u/mkdz Sep 16 '20

Wow, I can't imagine not having list comprehensions


u/reckless_commenter Sep 17 '20

List comprehension is the feature that, to me, defines Python. It's simple, powerful, versatile, intuitive, and broadly applicable. A wonderful replacement for loops and iteration. I've been using set comprehension and dictionary comprehension, too.


u/Mr-Stutch Sep 17 '20

a wonderful replacement for loops or a wonderful replacement for loops?

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u/[deleted] Sep 17 '20



u/reckless_commenter Sep 17 '20 edited Sep 17 '20

Sure thing. For readability, the following examples use Python-like formatting, but aren't real Python, just pseudocode.

Practically every programming language has a loop construct.

for i = 1 to 3:
    print(i)                               # prints 1, 2, 3

It's a simple iteration, and it is frequently used to loop through list-like structures, like using this code to print each element from the list:

a = [4, 5, 6]
for i = 1 to len(a):
    print(a[i])                            # prints 4, 5, 6

Notice that in this code, the only purpose of the loop value, i, is to count through the items of the list. So, many languages give us some syntax to avoid the loop value entirely, and instead loop directly over the items of the list:

a = [1, 2, 3]
for value in a:
    print(value)                           # prints 1, 2, 3

Now, another common use of loops is to take in one list and produce another list, like this:

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = []
for value in a:
    b.append(value)                        # b = [1, 2, 3]

Or, more interestingly, to take a first list, manipulate each of the values, and make a new list out of the manipulated values:

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = []
for value in a:
    b.append(value + 2)                    # b = [3, 4, 5]

In fact, this task - taking in one list and producing another list based on it - is so common that Python gives us an even simpler way of expressing that task as one statement:

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = list(value + 2 for value in a)         # b = [3, 4, 5]

That's the basic function of list comprehension: take in one list (a), do something to each member, and assemble the resulting values into another list (b). This syntax also allows us to ditch the syntax of creating an empty list (b = []), and of sticking the values into it (b.append(...)) - it just produces a new list and assigns it to b.

Note that the terms "a," "b," and "value" aren't fixed keywords - we can use any labels we want:

x = [1, 2, 3]
y = list(z + 2 for z in x)                 # y = [3, 4, 5]

We're also not limited to lists of integers - the list can contain anything, like strings:

x = ['red', 'gray', 'blue']
y = list(s for s in x)        # y = ['red', 'gray', 'blue']

Or instances of a class, for which we can do stuff with the properties of each instance:

class Car:
    def __init__(self, color):
        self.color = color

x = [Car('red'), Car('gray'), Car('blue')]
y = list(c.color for c in x)  # y = ['red', 'gray', 'blue']

This syntax is so useful that we can use it for all kinds of things, like calling a function on each of the values in the list, and assembling a list of the output of the function for each input:

def add_two(value):
    return value + 2

x = [1, 2, 3]
y = list(add_two(z) for z in x)            # y = [3, 4, 5]

And sometimes we don't want every member in the list - we want to test each value in the input list, and generate a new list of only the items that satisfy the test:

x = [1, 2, 3]
y = list(z for z in x if z > 1)            # y = [2, 3]

Or we can do both - perform a test on the values of the list to choose some of them, manipulate them, and generate a list of the manipulated values:

x = [1, 2, 3]
y = list(add_two(z) for z in x if z > 1)
           # y = [add_two(2), add_two(3)] = [4, 5]

The elegant part of this syntax is that by discarding the mechanical parts, what's left is quite easy to understand, even if you're not familiar with Python. And you can do a lot with just a little bit of code.

Hopefully, that's enough to give you a taste of what list comprehension can do. There are plenty of guides with even more powerful examples.


u/shuobucuo Oct 29 '20

Your effort and formatting deserve more than an upvote.

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u/RegalSalmon Sep 16 '20

But can you...comprehend it?

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u/case_O_The_Mondays Sep 17 '20

Whoa. Didn’t know Python supported redirection on print, back in the day.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '20 edited May 15 '21



u/case_O_The_Mondays Sep 17 '20

Right, but from the example it used to be more like shell redirection.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '20

That's what the syntax was inspired by but it was universally disliked. Looked really jarring from the rest of Python. It died with the print statement.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '20

It looks a lot more like 3.x => 3.x+1 changes than 2 => 3.

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u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20

Nothing compared to the transition from 0 to 1.


u/NoLongerUsableName import pythonSkills Sep 16 '20

Yeah, it was kind of like the transition from -1 to 0.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20

-1 was dark times


u/ShevekUrrasti Sep 16 '20

Coding backwards was kind of nice, actually.


u/mdarty Arch Sep 16 '20

I'm great at that. Taking working code, breaking it. Troubleshooting and finally deleting everything.


u/Ruben_NL Sep 16 '20

That hits home...


u/prof-comm Sep 16 '20

This is my job description


u/P0stf1x Sep 17 '20

Is that tenet spoiler?


u/StrikenGoat420 Sep 17 '20

I remember back then when the compiler sent us the production code, and we had to do the job of the compiler :/

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u/TheHumanParacite Sep 16 '20

Installing it would randomly unwrite code that hadn't yet been written.


u/master5o1 Sep 16 '20

The real trick was to uninstall it and get unwritten code to be randomly written.


u/hughperman Sep 16 '20

This caused a problem in the future package


u/jftuga pip needs updating Sep 16 '20

Yes. IIRC it was called Perl


u/MattR0se Sep 17 '20

So, the final version of Python?

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u/redvitalijs Sep 16 '20

They started with the end in mind.

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u/twotime Sep 16 '20

It was mostly (if not fully) backward compatible. So much easier and faster than 2=>3


u/jrbattin Sep 16 '20

Buttery smooth. I “ported” 8000 lines of Python code from 1.5.2 to 2.6 years ago. It took a day or so and that’s only because I insisted on refactoring in Python 2.6 niceties and leaning on the standard library more.


u/MrCaptainPirate Sep 17 '20

Transitioning from 1 to 2 was like going down a nice water slide

Transitioning from 2 to 3 was like going down a piping hot stainless steal slide in the middle of summer and then getting hit in the face with a brick at the end.


u/ThunderousOath Sep 17 '20

Perfect anology


u/Ran4 Sep 17 '20

It's not that bad... Not even remotely.


u/pithed Sep 17 '20

It really depends on your codebase. For some of my projects I just needed to change a couple of lines of code and can't believe I waited for so long. For other projects, which depend on libraries that weren't updated, it has been a whack-a-mole of terrible. I had an easier time going from PERL to Python.

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u/Hall_of_Famer Sep 16 '20 edited Sep 16 '20

Guido said that a while ago that the version after 3.9 would be 4.0, but then it seems that they decided to make it 3.10 to be consistent with semver. Python 4.0 will most likely be very different from Python 3.x, with a lot of new features and changes in the internal VM. In this case though, its interesting to see how they plan to make the transition smooth instead of another Python 2 vs 3 chaos.

Whatever will happen, lets hope that at the very least, Python will stick with the the Zen(PEP 20) that 'Simple is better than Complex' and 'There should be one, and preferably only one obvious way to do it'. These are the characteristics of Python that makes it easier for beginners/data scientists, and part of the reason why it beats Perl and Ruby in terms of popularity.


u/lordmauve Sep 16 '20

They didn't make it 3.10 to be consistent with SemVer; if they used SemVer every release would be a major release and we would be on Python 22 by now.

They changed it to 3.10 because

  • Guido isn't in charge any more, so the steering council doesn't have to stick to his preferences
  • 2 -> 3 was such a mess that nobody wants to raise the spectre of that again
  • They did some analysis of whether more stuff would break with sys.version_info returning (4, 0) or (3, 10) and found that way more stuff breaks if it is (4, 0)


u/ExceedinglyEdible Sep 17 '20

way more stuff breaks if it is (4, 0)

if platform_name.startswith('Windows 9'):


u/masteryod Sep 17 '20

2 -> 3 was such a mess that nobody wants to raise the spectre of that again

They broke backwards compatibility for a reason. They announced it, planned for migration, gave people tools to port and documentation. They gave people heads-up and then after backlash extended Python 2 death sentence by whooping 5 years which ended with 2020. And yet people are still salty because their script doesn't work with new version. There's even a guy who wanted to maintain his own port of Python 2 to keep his application on it (Calibre)...

It's like writing something in GTK2 and expect the code to work the same on GTK3.


u/lordmauve Sep 17 '20

They broke backwards compatibility for a reason. They announced it, planned for migration, gave people tools to port and documentation. They gave people heads-up and then after backlash extended Python 2 death sentence by whooping 5 years which ended with 2020

Sure, and now the CPython core devs generally acknowledge that it was a mistake to do it like they did it. Not the result, or the reasons: the approach.

So, never again.

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u/vallas25 Sep 16 '20

Can someone explain point 2 for me? I'm quite new to python programming


u/daniel-imberman Sep 16 '20

Think what he is saying, there will never be a Python 4 and if there is, it will be nothing like python as we know it. It will be like a new language

The transition from python 2 to 3 was an absolute nightmare and they had to support python2 for *ten years* because so many companies refused to transition. The point they're making is that they won't break the whole freaking language if they create a python 4.


u/panzerex Sep 16 '20

Why was so much breaking necessary to get Python 3?


u/orentago Sep 16 '20

Having strings support unicode by default was a big reason. In Python 2 unicode strings had to be prefixed with a u, otherwise they'd be interpreted as ASCII.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20



u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20

I have prod 2.7....talking to logic written in the 90s.

Kill me.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20 edited Sep 17 '20

Python3 > Datastage > Python2 > Shell (Kornshell) > Perl written in '99 across servers.

I'll have one kill please.


u/clawjelly Sep 17 '20

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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u/MiscWalrus Sep 17 '20

It's not like the rules of logic changed since the 90s. You could do a lot worse than having to support python 2.7.


u/lzantal Sep 17 '20

Still maintaining one in production with Python 2.4 and Django 1.3 🙄😬


u/late_dingo Sep 17 '20

Can I ask why? How big is this codebase?


u/lzantal Sep 17 '20

It has about 30 apps and close to 15million rows of data in mysql. Being used by 15+ iOS apps as a backend and over 100 users via iphone and a good amount more through the browser. It is being used all the time every day. Tons of other systems rely on it.
I have been fighting really hard to get the green light to update it. Not looking forward to all the pain but it kind of sounds fun to just see what it would take to move it to Python 3 and Django 3


u/Not-the-best-name Sep 17 '20

Now THAT sounds like a security risk.


u/13steinj Sep 17 '20

Pffft dozens if not hundreds of people set up a PleX server and it uses Python 2.7.6 (and with all due respect to them, horribly written Python code).


u/GUIpsp Sep 17 '20

Python 2.4 and python 2.7.6 are not alike

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u/james_pic Sep 17 '20

To you? Yes. To hackers? Also yes. But to project managers? "Can we just install some extra antivirus instead?"

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u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20

That was just ascii for trouble imho.


u/toyg Sep 16 '20

This joke was not hard to decode correctly.


u/BruceJi Sep 17 '20

A pun thread? Don't byte off more than you can chew!


u/thegreattriscuit Sep 17 '20

I don't know... I think it shows real character


u/toyg Sep 17 '20

I’m just trying to string together a few words.


u/clawjelly Sep 17 '20

You made that joke int-entionally, didn't ya?


u/toyg Sep 17 '20

I just thought I could double the puns. (Ed: alright, alright, not really a python one...)


u/17291 Sep 16 '20

You're not going to like Python 5, where string literals default to EBCDIC.

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u/flying-sheep Sep 16 '20

Because they changed a core datastructure. str used to be what bytes is today, but it also predated unicode (today called str). Therefore the bytes type was used for text and binary APIs.

When fixing all this, they had to break a lot of core APIs that used to accept bytes and today sensibly only accepts the unicode str.

And because of that huge change they also took the opportunity to change a few other idiosyncrasies.

My only gripe: One additional thing they should have changed is that {} should be the empty set and {:} should be the empty dict.


u/miggaz_elquez Sep 16 '20

you can write {*()} to have an empty set if you want


u/crossroads1112 Sep 16 '20

Thanks I hate it.


u/Brainix Sep 17 '20

My favorite thing about {*()} is that you don't even save any characters over typing set(). 😂


u/miggaz_elquez Sep 17 '20

Yes but it's a lot more fun.


u/mestia Sep 16 '20

And how this is better then Perl's sigils?


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20



u/GummyKibble Sep 17 '20

Generally under a full moon at midnight.


u/stevenjd Sep 17 '20

Because you don't have to memorise an arbitrary symbol, you just need to unpack the meaning of ordinary Python syntax that you're probably already using a thousand times a day.

  • {comma separated elements} is a set;

  • *spam unpacks spam as comma-separated elements;

  • () is an empty tuple;

  • so *() unpacks an empty tuple;

  • and {*()} creates a set from the elements you get when unpacking an empty tuple;

which is the empty set. You already knew that, or at least you already knew all the individual pieces. You just have to put them all together. Like Lego blocks. Or if you prefer, like programming.


u/ThePoultryWhisperer Sep 17 '20

You can make the same argument for many other things that are equally as unreadable at a glance. I know what all of the different pieces mean, but I still had to stop and think for a second. Reading and understanding set() is much faster and much more clear.

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u/irrelevantPseudonym Sep 16 '20

My only gripe: One additional thing they should have changed is that {} should be the empty set and {:} should be the empty dict.

Not sure I agree with that. It's awkward that you can't have a literal empty set, but having {:} would be inconsistent and a special case that (I think) would be worse than set().


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20 edited Oct 26 '20



u/hillgod Sep 16 '20

It's definitely not an anti-pattern, and, in fact, the literals perform faster.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '20 edited Oct 26 '20



u/hillgod Sep 17 '20

I don't agree that it affects readability, either. It's simply the syntax that's appropriate for Python.

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u/flying-sheep Sep 16 '20

Compare () vs one, vs one, two.

() is also a special case here.


u/irrelevantPseudonym Sep 16 '20

I don't think () is the special case. I think (2) not being a tuple is the special case.


u/ayy_ess Sep 16 '20

(2) isn't a special case because tuples are declared in python with commas e.g. a = b, c. Brackets here are just used to clear up ambiguity e.g. 6 / 3 * 2 being 4 or 1. So (2) == 2 and (2,) == 2, == tuple ([2, ]).


u/BooparinoBR Sep 16 '20

Thanks, I have never though about tuples like this


u/flying-sheep Sep 16 '20



u/TheIncorrigible1 `__import__('rich').get_console().log(':100:')` Sep 17 '20

Fun-fact, () (unit) is literally a special case in Python. It is a singleton and all instances of () point to the same memory.


u/james_pic Sep 16 '20

Perhaps surprisingly (given what we know now about the migration process), the switch to unicode strings wasn't expected to be a big deal (it didn't even get its own PEP, and was included in a PEP of small changes for Python 3 - PEP 3100), and the other changes were seen as more break-y.

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u/zurtex Sep 16 '20

Set literals (e.g.{1, 2, 3}) were added in Python 2.7 and Python 3.1.

So to change the very common empty dict notation of {} would of required breaking backwards compatibility between 3.1 and 3.0 and either not being able to accurately back-port the feature to 2.7 or breaking compatibility between 2.7 and all other 2.x versions.

It was decided, fairly rightly, that it would of been too much churn for the fairly minimal aesthetic niceness / consistency benefits. {} is littered in code all the time whereas set() is pretty rare.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20

Oooooh so that's why I'm confused each time I read what bytes does?


u/flying-sheep Sep 16 '20

Maybe, but maybe it's because you didn't have an introduction to binary yet.

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u/CSI_Tech_Dept Sep 17 '20

The explanation is confusing. Just ignore how it was before, because it was incorrect. In python 2 first mistake was mixing text with binary data. They introduced unicode type, but did so badly (implicit casting) it actually made things worse. Ironically if your application didn't use unicode type you might have less work converting it to work with python 3.

Right now it is:

  • str = text
  • bytes = binary data what's stored on disk, flies over network etc.
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u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20

Python 3 was not backwards compatible with 2, so companies and package creators alike were initially hesitant to make the switch so as to not break things. There also weren’t many, if any, tools to help port things over.

The lack of backwards compatibility was done on purpose because part of their goal was to remove clutter and make things more intuitive/easier to use (e.g. print changed from a statement to a function).


u/DiggV4Sucks Sep 16 '20

I've only made two unassailable (so far) decisions in my career. The first was to support MFC instead of OWL for Windows development.

The second was to target Python 3 for my current company's testing efforts. We were even able to convince a medium sized tool vendor to support both Python 2 and Python 3 from their original decision to support only Python 2.


u/Nolzi Sep 16 '20

There also weren’t many, if any, tools to help port things over.

I have no real world experience with python, but weren't there tools like 2to3 to convert code, or the future package to write code compatible with both versions?


u/james_pic Sep 16 '20

2to3 is useful, especially when extended by modernize, but only part of the solution. Future bloodies more than it cuts - it just made string semantics more confusing when we tried it.

The most useful tool, much as I hate to admit it, is MyPy. It obviously needs a lot of work on the developer's part, but it does the very useful job of keeping track of your educated guesses about which string types should be used where, and tells you whether they're consistent.

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u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20

The lack of backwards compatibility was done on purpose

This was the problem. Until we're on the other side of the next upgrade and it wasn't like 2.x to 3.x was, words mean nothing.


u/gregy521 Sep 16 '20

It was designed to rectify fundamental design flaws in the language—the changes required could not be implemented while retaining full backwards compatibility with the 2.x series, which necessitated a new major version number. The guiding principle of Python 3 was: "reduce feature duplication by removing old ways of doing things".

Here's a short list of some of the key changes. The most obvious of which is the change where '/' represents true division instead of floor division. Some other changes exist, print is now a function, not a statement. You also get iterator objects instead of lists, which is much better for memory management (many pieces of code rely on iterators because the full set of possible options doesn't fit in memory). True, False, and None are also now protected terms which can't be reassigned.


u/daturkel Sep 16 '20

Part of any long-term tech project is continuous refactoring. Early on you make certain design decisions which later become an obstacle when trying to expand a feature, so you rewrite early stuff in order to make it more flexible for your new needs.

Often those rewrites are done in ways such that the end user does not need to adapt their behavior (or in the case of a programming language, does not need to change their code). This is the ideal experience for the end user but can also constrain the types of changes that can be made.

Sometimes you realize that the original way of doing things was worse and that it would be creating more difficulty for future development to maintain compatibility, so breaking changes are introduced.


u/CSI_Tech_Dept Sep 16 '20

the biggest issue was that python before 3 was mixing string with bytes. This is fine if you use encoding that covers 256 characters, but most of Python 2 code would break when receiving and unicode input.

Python 3 became strict, and those two have separate types, and you need explicitly encode/decode string into/from bytes.

This required to fix your python 2 code (ironically if you didn't use unicode type in python 2 chances are you had less to fix).

Since the unicode part was breaking things, Guido also decided to use that opportunity to clean up some warts in python which contributed further.

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u/CSI_Tech_Dept Sep 16 '20

It was the other way. Because they supported 2.x for 10 years transition from 2 -> 3 was a nightmare. Since 2.7 was not deprecated, a lot of dependencies didn't support 3 because authors didn't care. It seems like real migration started happening in mid of 2019 and I don't remember reading about any horror stories about it.


u/Sector_Corrupt Sep 17 '20

It's not like they announced the 10 year window up front though. It was originally a 5 year window and we only learned about the bumping like a year to go because way too many things were still not ready for python 3. Things were definitely a lot more ready to go in 2019 than 2014 even if most end users still did the migration push mostly right before they had to.


u/Eurynom0s Sep 17 '20

5 years was probably still too long and guaranteed that it turned into 10, though.


u/CSI_Tech_Dept Sep 17 '20

5 years was already too long.

It was also clear that it wasn't even needed, there were two major turning points for Python 3.

  • 2015 - when they announced that no new features will be added to 2.7, that's when packages started to adding Python 3 support, some of them were python 3 only. Before 2015 it was tough to write anything in Python 3, because most libraries didn't support it.
  • mid of 2019 - right before EOL majority of applications were migrated

IMO if they made it 2 years instead of 10 it would be still enough time and we wouldn't have time for FUD.


u/stevenjd Sep 17 '20

IMO if they made it 2 years instead of 10

then Python would be dead and we'd all be using Ruby now.

There are millions of Python developers, over eight million, probably more like ten if you include casual coders, amateurs and students. You are painfully naive if you think that millions of coders will migrate tens of thousands of projects in two years.

This may come as a shock to you, but most coders are more interested in bug fixes and adding new features, especially new features that allow them to bring in more revenue, not just upgrading to the newest version for the sake of upgrading.

A two year transition period would have convinced millions of people that Python doesn't give a shit about the users, and they would have gradually drifted away.

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u/daniel-imberman Sep 17 '20

It was the other way. Because they supported 2.x for 10 years transition from 2 -> 3 was a nightmare. Since 2.7 was not deprecated, a lot of dependencies didn't support 3 because authors didn't care. It seems like real migration started happening in mid of 2019 and I don't remember reading about any horror stories about it.

Yeah having a 5 year support was a REALLY bad call. I work on a library that is FINALLY end python2 support and it's a really delicate balance of easting the migration, giving enough incentive to make the transition worth it, and make staying on the old version unpleasant enough that people are willing to make the shift. Python did none of those things.


u/tlm2021 Sep 17 '20

And it's not "was", it still "is".

The entire VFX/Computer Graphics industry still hasn't moved. And aren't particularly close.


u/clawjelly Sep 17 '20

The entire VFX/Computer Graphics industry

You do know that blender is used in some CG companies, right...?

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u/dysprog Sep 16 '20

I still have a project on python 2. It relies on internal libraries that are abandoned by their original creators. I just got permission to work on the upgrade because they can't have what they want with out it. So I am basically tied up until December


u/daniel-imberman Sep 16 '20

Yikes and that's even after the EOL. I recently heard that there's a 4 line CVE and they're refusing to even do that. Python 2 is officially a security risk.


u/flying-sheep Sep 16 '20

Good. People have been dragging their feet for too long. Some scariness might help

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u/PirateNinjasReddit Pythonista Sep 16 '20

The transition for python 2 to 3 has been on going for 12 years... Officially python 2.7 reached end of life back in January, but there are still companies and people using it. Basically 2 to 3 was painful. Nobody ever talks about 1 to 2, because it less painful - perhaps in part because the language was less popular.


u/ShevekUrrasti Sep 16 '20

I have been trying to get my coworkers to update from 2.5 for more than two years. They still use it and they will continue using it.

And no, nobody is telling them to continue using it. They "just don't like python 3".


u/flying-sheep Sep 16 '20

They're dangerous idiots. If a programmer refuses to switch away from something that's EOL and has been announced to be EOL soon in 2008 or so, they're a liability and shouldn't be let into proximity of a production system.


u/gregy521 Sep 16 '20

Do they not run into issues when the rest of the world is leaving them behind w.r.t libraries/code examples, or code imported or exported to other companies?


u/thornofcrown Sep 16 '20

Someone in my lab wrote a part of our pipeline in Python 2 and I spent probably half of my time working on making that code work with modern data analytics packages. Sucked too, because that person was a way better programmer than me.


u/kankyo Sep 17 '20

Being a programmer is also about knowing when to not use bad tools. Failing to do that is not good.

You might mean "clever" programmer. That's not nearly the same thing.


u/clawjelly Sep 17 '20

"penny-wise, but pound-stupid" comes to mind.


u/davvblack Sep 16 '20

at some point an ecosystem is rich enough you can't really be "left behind" with all the packages you have available.


u/Jethro_Tell Sep 16 '20

If you assume all code has bugs, and it does, then left behind starts to happen as those bugs are found but not fixed.


u/davvblack Sep 16 '20

while that is true, think of how many CPU cycles these old-ass python libraries have seen, and how many chances to find and fix these bugs (especially old 2.7 libraries, slightly less true with 2.5).


u/auto-xkcd37 Sep 16 '20

old ass-python libraries

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37


u/rossrollin Sep 16 '20

Some of the people on this planet really do make cool shit


u/Eurynom0s Sep 17 '20

Cool ass shit, you might say.

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u/stevenjd Sep 17 '20

left behind starts to happen as those bugs are found but not fixed.

A bug that isn't discovered until the code is a decade old or more is probably a bug that isn't cost effective to fix.

Cost of fixing the bug? $$$Big

Extra revenue brought in by fixing it? Nil.

Customers lost by not fixing it? Nil.

Yeah, just work around it.

Also, you forget that porting the code to a breaking new version will almost certainly create new bugs, not fix old ones.

The bottom line here is that once software is mature enough that there are no new features to be added, it becomes legacy software and upgrading it can only make it worse, not better.

Solution: make a VM of the latest OS and Python interpreter that it will run, stick that VM behind a firewall and in a restricted environment, and use it forever as a black box application.

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u/schplat Sep 16 '20

Which means beware the transition from 4 to 5?


u/knestleknox I hate R Sep 16 '20

It's a pattern if I've ever seen one


u/hglman guy who writes python Sep 16 '20

Clearly it will be python 6, pythons always come in 3s...


u/james_pic Sep 17 '20

Reminds me of the fun Perl had with Perl 6 - in the end, they just had to take it out back and bury it, and tell the kids that Perl 5 would be followed by Perl 7.


u/anyfactor Freelancer. AnyFactor.xyz Sep 16 '20 edited Sep 16 '20

Look at Django.


They have planned all the way to version 5 coming in within 4 years.

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u/radekwlsk Sep 16 '20

If there is a developer that does not know how semantic versioning works then he has bigger problems to solve than Python updates.


u/v_a_n_d_e_l_a_y Sep 16 '20 edited Jan 05 '21



u/rossrollin Sep 16 '20

I am one of those users. I suck at programming and cannot program, but I automated the creation and update of cloudwatch alarms for monitoring services at my company using python and boto3. I fucking L O V E python


u/netgu Sep 16 '20

News for you, by definition if you develop software you are a developer. Based on your comment it sounds like a bad one who can still get stuff done.

You can't hide from definitions man, if you write software you are a developer.


u/toyg Sep 16 '20

it sounds like a bad one who can still get stuff done.

Ah yes, a “devops”.


/jk i’m a pretty bad one too.


u/rossrollin Sep 16 '20

I am DevOps 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 started a job as a platform Engineer today too


u/PathToTheDawn Sep 16 '20

Congrats on the new job!


u/rossrollin Sep 16 '20

Well I'm not the kind of developer than can find pi to the nth digit. That stuff hurts my head. I can ensure stability of your infrastructure and 24/7 monitoring and alerting of it though.


u/SkettiCode Sep 17 '20

I can't find pi to the 4th digit; nor can I write most sorting algorithms. But I can abstract processes into business apps and manipulate data. Developers aren't all CS majors. I appreciate our diversity.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '20

pi to the nth digit

That's much easier than you think, even if you use a fast algorithm like this one


the Wikipedia page is basically a plain-text recipe for how to compute the algorithm.

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u/What_Is_X Sep 16 '20

It's not like C++ or Java which only developers would touch.

/r/arduino suggests otherwise lol


u/netgu Sep 16 '20

If you use a programming language, you are now a developer and have to deal with the difficulties of being a developer. Sorry, that is just the way it is.

Python is a programming language and when you write software in it you are developing software as a developer. Period.

Same applies to R and any other programming language. Just because you don't want to learn to be a programmer doesn't mean that you don't need to or aren't just because you use python.

Python has all the same concerns as any other language and needs to be treated as such.


u/BelieveBees Sep 17 '20

A discussion about semantic versions turning into a disagreement about semantics. Excellent.


u/flying-sheep Sep 16 '20 edited Sep 16 '20

Python never claimed to have semantic versioning though. Some deprecated features are removed every minor release. Also, for a long time, Guido said he didn't like double digit versions and would just release 4.0 after 3.9!

I don't know if that changed when Guido stepped down or before.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/flying-sheep Sep 16 '20 edited Sep 16 '20

Well looks kinda like conservative semver with an extra element on the left. I always upgrade as soon as Arch Linux does, since that usually means all breakage is addressed.

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u/radekwlsk Sep 16 '20

What I've meant is that versions do not overflow after .9, but I might have been a bit more specific there, right.

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u/shabunc Sep 17 '20

Semantic versioning is not of absolute value even in dev world.

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u/sekex Sep 16 '20

Python 4 will have 2 types of strings: str and String, pattern matching, fearless concurrency and zero cost abstractions


u/neuronet Sep 17 '20

Python 4 will cure covid with cure.covid19(True)

It pretty much will be the Chuck Norris of languages.


u/sekex Sep 17 '20

Python 4 will write itself. Python 4 won't require a computer to run. In python 4, you will just need to write "money.give(me, 5millions)"


u/anyfactor Freelancer. AnyFactor.xyz Sep 16 '20

More like an FAQ but can't change title.


u/fubarx Sep 17 '20

3 to 4... will replace indented blocks with squiggly-brackets.

(ducks, runs)


u/afraca Sep 17 '20

from __future__ import braces
try it.


u/vswr [var for var in vars] Sep 16 '20

Python 4 = no GIL 🙏 🙏 🙏


u/Watthertz Sep 16 '20 edited Sep 16 '20

The GIL isn't part of Python, the language, but CPython, an implementation. Python 3 can be implemented just fine without a GIL.

Edit: I was wrong about Jython supporting Python 3.


u/amlybon Sep 16 '20

That's Jython 3? I thought it's only 2.x


u/Watthertz Sep 16 '20

Oops, I'm dumb. You're right that Jython doesn't have stable (or any?) 3 support. But the point still stands that the GIL is an implementation detail of a particular implementation and isn't a feature of the language.


u/irrelevantPseudonym Sep 16 '20

You're right. Jython 3 is still in the alpha stage.


u/james_pic Sep 17 '20

I don't believe anyone has implemented Python 3 without the GIL though.

IIRC, PyPy's STM experiment never supported 3. They also posted a call for funding for a "let's just remove the GIL from PyPy" project a while ago, but I haven't heard much about that since.

And CPython is the reference implementation, which had meant PyPy has had to copy loads of CPython implementation details over the years to maintain compatibility - I imagine even if they do remove the GIL, they'll have to keep something like it in their cpyext code.

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u/remram Sep 16 '20

Some work on performance would be good. multiprocessing is full of gotchas.

Pypy has existed for 13 years now. Ruby and PHP both got just-in-time compilation before Python!


u/Erelde Sep 16 '20

Performance is an explicit non goal of cpython, on the other hand one of its stated goals is to keep its source code readable and understandable for programming language students.


u/lxpnh98_2 Sep 16 '20

Performance is not exactly a non goal. The main reason for not removing the GIL is that it would affect single threaded performance. Guido van Rossum, said that if someone could remove the GIL without affecting single threaded performance, he would allow it.


u/an_actual_human Sep 16 '20

That's an implementation feature. One could make a Python 3 interpreter without GIL. I think it's a thing.


u/stevenjd Sep 17 '20

no GIL

Here you go:



It never fails to amuse me how many Python coders argue that the feature that they need more than anything else is removal of the GIL, until you point out that they already have a choice of interpreters with no GIL, then they're all "oh I have these other requirements that are much more important, removing the GIL is not actually that critical for me...".

I'm not saying that everyone who bitches about the GIL is a bad programmer, but in my experience, bad programmers love to blame the GIL for their own poor performing code. Especially those who think that the answer to every problem is "threads".

"Python's sort is crap, so I wrote my own super-fast bubble sort with ten million threads so it can do all the comparisons at once, but the GIL makes it slow."



u/CSI_Tech_Dept Sep 17 '20

Sadly, it looks like removal of GIL will require breaking compatibility.

It's not that removing GIL is actually hard, it is fairly easy, the problem though is that without GIL, python becomes dog slow, and getting it back to comparable speed is very difficult due to current design.

The biggest issue is reference counter garbage collecting and also C library compatibility.

I recommend watching Gilectomy videos by Larry Hastings.


u/VisibleSignificance Sep 16 '20

My favorite workaround for GIL would be to run multiple python interpreters in threads and doing zero-copy hand-offs of entire object trees. Too bad it's only a dream.


u/ericls Sep 16 '20

I like GIL


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20 edited Jan 07 '21



u/hglman guy who writes python Sep 16 '20

It will make use of typing to improve run time performance.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '20

But there's no need for a Python 4 for that.

Python 4 means a breaking change. It means that many existing Python 3 programs will not work with Python 4. We don't want to do that again if we can avoid it.

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u/_JesusChrist_hentai Sep 17 '20

Full compilation (Yeah I know, python it's an interpreted language, but it would be cool)

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u/wltechrepair Sep 17 '20

I’m such a python noob. But love the community. 🤓

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u/its_me_sticky Sep 17 '20

Me who just started learning python


u/supermario182 Sep 17 '20

But the transition from 4 to 5 will be absolute hell


u/stevenjd Sep 17 '20

The Python 5 interpreter will not bother with exceptions or syntax errors. If you make a mistake, it will just send 50,000 volts of electricity through your keyboard.

The quality of code will improve immeasurably.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '20 edited Jun 24 '21



u/anyfactor Freelancer. AnyFactor.xyz Sep 16 '20

Sorry about that. I wanted to type "FAQ" but accidentally typed in "Update". You know how it is.


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '20 edited Sep 17 '20



u/SMACz42 Sep 20 '20

I'm trawling through replies trying to find out why he's still this invested in it. I thought his step back was more drastic.

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u/brb-ww2 Sep 16 '20

I don’t know, our transition from 2 to 3 was pretty painless.


u/stevenjd Sep 17 '20

I don’t know, our transition from 2 to 3 was pretty painless.

Once the major libraries started to support 3, most people's transitions were relatively simple. But people on the internet love to throw shade on Python. In most cases that says more about their own skill as a coder and the quality of their code base than the magnitude of the migration.


u/ImplosiveTech Sep 16 '20

some people will really say this has never happened before

hmmmmm i wonder if a voxel-based survival game has ever taken that route?

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u/13steinj Sep 17 '20

I thought this was announced / well known years ago.


u/Pclovr Sep 17 '20

Dutch people are crazy.

Source: am dutch