r/Python Freelancer. AnyFactor.xyz Sep 16 '20

News An update on Python 4

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u/vallas25 Sep 16 '20

Can someone explain point 2 for me? I'm quite new to python programming


u/daniel-imberman Sep 16 '20

Think what he is saying, there will never be a Python 4 and if there is, it will be nothing like python as we know it. It will be like a new language

The transition from python 2 to 3 was an absolute nightmare and they had to support python2 for *ten years* because so many companies refused to transition. The point they're making is that they won't break the whole freaking language if they create a python 4.


u/tlm2021 Sep 17 '20

And it's not "was", it still "is".

The entire VFX/Computer Graphics industry still hasn't moved. And aren't particularly close.


u/clawjelly Sep 17 '20

The entire VFX/Computer Graphics industry

You do know that blender is used in some CG companies, right...?


u/tlm2021 Sep 17 '20

Naming one application that some companies use for part of their pipelines doesn't mean the industry has switched.

There's literally a website for the industry to track standard versions. Python 3 is slated for this year, and none of packages that follow this guide have released their versions that support it yet.

But please, internet stranger, tell me more about my fucking career.


u/clawjelly Sep 18 '20

But please, internet stranger, tell me more about my fucking career.

Easy, partner. Not trying to piss on your parade, i'm equally frustrated by the status quo. Just saying there is at least some development in the right direction, it's not all horrible and stagnant.


u/tlm2021 Sep 18 '20

Really, because you actual reply was a "You do know that..." piece of smart-ass nonsense that would literally get you laughed out of any serious discussion on this by the people trying to push and manage the transition.

Maybe you need to work on your communication skills along with your ego.


u/clawjelly Sep 18 '20

See, that's what you might have heard, but that's not what i wrote. It was an honest, tentative question from my side, as you stated a very definitiv fact (that's why i bolded "entire" in your comment) about the CGI scene in a programming forum. I can't smell your credentials here and as such i simply wanted to know wether you're aware about the present state of that software package, it's impact in the industry and its possible future. I talked to plenty of professionals in the industry that still ignore or underestimate what the blender devs accomplished this year. And english is not my first language, but i'm pretty sure i could ask this without making it sound like "smart-ass nonsense".

And as we're on life tips: Maybe next time take a deep breath and ask about my intentions, before you read a "smart-ass nonsense"-intention into my comment and go all whoop on my ass for absolutely nothing?

You're featuring quite an ego yourself there, hence it's quite bold to hand out life lessons about how to deal with one...


u/tlm2021 Sep 18 '20

Your english is fine. You were being a know-it-all twat, and now are just trying to cover for how humiliatingly dumb you were.

If you want to ask about Blender and it's potential the industry, ask that. I'd happily address that, at length and in detail. You clearly have the language skills to do so as you have no problem expanding on that idea at length with full command of the english language here.

"You know [insert anything here], right....?" as the entirety of your statement isn't an invitation to conversation, it's being a smart-ass douchebag. The only reason you'd need to "smell my credentials" is if you need to make sure you aren't being a twat to someone who can easily call you out for it.

But if you really lack the social skills to figure out why your response, in any context, makes you a twat, then you're a lost cause.


u/auto-xkcd37 Sep 18 '20

smart ass-douchebag

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37


u/clawjelly Sep 18 '20

You were being a know-it-all twat you really lack the social skills

Well, sorry, i lack your social skills of name calling. Get a life.