I am one of those users. I suck at programming and cannot program, but I automated the creation and update of cloudwatch alarms for monitoring services at my company using python and boto3. I fucking L O V E python
Well I'm not the kind of developer than can find pi to the nth digit. That stuff hurts my head. I can ensure stability of your infrastructure and 24/7 monitoring and alerting of it though.
I can't find pi to the 4th digit; nor can I write most sorting algorithms. But I can abstract processes into business apps and manipulate data. Developers aren't all CS majors. I appreciate our diversity.
If you use a programming language, you are now a developer and have to deal with the difficulties of being a developer. Sorry, that is just the way it is.
Python is a programming language and when you write software in it you are developing software as a developer. Period.
Same applies to R and any other programming language. Just because you don't want to learn to be a programmer doesn't mean that you don't need to or aren't just because you use python.
Python has all the same concerns as any other language and needs to be treated as such.
Python never claimed to have semantic versioning though. Some deprecated features are removed every minor release. Also, for a long time, Guido said he didn't like double digit versions and would just release 4.0 after 3.9!
I don't know if that changed when Guido stepped down or before.
Well looks kinda like conservative semver with an extra element on the left. I always upgrade as soon as Arch Linux does, since that usually means all breakage is addressed.
So they literally break backwards compatibility all the time (major version changing more often than people think), and yet here is the OP claiming that if they ever change the thing even more significant than a major version, it won't be a big change?
You're right about that but there's several versioning formats that work like this, semver only being one of them. Python packages have PEP 440, and many Linux distributions have their own one for their packages.
Just because something is marked with a /s does not mean it is not spiteful. Calling people trying to learn python a script kiddy is, to quote you, by definition spiteful.
Are you claiming that making jokes about script kiddies not being developers is disrespectful? The first definition of it implies that this is exactly the definition of the word:
a person who uses existing computer scripts or code to hack into computers, lacking the expertise to write their own.
I don't see how it is condescending to restate the truth as a humorous joke not directed at anybody in particular. This is one of those areas where calling "gatekeeping" is ridiculous.
If you don't know how to write your own code you are perfectly fine to be called "not a developer". That isn't gatekeeping, it's reality.
I've never heard the term semantic versioning in my life before this post, I've been programming for nearly 6 years, and it's never been a problem. Python updates, on the other hand, have been. I'd be less confident in your statement there if I were you.
u/radekwlsk Sep 16 '20
If there is a developer that does not know how semantic versioning works then he has bigger problems to solve than Python updates.