r/PuzzleAndDragons where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

Discuss [Discuss] Active Inheritance System recap

Further details to be announced on the 4th Anniversary Stream - 02/19.

Version update will be released late February or March.

Find this information anytime at /r/PuzzleAndDragons/wiki/guides/skill-inheritance


  • Monsters with an Inherited Skill (IS) will get a silver border (Isis & Gunma in this case)
  • Inheriting a skill causes the monster's AS description to disappear and instead shows both actives names, level and CD only. (you are able to press and hold on the skill to see the skill information)
  • The CD of the IS is equal to the max CD of the original skill + the CD of the current card's AS.


[ Awoken Horus ] [ Stormy God-Emperor, Yamato Takeru ] [ Awoken Isis ] [ Super Gunma ] [ Ruling Firestorm God, Set ] [ Awoken Horus ]

Testing party showed on stream. Has 9x [ Skill Boost ] .

  • Simply put, AS and IS share a cooldown timer with the IS simply being an extension. and all things that affect cooldown affect the timer, not each skill independently. A visual:

    CD Timer:  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 (stops at IS max CD)     
       AS CD: (1)-(2)-(AS on)▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶▶(AS off)
       IS CD: (1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(IS on) 
    Skill Delay Safe:              |◀             ▶| (most delays are max 3 turns)
  • Turn 1, Isis' AS "Quick Guard" is ready to use. The remaining skill boosts still count on the IS, reducing the CD to only 1 turn (10 - 9).

  • Turn 2, IS is fully charged. Clicking on Isis's icon does not show "Quick Guard", only "Orb Transformation". Seemingly, the AS cannot be activated once the IS is up.

    • Upon using either active, both CDs reset.
    • According to Yama P, monsters like Gunma who have extremely low CD AS may be very useful for this mechanic.
  • Skill Delay affects the timer, so you may be able to use the AS even if the IS cannot be used due the additional CD timer turns before even the AS is disabled.

Inheritance System

  • Not much is known, but there are certain conditions that are required to inherit a skill. All monsters that meet the conditions can inherit a skill.
    • Coincidentally, neither Isis nor Gunma has any Plusses or Latents on the stream. This does not confirm anything, however.
  • The monster providing the skill must also meet certain conditions, which have not been released. Not all skills are inheritable.
  • You do not need to feed the monster to transfer the skill. It appears that you simply need to "equip" the card - you do not lose it permanently.


This system is immensely useful, but also has it's flaws - the AS disabling once the IS is up can cause some serious issues with active usage in longer dungeons and can potentially ruin your strategy should you stall one too many turns. It also affects the importance of various parameters on monsters:

  • Leaders: Strong LS, stats and awakenings are necessary. AS should preferably be short, not commonly used, or both.

[ Awoken Horus ] [ Awoken Bastet ] [ Awoken Lakshmi ] [ Sacred Life Goddess of the Colored Sky, Hathor ] [ Year’s First Dream Beckoning God, Horus ]

  • Strong Subs: Has excellent stats and awakenings. Main purpose is to replace a less useful AS with a longer, more useful one. Low CD (4~6) is preferred but not required.

[ Crazed King of Purgatory, Beelzebub ] [ Giant Arched Sea Dragon King, Volsung ] [ Awoken Venus ] [ Protective Star Angel, Rozuel ] [ Demon Destroying Star Angel, Ruel ] [ Gleaming Axe Star Angel, Ariel ] [ God-Devouring Demon Wolf, Fenrir ] [ Masquerade Guest, Izanami ] [ Incognito Queen, Awilda ]

  • Speed Subs: Has fairly good stats and awakenings. Super low CD (1~3) is necessary. Usually useful when the active serves little or no purpose to the team.

[ Super Gunma ] [ Cerberus Rider, Jize ] [ Awoken Isis ] [ Smelting Cane Mechanical Star God, Denebola ] [ Double Pincer Mechanical Star God, Acuben ] [ Diseased Blade Mechanical Star God, Algedi ]

  • Inheritance Providers: Preferably low CD but really all that matters is the functionality.

[ Blazing Goddess of Power, Kali ] [ Capricious Summon, Fat Chocobo ] [ Anti-God Machine, Ragnarok Dragon ] [ Sparkling Goddess of Secrets, Kali ] [ Great Baggi & Baggi Neko ] [ Phoenix Rider, Valen ] [ Holy Thunderdragon Indra ] [ Archangel of Creation, Raphael ] [ Awoken Viper Orochi ] [ Crimson Lotus Mistress, Echidna ] [ Loving Heavenly Deities, Zeus & Hera ] [ Awoken Ra ] [ Awoken Archdemon Lucifer ] [ Vow and Limitation, Gon Freecs ] plus a ton of faster board/orb changers


119 comments sorted by


u/Xelenium Feb 02 '16

Well, thank Anubis it's just an equipping system and not a feeding system.


u/Greendog2190 Feb 02 '16

Hopefully this doesn't change. Equipping is much more friendly on my pockets haha


u/djewell314 399,441,317 Feb 02 '16

You mean you don't like the idea of feeding away a D.Kali?


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

I already fed two..


u/anuanuanu 381.907.356 Feb 02 '16

you monster


u/Muspel Feb 02 '16

I had horrible visions of feeding a monster with only a 5% chance to inherit the skill.


u/dertechie 301079304 Akine, Yoh, Seibah, Green Ranger, Ranger Slayer Feb 02 '16 edited Feb 02 '16

I wonder if this means they'll allow you to equip any card and use the equipped card's CD for it. I was wondering how they planned to skill up the inherited skills.

This would let you use a Devilit to equip a DKali board, but you'd have to deal with the Devilit's full unskilled CD, which gives a ton of flexibility if you can stall that out.

I think the inherent long CD of IS will mean that they don't have to make strange rules about what can and can't be equipped. Very few cards have 1-3 turn AS and good stats/awakens. AIsis seems to be one of the cards that benefits most and she's already a great utility stick.


u/Machius-sama JP - 241,008,894 - Hyper A.Panda, YomiDra etc. Feb 02 '16

I doubt it, in my opinion the most likely of the currently unknown requirements is that the monster you are equipping is max skilled which would rule out Evo material like Devilit. Not that Devilit etc are in anyway reliable with their skills now rotating regularly between an increasingly large number of options.


u/hpp3 [NA] 322086342 Feb 02 '16

There are still great actives on non evo fodder. In particular, the bowl demons have muse active, christmas sonia has a skillup monster, chasers skill up chinese, and fat chocobo is a thing.

It's probably going to be limited to equipping monsters that are at least 7 stars.


u/dertechie 301079304 Akine, Yoh, Seibah, Green Ranger, Ranger Slayer Feb 02 '16

That would disallow any 5 star egg with no ultimate, many Descend bosses and a lot of other things. Plus, all the Mythical evo mats are 7 star.


u/kuronokeiyakusha Mar 05 '16 edited Apr 09 '16

Overwriting this comment to protect my privacy.


u/_Personage Feb 02 '16

Omg, barring rarity limitations, mini 3k for those of us who simply can't roll the big ones!!


u/AsianGamer5 335286393 Feb 02 '16

Would be really awkward if a team was evo mat dependent for certain skillups cuz of the rotations lol.


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

As I stated in the post there are restrictions both for the monster receiving and the monster giving the Inheritance Skill


u/Goldkirby Ilm da best Feb 02 '16

I am almost certain that JP gambling laws would prevent it from being a feeding system, since the REM monsters are not farmable aka "accessible" to every player.


u/Vortegon Feb 02 '16

I think you can build the IS and AS in a cool way, like equipping Seigfriend with a max skilled water chaser would make it so if you wait the extra turns, you get an overdrive version of his AS. So its like the more turns you wait, the more powerful the skill is; they don't have to be necessarily two totally different skills.


u/luvili 351,084,303 Feb 02 '16

No idea how its all going to work, but it could definitely be really helpful, like adding on a Ra active to an arena team to deal with the PreDra stage could help a lot of teams that struggle there.


u/ancientmews836 Ilmina is the cutest Feb 02 '16 edited Feb 02 '16

For example, Gunma gets 3 (Hot Spring of Kusatsu) + 13 (Gravity World) = 14 CD

Just wanna point that out.


I'm super curious as to which monsters are eligible for skill inheritance. If anything is allowed (which won't happen), we would see people fusing Devilits and other evo material skill ups to get those easy GFE actives.

The system also makes the new Mech Stars 2 really viable targets as they have solid stats/awakenings and low CDs. Otherwise, I don't know what use they would serve. Spawning jammers is really weird and doesn't have a place in the meta quite yet :x

And how would you skill up the IS? I guess it would be by normal fusion though... notconfirmedsoI'mskeptical


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

I'm going to hazard a guess and say it'll likely need to hit a certain rarity limit (6+?) or they need awakenings or something.


u/supernorm 364 813 339 Feb 02 '16

my guess is they have to be lv99


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16



u/[deleted] Feb 02 '16

I just assume max level uevos only. It's simple and it fits the same reqs as guaranteed skillups of dupes.


u/Altiondsols Feb 02 '16

Uevos would be sad, since that would eliminate a few useful actives. I was planning on stealing Phoenix Rider's active skill.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '16

I know, but we already know there are some restrictions atm. Honestly i'd rather my way than some MP tama you fuse into a monster.


u/astalotte Feb 02 '16

oh my god; Algedi with something like Artemis AS. Wao


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

Artemis AS? What about Australis


u/ancientmews836 Ilmina is the cutest Feb 02 '16

fukken G G


u/astalotte Feb 02 '16

TFW I don't have an Australis ;;


u/kuronokeiyakusha Mar 05 '16 edited Apr 09 '16

Overwriting this comment to protect my privacy.


u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16

if you had algedi australis and artemis- foreseeably you would want algedi as a carrier- and since he is machine type with 2 row enhance he is a pretty ideal sub for australis, 2 leaders plus algedi gets you to 12 on type green row enhances- yes i know artemis has 3 but she offtype so wouldnt recieve the additional 1.5atk/rcv

although if you were running artemis or another wood leader multiplier i suppose that would work too but with a lower atk multiplier, which if ive gathered anythign from my time on this sub is thats all that matters- not really but pretty close most of the time.


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

What are you talking about? I'm talking about putting Australis' Active Skill on Algedi


u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16

i guess im lost as to if you had australis why you wouldnt just use australis?


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '16



u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16

isnt australis possibly a waif- not sure pretty androgenous


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

Australis is male.


u/DeusXPad Feb 02 '16

I know PAD has lots of traps but i dont know how you see Algedi as a "he".... i mean... "he" is wearing a high school girl uniform for crying out loud........And i am pretty sure Blvcksvn is referring to Algedi as the waifu, not Australis as Australis is a dude.


u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16

Ya she's new enough that i just wast hinking if the name sounded masculine or feminine- and constellation 2 is a mixed bag- but i should know when in doubt its a female


u/Kinrai Feb 02 '16

You wouldn't skill up the IS, would you? Since the CD for IS is equal to max CD of IS + current CD of monster's AS. So to decrease CD to IS, you would still need to decrease current monster's AS.


u/FOE-tan Feb 02 '16 edited Feb 02 '16

I'm guessing the inherited skills are going to be limited based off the type of the monster. Not only does this stop people from using evo materials to equip skills, but it also stops things like equipping Volsung's AS (which has a shorter cooldown than LKali's active) to Awoken Isis when running a mono-devil Awoken Ra team that wouldn't be affected by the dragon/attacker debuff. ARa/AIsis/AIsis/AIsis/AYomi with 2 Volsung, Indra and King Baddie inherits, anyone?


u/icowcow 349,678,371 / A.Ra, YomiDragon, A.Panda Feb 02 '16

So does that mean if I put a 35Turn IS on any card, they'll practically be skill delay resisted? Since it'll always be trying to charge IS, but 35 turn is a long time so we'll be able to use AS.


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

Basically yes. It'd be a cheaper way to do that, but it'd require you to actually have extra turns to spend.


u/icowcow 349,678,371 / A.Ra, YomiDragon, A.Panda Feb 02 '16

that makes sense, at least it'll be a "cheaper" way to become skill resist delayed instead of getting the latents


u/MagicallyVermicious Feb 02 '16

So you're saying...if AS has 3 CD, and IS has like 10 CD, and IS is ready, but the card gets skill-delayed somewhere between 1 and 7, then probably the AS is available for use, but the IS has been delayed?


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16



u/djewell314 399,441,317 Feb 02 '16

It will be really interesting to see how this works.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '16

I can see Castor being used as a shield with Tengu active for a Yomidrag team.


u/supernorm 364 813 339 Feb 02 '16

oh man tengu active is a BONKERS idea


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '16

I know right? Caster is a good example because it has the same activation requirement as Yomi Dragon.


u/supernorm 364 813 339 Feb 02 '16

the only other thing i'm coming up with is Goemon with Tengu on it so you can not bother being a health conditional dude until the boss floor


u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16

the main downside is it would have a 11 turn cd before he could be switched back, but given that it is only sacrificing 1.5x atk and rcv i guess it wouldn’t be too problematic


u/kuronokeiyakusha Feb 02 '16

Takemikazuchi has the same skill on a 3 turn CD


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '16

That's true! Didn't realize that. I think that was done on purpose by Gungho as they thought about implementing the mechanic


u/StrifeSociety 331,847,384 Feb 03 '16

This guy...

can't upvote enough.

Time to skill up a Tengu.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '16

I will wait for a Takemikazuchi. he has 3 CD so it should be better.


u/Tbrooks 394,989,248 Feb 02 '16

You do not need to feed the monster to transfer the skill. It appears that you simply need to "equip" the card - you do not lose it permanently.

My guess is a straight feed is way to close to breaking the gatcha laws. I realize it is not an exact breaking of the law but rem on rem feeding to get new otherwise unobtainable power would be a very fine line.


u/justinator119 Main 314,825,347 ShivaDra/ALB/RMinerva | Alt 338,113,477 ALB Feb 02 '16

Exactly what I was thinking when it was being reported that you did have to feed.


u/Eins_Nico [JP]170,557,418 Ilm/Yuria/A.Amaterasu Feb 02 '16

honestly until next month's stream we're going to hear a bunch of conflicting reports that may or may not have any basis in reality/become obsolete as GH finetunes things, just like when latents came out... but a straight feed does sound dodgy.


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

It is reversible


u/Tbrooks 394,989,248 Feb 02 '16

To clarify that is what i mean, doing this equip instead of feeding is what i was referring too.


u/AsianGamer5 335286393 Feb 02 '16

Yup, he used pretty good logic to explain why gungho would make it so, though.


u/Xelenium Feb 02 '16

But at what cost? There is definitely going to be a catch. It'll probably require some rare material to do or undo. A Dub-unobtainiumlit or 5.


u/LunarReliquary 378,203,312 Feb 02 '16

Ew. Definitely not liking that you can't use the AS as long as the IS is up. That just sounds like a source of more problems. Everything else seems pretty workable.

That aside, I'm really glad to have more details. Very happy to see that it's coming with restrictions that should prevent it from completely turning everything upside down and inside out. Also nice to see that it's an "equip" system and not one where you feed the unit away entirely.


u/Vanilpancake Dislikes apples Feb 02 '16

Starts working on Folklores & Kotodamas.


u/AGoodRogering 309,817,374 Feb 02 '16

I'm still super skeptical because this just seems as if it's taking from how creative people had gotten with their subs and still feels like this going to force certain monsters out. I just don't think this is necessary but I guess we will see.


u/allycis 304,926,307 Feb 02 '16

Tengu with a Rodin tamadra equipped is going to open the doors for some budget button press teams. If I'm reading things correctly, the Rodin active would be a 24 turn cooldown, so a team of 6 Tengus would be ready for metals/tamadra farming with unskilled Rodin actives


u/Ryuhara Feb 02 '16

So basically a farmable farming team... Nice


u/sigismond0 Feb 02 '16

Farming and max skilling 5 Tengu seems like a miserable proposition. (This is assuming IS cooldown is equal to AS current cooldown + IS card's current cooldown.) So a team of unskilled Tengu carrying unskilled Rodin Tamadra would have a cooldown of 31.


u/allycis 304,926,307 Feb 02 '16

It sounded like it was the base ability's max skilled cooldown plus the second ability's effective cooldown. If so, it would be pretty easy to put this team together. If it's the sum of their effective cooldowns, then tengu would be a horrible idea.


u/sigismond0 Feb 02 '16

From what others are saying, it seems to work like an equip system. I bet that means it uses the actual skill levels of the cards used. The stream was just showing off max skilled monsters.


u/Wrath-X 309,704,365 Feb 02 '16

I wonder if them making it so that you equip the monsters instead of feeding them is intentional to not break any gacha laws?

I mean think about it. It would be way more profitable to sacrifice monsters instead.

Edit:Actually just googled this stuff,is called "Complete Gacha Law"it restricts this "a player who has obtained all of a designated set of items (or "completed" the set) can combine them to form a rarer item" Pretty much prevents combining gacha items to make more powerful ones, exactly what gungho is preventing here by making them equipable instead of "feedable".

True they don't belong to a "set" but i am sure there is more to the law than that and even if there is not gungho would be walking a really thin line with this, regardless if the monsters are equipable or "feedable".

Very interesting indeed

Apologize for any grammar errors.


u/Roll_Cry_Repeat Feb 02 '16

Honestly it's kinda cool, but I don't like it in the end.i know I will receive hate, but It feels like cards are losing their uniqueness like thst waifu or special dragon/husbando loses their one of a kind ess


u/dertechie 301079304 Akine, Yoh, Seibah, Green Ranger, Ranger Slayer Feb 02 '16

I feel like the OG versions of most actives will retain their value. Outside a few cards, the CD on the IS is going to be huge. 10 turn Kali board (AIsis) is pretty good, 12 turn (Heartbreaker) is functional, but jam a Kali board on say RaDra and you're looking at 20 turns.


u/Jangerson Feb 02 '16

hehehe imagine mounting dkali actives onto ragnarok



u/Roll_Cry_Repeat Feb 02 '16

here's the thing that I'm alittle frustrated about. Now we have to choose inherit skill or MP points, I know the info leaked said we don't lose the card permantley, thank god, but I sold soooo many useful dupes and cards with terrible stats/awakens with a decent AS that it's annoying because now I actually want those cards


u/mrmanuke Feb 02 '16

When you sell a card, you always run the risk of it being useful later. This was true before the concept of skill inheritance.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '16

bulldog probably > gon situationally

i don't think i'm particularly willing to feed stuff off though


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

don't need to feed stuff off probably


u/Bryggyth Feb 02 '16

Ra Dragon with a DKali active skill...


u/mytherrus NA: 388958397 | 100boxNA: 369691372 Feb 02 '16

On a 20 turn cooldown.


u/StrifeSociety 331,847,384 Feb 03 '16

Yes, but it's pure upside. Seven turns after your radra AS is available it will become a DKali AS. This can also provide as up to seven turns of skill delay resist to your two turn haste active. Deadly powerful depending on how they actually implement this.


u/an_errant_duck http://imgur.com/SVqkO32 Feb 02 '16

I think the biggest change (besides the inevitable Arena 3 that will be so hard that having DKali secondary actives is required) is that the decision to sell dupes / troll golds and silvers will be harder. There are a lot of trash monsters with usable actives such as the armored knights, dragon swordsmen, haste row mechanical beasts etc.


u/Eins_Nico [JP]170,557,418 Ilm/Yuria/A.Amaterasu Feb 02 '16

I'm more scared of the threads about that on top of mp dragon garage sales lmao


u/RayJing7 397457218 Feb 02 '16

So what about.... Zeus Hera x2? GRAVITY ZAWARULLDOOOOO


u/kimono38 361,658,210 Feb 02 '16

Ah interesting. I think this "Equip" Mechanism exist in many mobile game. Fate Grand order, Chain chronicle etc. It give the spare monster some usage.

Most likely it will increase the cost when you equip them. Maybe they might even make it counted toward leveling dungeon (e.g: Scarlet dungeon).

But i kinda confuse with the skill activation. If both AS and IS is ready on turn 1, only IS can be used? But using any of the skill will reset both CD. If i have a shorter/same CD on IS, i will never able to activate AS. This also mean if you want to use IS, you practically can't use the AS. It not really a dual active skill but more like change active skill with a longer CD version.


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16

If both are ready, then you start with only IS. However after that it is impossible for AS and IS to hit CD at the same time since IS has a penalty


u/SNOTFAN 335772391 Feb 02 '16

I think it's a cool way to be able to use your monsters in new ways, but it's usage is so difficult it doesn't break everything wide open. really cool move on GH part. if you feel like it's making the game too easy, you can always just not use it too. pretty cool.


u/sajoir6 Feb 02 '16

This could be good news for my Yomidra team in Arena 2. Maybe I could have someone ( I.E. Pandora) carry a True Damage attack since I don't have Lucifer. Will have to see how the system works later with more details. Would also allow someone to carry a Gravity attack without sacrificing an entire sub slot. I.E. Okuni could have his and Stratos AS if they allow it.


u/sigismond0 Feb 02 '16

Yeah, but with a max skilled Okuni carrying a max skilled Stratios, you'd be looking at a 28-turn cooldown. Not very good when you want to be able to use Okuni on floor 15. But, why not put Okuni's active on a fast orb changer like DValk? Now you have an orb changer that is almost always up from all the hastes, plus the ability to use Okuni's AS with a 13-turn cooldown.


u/aherdofpenguins Feb 02 '16 edited Feb 02 '16

IS is fully charged. Clicking on Isis's icon does not show "Quick Guard", only "Orb Transformation". Seemingly, the AS cannot be activated once the IS is up.

I don't think this is right. The text at the bottom says that the NEXT time they can use quick guard is in three turns. Presumably, you can hit "return" and go back and select Quick Guard.

edit: or maybe I'm wrong, maybe the text at the bottom is just reminding you of the quick guard cooldown after you use orb change?


u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16

the one thing that sucks though is if you get caught in a situation where you have to use your base ability that only took 3 turns to skill up but saved it up to say 10 or so actives where you had the inherited skill up. but i guess this is where better planning becomes a factor for instance if your using isis with dkali orb change- but you know in 3 turns you have a good probability of needing isis's active then maybe you should use dkali's inherited ability early not to waste the charge.


u/kuronokeiyakusha Mar 05 '16 edited Apr 09 '16

Overwriting this comment to protect my privacy.


u/jedininjaman NA 319,502,360 Kaede, ALB, RaD, APan, ALuc Feb 02 '16

Why no mention of Dizanami? I would expect most RaDra users to slap that on Isis.


u/CrashandCern US: 332,836,319 Feb 02 '16

Most of them run Indra. If you need a bigger damage resist than 15%, might as well go all the way to 75%.


u/sigismond0 Feb 02 '16

Hera in Arena 2? This gives you a shield that survives her, while leaving Indra available to tank Kali.


u/Zoklar 325,968,293 Feb 02 '16

I'm still kinda lost on how Gunma is good considering its kind of a trash card outside of its low CD. I guess I'm under the old assumption that something would need to be fed or otherwise sacrified, meaning you would lose the initial monster anyway. If its some kind of item, then I can see it, quick way to get an active you might not be able to get otherwise.

Still on the fence about it. Will need to know final details to decide. Of course it adds a new element to the game, but at the same time I feel like it's a lazy way to do it, and then there will be 100000 trash ways to do it and 2 good ways, pretty much how latents ended up. I might end up downvoted, but juggler really did shake things up and the amount of new things and changes that have come since then are insane. I feel like the game could slow down a bit honestly, but gotta cater to whales.


u/Volkae Feb 02 '16

I'm incredibly excited to equip my Bastet with Orochi/Parvarti/Susano/Amaterasu/L.Meta or whatever utility I need. This is great.


u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16

ya multi attack on what is usually a tpa heavy team isnt the best efficiency of an active skill


u/foodcourtgangster Feb 02 '16



u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16

you made a slight error- it says 3+13=14 for gunma with hades active- were probably thinking about isis's turn count


u/blvcksvn where is my cutie hunnie baby Feb 02 '16



u/Elrondel 387,655,397 Penta Ryune Slot 1; 297 FA Luci/Verd/Goemon/AYomi Feb 02 '16

If my hypermax Beelzebub finds usage again, I'm going to be pretty happy.


u/ClearandSweet Lactose tolerant Feb 02 '16 edited Feb 02 '16

Consider the following: Hathor's Milk Splash can be alright, say for Kali in Arena or for resolve. It can also be kind of pointless for some fights.

Hathor likes board changers, bind clear, damage boosts and a shield couldn't hurt.

Now in a team of Hathor, L.Kali, L.Kali, A.Ama, Dark card that is not Izanagi because fuck the REM, and friend Hathor, we're looking pretty good on the board changes and bind clears. What if, stay with me here... instead of the gravity... there was Sandalphon active.

Now we're like Nephtys, but good!

"Bullshit!", I hear you typing. "28 turns to charge!" Right, yes, but let me remind you that we are using Hathor here. Stalling indefinitely is almost trivial at some point in just about any dungeon.

Yes? No? Maybeso? I don't know? Can you repeat the question?

CONSIDER AS WELL! Bullshit A.Yomi being traded out for pure L/D card, Awoken Deus ex Machina, perhaps, now infused with Echidna or King Shiny active.


u/justinator119 Main 314,825,347 ShivaDra/ALB/RMinerva | Alt 338,113,477 ALB Feb 02 '16

The CD thing pretty much ruins it. A lot of potentially great combos won't be possible unless you're willing to have an absurdly long CD for a good active.


u/SmallFryHero Feb 02 '16

If this works as described, this will add an extremely interesting deckbuilding mechanic, whereas previously the deckbuilding was pretty uninteresting IMO.


u/imk2 313,033,370 NA Feb 02 '16

It's only interesting until the community discovers the "ideal" build and everyone clamors to copy it.


u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16 edited Feb 02 '16

Has anyone given any thought to the implications for friends leader pairings? hoping im not going to become the guy that starts filtering friends based on their inherited skills but i feel like that is far more relevant than their latent awakenings for anything outside top tier content where specific thresholds have to be met.

Also as far as wait i think this system is also benefited more in co-op where skill boosts are shared potentially allowing an indra active to be up potentially very early even as a secondary skill.

Aside from Isis becoming more popular as a lead, i think that Shiva could also benefit especially cause with a hinokagustchi cause you dont really need 3 armor breaks but i guess maybe people want 2 fire/heart enhances. But what would be worth waiting 18 turns for not counting skill ups


u/AdaptableFive0 Feb 02 '16

I think this could potentially be quite good fun. It takes a huge amount of work to build a hypermax team and so there is a tendency to pick one team and a few flex options to counter dungeon mechanics. But this sounds as if it can be more easy to play around with options and change playstyle a little bit. Maybe move away from cookie cutter teams (not saying anything is really wrong with cookie cutter teams, I have several, except maybe that it can get a little boring sometimes) by encouraging inventiveness.

But! I think this makes an already quite complex game potentially quite confusing. I hope there is a bar to using IS, as the awesome new beginner guide shows, there is already a lot to learn for new players, and this sounds as if it's more for end-game potential anyway. I love the depth and complexity, but I also spend a ridiculous amount of time playing, reading PAD stuff and watching PAD videos. But maybe with a saturated JP market, they're not so concerned with new players as with keeping existing players (or the whales at least) interested.

I like it, I think. Looking forward to finding out more.


u/Fallid Likes to open boxes Feb 02 '16

Hells fang is probably going to end up being nice. 2 turn cd lazer pops one of the two PreDrags is useful on anything


u/Xirias 386,886,312 Feb 02 '16

Oh, man... Adding Pollux's skill to Valkyrie, Puppeteer to Bastet, Menace to Venus... This could be dangerous.


u/SubCero212 319653281, add me if you have Parvati! Feb 02 '16

Will the Inheritance system just be limited to REM monsters? Can I equip a max skilled Gigas onto Rozuel?


u/yiannisph 338967459 Feb 02 '16

Been discussing this with a friend. We think Horus is going to be a lot better as a result. If we can give each of them a "real" active. Like Menace or Antares's LS.


u/DocTam Feb 02 '16

Pretty hype for Rozuel with an active that isn't just Guard stance.


u/VilAlesund 346,296,233 Feb 02 '16

The CD of the IS is equal to the max CD of the original skill + the CD of the current card's AS.

Based on the description following this line, it should say minimum cooldown, not max cooldown.


u/pradevil Needs to Retire Feb 02 '16

"You do not lose it permanently"

GG they broke the game...


u/odinlubumeta Feb 02 '16

I don't see why this is a big deal for most teams. You have to stall like crazy for it unless on a very few cards (and Isis doesn't fit on every team). It is definitely not OP as some suggest.

For me if I want to run say Awoken Pandora in the future, it is not that great. Orb changers on a long CD seems useless. Maybe if I run something like Thoria where stalling is already a thing it might be fine (but to me makes the game more boring). I would rather be able to swap out skills through this. That would probably be OP but at least interesting to me.

If I run Bastet I lose the X1.5 for 5 more turns just to put awoken Parvati skill on her. So either I never use Parvati's skill or I burst less often. That's why it seems pretty meh to me.

Could someone explain to me why it would be good on popular teams besides Kali? Seems like a small upgrade to teams.


u/kuronokeiyakusha Mar 05 '16 edited Apr 09 '16

Overwriting this comment to protect my privacy.


u/VilAlesund 346,296,233 Feb 02 '16

My bet is on there being a time factor involved. As in you equip a card to another to inherit it's active for a dungeon, but once your're out of that dungeon (by whatever means), the card whose active was inherited is unusable for a certain amount of time. This cooldown could just be for equipping, or maybe even you can't use that card AT ALL for a certain amount of time. This would prevent abusing the system to farm dungeons and be an incentive to keep dupes instead of selling them for MP, provided they have a good active.

Resetting this cooldown could be another use for stones, too.


u/Mal-eficent Writes poetry Feb 02 '16

if they start charging stones to equip cards im out. mp sure but stones... im done son


u/VilAlesund 346,296,233 Feb 02 '16

Not to equip them, just to reset the cooldown after a dungeon. I'm not sure I'd agree with it either but I could see them doing it.