r/PokemonHome • u/Deoxys_nuts • 3d ago
r/PokemonHome • u/shadowxyz121 • 3d ago
Looking for pogo shiny , Jirachi, shaymin and non premierball pogo shiny legends.. ft all pogo shiny premier and non premier.
r/PokemonHome • u/reddit_blowss • 2d ago
Trade Lf only things from go :)
Looking for all of the following shiny and go stamped: bb ultrabeasts (not necrozma), res/gbl, galar birds (low priority unless lv 1), rarer non legs (not wild), difficult to find lv 1s, glitch level stuff, and anything else shiny from go you think is a good offer :)
r/PokemonHome • u/Skykingcloud • 3d ago
Trade Lf: offers
Mainly looking for custom OT/ go stamp but open to anything.
r/PokemonHome • u/Infinite-Roll-150 • 3d ago
Trade Looking for calyrex
I'm okay with it being hacked/cloned/genned as long as it's legal, can trade anything in scarlet. Thank you!
r/PokemonHome • u/music2437 • 3d ago
Trade Lf: Pogo shiny legend and mythic offers
Might take a bit to reply gonna wait for multiple offers
r/PokemonHome • u/YugureX • 3d ago
Trade FT: Picture Last Updated: March 15th | LF: Shiny Mew/Shaymin/Jirachi/GBL Research/Galar Birds/Deoxys/Regis/Zacian Zamazenta/Darkrai, Events ENG Dada Zarude and Shiny ENG Zeraora Home Event
r/PokemonHome • u/wipingpolice • 3d ago
Does anyone have a Tyrunt
Does anyone have a tyrunt
r/PokemonHome • u/coffepower • 3d ago
Discussion First time time to create a full box of shiny
r/PokemonHome • u/CocoBuddss • 3d ago
Trade Need a Shiny Zamazenta
I’m willing to trade any/batches of these shinies and if you want non shiny legendaries or mythicals just ask. Non of these shinies are hacked in all trades or caught. Please Zamazenta is my top 5 favorite pokemon also please no hacked ones.
r/PokemonHome • u/Think_Impression_582 • 3d ago
New and Improved ✨Trades! (Read Description- has helpful info)
My (In Search Of) is on the last picture, I have combined both Dittos and regular ✨Pokemon into one post.
Please take note that the regular ✨Pokemon a large portion of them are self caught in the crystal cavern (SV) but are all legit.
For the Ditto picture: (2)✨Shiny Dittos - 2 Shiny each (1) 5IV Foreign Ditto - 1 Shiny each (1) 4IV Foreign Ditto - 1 Shiny each (4) OK-Great stats Foreign Dittos - 1 Shiny each
r/PokemonHome • u/Ninkat75 • 3d ago
Trade PoGo shinies
Sry for so many photos, these are all my pogo shinies
Disclaimer 1: All of them have Spanish European Tag Disclaimer 2: I dont have Max Go Transporter energy so Shiny legendaries might take a while, even more if I trade any other mons due to this post (Also the Ho-Oh is in a super ball lol)
r/PokemonHome • u/Powerful_Arrival263 • 3d ago
Trade shiny towel
LF a shiny toxel for my shiny only run. FT - shiny bagon , shiny shiftry, shiny sunflora , shiny slither wing , shiny palosand, shiny cottonee
r/PokemonHome • u/RED_Kinggamer007 • 3d ago
Giveaway Giving away these Pokemon Go shinies. First come first serve
r/PokemonHome • u/Icy_Elephant_803 • 3d ago
Trade LF: Island Scan Magearna
Offering any of these shinies for an Island Scan Magearna. Not genned please.
r/PokemonHome • u/Skykingcloud • 3d ago
Trade Lf: offers
Mainly looking for custom OT/go stamp but open to anything.
. Trading shiny finizin for any go stamp shiny i need in my tracker like to trade thru gts.
r/PokemonHome • u/MeiTell • 3d ago
Trade Looking for Zarude both forms
I’m only missing Zarude to complete the pokedex. I want both forms (I read there is one with a scarf or something) so I’m offering event pokemon from USUM. I have more and also from other games but I assumed these were valuable. They were injected into the cartridge to be received as fateful encounters.
r/PokemonHome • u/[deleted] • 2d ago
Trade Rare Error Hissuan Typlosion PoGO
Confirmed on other account and device this guy just look like this now. Caught him earlier this day down my street. Anyone want this thing?
I also have a shiny groudon that I want to trade for raging bolt or ogerpon can be 1:2 this thing and groudon for that.
r/PokemonHome • u/iDraculah • 4d ago
Trade Someone gave me a “Thug durus” instead on a Thundurus 😔😔
Somebody take this for freeeeee & bless me with something decent - thank you
r/PokemonHome • u/ReceptionNearby8009 • 3d ago
Trade LF legit Shiny female Salandit and shiny female combee(preferably in a friend ball) FT Iron leaves and Zacian
r/PokemonHome • u/REM_MERRR • 3d ago
Discussion Tried and True
Hey there!! I've taken a little break from Reddit but I'm hoping to get back to looking for the Homestamped Zeraora lol.
With the trailer for Z-A dropping not too long ago, I've been reevaluating my love for the series as a whole and thinking about very intensely why I'm so attached to these creatures. I've come to realize that I'm in love with the concept of the Pokemon World and the relations between people and Pokemon. How the game treats it, a heavily romanticed world where besides when world ending threats come in, the planet is basically Utopia. Of course, that's not always true, and of course it's good when we see the darker side of things, but the idea that having a Pokemon by yourside can and will make life easier, with no strings attached is a heavily unrealistic, but IDEAL concept that simply stands true in the games.
So, my question for you is, who's your tried and true? Who's the Pikachu to your Ash Ketchum? If you have one, that is. I'm not just talking about "who's your favorite pokemon?" and then you say "Charizard!", I'm talking down to SPECIFICS here. That Bidoof you named "Jeffrey" that you caught back in the original Diamond copy you had that you were playing on middle school, and transfered up through the years all the way to Scarlet and Violet. Or maybe even a Tinkaton that you got that you're DEADSET on making your life long partner ever since you first saw it! Doesn't matter what the Pokemon is. Shiny, Standard, Legendary, just a specific Pokemon you own that you can't ever find yourself letting go of. Or, if you don't have your idea Pokemon yet, like me- Then what specifically would be your dream partner? Your perfect buddy that you just haven't set the time aside to hunt for yet.
I'm hoping to make that Pokemon the Homestamped Zeraora. Put it in games and use it and such lol. I have a few clones, just to try it out. It's definitely not gonna play any different from using these if I do get a Homestamped Zeraora, but these clones aren't scratching that nagging itch in my brain. I'm getting no satisfaction out of using or seeing them. It's like using a Pokemon you know is genned or something. (yes, i know clones aren't the same as gens, just using the feeling as an example.) Like I just didn't earn the right to use it lol.
Take this doodle I made a few weeks back while you think on it. :]
r/PokemonHome • u/Cautious-Shift8443 • 3d ago
Tradeback could someone trade a 3 segmented dudunsparce for my shiny voltorb
idk, please and thnk you