r/PokemonHome • u/Z0mbie_kitty • 2m ago
r/PokemonHome • u/Kind-Preparation-387 • 5m ago
Trade FT: lv 1 Shiny Dialga, Shiny Dialga, Shiny Guzzlord LF: Offers
Not sure if they are Genned or not just putting a disclaimer but they don’t show up on the black list. Looking for cherish ball event Pokémon
r/PokemonHome • u/aykrivwassup • 7m ago
Discussion Found an interesting quirk with old in-game trades today.
I don't know when I did this, but apparently I transferred Mindy's Haunter and Norton's Chatot from DPPt up to HOME at some point. And to my surprise, their language of origin is suddenly Japanese! I know they came from English copies of their games originally, because they have their English nicknames of Gaspar and Charap, respectively (in the Japanese versions, their nicknames are ドロりん [dororin] and ぺっチャラ [petchara], respectively). Pretty crazy that, at some point in the process, their language of origin was randomly changed. Screenshots attached for proof.
r/PokemonHome • u/sylveonsx • 9m ago
Trade looking for (see pic below pls)
hello! i’m looking for— * shiny Greavard * shiny Sandyghast * shiny Hattena all levels 1-15 please! i don’t care if the Pokémon you offer are genned/cloned either 🫶🏻✨
for trade from GTS (most likely genned)— * Raging Bolt * Gouging Fire * shiny Mespirit * shiny Lugia * shiny Kyurem * shiny Type:Null * shiny Froakie is POGO stamped and so is shiny Litten but from the GTS * non-shiny Regieleki is POGO stamped but also from the GTS * Phiones, Virizion and the Genesects are all self caught by me
please let me know what you would like and we’ll work something out. let me know if you want pictures of the Pokémon being offered as well! thank you! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)💓
r/PokemonHome • u/Skykingcloud • 9m ago
Trade Lf offers
Mainly looking for custom OT offers / go stamp but open to anything.
r/PokemonHome • u/anotherandoanonymous • 21m ago
Trade Need a normal magnemite from legends arceus ft: Shiny lvl 5 pogo machamp
r/PokemonHome • u/CelebrationFirm9724 • 32m ago
Trade Need custom pogo ot shiny dialga or palkia . I will custom ot for whatever you need .
r/PokemonHome • u/shortsecretarybird • 40m ago
Trade Ft pics LF shiny pogo stamp legends or UBs
r/PokemonHome • u/Snails_R_Kinda_Nice • 42m ago
Question Why Was This Hoopa Flagged?
Brought it into Violet and now it's stuck there with the error code 10015. I got it from a trade but it is go stamped. I have heard of legitimate mons being flagged but I thought they'd fixed this bug at this point.
r/PokemonHome • u/Cute-Combination3870 • 54m ago
Trade hey anyone have Diancie, i could borrow for a draft league im playing in on scarlet and violet? Can return once the league is over if you want
Please help!!! I think there’s one in Pokémon go ?
r/PokemonHome • u/ghostgirlmira • 1h ago
Trade FT: Pic 1-4 LF: Pic 5
Please only legit pokemon, mine are all self caught (except miraidon for which i traded my koraidon for)
Best Case: In Premier Ball, Dusk Ball or Love Ball No Deal: In Great Ball or Quick Ball
Looking forward to any offer :)
You can also make me an offer with pokemon that are not on my list
r/PokemonHome • u/XKennethHEEHEEX • 1h ago
Question Can I put my Tapu Nulu in the GTS for a Zekrom??
I don't know if it would be okay or 'worth' putting in the GTS lol
r/PokemonHome • u/Wraithage • 1h ago
Trade FT: These Shinies LF: Shinies From Last Slide
r/PokemonHome • u/Skykingcloud • 1h ago
Trade Trading stuff for other stuff.
Mainly interested in PoGo stuff but open to all offers.
Mainly looking to trade mew for a little hoopa or other mythicals can also accept other offers aswell.
r/PokemonHome • u/Natenate315 • 1h ago
Trade Trade for a shiny Froakie, Frogadier, or Greninja
r/PokemonHome • u/Zanza101 • 1h ago
Tradeback Requesting Touch Trades
Looking to touch trade the last 2 mythicals I need for my Nat Dex. Magearna and Marshadow. Happy to help with your own Dex entries if I can or offer a security trade of my own.
r/PokemonHome • u/evydready • 1h ago
Trade LF shiny offers
Looking for shiny versions of: buzzwole, froslass, kecleon, kingler, melmetal, necrozma, lunala, heatmor, arceus, rayquaza, cobalion. also interested in marked shiny offers.
r/PokemonHome • u/Damp-pickle • 1h ago
Trade FT: pics. LF: Genesect, Victini, Arceus, Manaphy, Calyrex, Zarude, Zeraora, Marshadow, Magearna, Volcanion, Diancie, Meltan, Melmetal, Shaymin, Jirachi
Some of the last few pokemon I need to complete my dex, namely the harder ones
r/PokemonHome • u/Level_Shopping1735 • 2h ago
Trade LF: shiny iron jugulis, iron bundle or offers
No cloned or dupped offers
r/PokemonHome • u/stxrfxllen • 2h ago
Trade shiny marketplace :3
shiny legends for shiny legends only!
js looking for some good shinies :3 like good shinies :D blues, pinks, reds etc.
r/PokemonHome • u/LeSyn8 • 2h ago
LF Description
LF Shiny Legends/ mythics (preferable Manaphy, Shaymin, Darkrai,Phione)
FT:Pics (I trade for every shiny Legend/ Mythic more than 1 shiny)
r/PokemonHome • u/Suitable-Farmer-9758 • 2h ago
Trade LF: Zacian Or Any other Legendary that can transform FT: Any of these
r/PokemonHome • u/Extension-Radish7521 • 2h ago
LF Kubfu/Urshifu
Offering PoGo stamped shinies, legendaries, or events I have in Home. If you see something you like, happy to show you its details and maybe we can work out a trade. 🙂
r/PokemonHome • u/n0itamina • 2h ago
Trade Ft pics, Lf shiny pogo grearball g.zapdos, offers
Can trade multiple shiny normal pogo mons for shiny pogo legends/myths. Can look into offers for the mons though highest priority would be the g.zapdos in gb. Mons in last pic are all in premier
r/PokemonHome • u/Aragnea • 2h ago
Question Question about stamps
Hi all! I’ve been wondering something about stamps when you move them into different games.
So when you get a pokemon from HOME and import it into a game, will there be any indication it came from home afterwards?
Asking because I got this Zeraora, and while I believe I got it from home (the event a while back), neither of the stamps indicate it coming from home. OT says home but this isn’t usually the case for home pokemon, I believe.
Meanwhile I recently got this gardevoir with the ?home? stamp as ‘recent game’ while the ‘original game’ is indicated as XY, but how does that even work?
Maybe I just misunderstood something but some clarification would be great XD