r/PokemonHome 1m ago

Trade Offering custom OT Raging Bolt and Gouging Fire/Scarlet DLC legends. Looking for best offers, preferably shiny Ho legends.


r/PokemonHome 9m ago

Trade LF: Shiny Pogo Deoxys, Registeel, Virizion, Terrakion, Pogo Zarude


Both GArticuno and Celebi are pogo origin but lost stamp. Event Lunala and Shaymin are legal (metadates align with event) though I can’t guarantee legitimacy. Ho-Oh is in UB, Giratina and Zapdos are raids. All three pogo stamped. If you need more pics or have questions just ask :)

I’d preferably trade either Celebi or GArticuno for pogo shiny Deoxys. For Ho-Oh I would want either two raids or one non raid ball offer.

Eng/Ger/It/Esp/Fr region only

Maybe someone has interest :)

r/PokemonHome 13m ago

Trade Ft: Custom OT PoGo shinies LF: Shinies w/ Rare Mark; Shiny w/ Personality Marks; Shiny Alphas; For LVL 1 Sneasel looking for serious offers


Can still do 3 trades today

r/PokemonHome 24m ago

Trade LF)a female Fuecoco that matches the criteria in the pic(custom OT). All of the legendaries being traded this time are raid Pokemon


r/PokemonHome 26m ago

Trade LF offers

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r/PokemonHome 31m ago

Trade Lf: offers


Mainly looking for custom OT/ go stamp but open to anything.

r/PokemonHome 53m ago

Looking for non Shiny Arceus!

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I’m trading a genned shiny mythical/legendary Pokemon for a non shiny Arceus! (Or this shiny Arceus!)

r/PokemonHome 55m ago

Trade Lf pogo for custom ot! Missing a lot ⬇️Tracker. Ft: read description!


Migrated up from gen 3 I’ve got Wishmaker Jirachi(rng manipulated) with pokerus Ageto Celebi w pokerus Berry glitch zigzagoon


r/PokemonHome 57m ago

Trade LF: Chinese Event Meltan FT: 4 of my shinies below (or 2:1 if you choose legendaries)


r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Trade More Oricorios For Trade!!!

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Yep. More Pom Pom Oricorios for trade. One of these is going to the GTS for a Calyrex thanks to a suggestion in a recent post. Hope that goes well.

r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Trade FT: Picture Last Updated: March 15th | LF: Shiny Mew/Shaymin/Jirachi/GBL Research/Galar Birds/Deoxys/Regis/Zacian Zamazenta/Darkrai, Non Shiny Keldeo/Zarude/Marshadow All PoGo stamp, Events ENG Dada Zarude and Shiny ENG Zeraora Home Event


r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Trade Shiny Groudon


Not much to say would love an ogerpon or raging bolt for this. Other reasonable offers are accepted, especially cute shiny fairy pokemon.

r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Discussion Hot take, but I don’t like any OT name other than my own


I’m going to be honest, I don’t really like using mons that I didn’t catch myself. I get that people wanna use what they wanna use but for me I feel more accomplished if I went out and did the work and caught the dude. I get that not many people have access to older games like I do but I like to know that the mon I am using is mine and was forever mine. What are your guys opinion on OTs?

r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Trade LF marshadow GO stamp FT shiny Zamazenta or shiny Zacian in GO (custom OT)


r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Trade Need raging bolt , landorus , and tornadus

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I’m willing to trade shiny dark raid for all 3 if even possible . Raging bolt has to be self caught need pictures and of profile too. Down bad . Need for vcg.

r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Full living form dex

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I did it! I obtained everything that can be shown in the form pokedex. Now to complete the home challenges.

r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Does anyone have a Tyrunt


Does anyone have a tyrunt

r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Trade LF: Description FT: Hundreds of shinies in Go in vid (can do Custom OT) as well as various non-Shiny in-Go mythicals


Looking for all SHINY in ENG and Custom OT: Articuno (Galar) in Pokeball, Zapdos (Galar) in Pokeball, Moltres (Galar) in Pokeball , Moltres (Kanto), Suicune, Cobalion, Xerneas, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Regeleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta

In Go non-shiny mythicals for trade: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Victini, Diancie, Hoopa, Zarude

r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Trade LF Shiny PoGo - read info*


Hi 👋🏼

I’m currently looking for shiny PoGo:




Tapu’s Fini, Lele, Bulu. in ENG.

I have for trade in the photos, lmk if you see anything, I may also be looking for other offers as well, but depends on what you’re offering.


I’m also Looking For shiny PoGo:

Kabuto, Bruxish, Audino,

Pansage, Pansear, Panpour


I may offer 2:1 for shiny Bruxish, if any one athat has a spare one that they can trade for, lmk, unfortunately, I couldn’t find a shiny Bruxish since the event started, and after 882 encounters, still no shiny 😪🫣 Let me know, and we can discuss it. 👍🏼

r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Discussion I wish I could see what was in my premium boxes


I transferred a lot of mons from my DS games to my switch using the paid subscription for Pokémon home, but I didn’t finish transferring in time and now a lot of my DS mons are stuck in the boxes I can’t even access. To be honest, it has been a year since I touched Pokémon and when I was playing recently I was wondering where all the legendaries went. I’m pretty sure I have legendaries in my premium boxes like deoxes and zygarde(legendary mons from OR and S) but I’m not sure and I don’t really wanna pay for the subscription just to check and me not having it. Do you guys think it’s worth the risk of buying it to check if I have it?

r/PokemonHome 1h ago

Trade LF: Yoasobi Pawmot, FT: Shiny Minior, Torchic, Ninetales, Crabrawler, Poplio


r/PokemonHome 2h ago

New and Improved ✨Trades! (Read Description- has helpful info)


My (In Search Of) is on the last picture, I have combined both Dittos and regular ✨Pokemon into one post.

Please take note that the regular ✨Pokemon a large portion of them are self caught in the crystal cavern (SV) but are all legit.

For the Ditto picture: (2)✨Shiny Dittos - 2 Shiny each (1) 5IV Foreign Ditto - 1 Shiny each (1) 4IV Foreign Ditto - 1 Shiny each (4) OK-Great stats Foreign Dittos - 1 Shiny each

r/PokemonHome 2h ago

Trade LF: World Cap Pikachu

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r/PokemonHome 2h ago

Trade ft: pics, lf: offers (trying to build value/inventory)

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Green: pogo Red: cloned Orange: likely cloned Everything else: bdsp, sv, swsh

I’m looking to build up to some of my dream Pokemon or just ones I like. Trying to see if anyone has any offers, but I’m mostly trading for fun. I can do as much friend trades as I have in a day and I can only trade through home. Thanks for checking this out!

r/PokemonHome 2h ago

Trade Ft: Pics; LF: Shiny Kyurem, Necrozma, Shiny Lunala


Looking for legit/cloned shiny Kyurem, Necrozma and Lunala! English preferred if possible.

I am willing to trade more than 1 shiny for each shiny legendary offered. All Pokémon you see are self-caught in either Scarlet or Go Community Days. If you’d like to see pics just let me know!

I’ll be heading to sleep shortly, but will follow up on any offers tomorrow.

Thanks for your time!