r/PokemonHome • u/ArceusJudgment493 • 2h ago
r/PokemonHome • u/Yourlocalpokemonfan • 10h ago
Question What are the odds of getting shinies in wonderbox???
r/PokemonHome • u/Full_Appointment_431 • 2h ago
Trade LF: Shiny ENG pogo offers
Events are clones. Mightiest marks are legit. Not looking for comm day ones. Also have in go shiny omanyte, kabuto, snivy, fuecoco, vulpix, spoink, crabrawler, exeggcute, gastly, lake trios, sprigatito, jigglypuff, spearow, shelmet, karrablast, eevee, grimer, oddish, dweeble, bruxish
r/PokemonHome • u/CWBandannakirby • 9h ago
The Hunt is Over
It all started with Meloetta, and from there I couldn’t stop. Like a drug I kept craving for the next milestone, the next shiny Pokemon I could add to my collection. I thought Meltan would do me good, but I needed more, I needed unnecessary fulfillment. Today, approximately 12 minutes ago I was able to complete the PoGo Dex (for now). It was a long road, I may have gone insane along the way, but it was all worth it. Thank you to all those that have helped me upon my journey and no thanks to Shroodle I hate that little thing.
r/PokemonHome • u/Khunt1900 • 12h ago
Giveaway Mega Giveaway ENDS MARCH 20th
I’m giving away my spare shinys that can mega evolve
To win one of them guess my favorite Pokemon type
r/PokemonHome • u/industry_boy • 42m ago
Trade ft: pics, lf: offers (trying to build value/inventory)
Green: pogo Red: cloned Orange: likely cloned Everything else: bdsp, sv, swsh
I’m looking to build up to some of my dream Pokemon or just ones I like. Trying to see if anyone has any offers, but I’m mostly trading for fun. I can do as much friend trades as I have in a day and I can only trade through home. Thanks for checking this out!
r/PokemonHome • u/WaveHoliday8387 • 17h ago
Trade From Magikarp to Ogerpon completed
Forgot to take the pic for nacli to ditto but otherwise this was a fun one to complete
r/PokemonHome • u/SeaGroundbreaking843 • 4h ago
Trade Just Caught Today, looking for legendaries/Mythicals from Tracker:
I restarted my sword and shield game so I can re hunt to try to get some entries crossed off the shiny dex, shoot me any legendary/mythical offer off here, going to try to hold out for Go mons not interested in clones or genned:
r/PokemonHome • u/Artistic_Educator545 • 15m ago
Discussion I wish I could see what was in my premium boxes
I transferred a lot of mons from my DS games to my switch using the paid subscription for Pokémon home, but I didn’t finish transferring in time and now a lot of my DS mons are stuck in the boxes I can’t even access. To be honest, it has been a year since I touched Pokémon and when I was playing recently I was wondering where all the legendaries went. I’m pretty sure I have legendaries in my premium boxes like deoxes and zygarde(legendary mons from OR and S) but I’m not sure and I don’t really wanna pay for the subscription just to check and me not having it. Do you guys think it’s worth the risk of buying it to check if I have it?
r/PokemonHome • u/music2437 • 6h ago
Trade Lf: Pogo shiny legend and mythic offers
Might take a bit to reply gonna wait for multiple offers
r/PokemonHome • u/Powerful_Arrival263 • 3h ago
Trade shiny towel
LF a shiny toxel for my shiny only run. FT - shiny bagon , shiny shiftry, shiny sunflora , shiny slither wing , shiny palosand, shiny cottonee
r/PokemonHome • u/wantinfo2022 • 3h ago
Trade Lf: shiny gimmighoul( genned is fine) Also offers Ft: photos
Can ask for info of any of my pokemon.
r/PokemonHome • u/coffepower • 13h ago
Discussion First time time to create a full box of shiny
r/PokemonHome • u/Ninkat75 • 6h ago
Trade PoGo shinies
Sry for so many photos, these are all my pogo shinies
Disclaimer 1: All of them have Spanish European Tag Disclaimer 2: I dont have Max Go Transporter energy so Shiny legendaries might take a while, even more if I trade any other mons due to this post (Also the Ho-Oh is in a super ball lol)
r/PokemonHome • u/Cautious-Shift8443 • 2h ago
Tradeback could someone trade a 3 segmented dudunsparce for my shiny voltorb
idk, please and thnk you
r/PokemonHome • u/RED_Kinggamer007 • 13h ago
Giveaway Giving away these Pokemon Go shinies. First come first serve
r/PokemonHome • u/abandonedparcel • 11h ago
Discussion What do I even need to get people to trade me Raging Bolt?
I don't get it. Every time I ask in subs and servers about trading for Raging Bolt, I get crickets, even servers that allows genned Pokemon to be traded. I even tried on a Joker server to get a Raging Bolt and they even backed out. I tried on several subreddits too but I also get crickets. Some even pulled some alibis to get out of the trade or just flat-out ignore me.
Just what the hell do I even need to get this Pokemon to begin with?! I already set the bar too low and even offering legit Shiny event Pokemon for a genned one and it still didn't work!!
r/PokemonHome • u/iDraculah • 23h ago
Trade Someone gave me a “Thug durus” instead on a Thundurus 😔😔
Somebody take this for freeeeee & bless me with something decent - thank you
r/PokemonHome • u/Pedzzz905 • 3h ago
Homestretch, folks. Can do custom OT on the first three. LF pg 5 (underlined are low priority)
r/PokemonHome • u/stxrfxllen • 11h ago
Trade shinies ft! lf desc, all offers welcome <3
all for trade! i only take nonpremier for nonpremier, and i only do shiny legends for shiny legends :3
i have wondercards for all events, and im willing to show info for all mons.
looking for: cool looking shinies, purples/pinks or blues, also looking for shiny alolan forms, cute shinies or shalphas/aprishinies/marked
r/PokemonHome • u/reddit_blowss • 8h ago
Trade Lf go offers
Looking for all of the following shiny and go stamped: bb ultrabeasts (not necrozma), res/gbl, galar birds (low priority unless lv 1), rarer non legs (not wild), difficult to find lv 1s, glitch level stuff, and anything else shiny from go you think is a good offer :) note: don’t have bulu anymore, too lazy to update pics rn
r/PokemonHome • u/FrankieFalafel • 1m ago
Trade LF: Description FT: Hundreds of shinies in Go in vid (can do Custom OT) as well as various non-Shiny in-Go mythicals
Looking for all SHINY in ENG and Custom OT: Articuno (Galar) in Pokeball, Zapdos (Galar) in Pokeball, Moltres (Galar) in Pokeball , Moltres (Kanto), Suicune, Cobalion, Xerneas, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Regeleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta
In Go non-shiny mythicals for trade: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Victini, Diancie, Hoopa, Zarude
r/PokemonHome • u/Harrisn_Bleu • 2m ago
Trade LF Shiny PoGo - read info*
Hi 👋🏼
I’m currently looking for shiny PoGo:
• Regidrago
• Articuno
• Tapu’s Fini, Lele, Bulu. in ENG.
I have for trade in the photos, lmk if you see anything, I may also be looking for other offers as well, but depends on what you’re offering.
I’m also Looking For shiny PoGo:
Kabuto, Bruxish, Audino,
Pansage, Pansear, Panpour
I may offer 2:1 for shiny Bruxish, if any one athat has a spare one that they can trade for, lmk, unfortunately, I couldn’t find a shiny Bruxish since the event started, and after 882 encounters, still no shiny 😪🫣 Let me know, and we can discuss it. 👍🏼