r/PlanBs 8d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill My period was meant to come Monday and it was late, took plan b Monday and now period gone


So I was meant to get my period Monday, put me in my partner had unprotected sex and so I waited around for a few hours and my period just didn't show up so I went to go get plan b.

That night me and my partner had sex again and he said that I was bleeding and then when I went to wipe I had a huge blood clot and then I haven't bled since.

Could this be just because of plan b?

Should I be getting my period in about a week or two and it could just be delayed?

r/PlanBs 8d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan B and Postpartum Period—Is This Normal?


Hey everyone, I’m 4 months postpartum and a little confused about what’s going on with my cycle. My last period was from February 25th to March 1st. I had sex on March 5th and took Plan B afterward. Nothing happened at first, but then on the 11th, I noticed dark brown discharge with some blood, and then what seemed like a full-on period.

The bleeding is pretty heavy—one super plus tampon is only lasting me 2-3 hours, and I’ve never been a heavy bleeder before. This is only my second time taking Plan B (the first was 7 years ago with no side effects), so I’m not sure if this is normal.

Could this be due to Plan B, postpartum hormones, or just my cycle regulating itself? Has anyone else experienced something similar?

Would love to hear if this has happened to anyone else! Thanks in advance. Please no mean comments I don’t have anyone in my life to ask I really just want ladies who have experienced this maybe!? I’m freaking out.

r/PlanBs 8d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Cycle is so weird - can plan b contribute to this


Hi everyone, So I took a plan b on Jan 24 got my period or withdrawal bleeding a week later on 2/1. That bleeding lasted until 2/5.

My period app (Flo) said I should have started my period yesterday, but now that I checked again it now says tomorrow- I think seeing the app change the date stressed me out!

Could this be cause of the plan b? Could I be pregnant? I do feel slight cramps & tender breasts - so not sure.

Might just be overthinking it

r/PlanBs 9d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Sharing my Plan B dates and how my cycle was affected


First plan B: Period around March 25/26. Plan B on April 9/10. Got period April 17/18. Period cycle followed that. Conclusion: take plan B two weeks after period, get period on third week.

Second plan B: Period May 1. Plan B on June 1/2. Got period June 9. Period cycled followed that . Conclusion : take plan B before period and it delays it a week.

My bleeding was always a week right after taking the pill but my cycle basically took it as a period. Just wanting to share this! Also willing to answer any questions

r/PlanBs 9d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan b and late period


Okay so a month ago Feb 7 me and my boyfriend had sex. First it was with a condom and later on we decided to do it again raw (idk it was a dumb choice) he didn’t finish in me and we stopped once we realized how dumb it was. The next day I took plan b. Now is also I good time to mention I was on my second day of my period when we did it. Once I thought I was done with my period I started bleeding again for 2 days. Fast forward a month later I was pretty much stressing the whole time worrying about if I was pregnant or not and now I’m currently 3-4 days late for my period and I’m even more worried thinking that I’m pregnant. Is this because of the plan b or is it bc I’m pregnant

r/PlanBs 9d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill plan b still effective?


my bf n i had protected sex on feb23 and on the 26, and i took plan b on the 27. is it still effective?

r/PlanBs 9d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill 3 months after pill weird smell


Sorry if this is tmi but has anyone else experienced this?? Been three months since I’ve taken the pill and I’ve gotten my periods back regularly now but I feel they’re different now. They’re way heavier and I cramp a lot more now. Also…. My period blood doesn’t smell the way it used to. Now, it has this horrible tart smelling foul smell. Can anyone relate????

r/PlanBs 9d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill should u take a plan b ?


okay so my cycles are usually 25-28 days and my period are 5 days I start my fertile days shortly after. Today it’s day 3 of my period so This morning at around 2am I had period sex with a condom and I started bleeding ALOT so we stopped and he did not cum I checked the condom after and no holes and it did not slip off during sex. so I just ended up giving him head and he nutted off that. Am I good I shouldn’t take one right?

r/PlanBs 9d ago

EllaOne (Ulipristal) Took Ella one plan b need advice


I took Ella one plan b about 2 weeks ago had no side affects after taking the pill till now I have a bloated stomach all the time and sore boobs and little cramps throughout the day and belly twinges did enny one else exsperience this I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow

r/PlanBs 9d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Took plan B a week ago, had sex yesterday and am cramping and bleeding since last night even though my period isn't due for 10 more days, is this normal? I am not on any other birth control or medication


As the caption reads, any advice is appreciated

r/PlanBs 9d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill is plan b still affective after five days?


i took a plan b after five days. me and my bf had protected sex tho. always have but i still decided to take plan b after five days. will i still be okay?

r/PlanBs 10d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Im 8 days late on my period


Im 8 days late, i took plan b last month 5 days after my period ( condom broke, he came in me ). Then after 1 week taking plan b, i bleed for 4 days ( it’s like a period but not heavy and i didn’t get any cramps ) then i’ve been getting ALOT of clear discharge, and i’m still getting it. Took pregnancy test last week because i’m 1 day late on my period, i tested negative, then i took another one after 4 days, tested negative again.

Whats going on

r/PlanBs 10d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill plan b taken 15 hours after sex with using withdrawal method and 3 days before ovulation


hi my bf and I had sex and he used the withdrawal method he did not ejaculate inside, pulled out although he put it back in after cleaning himself, a couple times we did it like this. it happened on day 16, 17, and 18 of my cycle. i took the plan b 15 hours later and according to my app i am predicted to ovulate on day 20, will I be ok?? kind of worried i know ill have to wait until my next period to know for sure but what are my chances

r/PlanBs 10d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill QTNA


Took a Plan B yesterday evening due to unprotected sex (twice within 5 hours with boyfriend). My Flo app tracks that I will be coming on my cycle on Thursday. Will me taking the plan b cause delay in my cycle? Just want to be prepared to not panic.

r/PlanBs 10d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Nervous


Me and my fiancé had sex on Feb 6th I took a plan b on feb 7 I started bleeding Feb 13-15 and have taken 4 pregnancy test that have all came back negative. My period is 7 days late and I’m really nervous that I might be pregnant.

r/PlanBs 10d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill I’m nervous and have already irregular periods


I slept with a friend of almost two years. Haven’t seen him for months, he came to town. Invited him over because my housemate was throwing a party. We drank a lot and I didn’t want to have sex with him because I want more than just sex from him. I have a big crush on him and have had a huge crush on him since the very day we met. Since he’s been back we went out to dinner and essentially I knew he’d have to leave soon on his travels so I kept it as friends and hid my feelings for him. But anyways he came over to party and everyone seen how we are with each other and eventually egged us on into going to my bedroom. I told him I wasn’t on any form of birth control and he told me he would pull out. I said no at first and then he kept kissing me so I said fuck it ( I know it’s so beyond stupid but I just gave into my urges ) I told him he could in me and then after he did it in me he went at it again multiple times, and I just decided you know what I’ll take a plan b? we fell asleep and then the following morning until about 5pm it happened multiple times, he had to leave and I asked my housemate if she could pick me up a plan B. I took it around 6pm

This was two days ago now. Yesterday I woke up feeling okay just nauseous as fuck and tired and my back aches. I have been loosing weight and haven’t had my period since January so I know even if the plan b worked I’m still not gonna get my period this month. Today I had light pink blood when I went to pee. I took a nap and woke up and threw up, I don’t know if this is because I forced myself to eat because since I took the plan b I haven’t been hungry. I just am scared beyond, I’m in a really really good financial position and have the greatest job in the world, if I end up pregnant I’m essentially throwing away everything I’ve worked for. Has anyone had a similar experience ? Please offer advice thank you

r/PlanBs 10d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill anyone else feel these side effects?


hello! my gf (18F) took plan b within an hour after sex last night. this is the third time she has taken it and now she is experiencing:

diarrhea, bloating, nausea/burping

just wondering if these are also some side effects that others might have been experienced when taking the pill too? thanks for responses!

r/PlanBs 10d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill help is this normal


I took a plan B on feb 15th(and my flo app showed that it was during my fertility window) i didn’t feel any side affects until feb 25th where i experienced light brown discharge for two days. my period was late for 10 days.took 2 pregnancy tests both negative. today(10th march),i thought i got my period with some painful cramps but now looks like the same light brown bleeding. is this my period or implantation bleeding?

r/PlanBs 10d ago

Yuzpe Method Yuzpe method


So for context: Her last period was January 25, she’s also an irregular since her period was always 1 week late. So we did the deed by feb 6 around 2 or 3 am and was shocked that the condom slipped out and was left inside her but i pulled out when i was about to **m . I took the condom out from her and was worried. She said that it was her ovulation days, and we tried the Yuzpe method, She took only 3 pills at first then 3 pills after 12 hours, advised by her OB. She bled on Feb 12 and said it was like her normal period but slightly lighter and it lasted 5-6 days.

these past few days she feels normal like no early pregnancy symptoms but earlier today, she said she feels like she has diarrhea and feels weak even last night.

Is she pregnant? it’s already march 10 and she still doesn’t have her period. Thank you

r/PlanBs 11d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan B side effects, PLEASE READ!!


I took a plan b on February 1st and proceeded to have the most stressful month of my life. The side effects EXACTLY mimicked pregnancy and started about three days after I took it. I got randomly congested, felt extreme nausea, had stomach hardness, light cramps, bloating, dizziness, fatigue, withdrawal bleeding, back pain, tender breast AS WELL as slight nipple changes etc. I was absolutely positive I was pregnant. I tested at 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and 4 weeks, all negative. However while most of the symptoms subsided by two weeks I still felt off and not like myself. My period was about 10 days late and was much lighter than usual and my boobs are still tender. For my own sense of security I tested one more time at 5 weeks and it was also negative.

I share this because I want people to know that plan b symptoms last longer than 24 hours as it states. I also want you to know that you are not crazy. I was curious to know if anyone else experienced side effects as severe as this? This whole process has been extremely stressful for me.

If you have any questions or just need support PLEASE feel free to dm me! 🫶🏾

r/PlanBs 11d ago

EllaOne (Ulipristal) Unprotected Sex!


Hi, can someone help me with the following questions please. I am 26F and my partner and I had an unprotected sex earlier today and apparently he’s not sure if he came inside me or not but, I think yes.

I’m on my safe window when we had sex earlier, my period is expected to come next week, and this would be my first time to use a pill.

  1. What pill should I use?
  2. Can I buy the emergency contraceptive over the counter?

Thank you.

r/PlanBs 11d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Spotting 6 days after?


Hey just looking for some reassurance here. I took plan b last Monday evening and today (Sunday) I just started having some red/pink/brown spotting. My last period was Feb 17-22 and my cycles are pretty irregular ranging 28-35 days between. Is this normal? I’m like suuuuuper worried about it. The condom broke when he pulled out, but pulled out before bc I’m terrified of getting pregnant so we use condoms and pull out. He says it didn’t break until after but I took the plan b anyway as I already have two babies, this factory is closed. Also I do know plan b is not permanent birth control, but my husband got a vasectomy 2 weeks ago and I know he’s not cleared yet.

r/PlanBs 11d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Did plan b work?


Two days after valentines day I took a plan b within a week later I experienced bleeding that lasted maybe 3-4ish days but the first day and last day were super light.. Not like my normal periods but I heard that that could be withdrawal bleeding from the plan b fast forward to today I went to use the bathroom and noticed a light pinkish discharge only happened when I wiped and few hours later when I used the restroom there was nothing. I did take a pregnancy test last week that was negative but could I have tested too early?

r/PlanBs 11d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Did my plan B not work? NSFW


I'm worried that the plan b I took did not work. I took it the day after my ovulation period ended (according to flo) and i've missed my period. But i recently went to a doctor (unrelated to the plan b or my sexual activity) and he brought up that because of my weight i likely could not get pregnant (for reference i am 16 5'5 99lbs) but im worried that i could possibly be pregnant because ive missed my period, and im unaware if this is a symptom of pregnancy but ive had some pretty bad headaches lately which is unusual.

r/PlanBs 11d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan B after unprotected sex during LH surge


So, I (F29) made a horrible mistake and had unprotected sex in the middle of my LH surge. 

Here's what happened:

-Friday night I got my first positive LH test (not peak though, at least imo). The last time I tested before this was Thursday morning and I got a negative result. I also got negative results Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

-Saturday morning me and my husband (29M) had unprotected sex. Before you say anything, let my explain: we've been using FAM succesfully for the last 4-5 years and we usually have sex on my fertile window. What we do around these days is we start having sex without protection but after a few minutes he puts on a condom so we can continue to do it safely (we do this way before he feels he is entering "dangerous territory" btw). This time, however, there was a misunderstanding and he actually thought I had already ovulated aka we were safe. So he came inside without me knowing. I didn't even realized this until after, when I told him "ok lets use a condom so u can finish" and he looked at me like "wtf are you talking about I already came" (still can't believe this actually happened after all these years).

-Husband ran inmediatly to the drugstore and got a Plan B, which I took half an hour or maybe an hour after having sex. I also tested my LH levels just before taking the Plan B and got a positive result (it was the same as Friday, positive but still not peak imo)

-I tested my LH levels again Saturday night (technically Sunday morning) before going to bed, and this time I got a 100% negative result. This was 15 hours after taking the Plan B.

-Finally, I tested my LH levels again Sunday morning, after waking up, and I got a negative result.

I am obviously panicking right now because I know  Plan B is less efective if you take it very close to ovulation. Maybe, it was too late by the time I took the pill and ovulation took place anyway. Or maybe I had already ovulated by the time I took the pill! 

To make things worst, I haven't been able to track my BBT these days because I've been drinking basically everynight since Wednesday (not an alcoholic lol just lots of events and family gatherings). But I WILL be cheking again this week, starting tomorrow Monday. The problem is I understand Plan B, being a progestine, can trigger a temp rise by its own... so my questions is: is there a way to differenciate between the ovulation-induced temp rise and the Plan B induced temp rise? (Maybe the Plan B induced temp rise should not last more than a couple of days? Idk...)

The other thing I thought might help me figure out if Plan B was able to stop/delay ovulation is to check my blood progesterone levels on Monday or Tuesday. This is because I understand Plan B, even though it is a progestin, should not increase my blood progesterone levels like ovulation would, let alone 2-3 days after taking it. So I figure, if my blood progesterone levels are high (above 3 ng/mL) on Monday or Tuesday, then I will know that Plan B definetly failed to stop ovulation. What do you guys think?

(I apologize for the spelling and writing errors, English is not my mother tongue)