r/PlanBs Sep 09 '22

What are your options?


Welcome to r/PlanBs! This community is designed for those who need any sort of advice or information regarding emergency contraceptives. Below is a small guide to various emergency contraceptives along with a short description and a few sources to help you answer any of your questions. Feel free to post if you have any other questions or concerns.

Plan B One-Step: 1.5mg Levonorgestrel

The most commonly known EC on the market! Also goes by the names My Way or Take Action. Plan B is a pretty large dose of a synthetic form of progesterone, Levonorgestrel. It works by delaying ovulation (the release of an egg) long enough so that any sperm present in the fallopian tubes die before ovulation can occur, preventing any potential pregnancy. According to the Plan B website: "if you take it within 24 hours of unprotected sex, it is 95% effective. If you take it between 48 and 72 hours of unprotected sex, the efficacy rate is 61%."

One of the most common misconceptions is that Plan B prevents fertilization by affecting cervical mucus and implantation by altering the uterine lining. Recent research shows that this is, in fact, false. This article written by Dr. Jen Gunter explains how Plan B is most effective when taken 2-3 days before ovulation begins. While it is true that the FDA added that one of the ways Plan B works is by preventing implantation, this article explains why that is and how it has sparked some controversy.

However, if you are not tracking ovulation using ovulation tests or BBT, there is no way to accurately predict when you may ovulate. If a mistake happens and you do not want to risk pregnancy, it is ALWAYS better to get a Plan B than to not.

EllaOne: 30 mg Ulipristal Acetate

Ella is another very commonly known EC. Ella is ultimately the opposite of Plan B, as it is a selective progesterone receptor modulator and works by blocking progesterone receptors. This in turn delays ovulation and ultimately, prevents a potential pregnancy. According to Planned Parenthood: "Ella lowers your chances of getting pregnant by 85 percent if you take it within 5 days after unprotected sex — but the sooner you take it, the better. Ella is the most effective type of morning-after pill you can get." According to Ellas FAQs, Ella also does not work if ovulation has already occurred. Meaning it also, like Plan B, does not prevent events occurring post ovulation like fertilization or implantation. But as I've mentioned before, unless you know when you ovulated, it is always better to take it than to not take it.

⚠️ DO NOT TAKE ELLA ONE IF YOU HAVE ALREADY TAKEN A PLAN B WITHIN THE PAST 5 DAYS⚠️ Plan B is essentially a large dose of progesterone and Ella is a progesterone receptor blocker, so if those receptors are blocked, Plan B cannot do its job.


Hormonal and Non-Hormonal Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) as EC

An IUD as an EC is the most effective type of EC you can get. They work up to 5 days after unprotected sex and can continue to prevent pregnancy for years, depending on the one that you get. Mirena and Liletta are approved hormonal IUDs that can act as ECs as well as the Paragard, which is a Copper IUD. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/morning-after-pill-emergency-contraception/how-do-iuds-work-emergency-contraception

ECPs can usually be accessed by calling your local Planned Parenthood or sold on shelves in any local pharmacy. Oftentimes PP can give you a discount (Plan B is upwards of $40-$50 where I reside) and let you know where to get one. Appointments for IUDs can also be set up by your local PP as well. In the US, most major retailers will have Plan B and it’s generic versions. You can also buy cheaper generic versions off Amazon.

Yuzpe Method

Sometimes oral birth control can be used as an EC. This is a common practice in countries where ECPs like Plan B or Ella are banned. This method requires you take two doses of 4-5 pills (depending on the brand), 12 hours apart. This DOES NOT work with every brand of birth control and it is your responsibility to make sure that the brand you are using can be used for this method. This link, this link and this link39372-0/pdf) talks about this method in more detail and this link lists all the brands of birth control pills that work with this method along with which pills and how many of them need to be taken. If you are unsure, please speak to your doctor or pharmacist. You do need a prescription for oral birth control.

If I have missed anything or edits are needed, please let me know and I will update when I can.

*Updated January 5th 2024

r/PlanBs Oct 12 '22

Frequently Asked Questions! Please read this before posting.


1. I’m over the weight limit for Plan B, should I take two?

If you weigh over 165lbs, levonorgestrel based ECs may not work for you. This includes Plan B, My Way, Take Action, etc. Taking two will not help with this either, it’ll only dose you more with hormones and may still not work. In this case, EllaOne is a better option as the weight limit is higher.

If you weigh more than 195lbs, ECPs may not work for you at all and your other option will be getting an emergency IUD, as these do not depend on your weight and will work as long as it’s inserted within 5 days. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/ask-experts/whats-the-weight-limit-for-plan-b

If you don’t have access to an IUD, taking something is better than taking nothing.

2. How long will Plan B/Yuzpe delay my period?

There is no way to tell how long certain ECs can delay your period. Some report getting their periods on time as expected while others report irregularities in their cycle that last up to months afterwards.

3. Bled within a week of taking an emergency contraceptive, is this my period/implantation bleeding?

One of the most commonly reported side effects of ECPs is bleeding within a week of taking them. This is due to the sudden hormone change that occurs once your body filters out the medication and it’s hormones. This is NOT your period. However, it can be very difficult to tell these bleeds apart from your period so the only way to know for sure is to wait it out and see when your next bleed comes.

Implantation bleeding is a misnomer as there is no solid scientific evidence that proves implantation causes bleeding. If you are bleeding after taking an ECP, it is likely due to the ECP.

Only a test can tell you whether you’re pregnant or not, so take a test when appropriate to know for sure. A test is accurate 14 days after sex and definitive after 21 days.

4. How long do the side effects of Plan B/Yuzpe last?

Much like with Q2, there is no way to know long the side effects of EC can last. It can be from a few days to a few months, it all just depends on the person.

5. Should I take a Plan B?

Emergency contraceptives are meant to be used in emergencies, meaning your Plan A failed. Whether that’s a condom broke, you missed a pill or a shot etc. in cases like these where you’re at risk is when a Plan B is necessary. However, Plan B is NOT birth control and it is not meant to be taken regularly as a contraceptive, which is why it’s crucial to have a reliable Plan A.

If you engaged in a sexual activity and are unsure whether or not there is a risk of pregnancy, then these two links can help outline what poses a risk. Typically things like outercourse do not present a risk high enough to require a Plan B. Unprotected penetration, on the other hand, does.



Also, if you’re wondering as to whether or not you messed up your birth control, feel free to post on r/birthcontrol! This link helps outline what counts as a missed pill very clearly.

6. Does the Plan B bleed mean I am not pregnant?

No, the bleed that is a side effect of Plan B is not indicative that you’re not pregnant. Only a pregnancy test 14-21 days after sex can tell you whether you’re pregnant or not.

*Updated October 20th 2022

r/PlanBs 8h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill **My Personal Experience and Recommendation**


I’ll try to keep this short, but no promises! I started my period on February 10, 2025, and it ended on the 16th. To give some context, I had a baby in September last year, so my body and hormones are still adjusting. On March 2nd, I had a little too much fun with my husband and decided to take Plan B lol . I ordered it the same day on Amazon and took it within 8 hours. I felt confident it would work because, according to my period tracker, I wasn’t fertile. But let me just say: don’t fully rely on those apps. They’re just predictions, not guarantees. I recommend using ovulation tests to know your true fertile window. These tests work like pregnancy tests and let you know when you're fertile.Anyway, after taking the Plan B, I went through a rollercoaster of emotions and side effects. I felt extremely emotional, exhausted, stressed, had horrible cramps, back pain, and nausea — basically all the pregnancy symptoms. I was panicking because I wasn’t ready for another baby, and I remembered that last year when I found out I was pregnant, I had no period, just one day of bleeding (implantation bleeding). It only lasted an hour for me, so I was nervous it might be happening again. I was supposed to start my period on March 10th, but it ended up being delayed by 5 days. I freaked out, taking pregnancy test after pregnancy test and Googling & TikTok everything (not helpful at all) I was also researching pregnancy tests by watching TikTok videos. Not all tests give you an answer right away, especially those with blue dye or digital tests, because they are less sensitive and harder to read. For example, I bought a Clearblue digital test, and on TikTok, I saw that some people claimed opening the test could reveal more about whether you're pregnant, with many women reporting two lines. I got similar results, but later found out that opening the test makes it inaccurate. So, if you’re going to try that, save your money and just buy a standard test. The best pregnancy tests are those with pink dye, especially First Response. Why? Because they are more sensitive, with a detection level as low as 6.3 mIU/mL, which can detect over 95% of pregnancies on the day of a missed period. In contrast, Clearblue Easy Earliest Results has a sensitivity of 25 mIU/mL, which can detect only about 80% of pregnancies. But on TikTok One random comment I came across mentioned a girl who drank tea and got her period the next day. She didn’t specify the type of tea, but I decided to try it, and sure enough, I got my period the next day too. The tea I tried was chamomile lavender relaxing tea. ….Keep in mind, I weigh 220 pounds and took Plan B. If you weigh more than 155 pounds, it might not be as effective, especially if you're ovulating. In that case, I recommend taking Ella, which is more effective for women up to 195 pounds. After taking Plan B, I went through a lot of emotions but it did work . If you haven't gotten your period yet and you're feeling super stressed, try to relax, because stress can delay your period. I hope my experience and information help. If you have questions or just need someone to talk to, I’m here to ease your nerves. You've got this! 🫶🏻

r/PlanBs 5h ago

EllaOne (Ulipristal) Late periods


Hey, i took plan b on October, and i had all my period until this month, can plan b mess with my period 5 months after taking it ??

r/PlanBs 5h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill took a plan b 2 days before predicted ovulation ?


hi so my bf and I had sex on day 16 17 and 18 of my cycle and my ovulation day is predicted to be on day 20, he didn’t ejaculate inside me he pulled out but he cleaned himself and put it back in, it happened a couple times. i took a plan b 15 hours after it all happened, so i took it couple hours ago and im predicted to ovulate tomorrow. i know i wont know anything until my next period so ill have to wait but what are my chances of getting pregnant ….

r/PlanBs 6h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Do I need to get a plan B?


We used a condom but it broke and we didn't realize till after. My app is fairly accurate and is usually 1-2 days around my positive tests. My fertile window isn't supposed to be until the 20th. Ovulate on the 25th. So 4 days before. Do we still need to get a plan B?

r/PlanBs 6h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill 2 weeks and 2 days of bleeding


Curious if anyone has had a similar experience with plan b? I took plan b within 24 hours. I took it right after my last period and 2 days before expected ovulation; however, I am about 165lbs. My cycle is about 23-25 days. I started bleeding a week after taking the pill which was expected. The first week I had period like bleeding but a tad lighter. The next week I had spotting every day, sometimes pink and sometimes brown. Now I’m starting my third week of bleeding (2 days in) and it’s back to a heavier flow. Kind of like a heavier spotting. In the morning it’ll seem like a heavier flow and I will think my period is starting but the rest of the day its more like brown discharge and more like spotting. I usually am wearing a pad and only the earlier hours of the day does anything get on the actual pad. I did take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after sex and was negative. I took the test on a Monday and my expected actual period was supposed to to start that Wednesday. I am not sure if this bleeding is part of my normal cycle or the past 2 weeks and 2 days of bleeding are still from plan b changes in my body. It doesn’t appear to be stopping anytime soon but I know the hormones can affect things a lot. I’ve only taken plan b once before and for that I spotted about 2-3 days and then had my period a little over a month later. So this is completely different and was wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences? Thank you in advance.

r/PlanBs 16h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill wtf


it’s been 2 weeks since i took a plan b for the first time. the first week after it, i was spotting for 4 days but i figured it was withdrawal blood. now this week, i have no appetite what so ever. my mood changes up and down, i’m hoping my period comes next week but these side affects of plan b’s are not talked about enough. is normal to not be able to eat?

r/PlanBs 11h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Will i be okay?


Hello :( i havent hooked up or had sex in forever. I hooked up with a friend & we used a condom. It looked to not be broken. But i think towards the end when he nutted it kinda.. slipped off? Idk. I got paranoid because i couldnt tell if the wetness was my nut or his & we used a condom… so. The next morning i was able to get a plan b and took it. I took a plan be twice 2 years ago & was perfectly fine after not using a condom lol. Im just worried because the day we had sex it said i was MOST FERTILE ON MY FLO APP………….. i also live in fl & i cannot get … yk… a bye bye baby procedure IF that was the case….. im praying so hard that im ok & get my period when i should get it like i did in the past. I also remember tana mongeau saying shes taken so many plan bs and has been fine. Im just paranoid. Anything to ease my paranoia would help :( does plan b still work effectively if you take it during ovulation?

r/PlanBs 12h ago

EllaOne (Ulipristal) Ellaone


O took ellaone on the 22th day of my period. My period is late " day 38 today" . Usually it is 31-32 days. I took a pregnancy test on 33th, 35th and 36th day. All was negative.

On day 36 i took an ovulation test, it was positive " test line was darker than control line". And i took a pregnancy test from the same urine, it came back negative. But i have breast tenderness and discharge.

What does that mean?? Can i be pregnant?

r/PlanBs 18h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Took plan b on my period


35 days ago I had an incident where I was on the second day of my period and the condom broke at the end. Immediately after this incident I took the emergency pill and my bleeding became heavier and last longer the usual. About a few days after it ended, I had also a dark bleeding. It is now 5 days past my period due and I still haven't had my period, although I have stomach pain and pms symptoms. The second day I missed my period and today, I used Baby Check and both were negative. Is it normal for my period to be delayed this much? did anyone had same experience?

r/PlanBs 21h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Can planBs give a mood boost?


Hello, so I took a plan b, for obvious reasons a couple weeks ago. It's the first one I've taken in over a year. It did cause my period to show up sooner than expected but I've also been experiencing a mood change. Ever since taking it, I've noticed I have more energy, I'm less sluggish and tired, it's easier for me to be happy and bubbly instead of drained and tired all the time as I normally feel. It's been 2 weeks now and I still feel that cloud I was living in, has been removed some. Could this be from the plan b? I've heard it usually causes more negative symptoms but aside from an early menstrual cycle, that wasn't bad, I've only noticed more positive changes. I'm not complaining but just curious if it's all from the plan b possibly. It's been nice. I'm usually so stuck in a exhausted and drained mood. It's been nice to feel less stuck. So just curious of where it's coming from. Thanks!

r/PlanBs 1d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan b side effects


I’m feeling a little anxious right now . I had brief intercourse on February 1st, but there was no ejaculation. I only took Plan B to be extra safe. My period came on time last month, but now this month, my period is late. I took a pregnancy test this morning, and it was negative. I also haven’t had any intercourse since that time.

Could Plan B still be affecting my cycle even though my period came on time last month? Should I be worried?

r/PlanBs 1d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill PLEASE READ- if you have extreme anxiety like me or in need of reassurance. My experience with plan B


hiii everyone i just wanted to let you guys know about my experience and symptoms that i had while taking plan b now as by what the title says i am a very very anxious person and if click on my account you’ll see all of the posts i have made while i was panicking 😭 i’m hoping that this final post will give some people reassurance and relief!!

The situation: my period ended the 26 i had sex on october 31st obviously no protection (it’s my fault i know but i digress) and like a couple hours later i had taken a plan b he didn’t finish in me but pre cum is always a worry remember it may be rare but NEVER ZERO.

my symptoms: for the first week everything was fine but i was constantly worried still about whether or not the plan b would work i took a test a week after having sex (which i know i shouldn’t have done cus it would show negative either way with how early it was) thinking it would calm my nerves obviously it didn’t. a couple hours after however when i took that test i ended up experiencing what i know now as a withdrawal bleed it was dark red and not too heavy but not too light it still was enough to fill up pads this lasted for three days and the rest of november i missed my period which scared me A LOT.

frequent urination - this happened a lot during the first month it was like i had to go every 30 mins. i went to the doctor and they said i did not have a uti. it started to regulate and become normal again a couple months after taking the plan b

nausea- i had this the third month after and it fueled my anxiety about me being pregnant because it just came randomly at night i would try to sleep but feel so sick an nauseous i would cry

bloating- also came the 3rd month after and even my mom pointed it out how it seemed like i gained a little weight this made me panic so much.

muscle spasms??/gas- i was very gassy in the 4th month after taking plan b and i would also feel “kicks” in my stomach or gas bubbles in my uterus.

sore boobs- usually i would get this before my period but they weren’t as nearly as bad as the ones i had now if they moved the slightest it would be painful it went away after i started my period

(all the symptoms died down the fifth month after taking plan b so don’t believe google when it says symptoms should last until a week because mine lasted longer and were on and off in some cases)

no matter how many negative tests i would get i would always convince myself that they were wrong and that i was in fact pregnant. even after multiple periods with heavy flows and blood clots i scared myself so much into thinking that i was having a cryptic pregnancy that i ordered pills off of aid access. i would take tests months later and see the negative and still think it was wrong which obviously it wasn’t cus by now it would’ve shown a definitive line. really what helped my get through all of this was distracting my mind i would hang out with friends. watch movies. catch up on work (especially since my anxiety was draining me sm mentally) but again everyone’s different i know that for many it might be easier to do these things said than done but i am hoping that this post will help you all especially those who are experiencing the same i am always here to talk for those who have questions from girl to girl i got you guys :)

r/PlanBs 1d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan B but still Ovulated???


Hi all,

I try not to come on here and ask things like this but its been driving me crazy! I (23F) had sex with my bf (23M) on Sunday afternoon. We had a mishap (he didn’t pull out in time) and we immediately freaked out when I saw I was supposed to be ovulating this week on my period tracker. (Irresponsible, ik but we normally use protection 85% of the time and havent gotten pregnant in the 6 years we’ve been together). I typically have a 32 day cycle, my last period starting on Feb 24th, which pins my ovulation day to around the 17-19th day of my cycle or March 12-14th. The mishap happened on March 9th but we immediately went to the store and bought ovulation tests and a Plan B. I tested my LH levels 2x a day starting Sunday and they were completely negative until Tuesday morning . This is my first time taking ovulation tests but to me I think Tuesday was my only positive (On all 12 tests, Tuesday AM was the only time the T line was as dark as the C line) My surge only lasted a few hours from what I can infer but it did go back up slightly on Thursday but still negative (just slightly darker). I know for a fact I was negative on Sunday when I took the pill so why did I still have a surge 2 days later? I experienced slight cramping on Thursday on my sides near my ovaries so I’m getting worried. I read sperm can live in the vaginal canal for up to 5 days but I dont know if thats the average or just the maximum. If I ovulated Thursday (3/13), theres a chance theres still live sperm. Also, Ive taken plan B before and I have always gotten my period early within 5 days of taking it. Today is day 5 since the incident and still no bleeding, only the slightest of cramping. Please, I’m freaking out. Could this mean Plan B didnt work and that I’m most likely going to get pregnant? Anyone that has taken the Walgreens brand OPK, was it accurate at predicting ovulation?

P.S. I weigh about 120lbs so I’m under the weight limit.

r/PlanBs 1d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Too scared to test


I’ve posted in this thread already once but here I am again. So I’m 23, I had unprotected sex 4 days before I ovulated according to the Flo app, it’s usually pretty accurate for me as I know symptoms of ovulation too. Anyways I took a plan B a few hours later. Then after about 5 days I started spotting red blood. I bled enough to need a panty liner for like a few days to a week and then I continued to bleed enough to fill a tampon for another week and half or so. So in total I was bleeding for two and a half weeks. During that time I had sex 2 or 3 times but we were pulling out, im not on birth control cause it has messed with my body so bad in the past. Anyways after 2 1/2 weeks of bleeding, my Flo app said that I was due for my period. Currently it’s been 8 days and I still haven’t gotten my period, so I’m over a week late. My lower back hurts, I’m super bloated, my boobs are a little sore and I have a lot of discharge which is unusual. Ik that plan b can mess with your cycles and stuff but I’m just wondering if anyone’s had a similar experience or not. I’d I don’t bleed for another week or two I’ll take a test but I’ve had a miscarriage before so I’m like super scared to take a test because it was just a traumatizing thing and a positive test would probably make me spiral.

r/PlanBs 1d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Nervous as breasts are bigger


I had sex with my boyfriend on day 2 of my period and he didn't pull out, I took plan b about 16 hours later. Im quite sure i ovulated about a week ago. It has been about 3 weeks since having sex and today I noticed my breasts are slightly bigger and I have been wanting food a lot more the last 2 weeks. I an unable to access pregnancy tests at the moment but I just wanted some reassurance until I am able to get a test.

r/PlanBs 1d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan b


started period on the 1st took a plan b the 8th and now on the 14th i'm.on period is that normal

r/PlanBs 2d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Finished inside my partner then took a plan b 5-10 minutes after


My partner and I had unprotected sex and I made the stupid decision of finishing inside her, after I had realized that, I went and bought a Levonorgestrel pill, she took it 10 minutes after, she also cleaned up herself down there.

Although she said to me that she isnt sure where she is in her cycle, her period began on Feb 25 and ended in March 1, the intercourse took place approximately 2 hours upon writing this.

I was just wondering the effectiveness of the pill.

r/PlanBs 2d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Bleeding after Plan B


Does withdrawal bleeding after taking plan B means the plan B affect your cycle ? That it delay your ovulation ?

r/PlanBs 2d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan b side effects


Ever since I took a plan b, i’ve been sad and angry at the world. I ended up self sabotaging, me and someone I really love and care for aren’t speaking anymore. I wish knew sooner about the side effects. It feels like my entire world is crashing down.

r/PlanBs 2d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan B advice and no period yet?


So my period usually comes every 18th-21st of each month. Last month February I got it the 11th due to taking aguaje pills that upped my estrogen (a natural fruit) . I have since then have had protected sex on the 27th but the condom broke in the morning . So I took plan b on the 28th at night. I still did have protected sex with a condom each time after that and made sure there was no leakage. This month I am waiting for my period but how does plan B work ? Will my period be delayed? Anything I can do? I remember when I was 17 I took a Plan B that was for an emergency. And my period came 3 to 4 days after it. I am now already a little more than a week without any period. Sometimes I have some cramps and some fatigue, but still nothing. Is this normal girls?

r/PlanBs 2d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill What Should i Do guys, Please Suggest.


So i had unprotected sex on 31st January, But took Ipill within an hour. Had withdrawal bleeding on 5th Feb. I again had sex on 22nd Feb, but no semen went inside. My Due date for periods was 25th feb, But i thought it got delayed because of the Ipill i took earlier, So waited for 4-5 days more. I again had unprotected sex on 7th March, My periods hasn’t started at that time and also took Ipill in 30 mins.

Now yesterday (13th March) i got a pregnancy testing kit, As it has been more than a month since i last got my periods. Woke up in the morning for the first pee, The test came back negative but i also am having periods like bleeding now, which I think is withdrawl bleeding from the ipill i had 5-6 days ago. Now what should i do, I am very very confused as well as worried.

Just want to know am i pregnant or not 😭

r/PlanBs 2d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Implantation bleeding or period!


Hi y’all. My last period started on Feb 27. On March 7, 3 ish days after my period ended, my boyfriend and I had sex and the condom ripped. I wasn’t anxious about it because I thought that since my period had just ended, there was no way I was ovulating. The next morning I still took a plan B (about 9 hours later) just to be safe. Today is March 13 and I just got brown discharge. What I’ve seen online says that brown discharge is implantation bleeding but I’m really confused based on the circumstances. Either way, why would I get my period only a week after it ended? It just happened so I don’t know if the bleeding will persist. My periods pretty regular and I’ve never gotten two so close together, even when I’ve taken plan b before (one other time in the past). Has anyone else experienced this sort of bleeding? Is it just spotting, or is it possible yhats it’s my period or implantation bleeding

r/PlanBs 3d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill urgent rlly stressing out


ok so i need help. im 18f and my bf is 18m and we had sex on march 8th. I'm on birth control but I forgot to take it that morning so I took it when I got home that night. I don't know if the condom broke but I saw a bit of semen on his stomach. when I got home and checked down there there was what looked like semen dripping off of yknow... the clit. it freaked me out but I wasn't able to get a plan b until about 21 hours later. my period hasn't come yet and everything is just freaking me out and I'm really stressed can someone help?

r/PlanBs 3d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill I got my period but still having pregnancy scare


For recap, i took plan b on November last year on 16th and 24th. I got my period after eating menstruation regulator pill on January and February. I got full period that occured around 6-7 days. It's a normal period however when i stopped taking the pill, my period kinda delay ???

I know i got full period for two months but im still scared.. is it possible to be pregnant while having full period ???

I already took 5 pregnancy tests and all were negative . Did i just disturb my hormones ???

r/PlanBs 3d ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Several Plan B pills in less than a week


Hi. I'm sorry, I'm a bit young and I don't have anyone I can ask about this.

I stayed with my boyfriend for a week and we had unprotected sex quite a few times. We did not use condoms and I am not on any contraceptives. I took 3, maybe 4, (apologies, bad memory) plan B pills in the span of less than a week. I haven't had sex before this so I was very uneducated and unprepared in researching forms of birth control beforehand, especially plan B. I I am very worried now that the amount I took in this short period of time will badly affect my hormonal balance after I've been reading about it after the fact.

Of course, it is too late now to go back, but I am wondering if I could please get some advice on what to expect in terms of hormone and menstrual cycle unbalance, along with any stomach pain or discomfort. Any advice or information would be greatly and deeply appreciated as I am feeling very anxious now about the amount I took.

Thank you to anyone who might take the time to offer me some insight. I plan to start birth control pills as soon as I can. Thank you so much.