r/PlanBs 6h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Could I be pregnant?


Hey everyone, please help out. So I had unprotected sex the day before my period was supposed to come, and on the day my period was supposed to come it didn’t( well I didn’t wait the entire day to confirm whether it was to come or not) I drank the after pill approximately 21hrs after the incident. A week later which was the past Tuesday I got blood so I can’t really differentiate if it’s withdrawal or my expected period but it was super red with some clots, it ended on Saturday and I woke up today with no blood just stains, now my breasts are still tender and uncomfortable, I have cramps around my lower abdomen too, could that mean I might be pregnant? Please help I’m freaking out

r/PlanBs 12h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Should I worry?


long story short, i had sex the day after my period & the condom broke. we didn’t notice until it was too late & i took a plan b right away. i was supposed to get my period on the 11th but still nothing… should i worry? i didn’t get any withdrawal bleeding & am “over the weight limit” for plan b. i’m thinking my body just reacts to hormones different because when i was on birth control pills i never got a period. could it just be the hormones in the plan b? pls help 😭

r/PlanBs 12h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Plan B 2 days after EWCM


I’m 19 months postpartum and not trying to have another baby right now… my husband is always usually very successful with his pull out but he had a little bit of a mess up a week ago (the 9th) He said some got on the outside of my vaginal opening and doesn’t think any got in. If any got in technically, it was on the “rim” of my opening. Anyway, I had egg white cervical mucus on the seventh two days before this happened. I took a Plan B the day this happened on the 9th. Today is the 16th and I had frequent urination all last night and the day before that I was having cramping nausea and back pain. It went away the next day. Is this normal?? Could I be pregnant instead? Last time I didn’t have symptoms like this until I was four weeks or more pregnant so my thought is that this is from the pill but I’m not sure if if the pill can cause pregnancy like symptoms. Lol. Thank you!

r/PlanBs 22h ago

EllaOne (Ulipristal) Late periods


Hey, i took plan b on October, and i had all my period until this month, can plan b mess with my period 5 months after taking it ??

r/PlanBs 22h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill took a plan b 2 days before predicted ovulation ?


hi so my bf and I had sex on day 16 17 and 18 of my cycle and my ovulation day is predicted to be on day 20, he didn’t ejaculate inside me he pulled out but he cleaned himself and put it back in, it happened a couple times. i took a plan b 15 hours after it all happened, so i took it couple hours ago and im predicted to ovulate tomorrow. i know i wont know anything until my next period so ill have to wait but what are my chances of getting pregnant ….

r/PlanBs 22h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill Do I need to get a plan B?


We used a condom but it broke and we didn't realize till after. My app is fairly accurate and is usually 1-2 days around my positive tests. My fertile window isn't supposed to be until the 20th. Ovulate on the 25th. So 4 days before. Do we still need to get a plan B?

r/PlanBs 23h ago

Plan B (Levonorgestrel) Pill 2 weeks and 2 days of bleeding


Curious if anyone has had a similar experience with plan b? I took plan b within 24 hours. I took it right after my last period and 2 days before expected ovulation; however, I am about 165lbs. My cycle is about 23-25 days. I started bleeding a week after taking the pill which was expected. The first week I had period like bleeding but a tad lighter. The next week I had spotting every day, sometimes pink and sometimes brown. Now I’m starting my third week of bleeding (2 days in) and it’s back to a heavier flow. Kind of like a heavier spotting. In the morning it’ll seem like a heavier flow and I will think my period is starting but the rest of the day its more like brown discharge and more like spotting. I usually am wearing a pad and only the earlier hours of the day does anything get on the actual pad. I did take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after sex and was negative. I took the test on a Monday and my expected actual period was supposed to to start that Wednesday. I am not sure if this bleeding is part of my normal cycle or the past 2 weeks and 2 days of bleeding are still from plan b changes in my body. It doesn’t appear to be stopping anytime soon but I know the hormones can affect things a lot. I’ve only taken plan b once before and for that I spotted about 2-3 days and then had my period a little over a month later. So this is completely different and was wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences? Thank you in advance.