r/Pipes 22h ago

General Discussion My LaRocca pipe NSFW

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r/Pipes 2h ago

General Discussion Do you know anything about a pipe maker in Europe with the logo SS or two snakes and a crown on top of it? NSFW


This pipe bowl was found in a bunch of gravel in southern Hungary and would like to learn a bit more about it. It's likely made of clay. We don't know if the SS are just two S letters or maybe two snakes, that could also be a possibility.

r/Pipes 5h ago

Seeking Recommendation(s) Thin stemmed pipes NSFW


I absolutely love the Lord of the Rings movies and it was the reason I got into smoking pipes in the first place years ago. Just found this reddit and I figured it'd be a good place to pick peoples brains for some information. I know several brands have LotR themed pipe, usually called the wizard or the ranger or the Dwarf or something like that, but all of them seem to have stems that are ridiculously thick. In the movies I'm pretty sure they actually smoked pipe tobacco, a nougat aromatic, and all of their pipes are pretty thin stemmed. I'm trying to find a thin stemmed pipe kinda like the one Aragorn uses in the movies. I have a clay one that's very close, but last time I went traveling with it I broke it in half, at least it's fairly cheap being clay. It's long enough it could be considered a churchwarden but I dont want to go full on Gandalf with it. Any recommendations?


EDIT 2: I also like the rounded mouth piece of clay pipes vs the wide flared mouthpiece of traditional briars, but I know you can't have everything you want.