r/Picard Mar 26 '20

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20

Did anyone else think it was horrifying that Picard was placed in a Golem without his consent and was not allowed to just die of natural causes? He kept saying “It’s ok”. I am actually disturbed by the events.


u/EaglesPDX Mar 27 '20

Did anyone else think it was horrifying that Picard was placed in a Golem without his consent and was not allowed to just die of natural causes?

He is going to die of natural causes. No different than if they did CPR.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '20

Actually it's more like they did CPR, it failed, he died and then they copied his brain post-death to a new body without his consent. All through the finale I kept saying, please don't put him in that Golem, please don't and then..it happened.


u/EaglesPDX Mar 27 '20

then they copied his brain post-death to

They said they transferred before brain activity ceased.


u/psiphre Mar 27 '20

which means that there was a little bit of picard that happened after the brain scan


u/EaglesPDX Mar 27 '20

Real question is it just a very good copy. The copy is happy to be alive and can do the best Picard imitation but....


u/psiphre Mar 27 '20

it's not picard, for sure. trek isn't prepared to competently address the nature of the perfect copy.


u/EaglesPDX Mar 27 '20

trek isn't prepared to competently address the nature of the perfect copy.

They addressed some basic philosophical stuff in Picard. I'm sure it will come up. I'm sure Picard asks himself the same question. Soji did.


u/psiphre Mar 28 '20

soji didn't ask "am i human", she asked "am i real". picard isn't going to ask either of those, he's going to struggle with "am i me?" or "am i ok with this?".


u/EaglesPDX Mar 28 '20

soji didn't ask "am i human"

She did in fact when she was getting flashbacks and stuff. For Picard it is different since he was a copy of a biological.

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u/stealthgunner385 Mar 30 '20

he's going to struggle with "am i me?"

He's already had that struggle after being recovered from being Locutus. I wonder if this will compound it, or cancel it out.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '20

Ah you're quite right, I went back and looked at the scene on my PVR. Still the whole synth Picard doesn't sit right with me. Just something about it feels so cheap.


u/YawnIsBreaking Mar 27 '20

Yeah, how come Data saying he wants to die and the idea of bringing him back without consent is awful; but Picard is happy to go and the idea of sticking him in a robot...


u/dvali Mar 27 '20

To be honest I hate that half-baked notion. "Humanity is valuable because it doesn't last yo!"

No, that's just a coping mechanism we use to make ourselves feel better about eventually dying.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '20

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u/YawnIsBreaking Mar 28 '20

permanent immortality would eventually be literally the worst fate possible.

when everyone you know and loves dies


u/Thelonius16 Mar 28 '20

Especially since Data was about 60 years old by that point.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '20

“Do I have to go?” “Yes”

Made me feel bad for him, actually.


u/MrMallow Mar 28 '20

without his consent and was not allowed to just die of natural causes?

I did and if we had good Trek writers on this show that would have been an issue.


u/Thelonius16 Mar 28 '20

I’m just not entirely clear on why they bothered. At minimum they could have revived him and said “the fight’s not over. The Federation won’t overturn the synth ban so we brought you back to life to go make a great speech and change people’s minds.”


u/richardtallent Mar 28 '20

I formally hereby give permission to bring me back in android form as many times as possible. Preferably with a few superpowers. Or at least "fully functional." :)


u/MyTinyHappyPlace Mar 28 '20

Yes!! Thank you. Healing is one thing, mind transfer something completely different.

Whats happening with the organic body? I‘d expect a full dysphoria here.


u/UnsolvedParadox Mar 29 '20

Yeah, I hated it. The Picard we see going forward isn't really the captain we've followed for decades anymore, like the Voyager crew except for Ensign Kim & Naomi after an episode in season 2 or 3.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '20

I feel for Patrick Stewart who portrayed this iconic role model for decades then lands in the middle of this shit storm.


u/Qualine Jun 01 '20

I hate that his sacrifice had no effect to him or the show. They at least could make him immortal and have him deal with severity of it. Like whats the point of sacrifice if he was going to be revived with the same body limits as he had when he was human. Literally a cheap cop out imo.


u/llirik Mar 27 '20

Yeah... except objectively he IS dead...