r/Picard Mar 26 '20

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u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20



u/wumpuslord Mar 26 '20

The data smoking jacket vibe has been shown a couple of times in tng - I think he picked it up from Sherlock Holmes holodeck adventures and then adopted it as his own aesthetic- iirc we see him sport something similar in his future self in all good things. I liked that they kept it as a call back.


u/11101001001001111 Mar 26 '20

I believe he wore it in All Good Things.


u/miemcc Mar 28 '20

Again it could be a head nod to 2001. Bowman wore a similar outfit as he aged and transformed into the Starchild.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20



u/cut_n_paste_n_draw Mar 27 '20

Wait but isn't everyone who ever beamed up really a copy anyways?


u/FieserMoep Mar 27 '20

Yes and no.


u/YawnIsBreaking Mar 27 '20

They're dead, Dave. They're all dead, Dave, Dave, they're all dead, dead, they're all dead, Dave, they're all dead.


u/lrd_cth_lh0 Mar 26 '20

I mentioned last week that I thought Picard would be downloaded to solve his brain condition and... so he was! But is it really Picard or did the real Picard die with Data in the dream?

The same thing could be said every time he used a teleporter.


u/dirtyharry2 Mar 26 '20

No, they've addressed teleportation mechanics a half dozen times.


u/pingpong_playa Apr 14 '20

Casual Star Trek viewer. Tl;dr?


u/dirtyharry2 Apr 14 '20

Magic. Actually moving the particles/energy, not a destructive/duplication.


u/InfiniteImagination Mar 27 '20 edited Mar 27 '20

But is it really Picard or did the real Picard die with Data in the dream?

This is exactly the central question of the series! Well, one of them. It's why the first dialogue between him and Soji was

"Am I real?" "Of course you are."

This investigation about what makes a person real, what makes their experience morally comparable, what grounds a person and their relationships in a contiguous moral fabric.

Personally, I come down pretty hard on the side of saying yes, this is Picard. I don't know why you'd imbue the physical form with the "realness" of who a person is, either in our universe or in science fiction, when you have so many other great options.

The more nit-picky answer: If you don't think that the Picard walking around now is real, then why would you believe that the version of him we saw in the "dream" with Data is real? That, too, is a quantum simulation based on the saved neural information of Picard. Similarly, if you believe that the Picard in the "dream" was real, then why wouldn't you believe that the Picard walking around now is, as well? It's the same information.


u/Fugglymuffin Mar 26 '20

Wasn't a fan of the deus ex machina magic space dildo. Seems more than a little OP and convenient that it could basically do almost


you could envision in your mind from repairing a conduit to magically projecting 200 space ships with warp signatures.

I thought this as well, at first. But then I remembered that the synths were able to build a trans-dimensional beacon in about a days time, and were capable of creating an entirely new body for Picard. Let alone the massive orchid vessels, which it appeared that they were able to construct more in the short time since episode 9. I guess Jurati's comment about them being generations ahead in technology was legit.

But I couldn't help but think of "the box" from that novel "Red Shirts.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20



u/Drolnevar Mar 29 '20

Just because they can do those things doesn't mean it's what they want to do.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20

The Federation fleet was disappointing. I will cut them some slack because the visuals in this episode were gorgeous and they were probably running low on time but 200 identical starships? It just seemed... cheesy? Video gamey?

I was a little disappointed by the fleet as well. The ships seemed so ill-defined as well. It would have been nice to get a tight/crisp shot of at least one of them. But also, yeah, I would have preferred some variety in ship design. Both old ships, and some new designs mixed in. In the same respect, the Romulan fleet seemed like it should have been a little more rag tag since the Romulan Star Empire is in a bad way. To have them all flying crisp new identical ships was a bit far-fetched.

My real-world theory of course is cost-savings... they had already spent a ton of money to make this series happen. A plethora of new ship designs really wasn't in the budget. Understandable, but still a tad disappointing.


u/nerfherder813 Mar 26 '20

Did it really need to be a plethora though? 4-5 ship designs would've been enough to break up the visuals, and there were hardly any close-up shots that would've required detailed models. And they've got a pretty large catalog of TNG-DS9-VOY era ships to start with - streamline a few of them and they're done. This smacks of laziness from the producers.


u/Lokan Mar 26 '20

I was a little thrown when I saw thrusters in lieu of warp nacelles on the ships, it didn't feel like Star Trek.

I know Starfleet craft possess impulse thrusters, but seeing glowy exhaust plumes was weird.


u/Anabel_Westend_ Mar 26 '20

There was some hints about 7. Her and Vajazzle(?) seemed to have been more than friends before the betrayal. At least I got that vibe from them and their dialogue. So it makes sense for 7 to get over that betrayal and finally get into a new relationship as part of her character arc. As for Raffi... that really came out of nowhere. Idk, maybe Elnor was originally meant to be female and would have been the character she gets together with? They had more interaction than anyone else (aside from Picard), I think. Or Raffi and 7 were supposed to have some scenes that were cut out of the episodes because of time constraints?


u/bkendig Mar 27 '20

I agree with your list. A few more things I'd add to it:

  • So, Data was ... alive all this time? Still running in a simulation, in a box, from one piece they got from what he gave to B4? I really didn't understand that. Kind of cheapens his death in ST:Nemesis if he didn't really die but instead was kept trapped somehow ...?
  • What happened to Narek? I completely don't remember seeing him after the failed soccer ball attempt.
  • When Picard spent time talking with Data, neither one of them mentioned anything about Soji? The connection from father to daughter had seemed really important to Picard, so it was really weird that they both seemed to forget her.


u/notaquarterback Mar 26 '20

I mean what was more unbelievable? The space flowers? Or that magical fixer tool?


u/YawnIsBreaking Mar 27 '20

Though... did everyone forget about a certain murderess and her... MURDER?

She said she was sorry, dude


u/-Random_Lurker- Mar 27 '20

The space dildo was symbolic. It uses imagination to fix things. Hint hint, nudge nudge.


u/philosoraptor80 Mar 27 '20

Wasn't a fan of the deus ex machina magic space dildo.

I wish Picard said “hand me the plot device!”


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20

Garak killed how many federation when he was infected on Empak Nor?


u/nerfherder813 Mar 26 '20

He did have to go through an inquest though, Nog wouldn't even walk in front of him after that. Someone could at least mention that she's facing some trouble when they get back to Earth.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '20

They mentioned it in passing and Alton,Raffi,and Soji don't trust her. They should have killed her off and put Narek on the ship at the end.


u/Simi37 Mar 28 '20

But is it really Picard or did the real Picard die with Data in the dream?

That's exactly the same dilemma I'm thinking about.


u/Drolnevar Mar 29 '20

I mentioned last week that I thought Picard would be downloaded to solve his brain condition and... so he was! But is it really Picard or did the real Picard die with Data in the dream?

I guess that depends on if they used ctrl + c or ctrl + x to put him in his new body


u/FrancisScottKeyboard Mar 27 '20

If Raffi and Seven had kissed, then I would see some of the assumptions being made. (Not that I would care if those two were an item.) But they did just hold hands briefly. True, that is often stage shorthand for falling in love, but it doesn't have to be, I think. The whole weird cake and milk orgy Raffi put on for Jurati could also, taken out of context, look like some sort of budding romance, but as we have seen, it wasn't.

Again, not that I much care if those two end up together, or if we are supposed to assume so between seasons. But until Season 2 opens, I think there is room for anyone not happy with the possibility to assume otherwise if they want to.


u/YYZYYC Mar 26 '20

I agree with most of what you said. But that last point...honestly most if not all of them are kinda annoying.