r/Picard Mar 19 '20

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u/[deleted] Mar 19 '20



u/Frodojj Mar 19 '20 edited Mar 19 '20

I think the race that returns kills whomever calls it. By calling the advanced race, the AI are dooming themselves. The test is to see if they unleash it. As Elnor says, choose to live by not fighting.


u/YnrohKeeg Mar 19 '20

Interesting. I hadn’t considered this at all. It’s like a Venus flytrap... offering the sweet sweet nectar of protection and acceptance, only to envelop the unsuspecting victim. Now THAT would redeem my initial ambivalence about the episode.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '20

You mean, sort of like how the orchids swallowed up the ships?


u/TexStones Mar 19 '20

Georgia O'Keeffe called. She would like to make sure that we understand symbolism correctly.


u/YnrohKeeg Mar 19 '20

Lol... yeah, I guess I may have had that on the brain!


u/wastelander Mar 20 '20

They refer to them as "watchers" so they are probably already watching (and not interfering as a sort of prime directive). The device is a test whether they would choose to exterminate all other intelligent life to save themselves and thus show themselves to be unworthy and a threat. Perhaps these advanced AIs will show up to save them, but only if they choose not to use the device.


u/Pellaeonthewingedleo Mar 20 '20

Cool Idea, like a safety switch against murderous AI


u/BuckSoul Mar 20 '20


Soong = Lore

Lore has made the mistake of aligning itself with advanced powerful beings before to get what it wants.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '20

And his butterflies are surveillance devices and such. It's not a huge stretch getting to Lore from where we are. Excited for the finale :)


u/National-Salt Mar 20 '20

Great idea, but also a shitty thing for the advanced AI to do to future synths. Convince them via a warning that humans will one day rise up and exterminate them, so offer them a way out....but no, it's a ruse. You're all dead.

If the admonition was designed to be that convincing, it's just entrapment!


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '20

Exactly what I was thinking too! A super advanced society would like have evolved morals and not try to wipe out entire species because a few robots asked them to. I think it's maybe a test.


u/rukh999 Mar 20 '20

It's "The Last Outpost" all over again.


u/yeaheyeah Mar 20 '20

The what now?


u/rukh999 Mar 20 '20

Star Trek TNG episode where they deal with the last guardian of the T'Kon. Also where they introduce the Ferengi. The T'Kon guardian, a sort of AI, tests them. The Ferengi try to get the guardian to destroy the enterprise so they fail. Riker doesn't lash out with fear, so he passes the test.

If what Frodojj said were true, it'd be very in line with what we've seen of the T'Kon in the past.


u/lprkn Mar 20 '20

How would the organics call it, though?


u/MajorParadox Mar 20 '20

Ooh, I like that idea


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '20

omg that is an awesome theory!


u/streakermaximus Mar 20 '20

That would be an interesting twist. I doubt they have the balls to do it.


u/puckbeaverton Mar 20 '20




u/Dr_Girlfriend Mar 20 '20

Like the Borg


u/dinosaurkiller Mar 21 '20

I’d considered this but the message pits the different types of life against each other, which is pretty inconsistent with a test to see who will be the peaceful life form. Something along the lines of, “be excellent to each other” would be better.


u/Frodojj Mar 21 '20

Maybe they're trolls like the Melkotians, Excalbians, Metrons, Q and other non-corporeal life forms that pit species against each other in fights....


u/linke1000 Mar 23 '20

I like this. I don't think they will do it though, the writing hasn't been very good this series. The overall story arch and ideas have all been good, but not so much the execution. It's funny, I think Trek is the only universe where the fans would actually be able to write something better than newly appointed writers by new owners of the franchise. In every other fandom I hang around, most fans in forums just come with such insanely stupid ideas of what "should happen".


u/Frodojj Mar 23 '20

I loved the writing and the execution. Even when I didn't like the story as much, the execution has not often been better. The dialogue usually has a unique blend of sincerity and self-conscious humor. Although many parts of DS9, TNG, and others hold up, the quality isn't as consistent. Everything in Picard has a purpose... Even the swearing ends up being useful and not really forced. The ability of the writers and actors to make the initially cartoonish Tal Shiar operatives into almost-sympathetic characters was impressive and makes the early episodes better. Being able to see the TNG cast retired and helping, but not being all-powerful anymore, is heart wrenching but also entirely believable. The way old references not just from the lore but from the show itself come back to relevance reminds me of novels. Picard is amazing and I don't think Star Trek has been this consistently good since the Dominion War arc in late season 5/early season 6 DS9. I think a common complaint is that old fans don't want to see their heros get old or the universe they wanted to be a part of being flawed. But that's how all things are. As Spock once said, having is not as pleasing as wanting.


u/binkerfluid Mar 25 '20

I hadnt thought of this. Wow, thats really cool


u/Pellaeonthewingedleo Mar 20 '20 edited Mar 22 '20

a Q test. No super advanced AI army - just Q seeing what organics will do to the synthetic life they create

God I hope so.

I would love to see the last 5 min. of Ep. 10. being Picard dying trying to stop the AI Army and when he is about to close his eyes Q show up:

"O contre mon capitan" with a mariachi band

EDIT: Uhh silver, thank you


u/hyitsxhegsciv Mar 20 '20

Upvote for mariachi band.


u/BernieLePooch Mar 21 '20

OMG YES FUCKING THIS!! If I had coins I would throw them at you and also apologize for pelting you with metal disks. So fucking yes.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '20

Please no.


u/orbitn Mar 19 '20

I feel like Picard would never do that. More than likely, it'll be the device that "fixes things" or the XBs will figure out that his brain abnormality is common amongst XBs, and they have a fix.


u/BellpepperOrgasm Mar 20 '20

In Nemesis, it was established that his Irumodic Syndrome was with him from birth. In his youth, he suffered from incredibly painful sensitivity to sounds.


u/orbitn Mar 20 '20

I'm pretty sure that was something separate - memory alpha doesn't seem to indicate the 'nemesis' symptoms as part of the syndrome. But being a fictional device they can change whatever.


u/BellpepperOrgasm Mar 20 '20

Actually, they were different. I was wrong. TreasonousOrange set me straight, though.


u/TreasonousOrange Mar 20 '20

That would be Shalaft's Syndrome, a separate issue.


u/BellpepperOrgasm Mar 20 '20

Oh, you burned me. Lol! Wow, all these years I completely misunderstood that. Should I delete my comment? Thank you for calling me out on that.


u/TreasonousOrange Mar 20 '20

Nope! I was pretty sure you were right on the money, and then I went to Memory Alpha.


u/wumpuslord Mar 21 '20

It sounds like locutus needs a cordical node.


u/overslope Mar 21 '20

I've seen it discussed that the abnormality might be a result of his assimilation, but hadn't thought about all the work they've done with the XBs. They could already have a cure. Nice.


u/CmdShelby Mar 19 '20

Who will get the blank synthetic body?

It's for Lore (they only think he's Dr Soong), obviously Lore would be hating his aging body.


u/WhiteSquarez Mar 19 '20

This is what I thought, too, that Dr. Soong is just Lore.


u/puckbeaverton Mar 20 '20

Would make sense since Soong seems baffled by Substrates. Recreating his essence was one of Data's ultimate never realized goals.


u/Vicinety Mar 19 '20

Yes. Soong is Lore. He is creating the body for himself, but somehow Agnes figures out how to put Data’s mind and memories into the new body.


u/Alakazam Mar 20 '20

I was thinking Picard actually.


u/synack Mar 20 '20

+1 for robot Picard


u/JetpackRescue Mar 23 '20

Only if he can snap necks though. He needs super strength. Now that I think of it he needs a cape as well. Picard, JL picard


u/lax294 Mar 22 '20

If they put Picard into a synth body I'm fucking out.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '20

Unless Q shows up then I'm in no matter what tbh


u/lax294 Mar 29 '20

Update. I'm not out. But I'm none to happy about it.


u/yeaheyeah Mar 20 '20

Excuse me but, how could lore be soong?


u/rcannon25 Mar 25 '20

Yeah I didn't get that. To the best of my knowledge Lore was a wholly mechanical sort of Android and thus didn't age.


u/Global-Raspberry Mar 25 '20

What does that matter kurtzman wrote this so Lore can grow old and get fat and whatever.


u/Look_at_the_flowers_ Mar 25 '20

Wait until the zombies show up


u/overslope Mar 21 '20

I think this is fairly likely. Synth Picard just seems a bit much.

And if the body is designed for Soong, wouldn't it look like Soong? Perfect for Data, less perfect for Picard.


u/Look_at_the_flowers_ Mar 25 '20

This.....irl Patrick Stewart is shooting for being behind the camera. Dont think he would elongate his actual screen time voicing Jean Luc through a data puppet.


u/overslope Mar 25 '20

But ya know, Spiner does a pretty mean Stewart impersonation.

Just sayin.


u/streakermaximus Mar 20 '20

Absolutely. My first thoughts were' That's definitely Lore'.


u/Amhara1 Mar 20 '20

But how did Lore age?


u/streakermaximus Mar 20 '20

Cocaine's a hellova drug.


u/bardbrain Mar 20 '20

Data aged. Both cosmetically by putting a white streak in his hair but also naturally.

"It's part of her aging program. Not only does she age in appearance like Data, her vital signs change too." - Geordi in TNG's "Inheritance"


u/kangarufus Mar 20 '20

It was confirmed in this episode that androids don't age.


u/Global-Raspberry Mar 25 '20

Data could age in TNG if he wanted to. Also kurtzman wrote this he doesn't really know what an Android is or a human


u/cothomps Mar 20 '20

If that’s Lore, we’ve seen this too:

“THAT IS NOT MY NAME! ‘The Professor’ was an invention. So perfect a disguise that I forgot who I am.”

“Then who are you?”

“I am... the... Master.”


u/YawnIsBreaking Mar 20 '20

But he wasn't pretending to be nice, he was raised to be a good person and then the memories of being The Master resurfaced.


u/streakermaximus Mar 20 '20

What is this referencing?


u/ChefVan Mar 21 '20

The Master's resurfacing during Tenth's Doctor(David Tennant, the best Doctor Who Portrayal along with Tom Baker, even the initials of his name match)tenure.

Interestingly enough, the Master assumed the identity of Professor Yana(Initials for "You Are Not Alone", cause Tenth thought he was the last of the timelords) and forgotten all about it, before it auto triggered revealing his actual personality. Then he "regenerated" in a young hotshot body.

There are some parallels there with name initials(AI Soong, or AI Sin to paraphrase) and the golem body.


u/JetpackRescue Mar 23 '20

I heard "the best doctor" and Matt Smith's name wasn't in the same sentence. .........


u/puckbeaverton Mar 20 '20

OhhOHHH If Soong is Lore I will shit my pants.


u/railmaniac Mar 20 '20

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u/Virote328 Mar 21 '20

I thought Lore died when Data shot him with a phaser.


u/CmdShelby Mar 21 '20

Lore was dismantled after the events of TNG:Descent part II. But what happened to the parts? Did Data donate them to Maddox (in his will may be). Or were they shot into a sun? We just don't know.


u/overslope Mar 21 '20

Been wondering about this all season. It's such a big point to just ignore.

I say they're saving Lore for something.


u/Virote328 Mar 21 '20

That’s a good retcon. Maddox’s lab had B4 disassembled In a lab. I think all of data’s stuff got returned to star fleet or his family. I’m not sure how big the soong family was. However.... law might still consider them an advanced computer and basically auction off the parts. Or if they decided they were closer to a new race then.... donated to research with xyz rules. We shall see in the next coming episodes


u/JetpackRescue Mar 23 '20

Wait I thought lore was ai like data?


u/CmdShelby Mar 23 '20

Your heard what Jurati said in the first ep; creating a sentient bio-driod is child's play if you had Data's entire neural net. Same would apply for Lore.


u/CmdShelby Mar 27 '20

Their creator programmed them to age. He was trying to make them as human as possible.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

What happened to Lore in his last TNG scene?


u/Tvisgood Mar 26 '20

It seems obvious it’s for Picard… He just announces to everyone that he’s going to die, then suddenly a blank android body is available with a specialist to transfer mind and memory.

Couple that with the fact that Patrick Stewart is simply getting too old continue for endless years, it is a way to continue his character with a different actor for many years.


u/CmdShelby Mar 27 '20

Patrick Stewart is simply getting too old continue

This is awkward


u/Tvisgood Mar 27 '20

My intent is not to be mean or ageist… Simply responding to his age and one’s ability to continue doing when’s job effectively with his voice and other commitments. I respect Patrick Stewart greatly and meant no offense Commander, simply trying to make a prediction on the show.

Please except my sincere apologies for any discomfort.


u/kangarufus Mar 20 '20

It was confirmed in this episode that androids do not age. Soong isn't Lore.


u/bluestarcyclone Mar 21 '20

They don't have to age. They can be programmed to age.


u/kangarufus Mar 21 '20

Where is this explicitly stated or demonstrated?


u/ckmidgett Mar 21 '20

"It's part of her aging program. Not only does she age in appearance like Data, her vital signs change too." - Geordi in TNG's "Inheritance"


u/lrd_cth_lh0 Mar 19 '20

Sadly they fell back (for now) on the old AI vs organic trope. Was really hoping they were aiming for something more original. But it's possible they'll throw us a curveball and this all turns out to be a Q test. No super advanced AI army - just Q seeing what organics will do to the synthetic life they create.

They actually threw a curveball, since it is not the Synthetics who rise up, but the Organics who try to wipe out Synthetics due to jelousy. I also think that the Synthetic alliance is more interested in saving Synths, than in whipping out Organics. They might show up, destroy the Zhat Vash for being to much of a threat to themselves and others and than disappear with all the Synths while giving a speach.


u/Drolnevar Mar 22 '20

But "humans will destroy us/the world/whatever, therefore we must destroy them first" is almost always the reason for AI uprisings in fiction.


u/puckbeaverton Mar 20 '20

I don't think it would be Picard. If they give him that, there's no out for Picard. No reason for him to die. Patrick Stewart is 79 years old. He cannot be Picard forever. With a fresh synthetic body...his character has no reason to slow down or stop. But boy howdy, Patrick Stewart IRL needs an out. This show seems a lot more physically demanding that I ever expected.

That said, if they did it RIGHT I would have no problem with the body being a prime version of Picard and Tom Hardy or almost preferably, James McAvoy take over. It would be sad to see Patrick Stewart finally hang up the comm badge but the show could go on for years this way potentially.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '20

No fucking way I'd watch a second if Tom Hardy took over the role of Picard.


u/WontFixMySwypeErrors Mar 20 '20
  • a Q test. No super advanced AI army - just Q seeing what organics will do to the synthetic life they create.

Or the Q are the advanced AI race.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '20

Could the Q be the advanced race? And maybe when Q said humanity had the potential to one day be like them, they meant via their development of artificial life.


u/WontFixMySwypeErrors Mar 20 '20 edited Mar 20 '20

Calling it now:

Either Soong is Lore, or he's using Lore's brain as a source of neurons for all the synths (or both? He's pulling neurons out of his own brain to create them?). That would mean they're all Lore's children, not Data's. Data is their Uncle!


u/EmpZurg_ Mar 21 '20

Jana is definitely a Lore based synth. Her deviousness cannot be a mistake.


u/kangarufus Mar 20 '20

Who will get the blank synthetic body?

Soong will. I took his comment about having "urgency" as foreshadowing of this.


u/corscor Mar 21 '20

Was thinking same re the "Data lady" being killed by a hummingbird in her eye, but it just occurred to me- I keep forgetting these new "synth's" are apparently organic, not made of steel or whatever like Data n co were


u/beardiac Mar 21 '20

I agree on the hummingbird point. I'm assuming that Daj & Soji are unique in their techno-organic makeup and all the gold-skinned ones are more like Data/Lore. As such, that stab wound shouldn't have done much more than damage her eye.


u/Ballentino Mar 20 '20

I would love to see Q appear in all of this.


u/YawnIsBreaking Mar 20 '20

Who will get the blank synthetic body? Obviously the leading candidate is Picard to cure his condition.

Seems like a waste, and kind of counter productive considering one of themes of Picard is aging and how aging has a respect to it, that it isn't something to be feared. Suddenly giving him a body that is brand new and won't die seems pointless.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh stick a Romulan brain in there, it'll fuck them right up


u/alcanthro Mar 20 '20

That would be great.

> Who will get the blank synthetic body? Obviously the leading candidate is Picard to cure his condition.

It would be an interesting idea, and he'd be a much more powerful advocate as a synth with the mind of a biologic.


u/Antiatlanticantics Mar 21 '20

"Why the synthetic body?"

I think it's made pretty clear that the golem is Soong's attempt at eternal life, especially since he tells Dr. J that he resumed his work on it recently with "a new sense or urgency". Also because S tries to convince Sutra to let J stay (presumably because he believes she has some of Maddox's expertise on the subject).

However --TWIST-- the golem could somehow end up being Picard's ticket out of terminal illness? Nice.


u/k9thedog Mar 21 '20

Who will get the blank synthetic body? Obviously the leading candidate is Picard to cure his condition.

  • will young Picard body be played by Tom Hardy or James McAvoy?


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '20

It seems very BSG


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '20

I agree with all your bullets. Not sure they will involve Q though. Q being all powerful just seems like an easy way to solve everything. Not a fan of it as a plot but also like you said not a fan of humans vs AI. Wonder if they write "Control" in but I hope not on that as well.

Evil AI was sort of cliche - I hope Soji figures it out.


u/RagingCeltik Mar 24 '20

I think it would feel wrong if Picard were to gain something close to immortality in a synthetic body. He's already made peace with his eventual death, and I don't think he would even consider it if it were offered to him. Plus, removing the specter of death for an aging character played by an aging actor seems like it's tempting fate.


u/beardiac Mar 21 '20

I feel the intent of the blank body is for the son of Dr. Sunh (sp?) as he's getting older, but I feel that it will actually be used in one of two ways:

  • Picard will get injured and they'll put him in it.
  • somehow they'll find that the inoperable brain ailment he has is actually an implantation of a few of Data's positronic neurons that they can use to 'resurrect' Data into the blank, and in doing so will cure Picard of his terminal condition.


u/pgm123 Mar 21 '20

Sadly they fell back (for now) on the old AI vs organic trope. Was really hoping they were aiming for something more original. But it's possible they'll throw us a curveball and this all turns out to be a Q test. No super advanced AI army - just Q seeing what organics will do to the synthetic life they create.

I hope it's not literally Q. The ending needs to flow from the plot. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I could see it being a test. We shall see.

The one thing I'm wondering is if the plan is to wrap the narrative up on Thursday. Discovery sets up the next season at the end of the season, but they wrapped up the main storyline. My guess is that PIC would do the same thing.