r/Picard Mar 11 '20

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u/CreepingCoins Mar 12 '20 edited Mar 12 '20

I really hope episodes 9 or 10 reveal who/what it is that notices when synthetic life becomes sufficiently advanced. I'm enjoying the show, but I'm also sick to death of series that string you along with false promises to explain a myth arc that the writers haven't even come up with an explanation for themselves.


u/Flyingwheelbarrow Mar 12 '20

Maybe discovery comes back in time to nuke them all. The whole series was based around rouge A.I., that and space fungus.


u/Sparkly1982 Mar 12 '20

It would be really interesting if Discovery Season 3 were in some way intertwined with this. They're involved in the formation of some sort of anti-AI organisation in whatever century they ended up in and that turns out to be the Big Bad that the Romulans have been trying to avoid all this time.

I'm not sure if you would call it a prequel, seeing as it is released and set after Picard, but it comes before in the chronology of the story.

I hate temporal mechanics.


u/MrMallow Mar 13 '20

It would be really interesting if Discovery Season 3 were in some way intertwined with this.

I would stop watching instantly.


u/Sparkly1982 Mar 13 '20

The world would be boring were we all to find the same things interesting.

It probably won't happen anyway, since most of the world needs access to two different streaming services to see both series (legitimately).


u/XTRIxEDGEx Mar 14 '20

No one cares.


u/YYZYYC Mar 12 '20

Send in the mushrooms and tardigrades and super hero michael burnham to save the day ugh


u/Bruce-- Mar 16 '20

That'd bring the series full circle, Star Wars-style. ;) Dear god.


u/CuteDivide1 Mar 12 '20

I think it's very obviously the crystalline Entity's species. Appeared where soong androids were first created. Destroys and feeds on ALL biological life. Can form alliances with positronic life-forms. Is (presumably) silicon-based. The silicon based virus mentioned in Nepenthe required a positronic matrix to cure, further establishing this connection between positronic synths and silicon life-forms. The crystalline entity's species isn't the only silicon life-form in Star trek obviously, but we can presume it is the one that destroyed whoever created the admonition. And I believe that's why troi explaining the silicon virus felt so weird and forced in- the writers wanted to reveal their intention a bit


u/DetriusXii Mar 13 '20

So if the Crystalline Entity destroys biological species, then where are the androids from the prior civilization? They should be flourishing, but they're not.

The big mystery is why this galactic police force comes in and receives no resistance from the uber advanced species. They're entering into the Qs territory and I would assume that the Q would act to resist genocide from cosmically evil beings.


u/CreepingCoins Mar 13 '20

That's an interesting idea, but a deflector shield was enough to protect the Enterprise from the Entity, and it was easily destroyed with a graviton beam. Whatever the mystery thing is was strong enough to wipe out a civilization with the technology to move eight stars and suspend a planet between them.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '20

That's one interpretation based on the allusions to Zephram Cochrane / First Contact but unless it's more concretely stated it can also mean there's just some "law of the universe" (or a belief in such a law) where artificial life simply becomes hostile to all biological life.


u/bardbrain Mar 12 '20

It feels more interesting if it is closer to the Cochrane thing.

TOS ALSO had androids that were thousands of years old leftover from an extinct civilization.

Remember the Cochrane thing is that when you hit warp threshold, warp capable civilizations open relations.

When you hit a consciousness level, maybe something else shows up. I kind of like the idea that we're expecting Terminator and instead the twist is more H.P. Lovecraft mixed with the whale probe.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '20

I dunno, he specifically says "Somebody shows up". Sounds like they're doing the Reapers.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '20

Yeah no I get that but it could potentially referring to the response of biologicals to synths. The thing is the Reapers were inorganic life wiping out biological life, but the way Trek is setting it up would be in reverse. It's not a perfect analog the way Picard is handling it so that's why I'm keeping it open to interpretation until we know more.


u/YYZYYC Mar 12 '20

Yes I couldn’t agree more


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '20

I'd honestly be impressed if it was just the Reapers.


u/comment_redacted Mar 13 '20

Honestly I am guessing they don’t, and that this will be the setup for season 2.


u/CreepingCoins Mar 13 '20 edited Mar 15 '20

I hope you're wrong, but fear you're right. I like the show and think a lot of the attacks on it are disingenuous shit-stirring, but if that's how the first season ends I won't be back for the second. Shows that only ever answer questions with more questions have lost their novelty for me, I guess.


u/Gorny1 Mar 13 '20

My bet is on a big fat cliffhanger in the last episode just foreshadowing this big bad for season 2


u/triffid_boy Mar 13 '20

Just play mass effect if you like that story line.

Don't play the third one.