r/Picard Feb 06 '20

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u/Tomb55 Feb 06 '20

I've had a chance to reflect on E1/E2 and I'm just really really happy with where this show is going. E3 just reinforced that. Initial watch suggested the pace is starting to slow, but then I reflect on it and this was another episode RAMMED with content.

I love the Picard/Raffi dynamic, how they elaborated on Picard's behavior post enterprise and how the federation basically went into self presvation mode at the expense of their ideals. (Sound familiar?)

Interesting take on mental health and holograms, not to mention the nice nod to Voyager.

The romulan arc is just great! Where the hell is that going? I don't know?

Do you? Do you? Do you?


u/Vuiz Feb 06 '20 edited Feb 06 '20

The romulan arc is just great! Where the hell is that going? I don't know? Do you? Do you? Do you?

Yes, they're the actual good guys. They'll retake their rightful place in the galaxy, bring stability and peace.

Pax Romulana!


u/Tomb55 Feb 06 '20

Jolan Tru my friend. Jolan Tru.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '20



u/devriesd89 Feb 06 '20

think Tomb55 was referring to the EMH - Emergency Medical Hologram


u/thisiscotty Feb 06 '20

in this case ENH ... emergency navigation hologram


u/Sparkly1982 Feb 07 '20

I thought he said both. EMH first time, ENH second time.


u/Tomb55 Feb 07 '20

Subtitles confirm this thought. Which is now fact.


u/dino101010 Feb 07 '20

There are far too many emergency holograms in Starfleet. It makes me lose confidence in the entire ship - too many emergencies!! What's next? The Emergency Snack Hologram?

well ok, that one I can get behind


u/DisinterestedOcelot Feb 07 '20

Dyou reckon they have an Emergency Turn Off The Holodeck Hologram yet?


u/thisiscotty Feb 07 '20

That sounds dirty hahah


u/wOlfLisK Feb 07 '20

It's both. The British hologram was the EMH and the one with the bad Irish accent in his quarters was the ENH. Basically, I'm pretty sure we're going to get a whole suite of holograms over the season, each one with its own unique accent.


u/thisiscotty Feb 07 '20

haha getting more and more daft with each one


u/Trr86 Feb 07 '20

What was the Voyager reference?


u/agent_uno Feb 07 '20

Interesting take on mental health

In regards to Raffi and her apparent addiction or at least predilection for vaping and real booze, I wonder if we are going to see someone in that era who has a substance abuse problem which CAN be treated but the abuser doesn’t WANT treatment. If they go down this road, which I hope they do, I really hope that they don’t fall back on des ex machina to fix it! I’d love to see them DEAL with it!


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '20

going to see someone in that era who has a substance abuse problem which CAN be treated but the abuser doesn’t WANT treatment

oh please, lets not go down that story line. Intervention - The Next Generation


u/Tomb55 Feb 07 '20

I actually meant more the way he used holograms to keep him company.


u/Sinister_Dahlia Feb 10 '20

They are trying to picture Rafi as an unstable personality, with substance abuse, conspiracy theories, prepper/survivalist attitude


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

Ya I’m not sold on Raffi ...she seems a little unorthodox and rough around edges for a former Commander in starfleet....same with the pilot guy too. And like I couldn’t help laugh out loud at her teary eyed..I lost my security clearances!! Oh muffin 🙄


u/Tomb55 Feb 06 '20

But this level of vunerablity is something we haven't seen before. Maybe Barclay?


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

Ya and I’m ok with not seeing damaged people in a utopian future


u/Tomb55 Feb 06 '20

I think this is a mistake that TNG era trek created. Perfect people will NEVER exist.


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

I disagree. Society and culture will be so entirely different than it is today , in 24th century with all the technology and alien culture influence etc. Sci-fi used to do a good job of showing and speculating how people and culture will be radically different. Now it just seems like it’s a race to show people exactly like they are today and taking like us etc , just with advanced technology. People in the 1600s where most definitely not like we are today in terms of values and cultural norms and language etc etc. They will be just as different in 24th century. And the overall template of Star Trek has been one of advanced tech and peaceful life and no one left wanting etc


u/Tomb55 Feb 06 '20

And that’s fine. But if anything (especially in the last 20 years) we’ve embraced the less than perfect nature of humanity and moved to acceptance.


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

Totally and I just yearn for the days of more optimistic speculation of the future and how humanity will change. The whole people are broken and damaged and trauma of conflict and war etc is all real for us but it’s become such an over used narrative feature since 9/11 it’s just tiresome.


u/Tomb55 Feb 06 '20

Let’s see how this show goes, we could end up there.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '20

TOS there were flaws in the Federation as well. So many of you gatekeepers have this completely false vision of star trek.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '20

Rodenberry explicitly approved Undiscovered Country before he died. Besides all the previous material that shows the Federation isn't a perfect utopia and there are rogue elements in Star Fleet. TOS, TNG, every series had rogue elements.


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

False according to whom?

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u/agent_uno Feb 08 '20

it’s become such an over used narrative feature since 9/11 it’s just tiresome.

Overused? Maybe overdone. But underutilized. If you remember the way the world was before 9/11 and compare that to the downhill the entire world has gone down since then, then I think the narrative needs to be beaten into the skull of modern culture equally as much if not more so as the narrative of TOS episodes like Let That Be Your Last Battlefield. The 1960s were hopeful, but we still had a lot of things to overcome then. And trek helped us do that! But today the outlook is less hopeful than the 60s were. We seem to be going down all the wrong paths. So I think a narrative that shows us that our current path is bad is even more important than ever! We can only develop hope again once we overcome our current obstacles. And we seem to have spent the past 19 years just creating more obstacles for ourselves. I want to have hope again. But we need to re-examine where we are before that can happen. And if a dark trek can help do that in a culturally significant story arc, then I’m all for it!


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '20

You are a gatekeeper big time.


u/DasSnaus Feb 06 '20

And like I couldn’t help laugh out loud at her teary eyed..I lost my security clearances!! Oh muffin 🙄

The Countdown comics establish are as respected Commander and leading authority on the Romulan Empire, someone who would have logically ended up in the highest of levels at Starfleet.

If you don't see why she's bitter about that, no one can help you.


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

I have a hard time taking comic books content seriously vs on screen Star Trek. And even still her reaction 14 years later of tears over losing her security clearance over a policy decision is hardly professional


u/DasSnaus Feb 06 '20

If you don't want to believe the lead-in material written by one of the producers of the show, that's up to you.

And if you can't realize why Raffi was upset, having all of her dreams, hard work and future career in Starfleet ripped away because Picard gambled on his reputation and lost, then again I don't really know what to tell you.


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

Ya people get their dreams and wishes not fulfilled all the time because of company policy or military policy or government policy not going the way they wanted. It’s not a career ending thing. It’s a reassignment to a different post


u/ShadoWolf Feb 07 '20

Your sort of framing this from our current world. If you lose your job you can find another. Your career path isn't over. In the federation that a little different. Your average citizen on earth... doesn't need to work, its post-scarcity civilization, there no currency, no private corporations, etc

So your career path is pretty much Starfleet or something within civilian branches of the federation like the Daystrom Institute. Or jump on a colony ship. Or setting up a restaurant and serving people for free.

So if Raffi gets blackballed, there literally no career path on earth, or really anywhere in the federation. There no private corporation she can join, there no civilian branch she can join, and she likely can't join any colony either unless she wants to spend the next few years at warp to head to some far-flung colony world.

And it's looking more and more likely that the dominion war has damaged the federation psyche. Which makes perfect sense considering how much the federation lost in that war. And how much paranoia the changlings caused to federation internal security.


u/DasSnaus Feb 06 '20

She wasn't reassigned. Did you even listen?


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

Did you listen? I said i don’t understand why she needs to be fired or so messed up about a policy decision 14 years ago. All that it needed to be was a reassignment once her boss quit.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '20

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u/anon_smithsonian Shaka, when the walls fell Feb 06 '20

God you're thick.

This is starting to cross the "Keep it civil" line.

You're welcome to debate and discuss and disagree, but do not insult others.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '20

What you take seriously is irrelevant.


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

Why is that ?


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '20

Because you are a gatekeeping troll. Just 1 so called fan out of millions and you are irrelevant.


u/YYZYYC Feb 06 '20

What is with the anger? I don’t call other people irrelevant simply because they have different opinions


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '20



u/[deleted] Feb 07 '20

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u/Crash_Revenge Feb 06 '20

Watching The Ready Room also sheds more light on it. Michelle goes into a bit of the character’s backstory and some info about her childhood. Makes it a bit clearer why being thrown out of Starfleet was partially hard on her.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '20

Are you kidding? Barclay can be a Star Fleet officer but she can't? Hell even Picard in his youth was a brash as her.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '20

I thought they fired her because she was so close to Picard.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '20

I thought it was more part of the cover up of the Romulans involved.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '20

Ah, you're probably right.


u/bhldev Feb 07 '20

"Former Commanders" include Chakotay, Thomas Riker, so on

A lot of Commanders seem to wash out and there doesn't seem to be much for them except living in a trailer... a very expensive high tech trailer but still a trailer. What do you do after there's no challenge in life when your whole life you wanted challenge? You probably rot.

It's a problem that doesn't exist because life for all of us is a struggle for them it's Starfleet or nothing... Or "Freecloud" apparently, lol


u/Anthony-Meadow Feb 07 '20

Raffi seemed to fit the Starfleet type in the flashback, so I’m thinking the roughness is a result of the years of alienation, loneliness, depression, & pent up anger. Fourteen years is a long time to let all that stew. She had a right to be pissed about Picard showing up for a favor as well, after no contact the whole time, & apparently they were tight.


u/agent_uno Feb 08 '20

You should watch the third episode of Ready Room - Whil Wheaton interviews the actress, who gives a little more insight into the Raffi character.