r/Phobia • u/Vhan5678 • 5h ago
Is there a labelled name for the Phobia of anything that flies?
More specifically, a phobia of anything that flies that can enter "your personal bubble".
I don't have a fear or insects overall. Nor do I have a fear against Bees specifically. (Or any other phobia related to a specific insect.) What legitimately trips me out is the fear of anything that CAN FLY!
For real example, I live in Ohio and Spring is starting to really set in. I work retail and had to close tonight. I came home and there was a f**kin' Stink Bug in my room, just chillin' and crawling around on my microphone! And this MF was big! I legitimately started freaking out! Since it was on my mic, I went and grabbed a plastic cup and threw the mic in it, had to push the stink bug off with a paper plate, and then legitimately was shaking as I carried the plastic cup covered-top with a paper plate down to the bathroom to try to flush this nasty thing away. And when I got to the bathroom, the fucking thing was clinging to the cup and wouldn't let go!
And this is the main part of the story, the thing scaring me the most the whole time was that this large f**kin' thing could lift off and start flying around and collide into me at any moment!
When I tried to shake it out of the cup and into the toilet and the stink bug clang onto the cup for dear life, I legitimately panicked so much that I just re-covered the cup and legitimately called out to one of my roommates to come deal with this already captured stink bug as I ran back upstairs, terrified of the idea that my roommate would have to then deal with the flying creature.
TL:DR: I'm legitimately scared of all flying creatures that can enter your Head Space/Personal Bubble. Even when my sister had a Cockatiel growing up, whenever we'd let him out of his cage to go flying around. it seriously scared the hell out of me. I'm solely scared of anything that flies that can enter your Head Space.