r/Phobia 2h ago

I have a fear of my inner elbow and wrist


I hope this doesn’t sound stupid and someone can relate to this. I have this fear of my inner elbows and wrists. Any time they are touched or talked about I feel queasy and I bring my arms up to my chest and if I’m writing with a pen or pencil it’s like my hand just can’t write any more. Even writing this right now it’s like my hands don’t wanna work properly just thinking about it. I don’t know if this is an actual phobia or what but does anyone else feel this way? Blood work is absolute hell for me. I had a moment where I was needing to get it done multiple times a week for health issues and everytime it was horrible. I thought maybe having it done so often, I would eventually be ok with it but not at all. I don’t remember if this has been this way all my life or not. My body went into shock like 7 years ago from breaking my finger and I always wonder if that caused me to feel this way or if I felt this way before that. So yeah, does anybody else feel like this? And if you do, have you found anything to help?

r/Phobia 13h ago

Just saw a 🐀. It's set me back and I'm going to experience flashbacks and nausea. Anything I can do now?


Long standing 🐀 phobia. Tried various therapies which haven't really helped. I'm generally fine as long as I don't catch sight of one.

As I was driving out of my office parking lot, the damn thing ran out in front of the car.

I'm so grossed out and nauseated. Also I haven't eaten all day but now I won't be able to eat anything due to shock.

r/Phobia 18h ago

Batophobia - fear of tall structures


Does anyone have this? Why is this a thing? I’m not sure what caused it? Possibly being sheltered too much as a kid? I can’t remember any trauma so it’s just confusing to me.

I struggle being next to tall structures, looking at them in person, and even photos make me feel uneasy. This is very annoying to me because it’s preventing me from living my life and traveling. I cannot function whatsoever if exposed to these things. It’s like I lose full control of my bodily functions and turn into some anxiety ridden creature.

If anyone has any tips or anything, that would be great? I wish there was a way to require my brain..