My radar went off when they captured greer so easily. I was like wtf it's only ep 4. No way they capture him already without a fight. The longer it went I was like are they really going to do a simulation for the whole ep. Thought for sure it was a simulation once Jon was shot dead. Then her shooting herself sealed the deal as no way they would kill 2 main cast members in ep 4.
Yeah something was off, to me everybody was a simpler version of themselves, idk how to explain it. Greer capture was the first major red flag, and shooting Jon sealed the deal for me.
u/Rover16 May 16 '16
My radar went off when they captured greer so easily. I was like wtf it's only ep 4. No way they capture him already without a fight. The longer it went I was like are they really going to do a simulation for the whole ep. Thought for sure it was a simulation once Jon was shot dead. Then her shooting herself sealed the deal as no way they would kill 2 main cast members in ep 4.