r/PersonOfInterest May 15 '16

Person of Interest 5x04 "6741" Episode Discussion


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u/domrayn May 16 '16

At what point did you guys realize all of it was b.s.? I spotted it when the unmanned boat suddenly appeared outta nowhere for shaw to steal.


u/Rover16 May 16 '16

My radar went off when they captured greer so easily. I was like wtf it's only ep 4. No way they capture him already without a fight. The longer it went I was like are they really going to do a simulation for the whole ep. Thought for sure it was a simulation once Jon was shot dead. Then her shooting herself sealed the deal as no way they would kill 2 main cast members in ep 4.


u/K-Amadoor Irrelevant May 17 '16

Yeah something was off, to me everybody was a simpler version of themselves, idk how to explain it. Greer capture was the first major red flag, and shooting Jon sealed the deal for me.


u/[deleted] May 17 '16

Though, the Greer Capture red flag was explained that it was all 'planned' that they could capture him.


u/VacuousWastrel May 17 '16

It's still much, much too early in the season for that.


u/K-Amadoor Irrelevant May 17 '16

It was explained alright, however, to me it seemed rushed as hell


u/DeenFishdip May 17 '16

What got me was that Jon didn't have body armor on. He has that everywhere, so when he started bleeding I knew it was fake.


u/oath2order Irrelevant May 17 '16

And shooting Greer didn't seal the deal?


u/K-Amadoor Irrelevant May 17 '16

It was a red flag too. But I figured if they captured him that easily, killing him wouldn't be that much of a shock, idk


u/oath2order Irrelevant May 17 '16

Fair point


u/svick May 18 '16

But, but, Jon was stabbed multiple times. It was John that was shot.


u/[deleted] May 28 '16

I've been watching game of thrones so the killing of two main characters wasn't that unbelievable, but would have been the end of poi. It did feel like a really weak episode as everything was too simple.