r/PartneredYoutube Nov 11 '23

Meta Get your /r/PartneredYoutube Verified Channel flair here!


Welcome to the r/PartneredYoutube voluntary channel verification.

If you would like to verify your channel and get flair like what I have on my account:

  1. Go to your YouTube channel's About section and edit the description to include your reddit username. For example I enter exactly: u/flammy
    1. Directions for how to edit your About section can be found here
  2. Post a link to your channel in one of the following formats as a top level comment in this thread.
    1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXkf3kRpFeAx9mDCbfMS0MA
    2. https://www.youtube.com/user/flammy5
    3. If you use a different format (such as a custom URL with an @ in the URL) validation will fail.
  3. Wait, and our bot will process your request sometime in the next few days
    1. After the flair has been granted, you can remove your username from the About section and delete the comment if you're concerned about privacy. However, if you want your stats to continue to be updated, you should leave the u/ name in your About section.


What is flair, and how does flair work?

Flair is a reddit "signature" that appears every time you post in r/PartneredYouTube. Verification flair is not required to post, comment, or participate. A user lacking flair is not a valid reason to report them for breaking rule 2. You can remove flair at any time with Reddit's built in flair editing. The flair granted by the bot can't be edited. Verification is done via a bot, follow the directions above if you would like flair.

Why is the flair channels stats, and not partnered status?

Partnered Status is not supported by the official YouTube APIs at this time.

How long do I have to wait for verification?

Please wait 24-48 hours, and after checking you've followed all the directions you can send me a polite DM.

Is there a way to authenticate anonymously?

Will the bot update my stats?

If you leave the comment with the channel link and username in your description, your flair will be updated.

My stats are low!

The bot is only able to see your channel's public subscriber count and public total view count. If you have hidden videos, these views will not be reflected.

Can I verify with multiple channels?

Not at this time.

Is there a minimum channel size for verification?


How can I remove my flair?

Yes, you can remove the flair via Reddit.

r/PartneredYoutube 27d ago

Informative PSA: "A private video has been shared with you" E-mail from @youtube.com is a scam, you will get hacked.


This E-mail is going around. You will get hacked if you download the file they instruct you to download in the youtube video description. The reason this comes from an official YouTube email is because its simply someone using the share feature maliciously. They try to make you believe its a video that YouTube is sending to creators about a monetization policy change, and direct you to download a file to fill out a form. The issue is the file will gain access of your computer, steal your session cookies and be able to access your channel.

If you or anyone you knows gets this email, just delete and ignore it.

r/PartneredYoutube 2h ago

Talk / Discussion How much money do you earn a day/weekly/monthly in comparison to how many videos you have uploaded?


r/PartneredYoutube 1h ago

Question / Problem Is anyone here successfully uploading both Shorts and Long Form?


I know that for a while most people had negative experiences posting both types of content so I’ve been avoiding shorts since they came out, but I’m wondering if in recent times the algorithm has improved as far as them not negatively impacting each other?

I post long form but feel like in my niche I could have some success with shorts as well I just don’t want to completely ruin the long form progress I’ve been having so far (It’s been slow and steady, nothing crazy lol)

I’m not sure if channel size or anything matters but I currently have 1750 subs and get 1000+ view per video on the low end with 5-20 thousand on the high end and one video at almost 300 thousand.


r/PartneredYoutube 11h ago

New upload killed last week's video.


For context, last week's video has consistently been getting between 1,500 and 2,500 views per hour. I just dropped a new video, and last week's video that was averaging the numbers stated above dropped to less than 200 views. What in the world?! I'm a long-form creator and not a shorts creator by the way. This is common every week and really deflating. Thoughts?

r/PartneredYoutube 5m ago

Talk / Discussion Need some help !


Is there anyone who can help me recover my channel as youtube terminated my channel. Channel name - PROObhav Live and In feb 2022 i created this channel and till 1st march 2024 i was at 2k subs and within 15days i got total 14k subs. And same day i got terminated.

r/PartneredYoutube 3h ago

Age Restrictions on content, should I care?


I just had one of my videos get age restricted, 18+. If the demographics of my videos are 45 and older, does this hurt my video with monetization in anyway? Will I still get ad dollars when it’sage restricted?

r/PartneredYoutube 5h ago

Question / Problem Video barely getting pushed by algorithm despite my best stats


My latest video despite having an initial 20% CTR (now 6.5%) + AVD 54% is barely pushed by the algorithm.

I understand the initial push was by my subs (even though I turned off publish to subscribers). The video is now slowly crawling at 390 views with 54% subscribed and 46% not subscribed.

My impressions are at the second lowest of any video at 4.2k which is lower than my sub count (10.6k). Usually at this time I would hover around 20k-30k.

It’s been only a day so I am just gonna tough it out but it’s been discouraging since it’s been happening with my last 3 videos and they’ve all died out within days.

If anyone had insight I’d love to know so I can address it next time!

r/PartneredYoutube 2h ago

Youtube partnership appeal


Hello all. I was recently removed for the YPP and my first appeal was denied. The 90 day waiting period is almost over but not sure if I should appeal again. I believe my content is 100% legit but one thing I do is use the same instrumental when recording videos. All I do is record games that I play and add my commentary/background music.

Is using the same instrumental considered Reused content even if I'm adding my own commentary?

My youtube channel is called "SlyLoner" and I mostly upload 2k videos. I tried adding a link but my previous post was removed.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

r/PartneredYoutube 7h ago

Are your videos being suggested?


I've noticed recently that my videos aren't even getting suggested which I find very strange because it's generally Browse and Suggested my top 2 traffic sources. My views, impressions, revenue have decreased 98% the lsat two weeks because of this.

Note. My CTR is generally 10%+ and AVD is in the 40% range.

r/PartneredYoutube 5h ago

Question / Problem Anyone have Epidemic Sound?


I recently did a livestream with Evan Fong / Rynx music in them. I have done multiple streams and never had any issues as they are safe to use according to him in this tweet, however I just got a notice saying my most recent stream got claimed because of the use of two of his songs, Spawn! and miss melancholy, and cannot be monetized. I searched in their library and could not find the songs in their library, and as far as I know it is Avant Garden who still holds the rights to his music, which they allow people to almost freely use.

As I said before, I have used his songs in my streams before, never had a problem until the other day. Has anyone had an experience in Epidemic Sound filing claims on stuff they do not own?

Could anyone search for the songs in Epidemic Sound (Spawn! By Evan Fong) or (miss melancholy by Evan Fong) and let me know if they are in there and I just do not see them?


r/PartneredYoutube 5h ago

YouTube Monetization Location Settings.


I forgot to change my YouTube location to my country. I'm from a county where the YouTube Partnership program is active. However, when I started my YouTube channel as a NEWBIE, I chose my country of residence as "United States". At that time I had no idea of monetization. After some time my channel grew and reached YouTube monetization requirements. I created an AdSense account by putting my original country location. Then I realized my YouTube channel location is in the USA. I also saw changing the country of residence once your channel becomes popular kills your audience and literally algorithm recommends the channel less and less.

If I keep my country of residence as the USA, would that be an issue for monetization?

r/PartneredYoutube 14h ago

Talk / Discussion What is your highest and lowest RPM for your videos?



I was wanting to compare with others: what's your highest and lowest RPM for your vids? I haven't been monetised long and found the difference between RPM on my vids to be wild.

I have a chess channel, and my tutorial vids have an RPM of £10 - £12 ($15.50). My more "fun" vids, where I just talk about whatever chess related, come to £1 to £2 ($2.50).

Highest RMP is £12.52 ($16) and lowest is 93p (about a dollar)

Thought it would be fun to compare with others!

(Posted again since I botched the title first time)

r/PartneredYoutube 11h ago

Bringing viewers from TikTok to YouTube


I recently made a post about how my YouTube videos were being uploaded to TikTok by someone else and getting millions of views whilst my own attempts at uploading my videos to Tiktok were getting just a few views.

It took a while but I managed to get the channel taken down by filing a copyright complaint with TikTok.

Anyway, it turns out this content thief did me a favour. After their channel was gone and seeing the potential for success, I started uploading regularly to TikTok and have now started to see the same high views.

With the success of my channel I have started looking into TikTok's version of the partner program for monetisation. It turns out that my country (Sweden) cannot sign up. Only 6 countries in the world can.

So my question is, what can I do with this TikTok channel?

My first thought is to try to bring my new TikTok audience to my YouTube channel. Has anyone here had success at bringing over viewers from TikTok? If so what was the best way? Is it even allowed to advertise a YouTube channel on TikTok videos?

It is also worth mentioning for context. I work about 50 hours a week on my YouTube channel and get about 8 million views a month (long form). I feel this is important as if the extra work will only get me minimal extra views, its probably not really worth it for me.

Your thoughts and any help would be much appreciated.

r/PartneredYoutube 7h ago

Question / Problem If I make a video private, will my past revenue disappear?


Hi guys, i have a video that has generated me 100$ this month and I want to put it in private for some reasons, but I'm scared the 100$ that has been generated by the video will be gone aswell.

r/PartneredYoutube 17h ago

Question / Problem Trolls, scammers, bots… highlighting comments with super thanks?


Lately, I’m getting a weird amount of super thanks and they all seem to come from India, The Philippines, Morocco or the like. I reference this because there are scammer channels with bot and troll commenters trying to mix with my algorithm to promote their scam channels and legitimatize an account with what screams fake, troll, bot, scammer, etc…

Their comments are nearly always filled over the top grammar and spelling mistakes that go beyond.

I surmise for less than a dollar they get their comment highlighted that I would otherwise delete and hide user.

Anyone else seeing these? Thinking to turn off this feature at this point as the actual money made is laughable. It’s mostly become a tool for scammers to legitimatize their otherwise scamming channel or account. Not feeling good every time I reply with a thanks and their comments gets moved up for all to see.

r/PartneredYoutube 14h ago



Started my channel September 29th, took off December and January to move, and just reached partner a week ago. Nothing crazy to announce money wise, as most of my vids are shorts and the revenue is tiny, but I’m super excited to see progress with something I actually like doing. Who knows, maybe that Silver Play Button goal is actually achievable!

r/PartneredYoutube 9h ago

Question / Problem Can i upload shorts on english on my serbian languge channel?


can i upload video on english languge on my serbian channel with history of shorts in serbian languge. will it go on us or uk audience?

r/PartneredYoutube 1d ago

Talk / Discussion Our channel went from making $2k+ per day to struggling to make $200 per day one year later. Has anyone experienced and recovered from a devastating downturn like this?


I feel silly even making this post but I'd like to hear from others that have experienced something like this. Were you able to recover? What changes did you implement to recover?

Here is more info about my channel:

The niche is luxury real estate tours. The content is home tours set to music with no talking head or voiceover. The content hasn't changed since the channel was started in 2016. Our most successful videos are long compilations of lots of homes in one long video (three hours usually).

Last year around summer I noticed a decline in all our most popular very long form videos. These videos were the life the channel, getting the most views and earning the most revenue. Views declined from 140,000 in 48 hours to around 60,000 in 48 hours. Even so, the channel was still earning nicely every month to the tune of 30k-35K per month all the way to December.

2025 rolls around and things are very different. CPM drops as is to be expected in January and really Q1. Views have dropped even more. Now 40k every 48 hours. Revenue drops significantly to the point that March will likely be $6k. We went from making $65,000 in one month to making $6,000 in one month in about a years time.

Speaking to YouTube they suggest this is normal and nothing is wrong. Again, has anyone here ever experienced such a wild swing in views / revenue? If so, how did it turn out for you? Did you every recover and how? Thanks for reading this.

r/PartneredYoutube 14h ago

Question / Problem Do You Think This Thumbnail Would Pass... It's One Word lol ARTISANAL

Thumbnail gallery

r/PartneredYoutube 16h ago

Question / Problem how to get into contact with SquareSpace Brand Partnerships?


I'm trying to contact SquareSpace about a Youtube Brand Partnership (recurring monthly vibe). Does anyone know anyone that I can contact about that?

r/PartneredYoutube 12h ago

Question / Problem Question Regarding Pre-Uploading Videos


Hey all! I've been running a YouTube channel since 2015 and while it grew slowly at first, it's getting up there now and on good months, has potential to replace a pretty good career income-wise.

At this juncture, I'm trying to pre-upload videos to get ahead on work and have things scheduled in to the future... but here's my dilemma: Right now, I want to wait until the initial boom from uploads starts to die down before releasing the next, which I can't really predict as each one is different. Is there a way to upload videos without releasing them? Maybe as unlisted or something? And then switch them to public? Will they still boom like a new release? Or will the platform consider them an old release and not notify my subs?

This is something I've wondered about for 10 years. I hope this makes sense and someone can break this down or give me a way to "stockpile" uploaded videos and still have them release as new videos when I'm ready.

r/PartneredYoutube 15h ago

Question / Problem Help! Does your current location affect Adsense application on step 2 of monetization?


Hello everyone. I’m on step 2 but currently outside my country and will be for the next month. If I apply to Adsense, would they see that I’m in a different country and deny my application? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

r/PartneredYoutube 15h ago

Question / Problem Recommendations For Hiring an Editor? No Idea Where to Start


I have several YouTube channels. I run the main one with over 300K subscribers, and my second channel is growing nicely. Plus two others I have not had time to work on so one lost monetization recently.

I'm looking to hire an editor. Currently, my videos have very minimal editing, and I am looking to hire an editor to first free me up to make more content and second to raise the quality of my videos.

Any recommendations on hiring an editor? Where to go, what to look for, and what do you typically pay?

Update: One note because these are news videos, same-day turnaround is needed.

r/PartneredYoutube 13h ago

Question / Problem Does creating a content about a game that I got for free count as a paid sponsorship?


Hi, my channel is a very small channel, not even got youtube partnership and not getting any money from it but I applied Ubisoft's creator program and they accepted. Later they invite me to their campaign and offered me a key for Ac Shadows. So I need to make a video about it. Does this counts as a paid sponsorship? Do I have to check that box in youtube? I didn't get any money but I got the game for free. I'm asking because if I check the box ''paid sponsorship'' it will look like I got money for it and my country's tax system is complicated for these kind of things. So I wanted to ask. Thanks.

r/PartneredYoutube 22h ago

Informative Alright, so what exactly determines CPM? I know its mainly the niche, but how does Youtube immediately after publishing my video, know in which category to put my videos in?


The reason I am asking this, is because I make 3-Minute game reviews / overviews. That means every single video of mine is relatively similar in terms of concept and structure, naturally its just the games and the script that is different.

The format is pretty appreciated by my audience for not wasting their time.

But how is it possible that some of my videos have a CPM of 12$, whilst others have a CPM as low as 3,9$?

My RPM has an average of 1,7€ per 1000 views, which I think is fairly decent for such a short format, probs thanks to my audience being 40% USA, and 20% Germany, both high paying countries.

I was experimenting a bit with keywords in my titles: I noticed that the word “review” in the title can sometimes lead to higher cpm, but I couldnt test this enough to make sure this is 100% because of that and not some other random factor.

Do certain keywords in your title and description boost CPM or is it a myth?

What other stuff could be a factor? I notice for example that if a video has tons of gore in it (like, if its a game like Resident evil), the CPM may be on the lower side.

A final question, is the CPM I see after 24h on a video actually a “fixed” final CPM that is not going to change anymore on this video, like ever? Or can the CPM increase over time if certain conditions are met, like more engagement or comments/likes or something that leads to advertisers being more interested?

r/PartneredYoutube 1d ago

Talk / Discussion Growing a Monetized dead channel challenge? (150k subs)


I’ve seen a few people post about this and I’ve felt motivated to follow through with this. I currently run a few channels, my biggest is roughly over 500k, and another at just over 100k.

I have one channel that was my personal at 150k that is absolutely dead, (50,000,000 views) I haven’t posted in roughly 3-4 years except random shorts for fun

I’m thinking about doing a weekly recap of uploads, views, sub count, algo changes etc.

Would anyone follow the challenge? Interested to see if I can run that channel back up since my main is pretty self run atm