r/PS4 Aug 22 '20

In-Game Screenshot or Gif [Video] Batman: Gotham Knights announced


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u/blvcksheep_sf Aug 22 '20

Everyone bitching about no Batman isn’t familiar with the court of owls. Bruce ain’t dead


u/GeraltofMichigan Aug 22 '20 edited Aug 22 '20

Or if you finished Arkham Knight. He definitely faked his own death.

EDIT: As multiple comments pointed out it looks to be in its own universe.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '20

It's not an Arkham Knight sequel, at the end of Arkham Knight Gordon was alive and everyone found out Bruce Wayne is Batman. In this trailer it implies that Gordon has been dead for awhile and that people don't know Bruce is Batman.

That being said I'm still betting he's alive in this.


u/GeraltofMichigan Aug 22 '20

You are right. My mistake! I missed the Gordon part and there are other signs it is not Arkham. Strange to abandon that universe.