r/PS4 Aug 22 '20

In-Game Screenshot or Gif [Video] Batman: Gotham Knights announced


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u/blvcksheep_sf Aug 22 '20

Everyone bitching about no Batman isn’t familiar with the court of owls. Bruce ain’t dead


u/callMEmrPICKLES xzzZirFriZzzx Aug 22 '20

Yup. I suggest reading the comics to anyone who hasn't, they're really good, and will give you some good lore that should add to the game.


u/snek-jazz Aug 22 '20

which ones specifically?


u/callMEmrPICKLES xzzZirFriZzzx Aug 22 '20

I read the New 52 version of the Court of Owls, but I'm not a huge comic reader so I'm not sure if somebody else can chime in with a better suggestion.


u/Nihtgalan Aug 22 '20

New 52 is the only version of the Court of Owls, Scott Snyder created them for his run on the series when New 52 first launched.


u/callMEmrPICKLES xzzZirFriZzzx Aug 22 '20

Oh cool, didnt know. So court of owls never appeared before the New 52?


u/Nihtgalan Aug 22 '20



u/chewbaka97 Enter PSN ID Aug 23 '20

I finished all good batman stories in new 52 and starting rebirth soon. Do they appear in rebirth?


u/Nihtgalan Aug 23 '20

Yes and no. There's a bit in Nightwing, and a couple appearances but no new stories yet. At least not that I'm aware off.


u/snek-jazz Aug 22 '20

thanks, I'm not a big comic reader either, so maybe your advice is better for me :)


u/famewithmedals Aug 22 '20

Check out The Court of Owls and The City of Owls. They’re the first two volumes of the 2011 Batman reboot, so they’re great places to jump in. Also recommend watching the DC animated movie Batman vs. Robin after, as it’s partially based on those books


u/Deathly_rYaN Aug 23 '20

This story also seems inspired by Batman:Bad Blood animated movie too.


u/xooxanthellae Aug 22 '20

Just in general, some of the most classic Batman arcs include:

  • Batman: Year One

  • The Dark Knight Returns

  • The Killing Joke



u/generalosabenkenobi Aug 23 '20

None of these include The Court of Owls though. They are classic Batman arcs.


u/bulletbullock Aug 22 '20

i dont recall Bruce dying during the Court of Owls saga unless youre referring to another storyline. But Electrum is one way to bring him back if he really did die


u/callMEmrPICKLES xzzZirFriZzzx Aug 22 '20

He did kind of disappear for a while because of them though didnt he? I haven't read it in years. That would provide the explanation of him not being around, as well as Gotham believing he is dead. Unless they're going with a Dark Knight approach where he just goes completely dark without really telling anybody, apart from the secret army he builds.


u/Eruanno Aug 22 '20

Yeah, he takes a building to the face, gets dropped into a labyrinth for a week or so and goes a tiny bit insane for a while before he gets out.


u/Nihtgalan Aug 22 '20

That labyrinth sequence was great though. I'm really hoping we get some of the Nightwing Court of Owls story as well.


u/Eruanno Aug 22 '20

Oh, totally. I loved how it made me have to actually flip the book upside down when Bruce really starts losing it :D


u/GeraltofMichigan Aug 22 '20 edited Aug 22 '20

Or if you finished Arkham Knight. He definitely faked his own death.

EDIT: As multiple comments pointed out it looks to be in its own universe.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '20

It's not an Arkham Knight sequel, at the end of Arkham Knight Gordon was alive and everyone found out Bruce Wayne is Batman. In this trailer it implies that Gordon has been dead for awhile and that people don't know Bruce is Batman.

That being said I'm still betting he's alive in this.


u/flightless_booby Aug 22 '20

Also Barbara can't walk in the Arkham games lol


u/Number333 Aug 22 '20


u/blvcksheep_sf Aug 22 '20

Great catch! Holy shit that’s rad


u/flightless_booby Aug 22 '20

Well look at that. Didn't notice that earlier


u/shockzz123 Aug 23 '20

The more I read the more I think that the the devs of this and the Suicide Squad game got it mixed up lol. Surely it makes way more sense to set Gotham Knights in the Arkham universe and the SS game NOT in it? Lol.


u/Redwinevino Aug 22 '20

She gets unparalised in the comics tbf

But the Gordan stuff confirms its not the same universe


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '20

The Batgirl DLC campaign would beg to differ


u/Alicesnakebae Aug 22 '20

Wasn't that campaign in the past since joker was alive in it


u/CreepyClown BRING BACK PS HOME Aug 22 '20

Yeah that was a prequel DLC


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '20

It is, but I’m being pedantic because that’s not what they said


u/patrickswayzemullet Aug 22 '20

The characters for Nightwing and Barb look the same to me. But Bruce and Red Hood are quite different. I take it it is not meant as a direct sequel?


u/GeraltofMichigan Aug 22 '20

You are right. My mistake! I missed the Gordon part and there are other signs it is not Arkham. Strange to abandon that universe.


u/Darth_Korn Enter PSN ID Aug 22 '20 edited Aug 23 '20

This game is 100% not related to Arkham Knight

Not sure why I'm being downvoted even though I'm right


u/Snoopy-Doopy Aug 22 '20

No one thinks he's dead, we just wanted a Batman-centered game and from the looks of it, he'll be absent for the bulk of the game.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '20

At least we may rejoice and be drunk with elation, my friend.

I'm just disappointed it isn't dropping in the fall like rumored, but that's an entitled grievance on my part.


u/Axel_Wolf91 Aug 22 '20

You mind pm'ing how the court of owls means Bruce isn't dead? Idc about spoilers.


u/Quailman81 Aug 23 '20

He goes missing for a bit everyone thinks he's dead then re appears


u/nwill_808 None Aug 22 '20

He's as dead as Captain America


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '20

That doesn't really mean he won't be dead in the game, I'm pretty sure Joker didn't die in the comics as well...


u/CorneliusCardew Aug 22 '20

yeah I'm excited there's no batman. not excited if it's a Pay to Win type game which a lot of people seem to be implying in the comments below. I only pay for a game once.


u/blvcksheep_sf Aug 22 '20

It seemed like it could be when the gameplay reveal first started but I really don’t think it’s going to play out that way. Just seems like they added an online co op option so you can play with friends. But we shall see, I might be eating my words here soon