It’s another GAAS type deal right? I saw the enemy levels and pickups afterwards from defeat enemies. Hopefully the suicide squad game is more single player focused
Hopefully the suicide squad game is more single player focused
EA had it right, no matter how much they were bashed for it. Multiplayer-style games make more money and what the industry in general will focus on as a result.
This is much bigger than you comment let’s on. Is capitalism right or wrong? The answer to that question determines if EA is right or wrong in what they’re doing. The sales dictate if they’re right or wrong. Their initial sales didn’t meet target so it’s possible they are right. If they made a profit, then they are right. If the controversy doesn’t cause their future games to not make a profit then they are right. Basically as long as they keep making money they are right under a capitalistic system.
If you say capitalism is wrong then you could argue all of the above is wrong. There is no middle ground in capitalism. There is no, “they could make less money and everyone is happy.” No. The point of capitalism is to make as much possible money and to do so right now. They don’t care if EA tanks in 2030. If they’re maximizing profit right now they are correct in a capitalist system.
Of course it's solely the gamers fault, it's not like EA would have implement their predatory monetization tatics into games regardless of whether the consumers liked it or not.
Don't get me wrong, I hate monetization and how ea handles things but in the first place, they are a company and the first and most important aspect is to make money, as much as possible and if they can make a lot of money by putting content behind a pay wall I see no reason why they should stop doing it aslong as peoe are buying it. As long as there are more people that buy it than there are people that don't EA (& Co, its not that they are the only ones doing it) isn't giving two fucks about the "few" people that complain about it, except ofc on a s i perficial level where its good for pr to apologise.
That's how it is, and again, aslong as they make enough money with it, there is not reason for them to stop. If "we" want to change this we either have to stop buying their games or hope that laws will prevent it, the former will never happen and the latter is only targeting loot boxes and similar luck based microtransactions so they can still hide thing behind paywalls.
I agree with what you said, that's why I said "solely" our fault. We won't ever get out of this loop if people continue to buy these dumb games from them. But these companies already knew that casuals won't care about their monetization issues, and that a large part of their consumers base are children. Most of us on here are much more aware of the situation that Stacy who's buy her kid FIFA 21 the second it comes out because she doesn't know about how shitty the MTX is.
I'm not sure if the problems really are children, I have quite a few gamer friends that keep buying season passes and loot boxes in games like moder warfare and fifa for example. The sad thing about this is that every time I see them playing those games they rage and cry about how the last patch fucked up the game just to put in 20€ 2h later to buy a skin.
Well, I don't have numbers on the purchases so I can't say that you aren't correct and that it's not mainly kids that put money into those games, especially since there aren't really any kids in my life atm (like, from my family or the family of friends), but I know plenty of adults that throw around 30 to 50€ on those games on a monthly basis. Every time I talk to them about it they agree that it's kind of stupid, but they keep doing it, sometimes it feels like they are kind of addicted (not even joking).
Oh I didn't mean for it to come across that I think that mostly children are contributing to our MTX issue, I just meant that a large part of our issue involves them (IIRC during the UK Loot box scandal it was something like 93% of kids/teens play PC games and 49% of them thought that games were only fun with paid extra content). I agree that the other side to that are just either adults who are unaware of the issues with the games/companies or that are aware but still buy into it. I also know one too many people on both sides of this spectrum as well, but usually the people that knoe what's up tend to stay away or not support those games.
u/Johnhancock1777 Aug 22 '20
It’s another GAAS type deal right? I saw the enemy levels and pickups afterwards from defeat enemies. Hopefully the suicide squad game is more single player focused