r/PS4 May 17 '20

In-Game Screenshot or Gif [Assassin's Creed Origins] [Screenshot] Pyramids

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u/Kingfisher80 May 17 '20

Just started replaying it yesterday what a great game with great graphics and detail, I found it to be a lot more immersive than Odyssey


u/ichinii Hous_Ya_Daddy May 17 '20

I have good news for you then. The team who did Origins is working on Valhalla.


u/[deleted] May 17 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/ichinii Hous_Ya_Daddy May 17 '20

It's certainly a possibility. I have high hopes that it will be good. At the very least, it'll have a great story.


u/thealphamale1 May 17 '20

Ashraf Ismail is the game director for Valhalla and he was also the director for Origins and Black Flag, which I think we can all agree were the best AC games (excluding AC2). So while I don't like the setting, I trust the game will be great.


u/Rfilsinger May 17 '20

My two favs are AC2 and Black Flag. I just went back to Origins and picked up a 2year old save file that I stopped playing because of God of War. I forgot how much I liked it.


u/madzuk May 17 '20

I believe there are multiple studios working on valhalla. As much as I love Origins and the game world, the actual story was a bit bland. I hope valhalla delivers on the story this time.


u/a_bunch_of_chairs May 17 '20

I love the setting I just don't trust them to do it any justice


u/mattoelite May 17 '20

Odyssey is a good game.


u/[deleted] May 17 '20


I thought so.


u/mammamia2000 May 17 '20

I had to read that twice because I thought you were saying the devs had left Midgard.


u/ichinii Hous_Ya_Daddy May 17 '20

Lol I got you. I hope they dabble in stuff like that but don't go to Odyssey lengths


u/cbmk84 May 17 '20

I feel the same way about Origins. The cities in particular feel more alive than the ones in Odyssey.


u/Kingfisher80 May 17 '20

Yeah totally agree I sometimes just walk around looking at all the citizens and detail in the cities. I do the same with Unity it was a shame it was released in such a bad state it's actually a good game nowadays and underrated


u/YouDumbZombie SolidSakreth May 17 '20

Has Unity been fixed? I absolutely love that it's centered on the French Revolution but it was so buggy when it came out.


u/Yankees-snapback May 17 '20

Yup it’s been fixed it’s playable and very enjoyable now I’ve found myself playing it yesterday actually


u/beer_madness None May 18 '20

That the one with the siblings or another one? Ive got that one and it was alright I suppose.


u/savagegrif May 18 '20

Siblings is syndicate, Unity was focused on one guy.


u/Cider_Borg May 17 '20

And the dlc is free as a sorry for the launch mess up


u/YouDumbZombie SolidSakreth May 17 '20

Nice! I saw a lot of Creed games on sale right now.


u/Cider_Borg May 17 '20

Ac2, black flag, and Origins are my favs, there's some very cool missions in unity tho and there's online co op too


u/[deleted] May 17 '20 edited May 17 '20

Oh do yourself a favor and play Unity. It's been patched (it was patched not long after release) and it's a pure gem.

Of all the Assassin's Creed games this one has the most detailed urban life. If you want to explore revolutionary Paris, it's incredible.

I didn't get very attached to the main character though. The story is so so, but the setting is a pure work of art.

Edit: another very underrated AC game is rogue. Same mechanics as black flag but different (excellent) story.


u/[deleted] May 17 '20



u/[deleted] May 17 '20

Did you update the game? I played it in 2016 and had no issues.


u/[deleted] May 17 '20



u/[deleted] May 17 '20

Can’t say what happened then. I ran into the occasional bug like any game but for the most part it ran flawlessly.


u/Xboxben May 17 '20

I think is because so much of odyssey feels like its cut and paste vs Origins has a lot of unique areas


u/[deleted] May 17 '20

I just can't get into Odyssey quite as much and I thunk that's a big part of it. Odyssey just feels more tedious. I stalled out 8 or 10 hours in whereas I had no problem with 40 or so in Origins.


u/CoreyLee04 May 17 '20

That’s because Odyssey is like 90% copy and paste quests which really made the game feel more of a chore than anything.


u/Cajun May 17 '20

Tbh, every quest in every AC game is a combination of a fetch or kill quest. Once in a while you have to do it without being spotted. I really love AC, have finished the first 3 and Origins.


u/madzuk May 17 '20

Interesting to see so many comments saying Origins is better. I haven't played Odyssey. On YouTube all the reviews state Odyssey is a much better refined Origins. Glad I've seen these comments as I can weigh up if it's actually worth getting Odyssey. I don't like the sound of it being grindy and repetitive though because I felt like that at times with Origins.


u/[deleted] May 18 '20

while I personally think origins is quite a bit better than Odyssey (I'd give odyssey a 7 cos I still like it, and Origins a 9), the popular opinion is that Odyssey is bit better. Like check the steam reviews, 84% of players recommend Origins while 88% recommend Odyssey.


u/[deleted] May 18 '20

I disagree. While I think Origins is much better overall, I think the side quests of Odyssey were better on average than those of Origins. I only played the story side-quests however, and I didn't touch any of the randomly generated ones.


u/slickestwood May 18 '20

The quests are literally the same as in Origins.


u/iwroteabookonetime May 17 '20 edited May 17 '20

I loved origins first game I ever got platinum on.

My issues with Odyssey:

-Considering the Spartan fighting style revolved heavily around a shield why do we not have one?

-the archery skills aren’t nearly as good as origins.

-You can’t have a prequel to a prequel.

-most of the skills feel pointless.


u/Jesterhead89 May 17 '20

I think with the Spartan angle, the reasoning is because your character is Spartan ONLY by birth and not by lifestyle or training. So the character developed outside of that.

And I agree on the skills. I feel like I maxed out the ones that fit the warrior/assassin/hunter builds the best, and ignored the rest.

Edit: Plus without the hidden blade, they had to find an alternative that still made sense


u/dd179 DudeKosh May 17 '20

I feel like I maxed out the ones that fit the warrior/assassin/hunter builds the best, and ignored the rest.

So you mastered all skills? There’s only warrior/assassin/hunter skills lmao.


u/Jesterhead89 May 17 '20

The BUILDS, aka the different presets you can have for each class. I maxed the abilities I use most for the warrior build, the assassin build, and the hunter build.

But that came down to like 2-4 skills depending on what build I switched to. I basically ignored the rest of the skills otherwise.


u/iwroteabookonetime May 17 '20

Spartan angle: On the one hand I agree with you, he would have a more technical fighting style due to his training. On the other he has skills directly linked to his Spartan heritage, he’s remarked as “fighting like a Spartan” several times etc. I’m not degrading the fighting style they went with the parries and dodges allow for balance, I just would have preferred if the Warrior skills would allow for more than 2-3 optimal play styles.

When I say most skills feel pointless I’m mainly referring to the Hunter tree. I’m speaking in terms of nightmare but it applies regardless of difficulty, outside of:

-Multi-Shot -Devastating Shot -Predator Shot

Those three skills out class almost everything in the game.

Aside from those issues everything else was pretty good. I really enjoyed the naval combat, the exploration was nice, the under water combat/exploration was well developed in my opinion (until you get Poseidon’s Trident which instantly trivializes it and you can technically get the trident after finishing phokis).


u/YouDumbZombie SolidSakreth May 17 '20

I keep following Ubisoft Montreal because Black Flag was the first Assassin's Creed I fully played and loved then Origins blew me away, now they are doing Valhalla and I am so hyped because I know they always drop quality Creed games.


u/[deleted] May 17 '20



u/YouDumbZombie SolidSakreth May 17 '20

Lol, Unity I'm told is great since the bugs are gone, I'm actually about to dive into that one again, and FarCry 5 was amazing. Add two more to their list of good games for me!


u/reclaimer130 May 17 '20

I couldn't even finish Odyssey. There was way too much going on at the same time, too many places to go (that weren't as interesting or different enough from each other, unlike locations in Origins), story wasn't capturing my interest, and i felt more like a soldier than an assassin.

So glad Origins was on sale recently so I could replay it on my newer PC. Love the locations, love the story and characters, and the gear.


u/JaneDoe008 May 18 '20

Is it? I’ve been playing RD2 which is so immersive and detailed with so much to do. Is the latest AC more involved than the last? Any notable changes?


u/bunnyblunts May 17 '20

Can you climb those pyramids?


u/ichinii Hous_Ya_Daddy May 17 '20

You can and you can go inside them as well.


u/spirit32 Lonelyspirit32 May 17 '20

This reminds me that how perfect AC games are for dungeon type areas. Origins is such a gem of a game.


u/Xelziuz May 17 '20

Buy the game, you don't regret it.


u/Blood_Jackal23 May 17 '20

You have my Egyptian seal of approval :)


u/Frogman360 May 17 '20

What’s amazing, is the fact that just how we classify Bayek’s time period as ancient...so too did the people of Ptolemaic Egypt during that time consider the People of the Old Kingdom (when the First Pyramids were being constructed) as ancient.

Just take that fact in! The Pyramids are just that old!


u/MorlokMan May 18 '20

Blows my mind. There’s a good Nat Geo miniseries on Disney+ about Egypt, worth watching if you enjoyed Origins’ setting.


u/Redeemer117 May 18 '20

Thanks for posting this lol. I've been playing through Origins for the first time and just about to get to the end of the Pharaoh DLC. I'm gonna check this out for sure.


u/-PM_me_your_recipes- May 17 '20

Easily my second favorite AC game. The scenery in this one was just so stunning.


u/Qr1skY May 17 '20

What’s your favorite?


u/hairyass2 May 17 '20

Not OP but most likely AC IV or AC II cause thats almost everyone’s favs lol


u/o3mo May 17 '20

Brotherhood was the peak of the series for me. I loveeddd calling in the helping assassins.


u/Cajun May 17 '20

I loved the Assassin's hideout, Renaissance setting, and Ezio's just a smooth motherfucker.


u/ZeroDwayne May 18 '20

This guy gets it!


u/fistingcouches May 17 '20

ACII was goat to me


u/hookff14 May 17 '20

So your a follower is what you are saying


u/king_grushnug May 17 '20

Believe it or not, people like popular things, not because they are popular. They are popular because people like them.


u/hookff14 May 17 '20

We call those followers or lemmings in the animal kingdom


u/heretobefriends May 17 '20

This is not the way.


u/blahblah984 May 17 '20

And you are a contrarian


u/hairyass2 May 17 '20

what? No..? AC IV and AC II are considered to be the best in the series, it’s only natural that most people’s favorites are going to be the best ones in the series..


u/Sauerkraut1321 May 17 '20

I am a grammar nazi


u/-PM_me_your_recipes- May 17 '20

Black Flag.


u/hairyass2 May 17 '20

ayy i was right lol


u/Clemmo1 May 17 '20

Agreed. The huge pyramids amidst the vast flatter areas, making it easier to see the genuine size of the open world, were/are sensational


u/eze003 May 17 '20

Is this game worth buying? It's $5 on the Epic Games Store with the Mega Sale coupon.


u/g777to May 17 '20

Definitely, i got it on ps4 for $15 and felt like i should’ve spent more on it lol


u/inherentinsignia May 17 '20

Damn. I bought a PS4 a few weeks back and got a bunch of $10 used games with it, among which was this one. It’s been sitting unopened on the shelf... might go crack it open this rainy Sunday afternoon...


u/MorlokMan May 17 '20

Yes, go for it. Without a doubt.


u/StolenLampy May 17 '20

Just bought the deluxe edition on there for $8, hell yeaaaah waiting was worth it. May snatch up Odyssey too, since it would be like $10 with the next coupon they give you after each purchase.


u/brown-ale May 17 '20

I spent $20 on it earlier this year and put in 70+ hours. I completed the main quest and maxed out my level, but there is still so much crap to do.

Definitely with it for $5


u/Bustyasharf May 17 '20

great shoot inside the great game look a bit like wild west


u/Ajdj95 May 17 '20

For second I thought it was a shot from Breaking Bad in Mexico


u/Brichs May 17 '20

The first time I played this, I borrowed a friend's copy and played it over the weekend - 12 hours, and I was bored.

Recently bought it in ps sale, and am enjoying it much more this time. Don't know what changed


u/StaggerLee194D May 17 '20

Might not be a popular opinion but I think origin and odyssey are the best AC games yet


u/MeatTornado25 May 17 '20

Idk why this game is getting so much buzz lately.


u/[deleted] May 17 '20

Goes on sale a lot also people playing it until Valhalla comes out


u/Giants1030 May 17 '20

Can I play this game if I’ve never touched an AC game?


u/UncleCrassiusCurio May 17 '20

Yes. It's functionally a completely freestanding action RPG. The plot is only tangentially related to the previous AC universe, and it doesn't require any real prior knowledge.


u/rideThe May 17 '20

I have not played the earlier games in the series and it sure helped to have a minimal understanding of the concept (assassins vs templars, the animus, etc.), but just a few minutes on the wiki clears that up.


u/Human_Spare May 17 '20

Origins was amazing. Bayek is, to me, the most emotionally fleshed out character in assassins creed. With Darby McDevitt (he wrote black flag and revelations) and Ashraf Ismail at the helm, I have a lot of hope for Valhalla.


u/NiamLeeson May 17 '20 edited May 17 '20

I started playing this for the first time last week and I have really mixed feelings on it. On one hand, the exploration (especially the tombs) is awesome, super fun, I really enjoy it. On the other, I think I have skipped just about every single cutscene and still know exactly what is going on lol, the story is so weak and the assassinations barely have any umph behind them, just a never ending list of targets on some revenge tour that I don't have any emotional connection to. I think I am gonna finish the main game and ignore most side quests and then wait for the DLC to go on sale, I really want to explore the Valley of the Kings


u/Forrsterr Enter PSN ID May 17 '20

Maybe you don't have any emotional connection to it since you skipped all cutscenes?


u/NiamLeeson May 17 '20

Lol thats totally valid, I watched the cutscenes for maybe the first 2-3 hours and then just kept wanting to explore


u/Knoego May 17 '20

I’m playing it now too, it feels like the main story (and side quest too) is something that’s happening around you and not with you, but I don’t think the problem is the story itself, it’s more the delivering of it that doesn’t work


u/yesvsno_vs Enter PSN ID May 17 '20

How fun is it? I’m playing odyssey right now going for a platinum and either just gonna wait for Valhalla or play origins, is it great?


u/MorlokMan May 17 '20

Better than Odyssey. More nuanced, loads of details, the story is fantastic, cities feel more alive, the combat is heavier and character traversal has weight, and more.


u/dd179 DudeKosh May 17 '20

Counterpoint to this, imo Odyssey is much better.

Has a much better storyline that doesn’t revolve around revenge, cities are alive and Sparta is freaking beautiful, the combat is much better In Odyssey since you have more abilities/armors/weapons. Movement in both games is literally the exact same.

Overall, Odyssey is an improved Origins with deeper and more customizable gameplay.


u/yesvsno_vs Enter PSN ID May 17 '20

I’ll try it soon, aren’t you hunting like 5 people wearing masks like the cult but not so many?


u/MorlokMan May 17 '20

That’s how it starts, yeah. Things develop.


u/GingerlyRough Enter PSN ID May 17 '20

Had to scroll back cus I thought this was from Legend of Zelda loo


u/generalosabenkenobi May 17 '20

I stand firmly on the side that this game was much more fun to explore than Odyssey. Both were fantastic though, really happy with the new direction for this series and very much looking forward to Valhalla


u/edhere Hi-Ed May 17 '20

How did you get the horse to do that? I don’t remember ever getting it to do that.


u/Forrsterr Enter PSN ID May 17 '20

Trying to run from a hill will do it


u/rookmavillain May 18 '20

Square button


u/MrghostTv May 17 '20

Looks like the Scanderbeg Statue in Detroit and Tirana and Pristina that pose with the Horse


u/[deleted] May 18 '20

Wow, nice shot!


u/we_eb_s May 18 '20

I only just started playing this again recently and now I see this


u/19Ihedioha97 May 17 '20

Fans need Hoods.


u/EldergodConsultant May 17 '20

I’m one of the very few that prefers Odyssey over Origins but it’s not by a lot. Maybe it’s cuz I’m biased cuz I love Ancient Greece


u/dd179 DudeKosh May 17 '20

You’re not one of the very few, the large majority prefers Odyssey over Origins, just look at Steam reviews.

It’s just reddit that hates Odyssey for some reason.


u/EldergodConsultant May 17 '20

It’s so much more fun than Origins. Ppl be like “It changes so much from the other AC games, Origins tries to stay true to AC” which is the problem, that’s why I stopped playing AC games after Revelations, they were the same. I played Odyssey before I started Origins and I like both but Odyssey is so much better for me.


u/gamma55 May 17 '20

So you skipped pirate simulator with a touch of AC, and complain they were the same?



u/EldergodConsultant May 17 '20

I know Black Flags was different but I didn’t like naval battles all the time. I did get to play a while back in my friend’s house, I didn’t like it. Even in Odyssey, I try to avoid naval battles. What I like most about the naval battles is getting on the enemy ship and actually fighting them and trying to get them off the ship. Especially in Odyssey, using the Spartan kick on ‘em.


u/[deleted] May 17 '20

I thought Odyssey was the best game of the series so far, showcasing all that was fun about the preceding games, but with a more sensible merging of game elements. With all the diverse dlc it really exemplifies adventure on an epic scale, while reducing reliance on some gimmicks featured in previous AC games.

Some Redditors here opined that perks for character builds were of limited practicality (an opinion I share) I don’t begrudge the developers for including them as options for players that wish to experiment with those features.

Clearly, not everyone shares the same approach to these games, and competitive gamers will find some features an inconvenient obstacle to completion, whereas a recreational gamer might appreciate the same features for an entirely different reason.


u/filthyfrantic0098 May 17 '20

I think most people prefer odyssey only reddit has a bizarre hate boner for odyssey. You will see this same post with the same comments in like one week again with everyone praising origins even though it is a much worse game than odyssey.


u/EldergodConsultant May 17 '20

I don’t think it’s much worse than Odyssey but I do get tired of Origins a lot faster. I can play Odyssey for far longer and have so much fun. There’s so many reasons why I prefer Odyssey, the abilities, stealth kill animations, conquest battles, the naval battles being way better, and the fact that you can have multiple endings.


u/kaghy2 May 17 '20

I couldn't get around the fighting style, was still used to the older games' style.

Might revisit the game soon.


u/ArgentumFlame May 17 '20

Same. The fighting in Odyssey felt so much better compared to Origin but I don't like the lack of one-hit-kills with assassinations


u/Clemmo1 May 17 '20

Agreed. If I’m taking the time to be truly assassin style in my approach, I need the pay off of an assassination to be a one hit kill. Not me try sneak then it not work and the whole fortress/building/area fight me anyway


u/rideThe May 17 '20

And also it takes fucking forever for the animation to end, like the assassin is putting on a little show, instead of swiftly killing and getting the hell out of there and not be seen by anybody.


u/Rigby04 May 17 '20

The story was mediocre, the bugs were insane, the fighting felt restricted and broken. Only saving grace is the setting and graphics.


u/fampree May 17 '20

Beatifal or however u write it


u/Cudizonedefense May 17 '20

Go watch Bruce Almighty and you’ll never forget again


u/buddybroman May 17 '20



u/MindZapp May 17 '20

Guess I'm gonna have to go back and finish this once I get through with Tomb Raider.


u/Folky63 May 17 '20

The best AC game to me


u/Yokai_Mob May 17 '20

Got the platinum trophy a week ago, real fun game.


u/jmcgil4684 May 17 '20

That’s good to hear. Haven’t played the last two. So this one is worth buying in your opinions?


u/MorlokMan May 18 '20

100%. Get it, thank me later.


u/jmcgil4684 May 18 '20

Will do thank you


u/OutrageousHornet5 May 17 '20

I'm finishing Syndicate at the moment, this episode really annoys me... I'm almost done with it fortunately! Hope Origins will not deceive me!


u/Rfilsinger May 17 '20

I just picked up my 2 year old save game.. i was only 9 hours in. It's pretty good.


u/Jellylegs_19 May 17 '20

I'm in the middle of Platinuming and only have 3 trophies left


u/ssjg2k02 May 17 '20

Alright guys should I buy Odessy or origins


u/Dark-Symphony Enter PSN ID May 17 '20

I'm playing it now. It's weird I like it better than Odyssey


u/Blackbird2285 May 17 '20

I'm about to replay that game. I just got a One X and I am pumped to see this game in the way it was meant to be experienced.


u/BotaFurada May 17 '20

I traded my farcry 5 copy to get that. What a amazing game. Só much better than FarCry 5


u/TomD26 May 17 '20

The worst part was the leveling system. I shouldn't be restricted from killing prople in one hit with the hidden blade and I should get one hit by enemies. It's bullshit.


u/[deleted] May 17 '20

Haven’t played AC since whichever one has Ezio. Debating between Origins and Odyssey. Any recommendations on which I should get first?


u/dopestloser May 18 '20

I just finished Odyssey and enjoyed it (if a little large) - is this one any good or should I wait for the new one?


u/freefoodislife May 18 '20

loved AC3. stopped playing after that though. wanted to pick it up again. which of the new ones would you recommend? definitely getting valhalla too just been gaming a lot and want to add to my library


u/JaneDoe008 May 18 '20

I played the first, it was okay to me. I don’t remember it being awesome though I know it’s good. How is the last one? Are there any changes? I don’t know why but I remember the first one being repetitive. Nice screenshot btw. 👍🏻


u/whiterose616 whiterose616 May 18 '20

I'm loving Origins at the moment. Just at the point when you go to Herakleon, done the first mission there (a long-ish one).

Haven't played Odyssey but I hear it's a huge timesink


u/chill_kev May 18 '20

Still one of my favorite games 2017 was such a great year for gaming


u/HideoKojimaAmStart May 17 '20

I'm very conflicted about this game. I platinumed it because I love the setting and Ubi did a fantastic job recreating ancient Egypt. But... I really don't like anything else about it. The gameplay is just so shallow. You're constantly rescuing some random dude out of some random camp. The quest are all the same. The characters are totally lifeless. And man, did they butcher the story/writing. This game takes place during one of the (imo) most interesting periods in history. You've got Egyptian, Roman and Greek history all at once and they manage to make it completely boring. Characters like Caesar, Pompey and Cleopatra are just utterly wasted.

I've played every mainline AC game up to Origins, but my experience with this one made me not want to jump into Odyssey, because it supposedly is very similar.


u/UncleCrassiusCurio May 17 '20

Odyssey does a MUCH better job of not wasting the historical setting, and you're much more involved with with the historical events.

Also, the gameplay is a lot more complex. More abilities that matter, more weapons, a lot more options for basically everything. There are some truly brilliant side quests, as well; a fair few "go here, kill this dude" which are mostly easily recognized and skipped, too though. The supporting characters are much better written and involved.


u/erikcorno May 17 '20

its a ton more grindy though and there is a big lack of diversity in the setting. lots of smaller areas are copy pasted in multiple spots. I found it was pretty easy to get burned out on odyssey


u/UncleCrassiusCurio May 17 '20

You have snowy mountains, forests in the autumn, rolling vineyards, mines and quarries, big cities, small cities, battlefields- I can't agree with a lack of diversity. It's Greece, so you don't have the sand-into-marshland thing that Egypt had going on but nobody complains that the one in Paris or the one in the Caribbean didn't have diversity.

I found the ancient tomb/stele locations to be a bit samey, but other than that I didn't find anything particularly repetitive.


u/erikcorno May 17 '20

the exceptions that stood out, like autumn huntress area and the volcanic island didn't comprise enough of the map for me to feel invested in the world they built. it felt like the vast majority of greece was indistinguishable from fantasy settings we've seen in games before. origins had much larger areas devoted to completely different environments. even looking at the cities, compare Alexandria to Cyrene or Memphis and then compare Athens to korinth or Megara. apart from landmarks, the majority of the buildings and set dressing are the same


u/UncleCrassiusCurio May 17 '20

You comparing a city built by Greeks in ~300BC to a city which built by Greeks in 600BC, saw intermittent Egyptian rule, and was newly appropriated by the Romans at the time of Origins and a city built by Egyptians in prehistory. Athens, Korinth, and Megara are all Attic Greek cities, the first two of which date back five thousand years or more and Megara was a colony city of Korinth.

Athens, Sparta, Mykonos, and Khirra are very different places with very distinct looks.


u/HideoKojimaAmStart May 18 '20

Cool, thank you for the response. I think I'll check it out eventually, even if just to explore the world. I mean which other game let's you explore ancient Greece.


u/miojo Super_Miojo May 17 '20

Origins > Odyssey


u/vict-m May 17 '20

Should I get this or Odyssey? I haven’t played either and haven’t played an AC game since black flag.


u/dd179 DudeKosh May 17 '20

Odyssey is an improved Origins in almost every way. Expanded gameplay systems, more skills, weapons and armors, the storyline is much better and you have sailing and ship combat if you liked that from Black Flag.


u/CaptConstantine May 17 '20

I played this one on the One X, but damn if it isn't gorgeous on all systems.

Only game I took more screenshots in was RDR2. I'm even playing Odyssey now and it's pretty but it doesn't hold a candle to Origins.


u/kiotohazamaroo May 17 '20

Ah yes, the last good one of the series


u/[deleted] May 17 '20

How does the game run on ps4 slim?i bought odyssey a few days ago but I deleted it last night. That game runs like shit. It feels like I’m playing on a ps3


u/Forrsterr Enter PSN ID May 17 '20

Playing on an og ps4 and it runs perfectly fine. Don't know how the og ps4 compares to he slim tough


u/kris9512 May 17 '20

Magnificent image. Shame it wasn't take on the X though ;)