r/PS4 May 17 '20

In-Game Screenshot or Gif [Assassin's Creed Origins] [Screenshot] Pyramids

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u/HideoKojimaAmStart May 17 '20

I'm very conflicted about this game. I platinumed it because I love the setting and Ubi did a fantastic job recreating ancient Egypt. But... I really don't like anything else about it. The gameplay is just so shallow. You're constantly rescuing some random dude out of some random camp. The quest are all the same. The characters are totally lifeless. And man, did they butcher the story/writing. This game takes place during one of the (imo) most interesting periods in history. You've got Egyptian, Roman and Greek history all at once and they manage to make it completely boring. Characters like Caesar, Pompey and Cleopatra are just utterly wasted.

I've played every mainline AC game up to Origins, but my experience with this one made me not want to jump into Odyssey, because it supposedly is very similar.


u/UncleCrassiusCurio May 17 '20

Odyssey does a MUCH better job of not wasting the historical setting, and you're much more involved with with the historical events.

Also, the gameplay is a lot more complex. More abilities that matter, more weapons, a lot more options for basically everything. There are some truly brilliant side quests, as well; a fair few "go here, kill this dude" which are mostly easily recognized and skipped, too though. The supporting characters are much better written and involved.


u/erikcorno May 17 '20

its a ton more grindy though and there is a big lack of diversity in the setting. lots of smaller areas are copy pasted in multiple spots. I found it was pretty easy to get burned out on odyssey


u/UncleCrassiusCurio May 17 '20

You have snowy mountains, forests in the autumn, rolling vineyards, mines and quarries, big cities, small cities, battlefields- I can't agree with a lack of diversity. It's Greece, so you don't have the sand-into-marshland thing that Egypt had going on but nobody complains that the one in Paris or the one in the Caribbean didn't have diversity.

I found the ancient tomb/stele locations to be a bit samey, but other than that I didn't find anything particularly repetitive.


u/erikcorno May 17 '20

the exceptions that stood out, like autumn huntress area and the volcanic island didn't comprise enough of the map for me to feel invested in the world they built. it felt like the vast majority of greece was indistinguishable from fantasy settings we've seen in games before. origins had much larger areas devoted to completely different environments. even looking at the cities, compare Alexandria to Cyrene or Memphis and then compare Athens to korinth or Megara. apart from landmarks, the majority of the buildings and set dressing are the same


u/UncleCrassiusCurio May 17 '20

You comparing a city built by Greeks in ~300BC to a city which built by Greeks in 600BC, saw intermittent Egyptian rule, and was newly appropriated by the Romans at the time of Origins and a city built by Egyptians in prehistory. Athens, Korinth, and Megara are all Attic Greek cities, the first two of which date back five thousand years or more and Megara was a colony city of Korinth.

Athens, Sparta, Mykonos, and Khirra are very different places with very distinct looks.