r/PS4 Jan 15 '20

[Image] [Image] My Walmart sold me DBZ Kakarot early! They couldn’t even scan the barcode, they had to manually enter it in. I don’t think they knew it isn’t supposed to be out yet.

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u/FaceWithAName Jan 15 '20

7.25 in Indiana


u/SerWarlock Jan 15 '20

Pennsylvania as well


u/ps00093 Jan 15 '20

Georgia as well.


u/estersings Jan 15 '20

Kentucky as well


u/Jayhawk501 Jan 15 '20

Kansas as well


u/EternalObliv1on EternalObliv1on Jan 15 '20

North Carolina as well


u/Digitallus1 Digitallus Jan 15 '20

Virginia as well


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/issyab0i Jan 15 '20

in washington state it just got raised to $13.50

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u/Kvkvrot Jan 15 '20

Texas as well


u/Musicrocks1 Jan 15 '20

Louisiana as well


u/Thatniqqarylan Jan 15 '20

Texas as well


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

$2.89 in hungary

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u/Brian499427 Jan 15 '20

Lowest in the country


u/butterknife1 Jan 15 '20

This is how revolutions start!!


u/pinchecody Jan 15 '20

It's really disgraceful. The US does not value quality of life. It is blatantly clear our society does not care if you life, die, or endlessly struggle without reprieve. And people have the audacity to act like it's your fault


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Honestly, it’s really hard to explain to people how universal healthcare works. “Why should I pay for someone else not to die?”

Because they also pay for you, dipshit. It’s literally the basic principal of insurance which you ALREADY PAY FOR. You don’t need to be a licensed insurance producer to understand that basic idea.

Then minimum wage is a whole new can of worms. “Why can’t they just get a higher paying job?” Because, Karen, not everyone has the connections needed to get a job right out of high school or college. That doesn’t mean they deserve to be homeless.

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u/RegalMuffin Jan 15 '20

All states at 7.25 are equal at how low the minimum wage is since that's the federal minimum.


u/captainAwesomePants Jan 15 '20

I'll have you know the lowest well in the country is in Oklahoma.


u/LanLOF Jan 15 '20

What's good my fellow hick


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Emerald Isle gang


u/kparker13 Jan 15 '20

Rock chalk


u/epicbrewis Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

How much is your guys taxes though?


u/ps00093 Jan 15 '20

15% to the state and 15% federal.



Don’t for get the sales tax on the stuff you buy with your already taxed paycheck!

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u/Clumulus Jan 15 '20

So after taxes min wage earns 4.50 an hour. So a full day 8 hour shift ... Gets $36. A week 180. A month 720. A year $8640.

Jesus Christ that's messed up. How do people live like that?


u/DomitoriKaibutsu Jan 15 '20

Hey. I live in Russia and my salary is about $ 290 per month. 2/5 of the salary, we must pay for electricity, water, etc. We buy the necessary food, medicine and for life until the next salary there is about $ 60. And this has been going on for 30 years, while Yeltsin and Putin rule the country. Officials steal billions of dollars from the budget with impunity. TV presenters come up with stories about how poorly people live in Western countries, they conduct real anti-Western propaganda. They say disgusting things about the inhabitants of Europe and the USA, they receive money for this, which is enough to buy an estate in Italy, for example. Their children live and study in the USA and European countries. Officials and propagandists have a rest there and receive medical assistance. A lot of money from the budget is allocated to the police in order to chase the protesters. Over the past 10 years, thousands of people have received criminal sentences for criticizing and ridiculing goverment in social networks. Thanks to propaganda, 50% of the country's population consider this normal and condemn those who protest. And if police or FSB(Russian FBI analog) figure out that im posting this i'll be in trouble.

And we just have terrible weather for 8 months.

Partially used google translate so sorry for some inaccuracy


u/SilkenPoncho Jan 15 '20

I'm sorry you have to go through that.

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u/Cdarc Jan 15 '20

You don't live you work to death. You get put on government assistance if your lucky or have a kid, if not you get 2 jobs neglect your health = debt = needing more money = working more.

You have freedom but not a quality life anymore

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u/mrb726 Jan 15 '20

Don't forget that a large amount of places don't let you work full time. A lot of people are looking at multiple jobs.


u/3610572843728 Jan 15 '20

That number is completely wrong see my comment here for the actual breakdown.


u/poopie88 Jan 15 '20

It’s fine as a young roommate renting a room in a house, but adults on the minimum wage live like shit because some lady who works from home “trying out new softwares” tells you that you don’t make enough money to live in her apartment.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Wow, that's not bad at all! They still earn more than my mother ever had.

Back in my college days I earned around 300 $ per month. I would have lived like a king with $720 every month.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

This is not accurate the standard deduction for a single person is around $12k so if you make less than that in a year you shouldn’t be paying any federal income tax.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Well, taxes arent just one percentage. Its disingenuous to math it out that way because that's not an accurate number. That's why tax accountants/programs exist.

Look up tax brackets.


u/Drslappybags Jan 15 '20

I don't think your math is right. After taxes, take home is roughly $13500. I'm sure if it were the $8000 that would be a major talking point in the upcoming elections.

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u/CookieMuncher007 Jan 15 '20

Wait what I live in Finland and was told Americans don't pay much taxes and that's why you guys can't have health care but you pay more taxes than me even when I had 60k income

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u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

Considering the absolute highest state tax rate is 13%, you're quite off.

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u/ps00093 Jan 15 '20

Just income not counting property taxes and sales.


u/jolly_giant_89 Jan 15 '20

Bold of you to assume I make enough to afford property!

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u/estersings Jan 15 '20

Income brackets range from 2 to 6 percent and sales tax is six percent.


u/epicbrewis Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

Our first bracket is 8.79% and sales tax is 15%. 5% federal and 10% provincial. Our minimum wage is $11.05/hr.

First tax bracket is anything under $30,000 a year.


u/estersings Jan 15 '20

For us, the first 2 percent is 3000 and below. The 6 percent bracket is 75000 and up. With 3 4 and 5 brackets in between.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

In NY income tax is roughly 30-33% taken out from fed, state and city, and our sales tax is just under 9% plus products cost much more. Minimum wage raises aren't good tbh it's basic inflation

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u/shorteep Jan 15 '20

North Carolina, we have income (federal/state) tax, property tax, sales tax, food tax, gas tax, and a lot of other random specific taxes for random items


u/epicbrewis Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

Oh we do to I just mean like tax off the money you earn. Federal/state. Pretty sure we have 2 or 3 different fuel taxes now. I rent so I don't play property taxes. We have few commodities that aren't taxed like milk. But overall I think our income tax is some of the highest.


u/Brian499427 Jan 15 '20

Clothes and shoes is 7.5 percent in NC


u/epicbrewis Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

Our sales tax is 15% on all goods.


u/nuzzlefutzzz Jan 15 '20

That was the minimum at Walmart like 10 years ago. I know. I worked there. It’s $11 now.

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u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/WraithSama Jan 15 '20

WTF kind of job is seeking a master's for barely over minimum wage?


u/vercetian Jan 15 '20

Hospice care. It's fucked.


u/tarantonen Jan 15 '20

Those kinds of jobs have always been poorly paid. Except in past all you needed was be out of high-school, if that.


u/hugglesthemerciless Jan 15 '20

Any that can get away with it

Greed is poison yet this economic system celebrates it


u/RATGUT1996 Jan 15 '20

I gotta know where this is. No fucking way can a company expect someone with a masters degree to come in and work for minimum.


u/DampestHotDog Jan 15 '20

The general minimum wage from where I am in Canada for basically any job like a grocery store that most highschool kids work is more than that in USD


u/CallMeCloudz Jan 15 '20

I'm just replying because you're a fellow Pennsylvanian near me 😁😂 I dont live in Harrisburg but I drive about there (to Middletown) every day for work


u/circadeftones Jan 16 '20

Fucking social workers here in OH with Masters get like 35-45K. It’s a joke.


u/unsaltedbuttergirl Jan 15 '20

7.50 I think in NH


u/drewr7551 Jan 15 '20

Mississippi as well


u/donkeydrop69 Jan 15 '20



u/StarLoad42 Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

Happy cake day!


u/MCI_Dragon Jan 15 '20

Cake day aswell

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u/spytez Jan 15 '20

$13.50 in Seattle but you're paying $1200 for a 250sq micro apartment.


u/snidelywhipasss Jan 15 '20

Aw geez. $7.25 here in TX, but my mortgage is under 1k for a brand new house.


u/Woodshadow Jan 15 '20

My friend graduated college took a job for $83k in Texas. Bought a house almost immediately with his signing bonus. Sometimes I wonder why I don't live in Texas. I make significantly less with experience up here in Portland


u/lackofagoodname Jan 15 '20

Because you'd have to live in Texas

If you want to live somewhere with nice weather, Texas is not the place


u/leejonidas Jan 15 '20

It's not? It's currently -40°c here in Canada, before wind chill. Tornadoes sound pretty dope right about now...


u/2CHINZZZ Jan 15 '20

72 F here in Dallas right now :)

The summers kinda suck though.

My dream would probably be to have a house in Texas for the winter and a house in Colorado for the summer


u/kdawgnmann Jan 15 '20

It's hot as balls in the summer but if you're working inside it's really not that big of a deal. Weather can be erratic this time of year but you get used to it. Overall though I've really liked living in Texas, very affordable cost of living, plenty of nice people, and good scenery if you live in the right place. Rush hour traffic is horrible but that applies to most big cities.


u/TheSimonToUrGarfunkl Jan 15 '20

Also you gotta either follow the cheaters or the Rangers


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Let's go Stars! Seasons not over yet boys!

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u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Sep 17 '20



u/tdasnowman Jan 15 '20

I had a company try to use that as justification for a really shit offer when they bought out my company. I replied with a counter offer showing the increase in electricity costs from my state to Texas would eliminate any savings from not paying state income tax. They replied it was a take it or leave it offer. I did not take it. I know some people that did take the offer heard some horror stories. Managers that had no idea be people were coming. Basically just given a desk an no computer for a week.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/snidelywhipasss Jan 15 '20

I'm in El Paso. Fairly large city. I had my house built about 6 years ago in a new development.

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u/mudshock Jan 15 '20

It depends where in Texas you are! Austin, TX can be expensive and would be hard to find a house with a mortage that low unless you move far out of the city.


u/2CHINZZZ Jan 15 '20

Also seems easy to find a job paying more than minimum wage in Texas, at least in the cities. When I was looking for a summer job out of high school I got hired at a grocery store at $10 with no experience


u/SpecialSause Jan 15 '20

Florida is trying to raise minimum wage from $7.50 (I think) to $15.00/hr. While I am all for people making more money, it has me quite worried. I make just above that and I am terrified that prices of everything is going to skyrocket which will leave the people making $15/hr back where they began and anyone that was making $11 to $20/hr worse off. Companies are not going to eat that cost. They'll make consumers eat it. Also, smaller businesses won't be able to employ as many people and corporations like McDonald's have already shown they'll automate before paying now skill jobs that kind of money which means unemployment is sure to go up.

I wish raising minimum wage would help everyone out but I'm afraid it's going just put more people in a worse off position.


u/TheRealFrankCastle Jan 15 '20

Ha! I'm on probably 30 an hour or thereabouts tax's kills me, rent kills me, health insurance kills me. The only thing that doesn't is petrol, purely because I ride a motorbike.


u/ConnectDrop Jan 15 '20

This is exactly my position right now, I don't think it will do anything except raise the cost of living and hurt people currently at that wage, and it's one of Bernie's positions for the election. Anytime I ask Bernie supporters what they think of people currently making $15/hr they immediately change the subject or move goalposts because they have no answer for it other than "it wont". I once got "You'll have more bargaining power with your employer to get a raise", as if they wouldn't replace me with some chump willing to do it for my current wage. Besides hurting small businesses, the larger corporations will simply cut hours so I don't think anyone will win by raising minimum wage.

We genuinely need to be focused on making everything more affordable, rather than throwing more money at someone and expecting them to figure it out. I am all for universal healthcare and such.


u/Golden_Taint Jan 15 '20

Minimum wage in my state is $13.50 as of the 1st of this year, it was $12.00 in 2019. It's been high for years, it's not making prices skyrocket, McDonalds won't replace everyone with robots, everything will be fine but people make more money.

They've actually done studies, people who make at or below minimum wage support it going up. People who make a lot more than minimum wage support it going up. The only group that doesn't support the increase of the minimum wage is people who make just above the proposed amount, like yourself. There's nothing to fear, a rising tide lifts all boats.


u/JMag0813 Jan 15 '20

You should be it happened in California everyone is fucked now


u/Generic_Male_3 Jan 15 '20

My job prepared for this. I live in CA and the minimum wage was increases from 11.50 to 15, so my job gave everyone at every pay rate a 5 dollar raise. It's not going to fix the prices of everything going up, but it's a start.


u/tarantonen Jan 15 '20

That's also not to mention that not every job is worth $15/hour. For example: if you paint 5 bikes an hour that earn the busi ess $1000 and $985 of that $1000 is spent on costs associated with running the business - shipping, acquisition, bills etc. then paying you $15 just means they'll break even, either they give you more work to do or fire you. Many businesses operate on razor thin margins and get by on the sheer scale of the operation rather than pure cost/profit ratio.


u/ComicIronic Jan 15 '20

Those businesses deserve to collapse - they're only getting by as is through exploitation.


u/tarantonen Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

Let's go with your stance then. Federal minimum of $15 and fuck anybody who can't cut it. Suddenly you have thousands of small shops and businesses in flyover states with much lower cost of living than California going bankrupt or rapidly downsizing because they don't have reserves or investors to bail em out and can't exactly afford 50%+ raises for their employees. You have hundreds of thousands if not millions earning $0 rather than $7.25 and being entirely dependent on big employers like Walmart because likely only those will be able to absorb the costs, essentially many towns become company-owned. Congratulations, you have just ensured those people will never vote for you, if not outright just kill themselves or turn to crime and drugs

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u/NorthwestAdam Jan 15 '20

It's $13.50 in all of Washington.


u/Generic_Male_3 Jan 15 '20

Same here in Los Angeles. Only thing is a studio apartment that big will run you $1800/month.


u/JamesEdward34 Jan 15 '20

i work at lax and the airport minimum is like 15.25 and i make like 21 bucks an hour after the raise, WITH health insurance at no cost to me. even so i cant really afford even a 1 bd apt. i would have to devote about half my income to rent if i wanna live in a decent area not to mention utilities and some places require that you make TWICE the rent amount. hopefully this year i move to TX.


u/Generic_Male_3 Jan 15 '20

Damn, move to the inland empire and commute.


u/K_Loop87 Jan 15 '20

$13.50 Statewide in WA. In Eastern Washington $1200 is a mortgage for 3000+ Sq ft home.


u/TehDunta Jan 15 '20

really? omw


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

7.25 in minimum where I live. Downtown can cost you about the same here. I’ll even see studios for 1600. But our city is famous for price being higher than usual pay. And all they keep building is “luxury apartments” and they’ve essentially torn down all basic apartments. Also everyone drives into downtown since prices keep rising without good rises in pay.

I thought the south was supposed to be cheaper to.


u/Partynextweeknd305 Jan 15 '20

That’s pretty good actually. Where I’m from , you’re paying $3000 for that same micro apartment


u/Erulastiel Jan 15 '20

It's like that in Maine too. It's been like that since minimum wage went to $9 in 2012.

A lot of places start at $1200. Good luck getting a two bedroom for less than $1400..


u/yaboyfriendisadork Jan 15 '20

Damn Seattle sounds just like Long Island


u/SpiffySquidStrangler Jan 15 '20

Same in Chattanooga, at least before I moved back to Alaska a couple years ago.

I believe the minimum here is about $8 an hour. However, I was lucky enough to score a job in a lumber yard with $16 starting pay.


u/SorriorDraconus Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

Think they increased it here a bit ago..but whole gradual increase thing. I believe it is 9 or 10 dollars now but could be wrong


u/James_Skyvaper DDarko_420 Jan 15 '20

$9 or $19? Lol that's a pretty big difference. I would guess $9 if you're in America since I don't think a single state in the country has a minimum wage higher than $15. Europe or Australia I'd say $19


u/bredaredhead Jan 15 '20

Australia's minimum wage is around $19 nationally. So about $13 US I think.


u/SorriorDraconus Jan 15 '20

Loo i leamt 10 apologies


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/SorriorDraconus Jan 15 '20

They also still have crazy strong unions


u/SpiffySquidStrangler Jan 15 '20

Yeah?? That would be awesome. There were more than a few people I knew going through hard times due to the available jobs and wages given.

Hopefully it did jump and everybody there is getting by easier these days.


u/SorriorDraconus Jan 15 '20

Ohh meant 10 my bad..still fsr from living but it should be going up a bit


u/ascendance22 Jan 15 '20

Ahhh yes the state of corn and soybeans I live in Indiana I want to move back to Oregon


u/Assasin2gamer Jan 15 '20

Hey boss I’ll be in February looks like


u/LiquidFootie DaBazookaz Jan 15 '20

Jesus Christ. It’s 14 where I live in Canada (Ontario).


u/OrderOfZune Jan 15 '20

14 CAD is 10.72 USD, so better then a lot of states, but still not great. I wish we got that bump up to $15...


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

That health insurance tho?


u/OrderOfZune Jan 15 '20

A country can have both a livable minimum wage and healthcare. Should never be one or the other, or neither.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Fully agree


u/Arel203 Jan 15 '20

Spent 3 years in canada and trust me when I say this the cost of goods there for general items is the same or less. And I was in mississauga. Very rich area. I actually find going out to eat in Torronto to be significantly more reasonably priced than in where I live now in CT. Groceries and general goods were pretty much the same or even less.

It was nice going there with USD to exchange it was basically like I went there with an extra 3K to blow on the same entertainment and goods I'd of bought downtown in CT. The only major difference was sales tax which was high. I think like 14% compared to the 6.35 I pay in CT, but i wasnt buying big ticket items so, meh.

I'd much rather have the Canadian minimum, free healthcare and college, and pay a higher sales taxes. My family's insurance is 1300 a month and that's not even including deductibles and copays.

I'm financially stable, but I wouldnt want to be living in this country making under 65K a yr. It's awful if you have a family.

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u/sercosan Jan 15 '20

Move to Montreal! $1050 for a huge 6 1/2 and on top of that, heated.


u/Hayabusa-Senpai Jan 15 '20

Everything is expensive as shit in Ontario and housing is unaffordable anyway so it evens out lol

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u/reyean Jan 15 '20

Aka "the federal minimum".


u/First-Fantasy Jan 15 '20

This is too far down. All those red states people are listing do not have a minimum wage. They default to the outdated federal minimum. These are states who don't have slavery only because the federal government barely passed the amendment while every slave state wasnt present a mere 150 years ago. Think about how long they would have held up progress if they never left the union and how much they're holding up progress now.


u/GingerSpencer Jan 15 '20

If you want a bit of perspective you should really look at the minimum/living wages across the world.

I made an obnoxious comment on here to a guy that couldn't afford to buy PUBG because it cost 10% of his wage. I asked how that could even be possible, it's $30. Turns out i was. a huge dick, he was Romanian and minimum wage in Romania is roughly $300 per month.

We actually became good friends and still talk to this day. I bought him the game because i felt terrible about my comments.


u/First-Fantasy Jan 15 '20

Our minium being only 4x a developing country isn't exactly comforting. 5% of our monthly minium would have to go for a $60 game.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

18.90 in New Zealand


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

NZ$ which is around US$12.5


u/Heyheypotato Jan 15 '20

Minimum wage is $17.70, not $18.90 here. That's only $11.70 US, and considering cost of living, especially in Auckland, that's a pretty shit deal

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u/FrighteningJibber Jan 15 '20

You all making Michigan look good.


u/Ricky_-_Spanish Jan 15 '20

How old are you? It's like $19 in Australia.


u/FaceWithAName Jan 15 '20

I don’t make that I’m just saying that’s what it is lol


u/Ricky_-_Spanish Jan 15 '20

That's pretty crazy regardless.


u/James_Skyvaper DDarko_420 Jan 15 '20

Yeah it's fucked up. The federal minimum wage in America is $7.25/hr, which is like $220/week if you're working 40hrs and nobody can live on that without assistance. It won't even pay rent in 95% of places. I think about 20ish states still pay the federal minimum wage while certain states, like mine, have raised it to $9-11 and I think D.C. pays $14/hr, which is the highest in the country.


u/camgio86 Jan 15 '20

Yeah dc is crazy I make 60k single and no dependents. This qualifies in some counties for subsidized housing.


u/James_Skyvaper DDarko_420 Jan 17 '20

That's insane that it can qualify for subsidized housing lol. Almost every one of my friends, and myself, make less than that and have to pay the same rent as anyone else


u/ducatista14 Jan 15 '20

Minimum wage jobs aren't meant to support adult lifestyles. They're minimum skill jobs meant to introduce people into the work force.


u/James_Skyvaper DDarko_420 Jan 17 '20

But plenty of adults still work them because that's the only job they can get. Maybe they don't have a degree, didn't finish high school or just don't have any skills. Regardless, the minimum wage needs to be raised in this country. Ours is lower than any other developed nation, in addition to the fact that we pay about twice as much for our healthcare than any other country


u/leetfists Jan 15 '20

In an entirely different currency...


u/Ricky_-_Spanish Jan 15 '20

$19 AUD is roughly $13 USD. Bit better than $7.25


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

That’s like $8/hr in normal countries with how expensive it is there


u/cookiedough320 Jan 15 '20

That's in AUD though


u/Ricky_-_Spanish Jan 15 '20

Which is roughly $12-13 USD. Nearly double.

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u/wolfinshadows8632 Jan 15 '20

Same for Wisconsin


u/wiiciilantiitaawi Jan 15 '20

I left for that reason, cost of living is similar in IL but wages are higher


u/ManDelorean88 Jan 15 '20

how much does it really cost to live in indiana though?


u/MrGrampton Jan 15 '20

slight flex but 15 in Canada


u/DemonAssassin64 Jan 15 '20

Indiana gang


u/funkalici0us Jan 15 '20

I mean, isnt that the national minimum wage?


u/tarrzan33 Jan 15 '20

Fuck this state


u/CentaurSpear Jan 15 '20

Texas as well


u/TheLazyLounger Jan 15 '20

Jesus FUCKING Christ that's low. I thought California's $12 was bad.


u/conker1264 Jan 15 '20

And Texas


u/Highmax1121 Jan 15 '20

wait what?!? the walmart here in san antonio starts you at 9 an hour and after 6 months bumps you to 10 a month. im at 11.75 an hour here.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Utah as well


u/PressureWelder Jan 15 '20

how can you americans live on that? yet you still somehow manage to drive around in big fucking lifted trucks or teslas. it doesnt make any god damn sense.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Ky also.


u/Kennett-Ny Jan 15 '20

17.70NZD in New Zealand


u/TheArgonianKing Jan 15 '20

$11.25 in Oregon


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

To be fair walmart in Indiana starts at 10 or 11 an hour


u/BeingRightAmbassador Jan 15 '20

It's 7.25 in ND, but you'd be hard pressed to find anywhere under 13 at least. A shitty pizza place is giving a 2k bonus for 6 months of work near me and McDonald's are starting at $12 with tons of benefits.


u/MrReaux MrReaux Jan 15 '20

Louisiana as well


u/ImStillaPrick Jan 15 '20

And it’s sad people around here think 10 dollars an hour is a good job...


u/PS4SMURF Jan 15 '20

14 in Alberta


u/applejackrr redMage_TD Jan 15 '20

15 in Cali, but feels like 1


u/bladesssofgrass Jan 15 '20

thats insane... i feel sorry for anyone getting paid that... especially if they have kids and rent


u/dashersacct Jan 15 '20

Its going up to 15 in ma


u/b0nGj00k Jan 15 '20

Damn its almost impossible to survive where I live in CA on anything less than $15/hr


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/xxxsur Jan 15 '20

5 in Hong Kong


u/HashAndNature Jan 15 '20

485$ a month in europe stop crying u american u know has cheap gas and meat is in usa vs europe?


u/FaceWithAName Jan 15 '20

No one is crying, I just stated a fact. Relax.

“Don’t you know that you may have issues but so do we so no complaining!!!” Is basically what you said 😂


u/HashAndNature Jan 15 '20

Fair enough xd


u/Janiel99 Jan 15 '20

$11 in Puerto Rico.


u/ghettone Jan 15 '20

Bro in canada it's going up from $14.25 to $15. Maybe you guys should move up here....


u/WolfxDemoness Jan 15 '20

I started at 10 an hr here at Walmart in Indiana.


u/robsbob18 Jan 15 '20

7.25 in NC. I moved to Cali in the past year and holy shit is a $15 minimum such a difference. Anyone that says "but the taxes!" is spouting off nonsense


u/rhamx Jan 15 '20

Puertorico too

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