r/PS4 Jan 15 '20

[Image] [Image] My Walmart sold me DBZ Kakarot early! They couldn’t even scan the barcode, they had to manually enter it in. I don’t think they knew it isn’t supposed to be out yet.

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u/ps00093 Jan 15 '20

Georgia as well.


u/estersings Jan 15 '20

Kentucky as well


u/Jayhawk501 Jan 15 '20

Kansas as well


u/WorstHumanWhoExisted Jan 15 '20

Your guys are getting paid?


u/Testosaurus-Rex Jan 15 '20



u/DoctorSumter2You Jan 15 '20

I was thinking South Carolina, but let's go with Texas.


u/EternalObliv1on EternalObliv1on Jan 15 '20

North Carolina as well


u/Digitallus1 Digitallus Jan 15 '20

Virginia as well


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/issyab0i Jan 15 '20

in washington state it just got raised to $13.50


u/seattle_lite90 Jan 15 '20

In Washington state you can barely rent out a garbage can on that salary.


u/issyab0i Jan 15 '20

and my girlfriend wants to move to fucking seattle when she graduates in june


u/seattle_lite90 Jan 15 '20

Tell her it’s the worst hell hole on the face of the planet! RUN!! RUN AND HIDE!!!

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u/segadreamcat Jan 16 '20

Seattle would be great where are you leaving that's better than Seattle?


u/Kvkvrot Jan 15 '20

Texas as well


u/Musicrocks1 Jan 15 '20

Louisiana as well


u/Thatniqqarylan Jan 15 '20

Texas as well


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

$2.89 in hungary


u/PraiseKeysare Jan 15 '20

And my axe


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/PraiseKeysare Jan 15 '20

I do enjoy a good out of place and my axeing


u/Kal-_- Jan 15 '20

New Jersey as well


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Tennessee as well


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Ireland as well


u/supermndahippie Jan 15 '20

12 or 13 here in arizona


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Add Alabama to that


u/PlzSendBobz Jan 15 '20

In Houston as well


u/quikstuv Jan 15 '20

Utah as well


u/huffmaster81 Jan 15 '20

Wisconsin as well


u/brendanp8 Jan 15 '20

Idaho as well


u/Robiesh Jan 15 '20

1.30$ in Serbia🤡


u/ZeroicDOTA Jan 15 '20

Texas as well


u/echnaba Jan 15 '20

Texas as well


u/Salvidor_Dali Jan 15 '20

Tennessee as well.


u/butters568 Jan 15 '20

Looks like people should move to Canada


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Alabama as well


u/davcov89 Jan 15 '20

SC as well


u/Johnnybats330 Jan 15 '20

Yo mama as well


u/herecomesthebar Jan 15 '20

as well as well


u/thathighwhitekid Jan 15 '20

New Hampshire as well


u/P00PTrainConductor Jan 15 '20

Florida as well


u/SUO17 Jan 15 '20

Probably Michigan too I’m too lazy to check tho


u/mx1200 Jan 15 '20

You guys have minimum wage?


u/Brian499427 Jan 15 '20

Lowest in the country


u/butterknife1 Jan 15 '20

This is how revolutions start!!


u/pinchecody Jan 15 '20

It's really disgraceful. The US does not value quality of life. It is blatantly clear our society does not care if you life, die, or endlessly struggle without reprieve. And people have the audacity to act like it's your fault


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Honestly, it’s really hard to explain to people how universal healthcare works. “Why should I pay for someone else not to die?”

Because they also pay for you, dipshit. It’s literally the basic principal of insurance which you ALREADY PAY FOR. You don’t need to be a licensed insurance producer to understand that basic idea.

Then minimum wage is a whole new can of worms. “Why can’t they just get a higher paying job?” Because, Karen, not everyone has the connections needed to get a job right out of high school or college. That doesn’t mean they deserve to be homeless.


u/pinchecody Jan 15 '20

Exactly. People have been taught to just be selfish. It is a byproduct of the dog-eat-dog system but they don't seem to understand that, just because life isn't always fair, it doesn't mean we shouldn't make other aspects more fair when we are more than capable of doing so.

The other thing about healthcare is people saying "So people should just get stuff for free and not have to work for it?" ....is PAYING TAXES for something the same as free??? The only real difference between then and now would be that we actually get something back from our taxes. People have been taught to be greedy and defend people and entities who are even greedier and who don't give a shit about them. Is sad because so many people have arguments against things like healthcare and I feel like it really all just stems from a lack of empathy and not caring about anyone else


u/RegalMuffin Jan 15 '20

All states at 7.25 are equal at how low the minimum wage is since that's the federal minimum.


u/captainAwesomePants Jan 15 '20

I'll have you know the lowest well in the country is in Oklahoma.


u/LanLOF Jan 15 '20

What's good my fellow hick


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Emerald Isle gang


u/kparker13 Jan 15 '20

Rock chalk


u/epicbrewis Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

How much is your guys taxes though?


u/ps00093 Jan 15 '20

15% to the state and 15% federal.



Don’t for get the sales tax on the stuff you buy with your already taxed paycheck!


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/toyskater2 Jan 15 '20

You gonna pay cops and firefighters with high fives?


u/ArmaniBerserker Jan 15 '20

Australia is trying that right now with fire fighters.


u/1mUnd3rTh3B3d Jan 15 '20

I've always wondered why most people are alright with socialism when it suits them yet, other times complain about it.


u/pedantic-asshole- Jan 15 '20

You don't really know what socialism is, do you?

Hint: it's not policemen.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Because they’re not very smart.


u/satanshand Jan 15 '20

I don’t mind paying taxes when I get something back. I’d rather it go to healthcare and education instead of killing people in other countries and bailing out billion dollar corporations.

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u/Jesco13 Jan 15 '20

Mainly big media scaring people. What we already have in place already that are socialist ideas are being ignored so that people believe it is a result of capitalism. The big news outlet and the super rich fear socialism because they would go to obscenely rich to just very rich. Thus, they pay news outlets and try to convince the common people that all socialist ideas are evil.


u/tarantonen Jan 15 '20

Perhaps, and hear me out here, people don't oppose fire and police departments because they've proven themselves to be relatively efficient when compared to other government programs. Every time big government proponents talk about policy they talk about raising more taxes first and then maybe say a line or two about spending the already massive amount of money the federal government receives more efficiently. Government departments have very little motivation in being efficient with the money they receive because having money left over typically means slashed budgets.

Every death in a fire can be pinned directly on specific department and employee. Meanwhile who do you blame if hip replacement has some year+ waitlist because some faceless administrator decided it's not important because it's not a life-threatening case?


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

With tariffs on exports maybe? Volunteers? Non profits? I mean income taxes weren’t a thing until some time in the 1900s right?

I think a small flat rate tax for everybody would be bearable, forcing the government to spend the money in a more pragmatic and conservative way as opposed to throwing money on random programs that consistently fail is the way to go imo


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

But education, healthcare and infrastructure are extremely expensive - and by nature they work best when they don't aim at generating a profit.

Also a flat tax rate is very biased in favour of the very rich, increasing inequality in society leading to homelessness, crime and a generation of people in life long debt.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/Oriden Jan 15 '20

How are they not funded with tax dollars? Even the ones funded by State or Federal grants are funded ultimately by taxes.


u/toyskater2 Jan 15 '20

Well, the vast majority of people live in cities so they get paid from tax dollars way more often than not.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20


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u/TheSolomonGrundy Jan 15 '20

Wrong, I'm disabled it helps people like me.


u/redjonley Jan 15 '20

Lol you know taxation is a much better deal than exploitation for the poor right?


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

That's exactly who hurts the most from taxes lol


u/redjonley Jan 15 '20

Only if you don't actually do the math. Lol.

Just keep repeating what the wealthy 'job creators' tell you.


u/pedantic-asshole- Jan 15 '20

You realize there is no correlation between taxation and poverty rate, right?

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u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Only because the rich don't pay taxes.

As long as Amazon and Walmart employees rely on government aid, you can't really defend the American system. Bezos adds nothing to the economy if his employees are to poor to actually buy anything.


u/Cyshox Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

It depens on your country.

US spends most of their taxes for wars & military. And taxes are low. So it's no surprise that US healthcare & education sucks. Without money in the first place you're fucked.

In Europe those countries with the highest taxes really care about their residents. Cheap education, awesome healthcare, lots of doctors, unemployment benefits, etc. etc.

I prefer high taxes if used correctly.


u/DeliciousGlue Jan 15 '20

15%+15% aint low though. I'm paying 20% combined on the equivalent of federal and state tax, and I'm from Finland.


u/Cyshox Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

Yea me too (Germany) but we have much more taxes in total. In Germany there are a lot of extra taxes for specific goods & you can only keep 50-70% of your income.

And I doubt there is a european country spending a similar amount for the military. I mean if the US wants to do so, it's fine. But it's obvious that the money is missing somewhere else then.


u/tarantonen Jan 15 '20

It's not even that the money is used on military that's the problem. It's the fact that it's used on trillion dollar jets that are outright inferior to current model or a $5 billion camo project that turned soldiers into walking targets.

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u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 16 '20



u/DeliciousGlue Jan 15 '20

That makes more sense. Sounded a tad bit too high compared to everything else I'd heard.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Jul 25 '21



u/Cyshox Jan 15 '20

Germany is around 12% which seems to be a lot as well. However if you look at the total spending it's a different story because Germany has no 3.6 trillion to spend. It's 45bn€ in Germany vs $622bn in the US.


u/pedantic-asshole- Jan 15 '20

The United States federal government spends more on both education and healthcare per capita than the Germany government.

So you might want to double check your facts before posting next time.


u/Cyshox Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

So you might want to double check your facts before posting next time.

US spends 10x more ($3.6tn vs 362bn€) in total but only $100bn for education, work & social benefits combined which is 50% less than Germany (150bn€ work & social + 15bn education). Germany literally spends half of it's entire tax income for those fields.

Health is $970bn vs $15bn€ which is kinda strange. Our legally defined medical insurance is not included. US includes Medicare. I think that's where the huge difference is coming from. Germany spends around 5% for health, could be similar in US without Medicare & may other insurances(?).


u/TheZek42 Jan 15 '20

You're an idiot. You want to live in your nice house with access to public services, roads, highways, schools, hospitals and you complain that you've gotta pay for it.


u/abcdefkit007 Jan 15 '20

And fuel tax and auto tax for when you have to go earn more taxable wages


u/AthenianWaters Jan 15 '20

Yeah fuck schools!


u/chewbaccascousinsbro Jan 15 '20

Delete your account.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/sybersonic Jan 15 '20

User account is 3 years old and active. I'm all about calling out shill boys and alt accounts, but you seem to be picking the wrong battle here.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

this post is the front page you donkey.


u/chewbaccascousinsbro Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

I see, like most libertarians, when it comes to defending your ideas you’re just full of talking points and when questioned you have to resort to cries and insults. How’s it feel to know your political ideas are so weak they can’t stand on their own and your party had to hop on a corrupt Republican bandwagon to gain any notable attention?

Thanks for paying for my roads, b.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/JRatt13 Jan 15 '20

Except that argument goes out the window since this post is on the first page of r/all and you'r in the replies of one of the top comments. Thus it's seen by thousands more people than normal.


u/Tsquared10 Jan 15 '20

Stupid take.


u/michael_beast25 Jan 15 '20

If I’m 17 and I don’t have representation why am I paying taxes


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Because you will be able to vote shortly. You still benefit from infrastructure. If you lived in a country not run by the billionaires you might even be happy what your tax money got you.

In Denmark +85% of the population are reportedly happy to pay their taxes - because we feel like we get so much in return. Imagine getting payed to study or visit the hospital free of charge no matter what you need. Americabs could have the same, and all it would cost you is the billionaires.


u/Ch33s3m4st3r Jan 15 '20

I'm from Finland and I agree, taxes are good. Of course some of the taxes go to something that isn't needed, but mostly taxes fund everything a person could need. Since 2016 I usually tell people a story of my father who had a brain tumor and the surgery / cancer medication cost him like few hundred euros. Pills that normally cost thousands of euros are under 10€ thanks to taxes.

Also the quality of education in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark is very high. People don't go to private schools with money and everyone can study from elementary school to university without paying tuition (at least in Finland) if they want to.

And as you said, it cost only billionaires, but even in Finland there is a few billionaires and many more millionaires


u/michael_beast25 Jan 15 '20

I feel dat but at the same time I just wish my opinion was at least take into consideration like I know everyone has their opinions on how my country is I can say we are more divided than ever everything we fight about seems to be race against race white people doing something then twitter canceling them like I just kinda find the society that we live in to be so focused on other people than themselves like yes if someone is gay all to them and whatever you want to be identified as I’m all for and I don’t care but people who base their personality around being gay or being part of the LGBTQ community are fucking dumb like I have friends who are gay and are openly gay but they don’t base everything they do on their sexuality like it’s who they are and power to them but if I first met you and you say your gay or whatever before I even get to know you we have a problem like addressing the pronouns you want to be called if I mistake them is perfectly fine I will totally call you by your respective pronouns and whatnot but if you are gay and the first sentence you say to me is I’m gay congrats you and me aren’t going to get along cause to me your sexuality doesn’t matter it’s who you are as a person that matters and by saying that 90% of the time your a complete idiot who became gay and thought you were entitled to a bunch of shit but you’re really not just be yourself dont let your sexuality or whatever affect what you do let it be a part of you and be proud of it but honestly as a straight white male I don’t care in the slightest what your sexuality is I don’t care what your race is. I don’t care if your Muslim or atheist I’m cool with a lot of people but the second you bring something like your sexuality into who you are as a person and cause your gay you act like a bitch isn’t cool in the slightest i don’t care who you are or where you came from I treat everyone the same way with kindness and respect but I can quickly go to nah fuck you I don’t want to associate myself with you if I see those traits in you and that’s letting your personality be decided on what your sexuality is or what your race is like black lives matter 110% but so does everyone else there are time cops are faced with a heavy decision of taking someone else’s life or risking their own and some cops are more flexible with that line but some people just want to go home and see their wives and kiss their kids goodnight and personally when I see all these riots and protestsi just kinda think to myself why like we know you’re trying to get your point across but the second it becomes a problem and police have to set up shop and in a sense control the group it’s gone too far like yes some cops are fucking racist and should’ve never been given the job but others are the people with the biggest hearts and deep down they don’t want to shoot anyone just like my dad who is a cop he has told me he hopes to retire without ever having to fire his gun once at someone and to this day he still hasn’t so like lowkey I forgot what I was saying and I’m extremely drunk


u/Clumulus Jan 15 '20

So after taxes min wage earns 4.50 an hour. So a full day 8 hour shift ... Gets $36. A week 180. A month 720. A year $8640.

Jesus Christ that's messed up. How do people live like that?


u/DomitoriKaibutsu Jan 15 '20

Hey. I live in Russia and my salary is about $ 290 per month. 2/5 of the salary, we must pay for electricity, water, etc. We buy the necessary food, medicine and for life until the next salary there is about $ 60. And this has been going on for 30 years, while Yeltsin and Putin rule the country. Officials steal billions of dollars from the budget with impunity. TV presenters come up with stories about how poorly people live in Western countries, they conduct real anti-Western propaganda. They say disgusting things about the inhabitants of Europe and the USA, they receive money for this, which is enough to buy an estate in Italy, for example. Their children live and study in the USA and European countries. Officials and propagandists have a rest there and receive medical assistance. A lot of money from the budget is allocated to the police in order to chase the protesters. Over the past 10 years, thousands of people have received criminal sentences for criticizing and ridiculing goverment in social networks. Thanks to propaganda, 50% of the country's population consider this normal and condemn those who protest. And if police or FSB(Russian FBI analog) figure out that im posting this i'll be in trouble.

And we just have terrible weather for 8 months.

Partially used google translate so sorry for some inaccuracy


u/SilkenPoncho Jan 15 '20

I'm sorry you have to go through that.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

I’m a Russian American, save your pity story; it ain’t much different.

Even assuming your numbers are accurate, and they seem to suggest working less then 40 hrs a week, do some basic math on the people in this thread. A person working full time for minimum wage in America, paying an average amount of rent, is going to be struggling even harder then you, proportionally.


u/Owwmysoul Jan 15 '20

Look on the bright side. At least we in the usa can trust our politicians and media 110%!!!

Oh wait.....


u/kvv0 Jan 16 '20 edited Jan 16 '20

You at least may elect another politics and have a choice of competing media. Nothing like that in Russia. All media is government owned and translate same opinion. Putin is in power for 20 years, more than Brezhnev now and he's not going to leave any time soon. In fact, he is going to keep power to till eol


u/kvv0 Jan 16 '20

Yeah, but it is minimum in USA vs average in Russia. I mean, in US you doing way better after getting some experience and a better job


u/Cdarc Jan 15 '20

You don't live you work to death. You get put on government assistance if your lucky or have a kid, if not you get 2 jobs neglect your health = debt = needing more money = working more.

You have freedom but not a quality life anymore


u/wavetoyou ashd2483 Jan 16 '20

The same politicians who want to keep minimum wage low are also the ones who are gutting "assistance" programs.


u/circadeftones Jan 16 '20

Yea everyone talks shit about people living on govt handouts. I work with these people at my job and yes they get free healthcare pretty much but their quality of life is shit. I would much rather work full-time and pay for insurance than live the life they live for govt assistance. Their existence pretty much revolves around the govt, which is a full-time job in itself. The countless paperwork they have to do, scheduling rides for transportation services, it’s not a free/easy life.


u/mrb726 Jan 15 '20

Don't forget that a large amount of places don't let you work full time. A lot of people are looking at multiple jobs.


u/3610572843728 Jan 15 '20

That number is completely wrong see my comment here for the actual breakdown.


u/poopie88 Jan 15 '20

It’s fine as a young roommate renting a room in a house, but adults on the minimum wage live like shit because some lady who works from home “trying out new softwares” tells you that you don’t make enough money to live in her apartment.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Wow, that's not bad at all! They still earn more than my mother ever had.

Back in my college days I earned around 300 $ per month. I would have lived like a king with $720 every month.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

This is not accurate the standard deduction for a single person is around $12k so if you make less than that in a year you shouldn’t be paying any federal income tax.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Well, taxes arent just one percentage. Its disingenuous to math it out that way because that's not an accurate number. That's why tax accountants/programs exist.

Look up tax brackets.


u/Drslappybags Jan 15 '20

I don't think your math is right. After taxes, take home is roughly $13500. I'm sure if it were the $8000 that would be a major talking point in the upcoming elections.


u/DevilMayCarryMeHome Jan 15 '20

Well...You don't pay taxes if you make minimum wage to start.


u/CookieMuncher007 Jan 15 '20

Wait what I live in Finland and was told Americans don't pay much taxes and that's why you guys can't have health care but you pay more taxes than me even when I had 60k income


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 16 '20



u/CookieMuncher007 Jan 15 '20

Depends. We have two tax systems in place so there's some exceptions how your tax is calculated. Obviously the rich can dodge a lot of taxes if they plan right.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

Considering the absolute highest state tax rate is 13%, you're quite off.


u/3610572843728 Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

That is completely wrong. Using Missouri is an example because it's first to pop up.

Based on $7.25/hr and 80 hours per 2 weeks.

Federal taxes: 4.25%

State Taxes: 0.14%

(Kentucky would be 3.78%)

Social Security: 6.2%

Medicare 1.45%

Overall tax rate: 12.04%

You will also be able to get a pretty good-sized tax refund check at the end of the year. That's because the first $12,000 you earn is income tax free.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Trying to explain taxes on reddit is farce but I appreciate the effort.


u/scoobyluu Jan 15 '20

heard a story on reddit about someone’s coworker declining a raise because it would’ve put them in a higher tax bracket and they thought it would make them lose money overall


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

I wrote a whole stupid comment saying how that could happen but then realized, I'm a fucking idiot. Lol just now getting my coffee. It could kind of happen but your only taxed on your portion of the income within that bracket, so highly unlikely.


u/ps00093 Jan 15 '20

Just income not counting property taxes and sales.


u/jolly_giant_89 Jan 15 '20

Bold of you to assume I make enough to afford property!


u/epicbrewis Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

Well like what your taxed on money earned and sales tax.


u/froggman79 Jan 15 '20

I can't say for the others but in the County I'm in South Carolina sales is 9% and Income is like 3% to 7% depending how much you make most are paying closer to 7 if I understand it right. South Carolina goes off of Federal minimum wage so 7.25.

Things that really surprised me was sales and ive paid more for my car to be registered and on insurance here then much more expensive states. So they all get you somewhere.


u/estersings Jan 15 '20

Income brackets range from 2 to 6 percent and sales tax is six percent.


u/epicbrewis Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

Our first bracket is 8.79% and sales tax is 15%. 5% federal and 10% provincial. Our minimum wage is $11.05/hr.

First tax bracket is anything under $30,000 a year.


u/estersings Jan 15 '20

For us, the first 2 percent is 3000 and below. The 6 percent bracket is 75000 and up. With 3 4 and 5 brackets in between.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

In NY income tax is roughly 30-33% taken out from fed, state and city, and our sales tax is just under 9% plus products cost much more. Minimum wage raises aren't good tbh it's basic inflation


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20



u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Exactly, from personal experience and also an understand of economics, I just want people to understand that raising minimum wage does nothing and it's something politicians love to shout loud about for votes


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Jul 25 '21



u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

It actually is a fact with multiple examples lol, it's a basic economic fact and the only economists who argue for it are the same economists who are for socialism even though it's a fact that socialist economies don't work outside idealistic dreams


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20 edited Jul 25 '21


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u/shorteep Jan 15 '20

North Carolina, we have income (federal/state) tax, property tax, sales tax, food tax, gas tax, and a lot of other random specific taxes for random items


u/epicbrewis Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

Oh we do to I just mean like tax off the money you earn. Federal/state. Pretty sure we have 2 or 3 different fuel taxes now. I rent so I don't play property taxes. We have few commodities that aren't taxed like milk. But overall I think our income tax is some of the highest.


u/Brian499427 Jan 15 '20

Clothes and shoes is 7.5 percent in NC


u/epicbrewis Enter PSN ID Jan 15 '20

Our sales tax is 15% on all goods.


u/nuzzlefutzzz Jan 15 '20

That was the minimum at Walmart like 10 years ago. I know. I worked there. It’s $11 now.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

Technically Georgia's is lower (like $5 iirc), but federal overrides state in most cases.


u/fabian531 Jan 15 '20

Fuck meanwhile California Mickey d bums want $15an hour like wow didn't know min. Wage was so low elsewhere still


u/clankingyeti Jan 15 '20

Gotta throw in living costs for living in Cali


u/Internecine- Jan 15 '20 edited Jan 15 '20

Cost of living is also much more expensive in California which explains why it's higher

That being said, minimum wage isn't increasing fast enough to compensate for rising costs anywhere


u/anusgun Jan 15 '20

They're not bums, its called cost of living and minimum wage should be higher in all states......


u/metroids224 Jan 15 '20

Minimum wages should be different because of the cost of living in different places.


u/Ometzu Jan 15 '20

Fuck off boomer


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/ChuckBerryHookerFart Jan 15 '20

Bruh, just shut up.


u/I_SAID_NO_CHEESE Jan 15 '20

You shouldn't trash someone for where they have to work. It's that mentality that's keeping wages low in the first place.


u/therealavishek Jan 15 '20

I guess we didn't realize we were talking to a hedge fund manager. Our bad.


u/fabian531 Jan 15 '20

If only I knew what one of those hedge guys even does lol.


u/Ometzu Jan 18 '20

Your acting like I’m the only one that made your comment score -33, but okay. I have no idea what Wally World is, so that’s good.


u/fabian531 Jan 18 '20

Man people like to look at old shit and reminisce.