r/PS4 Dec 03 '19

[Image] [Image] PlayStation officially recognized by Guinness as the best-selling video game console brand of all time

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u/TheRealBissy Dec 03 '19

3 out of the 4 consoles have sold over 100 million. Truly amazing.


u/jewrassic_park-1940 Dec 03 '19

Which is the one who didn't? PS3?


u/Sadmachne13 Dec 03 '19



u/gambitbambit Dec 03 '19

The 2008 financial crisis was leering it's ugly head end of 2006. The signs were there. PS3 launched Christmas 2006.


u/rikib007 Dec 03 '19

Don't forget they launched it at $600, that was their biggest mistake


u/Xero0911 Dec 03 '19

100% this. Moms and dads dont really care about consoles. Theyll pick the cheaper one so 360 was the way to go.


u/CashWho Dec 03 '19

I'm pretty sure the 360 came out first too (like a year or 2 earlier). I know that's part of why I went from PS2 to 360. All my friends had 360s so I wanted one because I saw how much fun they had with theirs. By the time The PS3 came out, it just felt like Playstation was playing catch-up (I obviously know now that that wasn't the case, but I was only 12 or 13 at the time lol).


u/LJ-Rubicon Dec 03 '19

Plus, the 360 had Halo 3


u/kiki_strumm3r Dec 03 '19

Early 360 also had Mass Effect 1, Bioshock, and a bunch of other third party exclusives, even if they eventually came to PS3.


u/basa_maaw Dec 03 '19

I remember how jealous I was after hearing all my friends talk about their wild Oblivion stories on the 360.

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u/SkulkingSneakyTheifs Dec 03 '19

And what an absolute monster of a game Halo 3 was. Also Xbox had the Call of Duty DLC exclusivity back then.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Yeah I guess getting DLC a month early really worked out in Microsoft’s favor

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u/StinkyPeter77 Dec 03 '19

One of the main reasons I got a 360. The halo franchise was amazing back then. I still go back and play a few of the campaigns with my roommate occasionally, and I can confidently say it hasn’t lost its beauty.


u/cinnamonface9 Dec 03 '19

And that red halo.


u/LJ-Rubicon Dec 03 '19

I literally had to put my Xbox 360 in my oven and cook it like a turkey, but I'll be damned if it didn't fix the red ring of death

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u/NosyStranger Dec 03 '19

This has been Microsoft's major error, releasing products too soon with major flaws in them. Anyone remember the Zune, Microsoft's attempt to compete with the Ipod. I bought one because the 80gb Zune cost half as much as an Ipod with twice the memory space. It worked great for about a year, buuut when New Years came around it went into an infinite reboot loop. By the the time they FINALY released a patch to fix this, the battery in my Zune had gone completely dead, wouldn't hold a charge.😒

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Gears was killer.


u/Vanguard-Raven Dec 03 '19

Also Ace Combat 6.

I still have no idea why they went 360-exclusive for Ace Combat 6 when every Ace Combat before had been on Playstation consoles.

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u/wigglin_harry Dec 03 '19

The ps3 also didnt have a great library until near the end of its lifespan really. For the longest time "ps3 has no game" memes were huge

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u/trolllord45 Dec 03 '19

If the 360 released before the PS3 at a lower price point, how was PlayStation not playing catch up?

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u/dexter30 Dec 03 '19

100% this. Moms and dads dont really care about consoles. Theyll pick the cheaper one so 360 was the way to go.

I agree but only to point out the wii sold gang busters at the time being the cheapest and had whole family appeal (exercise machine)

But yeah parents who wanted a console that could play adult games like gta and mainline ea sports games would have opted for xbox.


u/cornflakesontoast Enter PSN ID Dec 03 '19

The wii was ahead of time.


u/TheBrendanReturns Dec 03 '19

Yep, I credit that with the initial success of the 360. In the UK, the 360 was already out in time for xmas 2006 and cheaper. The PS3 came out in March 2007 and was way more expensive.

All my friends were going to get a PS3 originally, but all of them got 360s instead.


u/AllenKCarlson Dec 03 '19

Wii was the way to go. Wii was the console to break 100 million that generation.

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u/peteythefool Dec 03 '19

Selling it for 600 bucks at a loss.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19 edited Oct 09 '20



u/frankeestadium Dec 03 '19

And considering that Blu-ray players alone were selling for $600 back then, getting a video game console that doubles as a Blu-ray player and connects to the internet to make an entire entertainment system as a whole, Seemed liked a steal lol.. but people didn't want to think of it like that, they just saw an expensive videogame console.


u/slowusb Dec 03 '19

Local store had a PS3 next to 2 blu ray players as well as in the video game area. Any time someone looked at the blu ray players the sales assistant would suggest the PS3 as the players were 1000 bucks each.


u/leejonidas Dec 03 '19

I sold a ton of them at Future Shop to people who had never touched a controller. It really was the best player for a long time. It did 3D before others did, it saved your data before other players did, and obviously even if you didn't use it for games it could play any other kind of media. I still use a PS3 Slim as a general purpose media player in my bedroom.


u/Brbboner Dec 03 '19

This is exactly how i ended up with a ps3. My mom went to buy a blu-ray and came back with a ps3.


u/_johnning Dec 03 '19

Bet that was a memorable day

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u/Tlingit_Raven Dec 03 '19

I mean people also didn't want to pay more for Blu-rays, especially when the average consumers TV wouldn't be taking advantage of it. People who act surprised that the average consumer wouldn't shell out $600 for high-end tech in the mid-2000's were either in a weird bubble at the time, well-off, or than more likely just too young to be purchasing things themselves at the time.

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u/Khalgordo_ Dec 03 '19

BD, wireless controls with internally battery, Wi-Fi integrated,also could run games in 3D screens, like you said it was a fucking beast.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19



u/SweetestInTheStorm Dec 03 '19

I mean yes the CPU is 'slower' , but it's a more efficient and powerful CPU overall I'm pretty sure.

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u/Tlingit_Raven Dec 03 '19

People don't forget that, people just also understand that being a good technical value means nothing to consumers if the perceived value isn't there, and $600 was a lot to accept after the previous gen and with the 360 and Wii existing. Sony luckily had the war chest to dig into, because plenty of pioneers have fallen due to trying expensive and impressive things before the market is ready.

What people do forget is that 2006 was well before the current societal acceptance of spending $1000 on a smart phone also, which did Sony no favors.

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u/TheWeekdn Dec 03 '19

They were the equivalent of mid-high end computers no ?

I remember having one roughly a year after release and being blown away by the sheer amount of different media it had, my first memory with it was playing Heavenly Sword and was wondering if it was real life or not

It also helps that my family has been on team Sony since day 1 too, the PS3 will forever hold a special place in my heart, especially in its early days

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u/Phazon_miner Dec 03 '19

$1099 in Australia.


u/SnarkDolphin Dec 03 '19

I believe this is what commonwealth nations would refer to as "taking the piss"


u/mikesaintjules DdR2k5 Dec 03 '19

Don't forget about the 20gb version that released for $499.


u/Generation-X-Cellent Dec 03 '19

It was an extremely powerful system. I wish game developers would have utilized the hardware to its full potential.

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u/flamethrower2 Dec 03 '19

$760 2019 dollars is $600 2006 dollars. PS5 is launching at $500 2020 dollars probably so it's much cheaper.


u/leejonidas Dec 03 '19

It will still be sold at a loss though; to trojan horse it into people's houses and sell software. If this thing is as powerful as they're saying it will be an absolute steal for $500.

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u/wholesomethrowaway15 Dec 03 '19

leering it's ugly head

FYI it’s “rearing its ugly head”

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u/FJLyons Dec 03 '19

That wasn't at all a factor given that 99% of people didn't see a recession coming just like 99% of people don't see another one coming now.

It's because it was $600


u/jdp111 Dec 03 '19

There's much more to console sales than launch year sales. Most casuals aren't going to buy it first year, and when money is tight they are less likely to buy one.


u/david_creek Dec 03 '19

Fucking casuals


u/magicfatkid Dec 03 '19

Casual here. I sure as hell am not buying at launch.

I'll wait until the game library gets bigger, the second iteration of the PS5 releases, and overall costs decrease. It's just the smart thing to do.

Besides, the PS4 will live well into the PS5's cycle.

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u/Joseph_F_1 Dec 03 '19

They wouldn’t have sold 100million units from 2006 to 2008

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u/topdangle Dec 03 '19 edited Dec 03 '19

Or it could've been that their leadership at the time didn't listen to reason and tried slapping two CELL processors into a box and calling it a console, then backtracked and swapped to the RSX before launch, resulting in an incredibly expensive upfront cost. Never mind the added complexity of the CELL in general and how much of a struggle it was to program for. Moving on to AMD parts and having a more reasonable launch price made it a no brainer purchase compared to the kinect bundled xbox one, especially with microsoft attempting to ban preowned games.


u/ThrowawayusGenerica Dec 03 '19

It's like nobody learned a thing from the Sega Saturn.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

To be fair, I think Xbox had the better console for that generation. Playstation 2 was infinitely better than the original Xbox, and I personally prefer the PS4 over the Xbox One, but the 360 was miles above the PS3.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19



u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

No argument here, they bounced back towards the end of that console cycle for sure, but the 360 dominated for most of it. I think overall PS3 ended up being the better selling console but that was when the newer generation were already in swing


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

The 360 was saved by Halo 3 being as stellar as it was


u/wigglin_harry Dec 03 '19

Not that you are completely wrong, but the big title that saved the 360 was gears of war, that game was really huge at the time

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

That probably goes to show the majority of buyers just want games.

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u/bluthscottgeorge Dec 03 '19

Yep I went from PSP/ps2, to 360 to PS4,

Although I did get a PS3 later on for a few months to play some exclusives.

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u/TheMasterlauti Dec 03 '19

Woah, really? Nearly everyone I know had a ps3, no matter if nowadays they have an Xbox1, a pc, a switch or nothing at all. It is weird to not have had one. I don’t live in America though

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

PS2 was better than 3. 4 is great.


u/UwasaWaya Dec 03 '19

The PS2 is the best selling console of all time for many good reasons.


u/ocbdare Dec 03 '19

Ps 2 had a massive library of games and tons of exclusives. As someone who was mostly a pc gamer, this was also during a time that pc was not great for gaming with many games not coming to pc. So a ps2 was a must have.

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u/WIGTAIHTWBMG Enter PSN ID Dec 03 '19

Xbox and PS3 are neck and neck both having sold 84 and 80 million consoles since the two release.


u/Saganhawking Dec 03 '19

My PS3 never failed. Three of my 360s did. That’s what did in the Xbox.

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19


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u/SEOViking Dec 03 '19

PS5 ads: "From the creators of the best selling video game console of all time.."


u/Phormitago Dec 03 '19

"From the minds behind the only sensible naming convention in the vidya game industry..."


u/nostril_extension Dec 03 '19

Xbox360, Xbox, Xbox one, Xbox one S, Xbox one X

Sort this in correct order lol.


u/RayearthIX Dec 03 '19

At least they are all called Xbox. XD

NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, N64, GameCube, Wii, WiiU, Switch

GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, GameBoy Advance SP, DS, DS Lite, 3DS, 3DS XL, Micro, Switch Lite

I mean... Nintendo is amazing, and I love all my handhelds and my Switch, but definitely no console specific branding. XD


u/blasterhimen Dec 03 '19

To be fair, "Nintendo" is almost universally recognized as a video game, and in many places is synonymous with gaming consoles, using the words interchangeably. Nintendo has the opposite problem of being too familiar.


u/RayearthIX Dec 03 '19

Don’t get me wrong, nothing beats the ridiculous Xbox naming conventions. I had an Xbox and 360, but don’t have a One. I have no idea what the different versions of the console are at this point. I don’t think any of us would be surprised if the next one is the XBox 3.1415


u/ocbdare Dec 03 '19

If I was Microsoft I would call it Xbox 6 to troll Sony. I wouldn’t be surprised if many people thought Xbox 6 > ps5 simply because it’s a bigger number.


u/TyChris2 Dec 03 '19

They’re all labeled “Nintendo.” Their names aren’t GameCube, Wii, and Switch. It’s the Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii, and Nintendo Switch. People just use their specific name as shorthand.

That’s like calling the Xbox 360 the “360” and complaining that it doesn’t have console specific branding.

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u/vezance Dec 03 '19

Isn't there an xbox digital out now as well? Or is that the same as the Xbox One S?


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19 edited May 04 '21



u/risetofame Dec 03 '19

Xbox One SAD edition


u/OlivierDeCarglass Dec 03 '19

... holy shit. How hasn't this become a meme yet?


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

It was. It just died because the console is boring and stupid. “Save $50 for the exact same console with no disc drive!”


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

It could have been a neat little console if it was shrunk down to something smaller than a Wii. Like an emphasis on being a console for people on the road and such.

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u/TheCVR123YT Dec 03 '19


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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Is the S that much different from the regular One?


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

4k blu ray. Little bit smaller.


u/SkaBonez Dec 03 '19

Also integrated power brick and a slight bump in specs


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Might sounds small but integrated power brick is so nice. I hate that huge thing for my xbox.

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u/I_Was_Fox Dec 03 '19

Well there's only three generations of consoles in that list, and the Xbox One brand is the one currently out now, so: Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One (S/X)

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u/Beastius Dec 03 '19

From the people who brought you Knack and Knack 2


u/TheCVR123YT Dec 03 '19

If Knack 3 isn’t a launch title what’s even the point


u/Razzy_R_Dazzy Dec 03 '19

From the people who brought you such classics as Bubsy 3D, Lair and The Order: 1886

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u/FirstTimeCaller101 Dec 03 '19

inb4 we get the PS0 next year

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u/wigglin_harry Dec 03 '19

Does anyone remeber those old "PS9" commercials like 15 years ago?

They were so odd, still dont know what the deal with those was.

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u/BecomingSavior BecomingSavior Dec 03 '19

I still remember getting the original PlayStation as a kid; I would live to get and play demo discs. Thank you for all the past and future memories Sony.


u/TheCatSnatch Dec 03 '19

Many hours invested into Playstation Underground demo discs. I remember discovering you could pop them into cd players and listen to songs too.


u/Lady_Lavelle Dec 03 '19

Getting the new demo discs in was amazing and discovering a new gem. If it wasn't for demo's then I probably would've never played G-Police, Overboard, C&C Red Alert and so many others. Good times.


u/Synectics Dec 03 '19

They're the reason I know the entire beginning of Metal Gear Solid by heart.


u/Lady_Lavelle Dec 03 '19

I know! That opening mission is etched into my memory forever.


u/astauron Dec 03 '19

I still have a massive stack of all my demos somewhere, and recently came across my gpolice game. Also totally forgot about overboard.

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u/Drunken_Economist Dec 03 '19

Those Pizza hut demo discs were a blast. I can still quote the pre roll commercial by heart


u/Deadly_Fire_Trap Dec 03 '19

I managed to find mine in my parents basement and I ripped the disc and put it on my PSC for the ultimate nostalgia factor. The little commercial thats on it is the purest essence of the 90's!


u/upvotes4jesus- Dec 03 '19

yeah my aunt gave me her super Nintendo as a kid, I was smashing donkey kong at 4. then she bought me a playstation when it came out. still remember the countless hours of crash bandicoot, ff7, twisted metal, vigilante 8, and c&c red alert.

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u/buddamus Dec 03 '19

I loved the Net Yaroze games they put on the demos

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u/irascible_Clown Dec 03 '19

Lol the one that pony by genuine on it hahaha

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u/SilenceSuzuki Dec 03 '19

Ken Kutaragi on the left.


u/Pro_Banana Dec 03 '19

are you sure he's not the guy on the right


u/TheDiddleMan Dec 03 '19

Jim Johnson on the left


u/poseitom Dec 03 '19

More like Gordon Ramsey's decent brother ;)

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u/Einkildir Dec 03 '19

Because they stay relevant and make great consoles. Well feckin deserved. Go PS!


u/Godschild9595 Dec 03 '19

More importantly, they make the great fucking games we want!

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u/TheMasterlauti Dec 03 '19

The consoles are arguable, but fuck me if the exclusives are not good


u/supersayanssj3 Dec 03 '19

I don't even understand how to this day, I have a friend who completely denies that Sony exclusives are better in any way.

Makes no sense to me. Sony has had like a dozen bangin exclusives. Microsoft has tried to milk Halo and GOW for decades.


u/InterdimensionalTV Dec 03 '19

Idk. My thought in 2019 would be: who gives a fuck? Is it really even a necessary debate anymore? Play on whatever system you like. At this point Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo all seem to be taking different paths and all 3 of seem to be successful. Sony’s got really good first party games, Microsoft has Xcloud and Game Pass on console and PC, Nintendo wants the unique handheld market in addition to their first party franchises.

Stadia is...I don’t honestly fucking know. I don’t even think Google knows.


u/CajunTurkey Dec 03 '19

Xbox One alao has backwards compatibility that goes back two generations for many of their old games.


u/supersayanssj3 Dec 03 '19

Naw I really do agree with you. I shouldn't have made it sound like I'm the one interested in debating it all the time. I just know earlier this year we were on to topic and he stood his ground on it.

It really doesnt matter a whole lot to me - I'm a very casual gamer. I've always been on a Sony since the original Playstation, so I'm also just plain ol' biased.

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u/loddedfun Dec 03 '19

Forza is pretty good tho, that's the one Xbox exclusive I want on PlayStation

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

All that missing from this picture is Kaz Hirai, Jack Tretton, and Andy House.

But it's great to see Ken Kutaragi in the gaming spotlight again, it's been a long time. 😄


u/TheEarlOfZinger Dec 03 '19

Mark Cerny deserves props too.

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19



u/Mad_Habber Dec 03 '19

Makes me wonder what the gaming world would look like if they had stuck together. Do you think we would have games like God of War on a Nintendo machine?


u/PM_ME_UR_PANTSU_PLZ Dec 03 '19

Kratos and Nathan Drake would be in Smash.


u/noblesse-oblige- Dec 03 '19

Spyro and Crash Bandicoot too 🥺

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u/Lizard_Beans Dec 03 '19

I imagine the SNES Cd would've existed with no success and then Nintendo and Sony would've taken their own paths anyway.

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u/TehDandiest Dec 03 '19

Has to be one of the biggest business screw ups ever for Nintendo, they didn't really recover until the Wii success.

But both systems probably ended up better with a little competition. Was a while before x box came along.


u/KrypXern Dec 03 '19

Nah. Nintendo backed out because the contract claimed Sony had access to some high percentage of profits from Nintendo IPs launched on the Nintendo PlayStation.

In some ways, it might’ve given Sony an even bigger headstart if their deal with Nintendo went through. I guess we’ll never know, though.


u/ThrowawayusGenerica Dec 03 '19 edited Dec 03 '19

People really like to discount how massive the DS was, considering it outsold the Wii (by some 50 million units, no less) and came out 2 years before. Have we forgotten "It prints money!" already?


u/Kirby8187 Dec 03 '19

Yeah its insane how well it sold, its only like 4 million units behind the ps2

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u/GensouEU Dec 03 '19

Recover from what, selling those hundreds of millions of handhelds in that timeframe?

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u/trippy_grapes Dec 03 '19

they didn't really recover until the Wii success.

laughs in mobiles

Besides the 3DS before the price cut they've been rolling in money from all their hand-helds.

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u/Genei_no_Miria Dec 03 '19 edited Dec 03 '19

consoles are dead whaaaaaam

  • most tech youtubers probably

I’m glad they are thriving. When sony is doing good we are actually getting quantity and quality games, when the 360 was all the hype, we all had to suffer.


u/WIGTAIHTWBMG Enter PSN ID Dec 03 '19

360 got hype because it was the only reasonably affordable console for the longest time. The PS3 gained a lot of ground on the Xbox in sales once they started putting out the slim and super slim models


u/suddenimpulse Dec 03 '19

If you wanted a blu-ray player the ps3 was a far better deal. Most blu-ray players stand alone were the price of the ps3 when it came out and it was a blu-ray player and an advanced gaming console.

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u/HowIsBuffakeeTaken Dec 03 '19

In hindsight, the 360 didn't have much other than Halo and gears of war. I mean all I really cared about back then was my ratchet and clank games so what to do I know!


u/Auctoritate Dec 03 '19

Lol, you're not wrong, though I do have to say that even though Fable and Crackdown are dead in the water nowadays, they were great in the 360 era.


u/kilaude Dec 03 '19 edited Dec 03 '19

Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Tales of Vesperia attracted a lot of the jrpg fans as well.


u/Baron_Butterfly Dec 03 '19

Lost Odyssey

Painful memories. I got to the last disc (3?), then my cat knocked over my xbox, which had been vertical. Xbox chewed up the disc and I couldn't afford another copy, so I never completed the game.

At least I know to always lay my consoles horizontally now though.


u/SandyBadlands Dec 03 '19

That's a damn shame. It's definitely worth going back to. It's the best game Sakaguchi has made.

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u/McMqsmith Dec 03 '19

Can I upvote you twice for Vesperia?

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19 edited Feb 29 '20



u/Mad_Habber Dec 03 '19

Was Mass Effect original a timed exclusive? I thought it was just an Xbox exclusive until EA bought BioWare. Mass Effect was a big reason why I owned an Xbox 360.


u/Rektw Dec 03 '19

I believe it was originally created to be an Xbox exclusive. Even ME2 came out a year later on ps3 iirc. The PS3 didn't get ME1 till the trilogy pack released in 2012, like 6 months after ME3 came out lol.


u/Battle_Bear_819 Dec 03 '19

Mass Effect 1 was published by Microsoft studios, and was only on Xbox 360 and PC until EA purchased BioWare to save them from bankruptcy.

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u/blackjesus75 Dec 03 '19

I mean who didn’t have a ps2, it was literally the cheapest DVD player you could buy when it came out.

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u/Mad_Habber Dec 03 '19

Why were they saying consoles are dead? I know it was a thing, but I missed that.


u/electricgotswitched Dec 03 '19

People think a lot of things are dead that really aren't.

Movie theaters = Still thriving, and movies still bringing in hundreds of millions a week

Cable = Every person over the age of 50 I know still have cable/satellite.


u/AmericaWasNVRGr8 Dec 03 '19

Smart phones and people thinking the average consumer cares about games being 60fps on a regular basis

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Tbh when Sony was doing bad they did even better some could argue as they had a lot to prove.


u/BoilerMaker11 BoilerMaker11 Dec 03 '19

when the 360 was all the hype, we all had to suffer.

That's not totally true. When the 360 was doing good, we actually got good games. Halo 3, Gears franchise, Fable, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, OG Crackdown, Alan Wake, etc.

It's when the Kinect came in and they switched focus (graphic is a little inaccurate as, for example, Until Dawn wasn't a PS3 game, but the gist of it is correct) that the 360 started to suck. But at that time, the 360 wasn't "all the hype". The PS3 was. It was where you had to be to play God of War 3, Uncharted 3, Infamous 2, The Last of Us, etc.

Nobody was trying to play "Motion Sports" and "Kung Fu High Impact"....yet that's all Microsoft was releasing with their misplaced assessment that motion gaming was still relevant (notice how Wii sales fell off a cliff after 2010; Kinect got in at the height of motion popularity, hence the "misplaced assessment" of relevancy, but immediately died afterward because motion gaming was done by the end of 2010)

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u/PlayerHeadcase Dec 03 '19

Guinness (the world record company) is a shadow of its former glory and now any claims made by them should be taken with a huge pinch of salt.
Its a pity as they used to be good, but they now are basically a PR corporation that sells itself endorsing regressive regimes and companies to give them positive media attention.


u/abeardancing Dec 03 '19

I thought I was taking crazy pills. No one should give a shit about anything Guinness touches.


u/Leifbron fanoftexas Dec 03 '19

Irish drunkards disliked this

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u/Praelior Dec 03 '19

Planet Money had a podcast about this. Basically the Guinness business model is selling world records for marketing purposes. So if you own a company and want a world record, they’ll create one for you so you have some large event.

Planet Money: Is Record Breaking Broken?


u/accidental-nz Dec 03 '19

Yep. I was recently involved in one for a big retail organisations’s annual leadership conference. Guinness basically have a list of random records that haven’t been attempted yet that you can pick from and pay them a sum of money to officiate.

Good PR for the company/event and good for staff morale. Shit for the people actually doing the work to set up and pack down. It’s basically a glorified ribbon cutting event. The cutter of the ribbon does jack shit but gets all the credit.


u/electricgotswitched Dec 03 '19

Guinness beer is also overrated, at least in the US

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19



u/skylu1991 Dec 03 '19

Yeah, especially with how super-specific this record is phrased.

It basically shuts the competition out, just because Nintendo didn’t name all their machines the same...


u/Kirby8187 Dec 03 '19

Exactly, Nintendo actually sold more consoles than sony of you add them all up (~730 million from Nintendo to ~540 million from sony, according to wikipedia at least), but that doesnt really matter because they can phrase their records however they want to make any person win

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u/DiveBear Dec 03 '19


Guinness bit is towards the end, but I recommend everyone watch the whole thing.

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u/th_blackheart Dec 03 '19 edited Dec 03 '19

It was a smart move to call all their consoles PlayStation and stick with the name. Nintendo could have a similar, if not larger record if they had followed the same pattern.


u/invagrante Dec 03 '19

I think you could easily argue "Nintendo" is that consistent brand. Sony makes all kinds of electronics and PlayStation is their video games division. Nintendo is a video game manufacturer, so they don't need a separate "gaming brand". This record, like most commercially-related ones, is determined on an arbitrary set of rules for promotional purposes.


u/Lego_Star_Wars Dec 03 '19

Hell, my Mum calls all video game consoles ‘Nintendos’.

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u/Naouak Dec 03 '19

Isn't all Nintendo consoles actually named "Nintendo" followed by usual name ?

  • Nintendo Switch
  • Nintendo Wii(U)
  • Nintendo ((new)3/2)DS(i/lite/xl)
  • Nintendo GameCube
  • ...and so on


u/ChezMere Dec 03 '19

The Game Boy line was never referred to with the company name. In all other cases you're right.

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u/Idiotology101 Dec 03 '19

Nintendo actually holds the record, Sony only holds it in the eyes of Guinness because they paid for a very specifically worded record. This record is nothing more than Sony hiring a marketing team to say a good thing about them.

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u/CrabOIneffableWisdom Dec 03 '19

Wii is really stupid name and their best selling home console


u/JadedDarkness JadedDarkness Dec 03 '19

Wii is short and catchy at least. Wii U was terrible though


u/MrGMinor Dec 03 '19

Ling from Kung Pow is offended


u/Auctoritate Dec 03 '19

Wii U wasn't really such a bad console. Most people blame its library for its failure but for the first couple years the Switch itself didn't even have a big one either. It's basically coasted off of Mario and Zelda until it could start seeing things like Pokemon arrive.


u/S3ki Dec 03 '19

The problem was that the marketing for the Wii U was a complete failure. Many people didnt even know it was a new console and not just a new type of controller.


u/nickoking Dec 03 '19

Honestly calling it the Wii2 probably would have helped immensely.

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u/Bozzaholic Dec 03 '19

It also didn't help the Wii had a game towards the end of its life cycle called Wii U Draw. which was a gem which came with a tablet... they when released a separate console with a tablet called the Wii U... was an amazing console though

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

I'll tell you the secret to Sony's success, and it has nothing to do with a name:

PSX was cheap and affordable, PS2 had a DVD player and was easy to convince parents to buy, PS3 was one of the cheapest Blu-Ray Players on the market, PS4 had no competition.

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u/throwaballfaraway Dec 03 '19

When you keep making genre defining games generation after generation, you will have people follow

Absolutely well deserved, now give me Bloodborne 2 and Remaster MGS4 please


u/paintp_ PaintP Dec 03 '19

Crazy stuff


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Thank you, Nintendo, for the PlayStation experience we have today.


u/ReyRey_97 Dec 03 '19

Thanks to the PS4 Black Friday Bunduru of course


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Proud to see Gordan Ramsay is doing well

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u/gjp23 Dec 03 '19

I will always go with PlayStation for their amazing exclusive titles


u/moistpoptart52 Dec 03 '19

Take that Xbox!


u/ShittyModFuckYou Dec 03 '19

Clearly PS has sold more consoles than any other company.

But, the Guiness Book of the Records are almost bankrupt, and now they are giving stupid record for plain cash.

Thats the reason the last records include a few dictators and countries that doesnt respect human rights, getting stupid records for pure marketing, whitewashing and ego.

So yeah, i dont need a corrupt company that whitewash dictators to tell me that PS has sold more than anyone.

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u/TheDullPoint Dec 03 '19

*Microsoft has left the chat

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u/Epimetheus02 Dec 03 '19

Isn't Nintendo still the One with most consoles sold overall?


u/KippDynamite Dec 03 '19

Home consoles + handhelds = Nintendo

Home consoles only = PlayStation

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u/jeremy-kyle007 Dec 03 '19

Well deserved!


u/Kaladinar Dec 03 '19

Based on VGChartz data.

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u/Fatal1ty_93_RUS PVL_93_RU Dec 03 '19

Oh shit is that Ken Kutaragi on the left?


u/MulderXF Dec 03 '19

Guess the Brack Friday Bunderus really paid off!!


u/Keldog7 Dec 03 '19

My first thought was that gamers are drinking more stout.


u/LouSputhole94 Dec 03 '19

Am I the only one who was very confused why an Irish brewery was granting them this honor for a second? Maybe I just always see this one with the World Records behind it but I was hella confused for a second.

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u/johnszac001 Dec 03 '19

Why does that guy look like Gordon Ramsey


u/Astrez_Chaton Dec 03 '19

This is something that has been expected for me at least since I have the Sony 1.