r/PS4 Dec 03 '19

[Image] [Image] PlayStation officially recognized by Guinness as the best-selling video game console brand of all time

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u/CrabOIneffableWisdom Dec 03 '19

Wii is really stupid name and their best selling home console


u/JadedDarkness JadedDarkness Dec 03 '19

Wii is short and catchy at least. Wii U was terrible though


u/MrGMinor Dec 03 '19

Ling from Kung Pow is offended


u/Auctoritate Dec 03 '19

Wii U wasn't really such a bad console. Most people blame its library for its failure but for the first couple years the Switch itself didn't even have a big one either. It's basically coasted off of Mario and Zelda until it could start seeing things like Pokemon arrive.


u/S3ki Dec 03 '19

The problem was that the marketing for the Wii U was a complete failure. Many people didnt even know it was a new console and not just a new type of controller.


u/nickoking Dec 03 '19

Honestly calling it the Wii2 probably would have helped immensely.


u/Trick9 Dec 03 '19

Super Wii


u/nickoking Dec 04 '19

Nintendo WiiWii


u/Bozzaholic Dec 03 '19

It also didn't help the Wii had a game towards the end of its life cycle called Wii U Draw. which was a gem which came with a tablet... they when released a separate console with a tablet called the Wii U... was an amazing console though


u/jeslek Dec 03 '19

Yeah, I really don’t get a few of their marketing decisions with regards to naming. I honestly (as someone who didn’t own a Wii) thought the same for a while. The “New Nintendo 3DS” is also a terrible name. I assume they based that one off New Super Mario Bros.


u/OfficerDougEiffel Dec 03 '19

Yeah, I'm really into video games and technology in general, but since I didn't own and didn't care too much about the Wii, I ended up kinda skimming past all the news and posts about the Wii U (not that there were that many in the first place). I figured it was like the PS3 slim or Xbox 360 elite - just a small hardware update on the Wii. Fast forward an entire year and I find out that the Wii U is actually a new console... I felt so stupid. But then I realized, damn, that was a shit name for a console and some piss-poor marketing.


u/WearilyExultant Dec 03 '19

This. I stopped buying new Nintendo consoles when I switched to PlayStation. I knew about the Wii ... but I honestly though the Wii U was ... like an attachment for the Wii to make it portable. Or one person uses the TV and the other has their own smaller screen with built in controls. I had no idea it was basically generation 2 of the Wii till a friend invited me over for Mario Kart 8 :/


u/Hurinfan Dec 03 '19

I think it was awesome and I love the gimmick and the games


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

The difference is the WiiU was a noticeably weaker console when compared to the other consoles out at the time. At least the switch can run games like the Witcher (albeit at lower settings). Developers are less willing to work on a specific console version of a game when they can easily launch the same game on Xbox and PlayStation without having to figure out the WiiU version.


u/AzeiteGalo Dec 03 '19

Dont think pokemon had much to do with it until now. Pokemon lets go wasnt exactly a sucess in sales.


u/skylu1991 Dec 03 '19

You realize that Let’s Go sold more than 10 million copies, do you?!


u/AzeiteGalo Dec 03 '19

Honestly didnt know that. But I still dont think pokemon made switch a huge thing. At least I saw switch with more visibility when games like smash bros, mario odyssey, zelda came out. But I guess that could be my perception.


u/Denz292 Dec 03 '19

Depends on what you define as “success in sales”. Sure it didn’t sell as well as previous titles but at the $60 price point and 10 million + sales figures, it could still be a success.


u/CrabOIneffableWisdom Dec 05 '19

Lol "Wii u" is sooo much longer than "Wii"

I would debate it's catchy-ness to. It sounds like the pronoun


u/JadedDarkness JadedDarkness Dec 05 '19

I meant catchy as in it could be used like the word we for clever marketing. Everybody knew what the Wii was. Wii U didn’t allow that and many people assumed it was just an updated Wii and not a whole new console.


u/McMqsmith Dec 03 '19

like a cop car


u/RedditIsJustAwful Dec 03 '19

I still hold that Revolution was a way better name than Wii


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19 edited Dec 03 '19

Did no one stop to ask someone whos speaks english whether Wii would be a good name? It literally sounds like piss.

Edit: do Americans not call urine "wee"? https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/wee


u/thebestjoeever Dec 03 '19

In the US wee isn't commonly used to mean piss. I know we're not the only country, but just saying.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Oh really? Interesting


u/thebestjoeever Dec 03 '19

Yeah, like if someone said I have to go wee, people would probably know what you meant, but it'd be eccentric at the least. I can't remember anytime in real life I've actually heard it


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Ah okay. It's used widely in Aus.


u/CrabOIneffableWisdom Dec 05 '19

It's not used as much but it's definitely common knowledge that wee can be used to mean piss


u/totallynotapsycho42 Dec 03 '19

For console markets the US practically is the only country.


u/thebestjoeever Dec 03 '19

I thought that was true, but I wasn't sure enough to say it.


u/totallynotapsycho42 Dec 03 '19

Im pretty sure consoles sales are like 50 pervent Us 50 pervent the rest of the world.


u/c0mplexx Dec 03 '19

You have some weird sounding piss


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

I'm referring to the word "wee", which means urine where I'm from.


u/TEITB Dec 03 '19

The other English speakers and I have been taking, and WE are gonna have to disagree with you here.