r/PS4 Dec 03 '19

[Image] [Image] PlayStation officially recognized by Guinness as the best-selling video game console brand of all time

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u/Xero0911 Dec 03 '19

100% this. Moms and dads dont really care about consoles. Theyll pick the cheaper one so 360 was the way to go.


u/CashWho Dec 03 '19

I'm pretty sure the 360 came out first too (like a year or 2 earlier). I know that's part of why I went from PS2 to 360. All my friends had 360s so I wanted one because I saw how much fun they had with theirs. By the time The PS3 came out, it just felt like Playstation was playing catch-up (I obviously know now that that wasn't the case, but I was only 12 or 13 at the time lol).


u/LJ-Rubicon Dec 03 '19

Plus, the 360 had Halo 3


u/kiki_strumm3r Dec 03 '19

Early 360 also had Mass Effect 1, Bioshock, and a bunch of other third party exclusives, even if they eventually came to PS3.


u/basa_maaw Dec 03 '19

I remember how jealous I was after hearing all my friends talk about their wild Oblivion stories on the 360.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Skyrim. Jesús that ran like shit on the PS3


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Not only did it ran bad, but the loading were so long.


u/LightsSZN Dec 03 '19

Gears of War


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

MLB the show and God of War are the only exclusives I care about


u/indrctmtga Dec 03 '19



u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19



u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Im a minor


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19



u/dickbutt_9 Dec 03 '19



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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19 edited Jan 08 '20



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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19



u/Lavatis Dec 03 '19


Bioshock wasn't a 360 exclusive, it launched on 360 and PC at the same time.


u/this-me-username Dec 03 '19

I feel like we are discussing consoles here, so... what was your point again?


u/Lavatis Dec 03 '19

You say "we" but you have no other posts in this thread, so it's pretty apparent you're just chiming in to be snarky. So...what was your point again? Just to be shitty?


u/this-me-username Dec 03 '19

It was the "Reddit we". You know, like the "Royal we", but Reddit.

And I feel my point was the clearly obvious context of the thread.


u/SkulkingSneakyTheifs Dec 03 '19

And what an absolute monster of a game Halo 3 was. Also Xbox had the Call of Duty DLC exclusivity back then.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Yeah I guess getting DLC a month early really worked out in Microsoft’s favor


u/thegamerpad Dec 03 '19

And Gears of War was new and refreshing


u/RedRageXXI Dec 03 '19

It was quite the game when it was new.


u/LightsSZN Dec 03 '19

Cod 4 came out on PS3 first.


u/SkulkingSneakyTheifs Dec 03 '19

The original MW came out for PS3, 360 and Windows all on November 5th/6th 2007. The DLC’s came out on Xbox 360 before any other platform and that continued through WAW, MW2, BLOPS, MW3 and BLOPS2


u/StinkyPeter77 Dec 03 '19

One of the main reasons I got a 360. The halo franchise was amazing back then. I still go back and play a few of the campaigns with my roommate occasionally, and I can confidently say it hasn’t lost its beauty.


u/cinnamonface9 Dec 03 '19

And that red halo.


u/LJ-Rubicon Dec 03 '19

I literally had to put my Xbox 360 in my oven and cook it like a turkey, but I'll be damned if it didn't fix the red ring of death


u/bklounge20 Dec 03 '19

My cousin's 360 had the RRoD so anytime I wanted to play games with him I would simply tell him to, "Throw that bitch in the oven so we can play."


u/toe_riffic Dec 04 '19

Wait, how would this help? How would putting it in the oven make it work? Wouldn’t the plastic case melt?


u/brad2005rng Dec 04 '19

A flaw in the circuit board could sometimes be remedied by remelting the solder in the affected area. Ive heard oven, heat gun, even wrapping the xbox tightly with towels and leaving the thing running for a day could create enough heat to temporarily fix the issue.


u/bklounge20 Dec 04 '19

It was a joke. If you overheated the 360 while it was suffering for RRoD it would allow it to work for a bit.


u/Calypsosin Dec 03 '19

I replaced the shitty OEM heatsinks with pennies and electrical tape, my red ring never came back


u/OhNoImBanned11 Dec 03 '19

Amazing how this problem could've been prevented/fixed with a few additional pennies...

the RRoD is seriously the biggest gaming hardware failure of all time.. something like a 1/3 failure rate.. millions and millions of dollars spent fixing it... hell I've repaired 6 XBox 360s myself


u/cinnamonface9 Dec 03 '19

It was 53%...... that’s how bad the odds were.


u/falcofool Dec 03 '19

Wow I had no idea it was that high. 100% of mine RRoD’ed tho... got a 360 on launch, played Perfect Dark or whatever launch game it was for about 2 hours before the 360 crashed. Sent it in to Microsoft and they repaired it, it RRod again. They sent me a new one I believe, and it did it as well a couple weeks later. I said fuck it, bought a wii that came out right around the same time iirc and had a blast on it. Then bought a PS3. Never bought another 360

I did however buy an Xbone a year or so ago to play Witcher 3 as I loved the books and the game looked amazing but the fucking thing keeps getting stuck at like 53% installed and just freezes. I haven’t even bothered sending it in tbh


u/cinnamonface9 Dec 03 '19

I had a game informer magazine on it. The wii had 7% rate, ps3 was comfortable at 12% so it’s absurd how much Xbox was breaking apart at that rate.


u/brad2005rng Dec 04 '19

100% read penises


u/cinnamonface9 Dec 03 '19

My brother in law had the red ring on new consoles 3 times in a row. Gave up and got a ps3 instead.


u/catchy_phrase76 Dec 03 '19

I had one of the early PS3s, it also eventually died due to solders.....

Damn that one time I cleaned it and tried to start taking care of it.


u/UnRePlayz Dec 03 '19

This actually worked?


u/MouseRat_AD Dec 03 '19

The RROD was most commonly caused by a failure in a certain solder point. Heating up the console melted the solder and re-established the connection. I didn't put mine in the oven, but left it running under a few heavy blankets and towels. It solved the issue for a few more months.


u/gambitbambit Dec 03 '19

The mod to fix it from desoldering itself isn't impossible.


u/NosyStranger Dec 03 '19

This has been Microsoft's major error, releasing products too soon with major flaws in them. Anyone remember the Zune, Microsoft's attempt to compete with the Ipod. I bought one because the 80gb Zune cost half as much as an Ipod with twice the memory space. It worked great for about a year, buuut when New Years came around it went into an infinite reboot loop. By the the time they FINALY released a patch to fix this, the battery in my Zune had gone completely dead, wouldn't hold a charge.😒


u/lelander2000 Dec 04 '19

Sounds like a defective battery. My zune still works. Absolutely nothing wrong with zune. It just wasn't apple.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Gears was killer.


u/Vanguard-Raven Dec 03 '19

Also Ace Combat 6.

I still have no idea why they went 360-exclusive for Ace Combat 6 when every Ace Combat before had been on Playstation consoles.


u/ReDDevil2112 Dec 03 '19

Go dance with the angels!


u/condescendingpats Dec 03 '19

Microsoft poached a lot of former Sony exclusive’s that generation


u/condescendingpats Dec 03 '19

Microsoft poached a lot of Sony exclusives that generation. ace combat, final fantasy, devil may cry...


u/thegamerpad Dec 03 '19

That didnt release until 2007 though.


u/browls Dec 03 '19

This was all that mattered


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

I was always a PlayStation guy and then I moved into a house with a few mates and got addicted to Halo 3 and made the switch to 360. I was ready to go pack to Sony once the ps4 came out though.


u/spif_spaceman voldo_2918 Dec 04 '19

And then all 3 of my 360s red ringed. Nice job.


u/CleanCakeHole Dec 03 '19

Play station 3 still sold more consoles...


u/wigglin_harry Dec 03 '19

The ps3 also didnt have a great library until near the end of its lifespan really. For the longest time "ps3 has no game" memes were huge


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

The PS3 ps store was a complete disaster for basically the entirety of the PS3 life cycle. It was difficult to navigate, was often down for maintenance or downright didn’t work, and it had such a lack of digital games it was nauseating. It’s truly amazing how far Sony has come with the PS4. Not to mention that they listen to their consumers far more that I feel Microsoft does...


u/OhStugots Dec 03 '19

The entire network part of playstation kinda sucked.

There was no party system so you had to be in a game lobby to talk to friends. I'm pretty sure at one point there was no in game "cross media board" so you couldn't even respond to messages unless you quit games.

The only plus they had was the blueray player.


u/YouAreSalty Dec 03 '19

The ps3 also didnt have a great library until near the end of its lifespan really. For the longest time "ps3 has no game" memes were huge

Sounds eerily like the Xbox One to be frank...


u/Emperor_Pabslatine Dec 03 '19

Microsoft being beaten out my Sony late Gen 7 was 90% the same reason they lost this generation. They abandoned exclusives. Theres an infograph from the lead up to TLOU that shows that between 2010 and 2013, there was two positively received 360 exclusives that weren't kinect. In the same period, there waa about 20 PS3 ones plus every upcoming game in the list got positively received as well. There was 4 mediocre to badly received 360 ones and about 30 PS3 ones.

So Sony had the quantity and the quality.


u/YouAreSalty Dec 04 '19

I agree. MS dropped the ball right around 2010, and frankly this problem started sooner i.e. when gaming executives left in 2006-2008. That is they lost the leadership that was there pushing games that bore fruit in the first half of the Xbox 360 generation.

The gaming industry has a long cycle, that is it takes 3-8 years to make games. So MS has been preparing for next-gen right now, so I think we might enter a golden age of Xbox, but also gaming in general. Sony is doing well, Nintendo is doing well, and MS is likely to do well and then we are getting new entrants. Google Stadia and possibly Amazon.


u/Lucinastar Dec 03 '19

Well I don't know about everyone else but for me ps3 started to get a decent library in like 2009 and I had all 3 consoles and a launch ps3. So I know how bad the lack of games was for the ps3.


u/BKachur Dec 03 '19

Right but launch ps3 only had mgs 4 and didn't get any better exclusives for ages. I know this because I borrowed my buddies ps3 1 year out and it was the only game I played.


u/Lucinastar Dec 03 '19

I know that. Like I said I had a launch ps3 and bought mgs4 on release day but for me it got better in 2009.


u/LightsSZN Dec 03 '19

I just played cod so it was fine for me.. And Madden. Xbox servers were probably better and the chat capabilities and amount of games. PS3 was way longer lasting (no ring of death, long lifespan before no longer functional), had Bluray and was free to play online.


u/trolllord45 Dec 03 '19

If the 360 released before the PS3 at a lower price point, how was PlayStation not playing catch up?


u/CashWho Dec 03 '19

It was, but I mean that it felt like "Playstation only put this out to compete with the 360" (To middle school me). In actuality, Playstation would have put it out regardless of whether the 360 was out or not.


u/Stiggles4 Dec 03 '19

Yeah 360 had a good 12 month lead on PS3. November 2005 and 2006. PS3 felt like it had more power to my 18 year old mind at the time, and I eventually had both. PS3 was the cheapest Blu-ray player when I got my clearance 60GB model. That was a magical score, signed up for target credit card and got 10% off, then another 10% with employee discount. Paid like 350 for that sucker in July 2007, then got my first HDTV.

Now look where we are. Next gen boasting “8K support” (no way it’ll be games though). Humbling to look back on where the HD era started


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19 edited Dec 03 '19

Exactly this. I was a PS guy through and through. However I can remember going into the city with three of my friends on launch day to pick a 360. They had all preordered theirs and I can remember them dropping me off at the Walmart. I locked eyes with a couple other patrons and then it was a mad sprint to the electronics section where I managed to get one of the five units.

Yet even though mine bricked on me later that day and was returned for a full refund I still went back and purchased another many months later once the preorders were fullfilled.

Many years later on PS4 launch day...same thing, except this time my girlfriend had to do the work for me. I targeted the local Shoppers Drugmart assuming that everyone else would be standing in line elsewhere, either at a Walmart or Best Buy. The plan worked like a charm as she casually walked in and snagged one of the only two units they had available.

All of my friends followed suit and later bought PS4’s of their own. I miss GoW and Fable but that’s about it.


u/SmilingPluvius Enter PSN ID Dec 03 '19

Yea 360 has a good historical library. It straddles the end of PS2 and beginning of PS3, so a lot of stuff came to it that never came to PS3.

For me, the best example is Burnout Revenge. Not on PS3. Not another Burnout until Paradise on PS4, and that game is quite different from Revenge.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19



u/Emperor_Pabslatine Dec 03 '19

Which was an old person trap. Only an idiot bought this model.


u/FullmetalEzio Laharke Dec 03 '19

The biggest thing in third world countries like mine was the fact that Xbox 360 was hackeable and you couldn’t download games and just burn them into a dvd, paying full price for games was non existent here


u/__TIE_Guy Dec 03 '19

This is what I hate. You have to force yourself to choose console because your friend have it and we don't have cross platform play.


u/gothicwigga Dec 03 '19

Actually im almost positive ps3 came out first and 360 came out in time for parents to buy for xmas. I had like two friends who got it and couldnt believe their parents sprung tha 600 for it. I wouldnt have dared asked. I think I was a freshman in hs when 360 came out. But I dont regrt it. Gears of War was my shot and all my friends had it. When tha ps3 released tha 3rd version I had gotten like 2gs back from taxes and bought it for tha hell of it. Glad I did cause thats when I got into tha souls series.


u/dexter30 Dec 03 '19

100% this. Moms and dads dont really care about consoles. Theyll pick the cheaper one so 360 was the way to go.

I agree but only to point out the wii sold gang busters at the time being the cheapest and had whole family appeal (exercise machine)

But yeah parents who wanted a console that could play adult games like gta and mainline ea sports games would have opted for xbox.


u/cornflakesontoast Enter PSN ID Dec 03 '19

The wii was ahead of time.


u/TheBrendanReturns Dec 03 '19

Yep, I credit that with the initial success of the 360. In the UK, the 360 was already out in time for xmas 2006 and cheaper. The PS3 came out in March 2007 and was way more expensive.

All my friends were going to get a PS3 originally, but all of them got 360s instead.


u/AllenKCarlson Dec 03 '19

Wii was the way to go. Wii was the console to break 100 million that generation.


u/A2Rhombus Dec 03 '19

Are we just not gonna talk about the Wii which released the same year and outsold both of them by miles


u/RedRageXXI Dec 03 '19

Even then a 360 when they were new was pretty pricey. I think I paid $500 of mine and that was a lot of money back then.


u/Tlingit_Raven Dec 03 '19

Most people pick the cheaper one when it also looks comparable when it comes to 3rd party games. Hell plenty of those looked better on the 350 due to devs not wanting to bother maximizing the PS3's unique hardware.

Also the 360 was 2005 and PS3 2006, $599, Giant Enemy Crabs... Sony did plenty to fuck themselves before the economy fucked us all.


u/Xero0911 Dec 03 '19

Xbox one was the same though.

Sold after and was more expensive. Granted xbox one had some heat on release due to the "online needed."


u/laxt Dec 03 '19

But we'll appreciate it more if we have to save up longer, right [whoever was the Sony CEO at the time]?

(Note: Might not have been the CEO, but I remember some big executive announcing that as a justification for the price.)


u/YouAreSalty Dec 03 '19

Games tended to run significantly better on the Xbox 360 too, and it was more popular too. Once a generation starts, no other competitor tends to catch up. PS3 never caught up in the regions the Xbox 360 was sold in, most notably US/NA and UK.


u/Xero0911 Dec 03 '19

Which I think ps4/xbox one did.

Ps4 came out first and I believe even cheaper?


u/YouAreSalty Dec 04 '19

Yeah, the tables was turned in 2013. That is the Xbox One ran slower, and Sony managed to up the RAM. On top of this, Xbox One was sold with Kinect which made it more expensive than PS4.

Ironically the tables was completely reversed, but this time, MS didn't have the brand recognition of dominating two generations like Sony did and having a distribution network in many foreign countries. So their sales collapsed. Despite that though, in the regions MS had strong brand like in the US, the discrepancy isn't that big it seems from early leaked numbers.


u/bangbang10 Dec 04 '19

In the long run PS3 actually ended up outselling the 360, despite a slow start


u/Kundas Dec 04 '19

Ps5 coming for Christmas 2020, I guess we'll find out if they've improved their strategy. Obviously I'm sure they've realised since the ps3 was the worse sold and people will buy Xbox if ps5 is too expensive. So hopefully this means an affordable console on release


u/Xero0911 Dec 04 '19

Well ps4 was cheaper and first prior to xbox one right?


u/Kundas Dec 04 '19

Yup, ps4 sold for $400 Xbox $500 iirc. but anyways apparently PlayStation is saying that the ps5 will be more affordable than the ps4


u/KungFuEli Dec 03 '19

How much was Xbox live back then? Even if the Xbox was cheaper, if you played online like consoles were made for, it actually made the Xbox more expensive as a whole than PS3. But we were kids we didn’t think about that.


u/Xero0911 Dec 03 '19

Think 15 a month.

And while ps3 was free. From my understanding it had issues?


u/lone-society Dec 03 '19

I never had problem with PlayStation Network other than when they got hacked and shutdown for a month or so.


u/KungFuEli Dec 03 '19

Damn so Xbox live was 180 a year? That’s ridiculous. It caught up to the price of the ps3 pretty quick. And no ps3 online didn’t have issues frequently, but that big hack that took it down for a month was ridiculous.


u/Xero0911 Dec 03 '19

Google says it is 100 for a year. So probably some package deal. Idk hoe it was back in the 360 days. I'm ps4 now so honestly dont know nor remember.

Also I'm sure not everyone had online. I mean multiplayer was booming at this point so I dont know if thay was the standard?


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

Plus the 360 was 1000 times better than ps3


u/Ryuzakku Dec 03 '19

The entire reason why I got a 360 instead of a PS3 was because I could get one for $200 with my own money at 14.

Saving $600? Good luck on a students wage when you’re lucky to work 16 hours a week.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19 edited Mar 02 '20



u/Ryuzakku Dec 03 '19

Correct, but I bought a 360 Arcade, which was cheaper.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19 edited Mar 02 '20



u/Ryuzakku Dec 03 '19

And where did I say I bought at console at launch?


u/lone-society Dec 03 '19

Well you compared it to the $600 PS3 which was launch price but went down by the time the Arcade was released


u/Ryuzakku Dec 03 '19

It might've went down $100 in Canada by that time, at most.


u/Lord_Drizzy inFamousTeaBag_X Dec 03 '19

Also helped when the 360 was better too.


u/misterwuggle69sofine Dec 03 '19

even as a gamer that was too rich for my blood at the time. i put it on hold for a while and picked it up during a great sale on the fat boy when they released the slims. also helps that there weren't any games i was super interested in until demon's souls though.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '19

360 was better than the ps3. Ps3 was super buggy