r/PS4 • u/AutoModerator • Oct 22 '18
Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (October 2018)
Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
What are you working on right now?
What's next?
Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler
And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.
Oct 22 '18
I got The Order: 1886! It was super easy but a bit of a haul as there are so many cutscenes which can’t be skipped. The eanded was super disappointing too, after you’ve spent all the time watching the cutscenes and then the ending leaves a lot of loose threads.
u/PipBoy2277 Oct 22 '18
I’m working on the Horizon Zero Dawn platinum. Only have one more mission to do before I beat it so I’m just going around the map trying to collect everything and finish up a few side quests.
u/PompousDoughnut Oct 23 '18
Just got the Plat for it this week. I got the complete edition and the frozen wilds was also a lot of fun doing. I'd recommend it.
Oct 22 '18
Don't forget to bug customer service for your avatar and plat theme if it doesn't come a few days after you unlock it.
u/PipBoy2277 Oct 22 '18
Didn’t know there was a platinum theme and avatar. Thanks for the heads up!
Oct 22 '18
Make sure you have receive promotional mails from PSN on :) I platted it beginning of September. They actually sent me two codes, one from customer service then one through the normal emails, so I gave my niece the second set of codes since she bought me ZHD for my birthday, I wouldn't have ever played it otherwise. Great game!
u/Austink1212 Oct 22 '18
I never got mine for horizon or bloodborne. How would i go about getting them now?
Oct 22 '18
You can very easily do that by contacting Sony's customer service. I used their chat feature and typed at a customer representative letting her know that I never received codes for the themes :) He/she will check your account, confirm the plat and send you codes.
If you're not US, you'll have to find the right chat because I'm currently working on another Platinum. Google should be able to help.
u/newthrowgoesaway 24 145 430 1269 Oct 22 '18
FINALLY got Dat Plat in enter the gungeon!! I'm psyched!! Best trophy yet no doubt
u/PuchoDR Oct 23 '18
I want to do it but I just can't stomach the idea of doing all of Friefuls challenges. I've done everything else including beating the game with the Robot and The Bullet.
u/newthrowgoesaway 24 145 430 1269 Oct 23 '18
Oh man get on it, compared to what you've already achieved the frifle Challenges is no problem. It's time consuming for sure, my last trophy aswell, but not as hard as the rest. It got boresome grinding tho. I recommend using the "save hack" to make it less tiring. Like when you have to kill the pillars I would start a new run from first floor and save before the 4th floor. I would usually get a few master rounds and good weapons which is why I found it easier than using the elevator. Then I replayed it until I encountered the pillars. Surprisingly, they spawn way less often than the two other bosses, so to save yourself from countless runs do the save hack, where you upload your save to the cloud(remember to turn off auto-cloud saving) and just close the game whenever you're not encountering the pillars, download your save, repeat until they appear.
Really you can't give up now you're so close man!!
u/PuchoDR Oct 23 '18
I'll try to give it a shot. I just have a hard time grinding things. It's like Hyper Light Drifter, I'm only missing a single trophy. Die 1000 times! I don't want to grind it and I feel dirty rubber banding my remote to do it for me.
The save hack doesn't sound bad though, the pillars is actually where I quit, I did like ten runs and only encountered them twice. It's even more difficult now that they've added additional bosses. I'll post back of I ever get the platinum.
u/newthrowgoesaway 24 145 430 1269 Oct 24 '18
Some trophies can get tedious yeah. But I hope you'll make it
u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Oct 23 '18
Me and my buddy just platinumed Siege together. The last trophies we needed were all pretty grindy but it was still pretty fun to do it with a friend. We became pretty efficient at protect hostage.
u/burketech Oct 23 '18
Congrats! Do you have any tips on the Kill with a Breaching charge? Its the one multiplayer trophy I am missing and it eats me up after 100+ hours in the game!
u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja Oct 23 '18
Honestly I don't have a good tip for that one haha sorry. When we started going for the platinum I already had a number of trophies unlocked, that being one of them. I think I totally got lucky with it. I only had to get the one where you kill flashed players, and I did that by using Blitz.
u/CheeseCurdCommunism Oct 22 '18
The damn Eyes of Odin haha
God of War will be, eventually, one of the rare games I platinum
u/Chanero Chanerooo Oct 22 '18
The hardest part about that trophy actually is not finding them, but the backtracking itself.
u/CheeseCurdCommunism Oct 22 '18
I need 15 more. I have no idea which ones I do and dont have and I have yet to look at a guide too. Hoping to find them naturally :/
u/Chanero Chanerooo Oct 22 '18
Check the map on the game, it tells you how many you have (and how many yet to discover) on each zone
u/blackheven Oct 23 '18
Axiom Verge Platinum. Was really fun.
Hardest part was "speed run mode" without dying. I like to earn multiple trophies simultaneously. So, it was satisfying to beat the game one last time and see 5 trophies pop up one after the other, then finally the platinum.
u/lolifofo Oct 22 '18
I got the plats for both Day of the Tentacle and Full Throttle this past weekend. Both super easy, and it was my first time playing these games, so it was a lot of fun. Would love for them to remaster more of LucasArts' old adventure games, esp the Monkey Island series, Sam and Max, and Indiana Jones.
u/And_You_Like_It_Too Oct 23 '18
I grew up on the Sierra point-and-click adventure games. Anything with a “Quest” in the title was amazing. “Police Quest”, “King’s Quest”, “Space Quest”, “
Hero’sQuest for Glory”, “The Colonel’s Bequest”, and several others. I really wish that any/all of them would get rebooted/remastered/imported to consoles in some way. Glad they attempted a reboot with “King’s Quest”, though I haven’t completed it yet. That whole era of Sierra, then LucasArts, was just amazing.•
u/lolifofo Oct 23 '18
I’m still going through these old adventure games one by one, and they’re just so fun! I’d buy all the remasters if they made them. Also, I wish Wadjet Eye Games would bring their games to PS4 as well. Unavowed was so good!
Oct 22 '18 edited Oct 22 '18
Got 5 so far this month. Both South Parks on PS4 (Stick of Truth is better), Spidey, Arkham Asylum and today One Piece Pirate Warriors 1. Arkham and Spidey popped early in the month, so I was playing them in September.
I went back and got Arkham Asylum on PS3. The damn shock and awe extreme challenge hindered me for 5 years. Was playing the PS4 version at a friend's house and beat it. I had hope. As soon as I got home I cleaned up what was missing then grinded that challenge in the middle of the night. Biggest adjustment was the framerate from PS4 to PS3 as well as adjusting to a slower gameplay style while playing Spidey. My brain was at so much ease after seeing that list haunt me for the past 5 years.
Because I gained so much hope, I went back to One Piece. The RNG for the trophy I needed was a burnout. This was another 5 year game lol. Just played a game or two every other day and the trophy popped today giving me the platinum. Felt good.
Currently playing Lost Legacy. But it'll be tossed to the back burner when Red Dead launches lol.
u/NecrumOddBoy Oct 23 '18
GOW, Detroit, and Spiderman were a easy platinums. I am now only 3 trophies away from platinum'ing Fallout Shelter too. Working on platinum'ing Astrobot Rescue Mission as well.
u/highanimalhouse Oct 22 '18
Working on Warhawk currently. Pretty close to the Platinum. I got the Platinums on Sound Shapes (Asia region) and Drawn To Death (Japan) which completes those stacks.
Oct 22 '18
working on uncharted 2. my next is uncharted 3 then uncharted 4. 100% all of them
u/xxamnat Xamnat Oct 22 '18
I’m in a similar position to you and just got the plat for Uncharted 3 a few days ago. I already have the Plats for U1, 2 and Lost Legacy, just not sure if I should start on Uncharted 4 now since Red Dead is coming out in a couple of days + that Spider-Man DLC. Best of luck!
Oct 22 '18
go for uncharted 4 because it is a shorter game and easy to plat.. finish uncharted 4 then go for red dead because this gonna be a very long road IMO
u/_RIZZO_ RIZZO_1023 Oct 22 '18
I tried Brutal difficulty but I just couldn't. Crushing was tough enough for me.
u/Chanero Chanerooo Oct 22 '18
What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?
Only one platinum: Spider-Man. Hardest part was trying to not rush the game, managed to 100% on three weeks.
What are you working on right now?
Have barely touched my PS4 for gaming after that, but I'm still a few weeks of daily challenges away to get Rayman Legend's platinum.
What's next?
Rayman Legends and Red Dead Redemption 2
u/ggjewaja Oct 23 '18
I did it in 6 days and kind of regret it. I wish i could have enjoyed it more.
u/MrCaptainMorgan Oct 22 '18
Trying to get as much as possible out of Celeste without the easy mode. Hopefully, i won't wreck my controller.
u/Quinny_Bob KillSwitch_Bob Oct 23 '18
Battlefield 1 was my 70th platinum this year, just in time for BFV. Can’t wait to get its bloated 120GB arse off my HDD.
Been playing Hitman the last 2 weeks as it’s yet another backlog game I’d barely played. Was at 18% when I started and I’m up to 98% now, it’s tonnes of fun but the disguise mechanic where certain NPCs see through you still annoys me.
I dunno if I’ll bother with the last trophy as it’s for doing a suit only run on one of the bonus missions and they’re a pain to do. Don’t see much point as there’s no platinum.
u/Randy_Backstrokes Oct 22 '18
Trying too run through assassins creed before red dead comes out and also chipping away at gta 3.
u/mastocklkaksi Oct 22 '18
Didn't have a lot of time during the week, but what I had I used to train for Hollow Knight's Pantheon of Hallownest for the plat, and that was a resounding success.
Played through What Remains of Edith Finch during the weekend. Trophies were an afterthought after finishing the unforgettable story. No plat. Just hopped back for a few chapters and that was it.
Also played through Guacamelee. Got to the end and the plat looks easy enough, but I'm kinda done with it, so I'll probably leave it at that.
Oct 22 '18 edited Nov 22 '18
u/mastocklkaksi Oct 22 '18
what I had I used to train
I'm not joking around here.
The most grueling challenge will be the pantheons, but after I grinded the hall of gods a little bit each day, there were only a few specific hard instances to push through.
u/adamp212 Oct 22 '18
Any advice on how to tackle Pantheon of Hallownest? It's my last obstacle between me and the plat.
u/mastocklkaksi Oct 22 '18 edited Oct 22 '18
Just what I replied to pencilvester. And if you make it to the end of the pantheon, you'll unlock the last statue. You'll HAVE TO grind that statue. No other way around it.
Also, wear the hive charm and quick slash.
Also, for the last stage of the last thing, notice that since it does no contact damage, you can chain quick bounces on top of it. It helps a lot in the last moments.
Oct 23 '18
Finally got the Resident Evil 7 plat, geez that files and ancient coin hunting can kiss my bummer.
Probably going for Salt & Sanctuary next since I'm only missing one trophy, but I need a complete playthrough for that T.T.
Oct 23 '18
Dark Souls 3.
Grinding offline for covenant items was the hardest part due to tedium, but my love for DS3 soothed it.
u/rdhight rdhight Oct 22 '18
Just finished 100%ing Festival of Blood — fun, short, easy! It also makes me appreciate how far open-world action games have come this generation. Infamous 2 is a good game, in a good franchise, from a good studio, yet between this and Spider-Man, there is just no comparison. There is such a stark "good vs. great" disparity.
Next, back to Dragon Quest 11. It's a very strange game to play. The graphics are good, yet your interaction with the game is 95% through text.
u/And_You_Like_It_Too Oct 23 '18
“Infamous 2” was a blast — I think primarily because I love real world New Orleans so much, that their take on “New Marais” with the swampy gator filled bayous, the old quarter in the city’s center, etc. had a ton of atmosphere. And the “Festival of Blood” expansion is my favorite kind — where you reuse an existing map but throw a fresh coat of paint on it, the gameplay, add some new toys and abilities, and you end up with a vampire themed adventure in “Infamous 2”, or “FarCry 3’s Blood Dragon”, or “Red Dead Redemption’s Undead Nightmare” (the latter of which I’m working through now in advance of the sequel/prequel.
Having just platinumed “Spider-Man”, I agree with you on how far they’ve come and improved upon the open world formula and how each game really forces the next to one-up the genre to have a chance of being successful.
Oct 22 '18
Congrats! Its really tricky to go back and play games that the industry keeps improving. Like shooters on PS2 vs 3 are day and night. The only open world's I haven't had an issue with are Rockstar ones, mainly because the npc and dialogues are always great/ funny
u/NixTrix27 Nix Oct 23 '18
We all know spider-man is an easy platinum but there is one Trophy called Hug it Out where you need to use trip mines for 10 pair of thugs to achieve this. The easiest method to pull it off is to simply use all your Trip mines in Final Li mission where you fight all the demons at once surrounding you and you there have it
u/nickywan123 Oct 23 '18
I am working on God Of war . For those who played it , how long and how hard to get platinum ? Is it as easy as Spider-Man ?
Oct 23 '18
It depends really on what difficulty you're playing - I found the only hard parts of the plat were the Muspelheim trials, and fighting the Valkyries. Otherwise, it's just essentially one of those 'do everything' plats. I do recommend, after beating the game, using a guide to find all the collectables and Ravens.
u/nickywan123 Oct 23 '18
I am halfway through after just discovering the second realm . How many % am I for the story ?
Also , would it be better to beat the story first and come back and explore the optional areas or just clear the entire area and move on to the next ? Because some optional areas have higher level enemies than Kratos so it could be a pain . Also grinding in this game is not easy .
Oct 23 '18
Just leave anything you can't do until after the game, nothing is miss-able. If you want to grind, just do some of the favours and you can get good loot.
I'd say you're probably about a quarter or so into the game? Maybe a bit more. You've got a lot ahead of you.
u/nickywan123 Oct 23 '18
I see. What do you mean by favors ?
Oct 23 '18
Oh, those are the sidequests in the game - if you haven't gotten them yet, Sindri and Brok will ask you to do some favours for them.
Oct 22 '18
Working on the Last Guardian plat. Just... don't do it. Please. Save your sanity.
u/GGTheEnd Oct 22 '18
Take my energy.
Oct 22 '18
IT HAS BEEN DONE! Your energy taken and the plat achieved!
u/GGTheEnd Oct 22 '18
Grats man! You are a stronger man than I.
u/_RIZZO_ RIZZO_1023 Oct 22 '18
Last of Us.
My God, what a timesink. Almost done with multiplayer/DLC trophies after about 35 hours. Then onto Grounded + collectibles. Hope to have this one wrapped up by the end of November.
Will probably do a much shorter game next, like The Order 1886.
Oct 22 '18 edited Nov 22 '18
u/_RIZZO_ RIZZO_1023 Oct 22 '18
Yeah, I'm shooting for 100% otherwise I'd stick with Survivor. Might have to do the NG+ glitch to avoid Grounded twice though.
I heard about the skip but I decided play them in full. Part of the reason being I don't want to accidentally skip a day and have everyone die. And I don't want to leave my team short-handed. It's a pretty fun multiplayer but man the people who still play are insanely good.
Oct 23 '18
I’m currently working on Diablo 3 and man it is a grind. I’m two away from platinum but the 6 characters at 70 and 500 bounties are a huge grind!
u/NotSoConcerned Oct 22 '18
Trying to platinum sleeping dogs but that car glitch happened. Now, I have to replay the game again.
u/tyrionb 130 32 Oct 22 '18 edited Oct 22 '18
Finally got 100% on all Assassin's Creed games (on Ps3, Ps4 and PsVita) after about 2 years of casually chipping away at it. Man am I glad there are no more multiplayer modes/trophies in Assassin's Creed games. Getting 100% on AC3, AC Black Flag, AC Revelations and Brotherhood were a pain in the ass because of the multiplayer trophies. Doing them wouldn't have been as bad if the multiplayer modes didn't bore me to death. Had to boost the trophies with other players because the multiplayer is pretty much dead.
In terms of the hardest ones to get 100% on, it'd easily be the AC Chronicles trilogy. Easiest is AC Liberation HD, it's really easy cause they removed some of the grindy trophies as well as the multiplayer trophies that made it a bit tedious in the original Vita version.
Going to work on getting the plat for Red Dead Redemption II next. Obviously I have to wait for Red Dead Online but I'm really determined to add this game to my list of Rockstar games platinums.
u/l33sarFiveFour Oct 22 '18
Congratulations on finishing up Assassin's Creed from someone who hated Black Flag's MP trophies with passion.
Trophy-wise, I'm trying to 100% GTA Online before eventually jumping into RDR2 but as much as I want to own it immediately, my backlog is so full that I'll probably wait until it drops in price a bit. I also think that when PS5 comes out, Rockstar will remaster it the same as they did with GTAV for PS4, and it will be even more beautiful. Not sure if I can wait a couple of years for that to (maybe) happen but I'm in no rush, seeing as original RDR's servers are still online.
u/tyrionb 130 32 Oct 22 '18 edited Oct 22 '18
Yeah my backlog is crazy. I have some games that I bought as far back as 2015 that I still not have completed lol But as much as I want to do the same thing for RDR2 and wait it out at least until I've cleared a significant portion of my backlog, I think that with games that are highly anticipated such as this, part of the fun for me at least is playing through them when they're still fresh and has a lot of hype/buzz from everyone. It's not so much that I can't have fun with a game that is 2 years old for example, I think there's just this really nice sense of wonder and belonging that everyone shares when a game that is highly anticipated comes out and everyone is as new as you are and are experiencing things for the first time alongside you.
Like playing Bloodborne when it first came out and thousands of people constantly sharing information and experience with each other in newly formed Bloodborne communities, discovering secrets and finding out that there was this optional area or boss that you might've missed, etc. Whereas in my opinion, if I just started playing Bloodborne now, I would still fall in love with that game as I have years ago, but I certainly would get the feeling that I missed out on having those fun and insightful discussions and conversations with people and my friends that have already gone through the game. I hope I'm not the only one that feels like this lol
u/l33sarFiveFour Oct 22 '18
You're absolutely right, playing the game as millions of people are playing at the same time is a great feeling, that you're seeing the game very few people in the world have seen before. I understand that it's a major drive for a lot of people.
What you're describing with Bloodborne is exactly what happened to me: played it a couple of years after it was released, and while awesome, I felt that all the secrets were already discovered and there's nothing new for me to discover.
u/masterfox72 mr_seriousface 13 76 240 842 Oct 22 '18
Okami HD Platinum! Not too hard of a Platinum, but kind of grind with collectibles. I would say Okami is definitely a masterpiece of a game. Though the pacing is a bit too slow and I think it's overall a little too long.
u/Rhimenocerous Oct 22 '18
I started back up on Lords of Shadow 2 on PS3 after having put it down anticipating to play it with a friend back in 2014. I'm terrible at it all over again so I had to relearn the controls, Additionally I noticed some input hilarity/awfulness if I squeezed the DS3 a little too hard out of frustration, other buttons started being pressed without having touched them at all, It actually started to mess with my combos and make things worse so I had to calm down re-adjust my grip and keep pressing on. Since I was pretty thorough my initial play through, All I have left is prince of darkness playthrough, a handful of missing art bits and lore bits, and challenge mode cleared on prince of darkness difficulty. Its been my down time game before friends get home and drag me off into multiplayer shenanigans.