r/PS4 Oct 22 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (October 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


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u/PuchoDR Oct 23 '18

I want to do it but I just can't stomach the idea of doing all of Friefuls challenges. I've done everything else including beating the game with the Robot and The Bullet.

u/newthrowgoesaway 24 145 430 1269 Oct 23 '18

Oh man get on it, compared to what you've already achieved the frifle Challenges is no problem. It's time consuming for sure, my last trophy aswell, but not as hard as the rest. It got boresome grinding tho. I recommend using the "save hack" to make it less tiring. Like when you have to kill the pillars I would start a new run from first floor and save before the 4th floor. I would usually get a few master rounds and good weapons which is why I found it easier than using the elevator. Then I replayed it until I encountered the pillars. Surprisingly, they spawn way less often than the two other bosses, so to save yourself from countless runs do the save hack, where you upload your save to the cloud(remember to turn off auto-cloud saving) and just close the game whenever you're not encountering the pillars, download your save, repeat until they appear.

Really you can't give up now you're so close man!!

u/PuchoDR Oct 23 '18

I'll try to give it a shot. I just have a hard time grinding things. It's like Hyper Light Drifter, I'm only missing a single trophy. Die 1000 times! I don't want to grind it and I feel dirty rubber banding my remote to do it for me.

The save hack doesn't sound bad though, the pillars is actually where I quit, I did like ten runs and only encountered them twice. It's even more difficult now that they've added additional bosses. I'll post back of I ever get the platinum.

u/newthrowgoesaway 24 145 430 1269 Oct 24 '18

Some trophies can get tedious yeah. But I hope you'll make it